Eustace Loses Chairmanship of the Assembly Environment Committee

TRENTON - Assemblyman Tim Eustace (D-37) of Bergen, who stayed loyal to the north in a brutal backroom fight for the speakership, tried so hard behind the scenes to retain the chairmanship of the Assembly Environmental Committee, but sources say it's over.
In this, the new regime of Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-19), Eustace will not remain the chairman of the political football committee he took from Assemblywoman L. Grace Spencer, who in turn took it from Assemblyman John McKeon. He'll be replaced by LD18 Assemblywoman Nancy Pinkin.
The ejection represents another hit to the attempt at statewide power projection undertaken by Bergen County Democratic Committee Chairman Lou Stellato, a Eustace backer.
See the full committee chairs list here.
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