Durr Won't Participate in County Party Conventions

Republican gubernatorial candidate former state Senator Ed “The Trucker” Durr said today that he will not take part in county conventions or the annual “Walk to Washington.”
“I made it clear in last night’s debate that this campaign is about the people, regular working-class New Jerseyans,” Ed ‘The Trucker’ Durr said. “I was invited on the train to Washington, I declined because I have no interest in riding a train filled with lobbyists and the political establishment for two hours. Besides, I don’t know many working-class folks who have $700 to ride a train.”
Durr continued, “I’ve also decided not to attend any county party conventions. While there are two or three conventions that may be fair, the outcome has already been decided for the rest. That’s what the political establishment does – they go into a backroom and decide who they are getting behind, who is getting the special interest money and who gets county party resources.
“Fortunately, without a county party line the establishment can be defeated. I will continue to take my campaign directly to the people attending meets and greets and setting up my own where there are none. I’m in this to win it. I shocked the political establishment once and I will do it again by going directly to the people.
“The people want something different and that’s what I intend to give them,” Durr added.
Gone and forgotten
Gee, that’s tough.
Good. Nobody wants this POS as governor anyway.