ELEC: Big Six Party Committee Cash Reserves Reflect Financial Struggles

The Freeholder fight unites more than it delights.

The so-called Big Six committees reported a $2.3 million cash reserve, according to the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC).

The report represents the largest Big Six war-chest since 2013.

“The good news is that this year’s cash-on-hand total is the biggest in four years. The bad news is that it is smaller than similar reserves at this point in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013,” said Jeff Brindle, ELEC’s Executive Director.  This year the governor’s seat and both legislative houses are at stake. “Fundraising is showing a similar trend. It is higher this year than two years ago, when just one legislative house was in contention. But it is lower than the four previous election years."

Brindle said the numbers are a further sign that the two state parties and four legislative leadership committees continue to struggle financially in the wake of sharply reduced contributions from public contractors and in a period when more contributions are pouring into independent special interest groups instead of the parties. “ELEC has made several recommendations to strengthen the parties, streamline the pay-to-play law and increase disclosure by independent groups. Both parties have introduced legislation that incorporates many of these ideas. I hope legislation will be enacted this year to carry out these recommendations,” said Brindle.

Big Six reports showed that Democrats have raised and spent more funds this year than Republicans, while Republicans have larger reserves. Democrats control both legislative houses while Republicans hold the governor’s seat.


New Jersey Republican State Committee  $   137,203   $   183,539   $     64,789   $     64,789

Senate Republican Majority  $   400,250   $   197,961   $   808,175   $   808,175

Assembly Republican Victory  $   242,665   $   114,231   $   484,138   $   484,138

SubTotal-Republicans  $   780,118   $   495,731   $1,357,102   $1,357,102


New Jersey Democratic State Committee  $1,229,171   $1,161,182   $   182,401   $    148,337

Senate Democratic Majority  $   279,483   $   190,955   $   465,795   $    445,795
Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee  $   462,789   $   357,731   $   258,103   $    227,665
SubTotal-Democrats  $1,971,443   $1,709,868   $   906,299   $    821,797

Total-Both Parties  $2,751,561   $2,205,599   $2,263,401   $2,178,899

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