Durr Fires Back at 'Far More Dangerous' Murphy

Responding to Governor Phil Murphy describing him as a “dangerous guy” state Senator-Elect Ed Durr (R-3) said Murphy is the dangerous guy.
Senator-Elect Ed Durr said, “Governor Phil Murphy referring to anyone as dangerous is laughable. Murphy’s policies have made New Jersey the most-moved-out-of-state in the nation, closed one-third of our small businesses and killed 10,000 nursing home residents.”
“Words I used in the past hurt feelings, and I have apologized because I would never intentionally hurt anyone.” Durr continued, “Phil Murphy’s words, despite being warned that people will die, killed senior citizens and he’s not the least bit sorry, even defending his actions in the first gubernatorial debate.”
“Phil Murphy has yet to apologize for closing mom-and-pop shops permanently, destroying the lives of hard-working New Jerseyans and killing our elderly residents.” Durr said, “The fact is, Phil Murphy is far more dangerous than I could ever be. Nothing he has done has made New Jersey fairer or stronger. Unlike Murphy, I’m going to Trenton to help make New Jersey better for everyone in our state.”
Speaking to reporters last week, Murphy called Durr's disabled twitter feed - packed with misogynistic, anti-Islamic and politically incorrect comments - as "outrageous."
"I do not welcome this in any way, shape or form,' said Murphy, referring to Durr's defeat of sitting Senate President Steve Sweeney, who for his part, said he does not intend to concede until officials process all the votes in LD3.
The Associated Press shows the sitting senate president losing to Durr by by 2,032 votes, or the percentage points, but Sweeney wants to see the results of an additional 12,000 mail-in ballots.
Murphy is a evil POS mandating these vaccines that have injured Millions telling us we have no say what our children will learn
Murphy is a piece of garbage
Well, I see bigotry isn't just prevalent in Sussex County politics. South Jersey just elected a racist, religious bigot to the state Senate. Let's meet Edward Durr, a heretofore unknown truck driver who somehow pulled off a remarkable upset, ousting longtime Senate President Steve Sweeney. He took on one of New Jersey's political giants and took him down. Too bad the voters didn't realize what a jackass this guy is. He's been quoted on Twitter as calling Islam a "false religion", and their leader, the Prophet Muhammed, a "pedophile". "Only fools follow Muslim teachings. It is a Cult of hate". Durr's own words. So I'm wondering how many Muslims in the 3rd LD Durr plans not to represent? Oh yeah--three days after the election, Durr issued an apology, saying he was "just being emotional". No, Ed, that was YOU being YOU! But that's not all. Durr also claims the January 6 insurrection was a "setup", whatever that's supposed to mean. Actually, it was an attempted coup d'etat by hate groups and others working on Trump's behalf and at his direction, aided, apparently, by members of Congress. He's also described Senator Bob Menendez as a "pedophile". Hmmm. Is Eddie Catholic? Maybe he should use that description elsewhere. In another post, Durr seems to say that COVID-19 vaccination mandates are somehow equivalent to the Holocaust, including with the post a photo of a yellow star that the National Socialist party forced Jewish people to wear. To which I can only say "WTF"? And he inexplicably claims that Vice President Kamala Harris was sworn into office "because of her race and gender". Wrong again. She's in office because Joe Biden had the good judgment to choose her as his running mate. I guess in Durr's World, women and POCs need not apply. When contacted by local media about his comments, Durr issued the standard non-apology: "And if I said anything in the past that hurt anybody’s feelings, I sincerely apologize.” If he hurt anyone's feelings??? As if he didn't know what his words meant? Talk about another tone-deaf Republican! He'd fit in nicely in Sussex County; maybe that's why Steve Oroho likes him so much. And, of course, this truck-driver whack job has an admirer in Agent Orange himself, Trump. And speaking of media...apparently this refugee from the movie "Convoy" only plans to speak to right-wing news groups...probably auditioning for a career on Fox News after he loses the next election. It's clear he has no intention of representing everyone in his district. Now, Steve Sweeney may not have been the most-liked politician in Trenton. Indeed, he and Governor Phil Murphy clashed on many occasions. But I'm sure even the Governor wouldn't want Sweeney replaced with this bigoted creep. Hopefully, when redistricting happens and a new Legislature is elected in 2023, Eddie will become One-Term Durr.
Yes, both recklessly hate and fear-mongering - same as all their political party cohorts and the biased, partisan media.
Yes, poor, helpless good Republicans are picked on by evil Democrats and the reverse never happens. Fyi - there are conservative news sources that are only interested in providing "news" that supports their candidates (all Republican). BOTH sides do the exact same thing but gullible partisans only believe the hate/fear-mongering from their pathetic sides.
The media will never say a bad word about a Demoncrat or a good word about a Republican. America might survive if people understand that the media is only interested in providing "news" that supports their candidates (all Democrat) and destroys Republicans. Sad state of affairs.
If you listen and read about Durr, it will be hard to be in the same room with him.
This dweeb will be one and done.
There are 26 Democrats and 14 Republicans in the State Senate. If Murphy wanted, he could govern as far to the left as the modern GOP does to the extreme right.
If you listen and read about Durr, it will be hard to work with him.
The Governor will need to learn to work with all 40 members of the State Senate.