A Month and Change of Union County Fun

According to the bylaws of the Union County Democratic Committee, "in the event of death, resignation, disqualification or refusal of the chairperson to discharge the duties of the office, the highest ranking vice chairperson shall be vested with the responsibility of the office of chairperson and shall perform such duties until an election is held."
That's Fanwood Mayor Colleen Mahr, now the acting chair of the committee by virtue of having been the vice chair to now retired Chairman Jerry Green.
Within seven days, according to the bylaws, Mahr must set a time and place for the election of a new chair.
The election for chair (Mahr versus State Senator Nick Scutari) is to be held within 30 days after the investiture of the vice chair, according to the bylaws.
Anthony Salters, Hillside Democratic Chairman (pictured above), cautioned a rush to judgement on the county chairmanship.
"I have to be mindful the Hillside Democrats I represent want answers to the following questions:
1. What is your recommendation to control spending and stabilize the County tax obligation for the 21 towns?
2. What is your plan to increase diversity in leadership positions?
3. How will Union County benefit from your leadership with Governor Murphy? What will you be asking for exactly?
4. How often will our leadership meet to discuss relevant political and County issues?
If we don't ask hard questions we will never improve. If someone feels uncomfortable answering these questions let's consider it a good start to the conversation.”