Essex Source: Expect Oliver to Remain on LD34 Ticket as She Runs for LG

Essex County Democrats Chairman Leroy Jones

New Jersey law is silent when it comes to requiring a candidate for office to pick a single office, as demonstrated by Senator Loretta Weinberg's (D-37) ability to run for both LG and reelection in 2009; and Hudson Freeholder Anthony Romano's choice in this campaign cycle to go for mayor of Hoboken while pursuing reelection.

In that context, Essex Democrats expect Chairman Leroy Jones to allow Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver (D-34) to remain on the ballot in her home, Essex-based district while running for lieutenant governor statewide, rather than finding a new candidate prior to the state-imposed Sept. 12th deadline.

An Essex source confirmed that Jones will not want to create havoc in his party ahead of the general election, and open up the Pandora's box of hurt feeling sin the event that he rewards one candidate with Oliver's seat and punishes, for example, ten others who covet promotion.

Assisted by the vagueness of the law is it currently exists, Jones is likely to have a special convention for the seat after the general election, the source said; that is if Oliver successfully claims the lieutenant governorship on a ticket with former U.S. Ambassador to Germany Phil Murphy.

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