Enter Mike Pence

Republican Jay Webber ended June with about $171,000 on hand to spend on his congressional campaign in the 11th District.
Mikie Sherrill, his Democratic opponent, ended June with about $3 million to spend, according to data filed with the Federal Elections Commission.
Webber, of course, got a late fundraising start; Rodney Frelinghuysen did not bow out of the race until the end of January. That helps explain Webber's financial challenge, but it doesn't minimize the problem.
Enter Mike Pence.
The vice president is scheduled to appear at a luncheon reception to benefit Webber on Aug. 10.
The fundraising possibilities for Webber are impressive. Tickets start at $1,000. For $10,000, a couple can attend the luncheon and get a photo with the VP. And for $25,000, a couple can be part of a "VIP roundtable."
Hosts for the event include state and national GOP committee members from New Jersey and the GOP chairmen from the four counties that make up the district - Essex, Morris, Passaic and Sussex.
Adding a bit of mystery to the event is a line in the invite that says, "Location and time provided upon RSVP."
Sources tell us that the event is scheduled for the Baltusrol Golf Club in Union County, a well-known locale that has hosted seven U.S. Open and two P.G.A. Championship tournaments dating back to the early 1900's.
Webber's campaign said in a statement that, "We're looking forward to having Vice President Pence in New Jersey and are honored to have his support."
Asked Thursday morning if it wanted to comment on the pending Pence visit, the Sherrill campaign didn't immediately respond.
Will Mother be coming?
Mike Pence an Jay Webber are a match made in heaven for right-wing religious zealots.