2018 EQUALITY BALL, quotes, snipets, pics

[caption id="attachment_30074" align="alignnone" width="3023"] The Christian Fuscarino era of Garden Stare Equality arrived this time last. But tonight he punctuated his leadership role guiding GSE to the next phase. “You’re why I get up in the morning,” he said, a nod to the next generation of LGBT activists.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_30052" align="alignnone" width="3024"] NJ casino redevelopment authority chairman Matt Doherty had some playful advice for the photographer: “stop picking on people!”[/caption]
Is equality your thing? Do you love balls? Then you’ll wanna follow along as we live-blog tonight’s annual Equality Ball in Asbury Park NJ. Tonight's event is by far the most glamorous stop on NJ’s political calendar. Of course now that I think about it the bar I’m glamour in New Jersey politics is pretty low to begin with, but still. It’ll be fun to see who dresses to impress. And who falls a little bit short, sartorially speaking.
[caption id="attachment_30061" align="alignnone" width="3021"] NJ Gov Phil Murphy eviscerates President Donald J Trump for his appalling treatment of transgender service members. Huge applause.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_30060" align="alignnone" width="4031"] Asbury Park 2.0. A grande venue for a fabulous party.[/caption]
It will be fabulous tonight.
[caption id="attachment_30054" align="alignnone" width="3700"] During cocktail hour before the main event former Assemblyman John Wisniewski (with wife Debbie) confessed to “missing the circus, but not be clowns.”[/caption]
Hosted by Garden State Equality at the newly rebooted Asbury Lane, tonight’s gala also kicks off NJ Pride weekend. Of course the fun and glamour is for a serious cause: to fund Garden State Equality’s efforts to ensure LGBT equality in every corner of the state.
[caption id="attachment_30055" align="alignnone" width="3024"] Frank Luna and Jayson Schimmenti represent office of Rep Tom MacArthur (R-NJ3) at the ball. Bipartisanship is thick tonight.[/caption]
Look forward to some really fun pictures, some good political dish, maybe a scoop or two, and hopefully some delicious memes. I’ve never done a meme on this website before. Maybe tonight‘s the night!
See, I told you I was going to be fabulous!
[caption id="attachment_30057" align="alignnone" width="3024"] Monmouth Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and County Clerk Christine Hanlon representing the pro-LGBT wing of the NJGOP.[/caption]