ELEC: LG Debate Scheduled for Oct. 16th


A general election debate between the two candidates for Lieutenant Governor will be held at 8 pm Monday, October 16, the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) announced today.

The event will take place at the 200-seat Presentation Hall in the School of Communication and Media building on the campus of Montclair State University in Montclair.

It will feature Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver (D-34) of East Orange, the former Assembly Speaker, and Carlos Rendo, the Republican mayor of Woodcliff Lake, Bergen County.

[caption id="attachment_9453" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Oliver with longtime slate mate state Senator Nia Gill (D-34).[/caption]

Previous comments for: ELEC: LG Debate Scheduled for Oct. 16th

  1. Astraea says:

    I can't believe that all 3 debates - 2 Gubernatorial & 1 LG - are being held in north Jersey! And both Newark & Montclair are in Democrat-dense Essex County. Sheila Oliver grew up in Newark & has been an elected official of Essex County. How biased can this possibly be?! Wonder how tix to these debates will be distributed .. by Democratic party bosses?

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