ELEC's Ranking Of The Top Ten Lobbying Firms

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

The New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission released the top ten lobbying firms ranked by highest receipts.  For the fifteenth straight year, Princeton Public Affairs Group, headed up by Dale Florio, reported the highest receipts among multi-client contract lobbying firms. Eight of 10 firms on the 2016 list remained there in 2017.

Here's the list:

Princeton Public Affairs Group Inc.: $ 9,228,302
Public Strategies Impact LLC: $ 6,161,016
MBI Gluckshaw: $ 3,049,200
Kaufman Zita Group LLC: $ 2,742,237
Cammarano Layton & Bombardieri Partners LLC: $ 2,412,500
Gibbons PC: $ 2,109,746
Optimus Partners LLC: $ 2,051,100
Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti LLP: $ 1,418,798
Capital Impact Group: $ 1,351,222
Komjathy & Kean LLC: $ 1,338,560


Archer Public Affairs and Archer Law, when counted together, brought in an aggregate of $1.5 million.  

The ELEC release says that reports show that 106 lobbyists in 2017 held 144 appointed seats on public authorities, boards and
commissions- 38, or 36 percent, more than in 2016. (Some lobbyists sit on multiple boards.)
The average number of lobbyists fell to 900 in 2017, the lowest point since 2005, when there were 613
registered lobbyists. The number is down 4 percent from 2016, and 14 percent below the peak of 1,043 in 2008.

The number of clients fell to 1,923, the lowest point since 2009, when there were 1,834 clients. The
number is down one percent from 2016, and 7 percent beneath the peak of 2,077 in 2012.

See the full release below, along with other data on lobbying spending:


[pdf-embedder url="https://www.insidernj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/pr_03082018.pdf"]


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