EXCLUSIVE: DeGise Says it's Not Other People's Fault that Sweeney Lacked 'the Onions' to Run for Governor

Hudson County Executive said Democratic State Party Chairman John Currie can survive an attempt to [bubbleAutoLink text="blow him out of his chairmanship" id="44168"] - the same way he himself survived an attack earlier this year, an effort that resulted in DeGise reemerging more muscular than ever.
"Number one, we're with John Currie," DeGise told InsiderNJ. "There are so many similarities with what happened to me. It makes you wonder why we pick fights of our own when we've vanquished the Republicans. To do this to John Currie after this year's election, with the successes, after we just elected a Democrat to the U.S. Senate in a tough election, where we control everything, 11 of 12 congress-people, it's as though we can't resist fighting one another."
He pointed the finger at Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3).
"If he wanted to be governor, he should have ran," DeGise said. "It's not everybody else's fault that he didn't have the onions to do it. I don't care. I'm crotchety. I understand that you're going to have your fights. But when Amy [DeGise] was elected chair, she would go to the events and come back and tell me how great John Currie is, not for the online publications and newspapers, but in private conservations. She loves him to death.
"Why? He's kind," DeGise said.
He said he read the comments last night of Senator Nick Scutari (D-22) and nearly puked.
"He says this is a time for cohesion, and he's starting a fucking civil war," said the county executive.
"Look, let John do what he's doing so well," he added. "We will never accept the type of coup they're trying to implement."
InsiderNJ asked DeGise if he believes this is about the South trying to blacken Governor Phil Murphy's eyes.
"I don't follow the state government other than what I read online and in the newspapers, but, yeah, I think when you see this kind of thing - so rapid fire, with them all so immediately into this, it's indicative that it was planned and thought-out - the way they space out their salvos to keep the story alive. Sure, in a way, John is a bystander a little in this."
When he said Hudson is united, his chief of staff, Craig Guy, jumped in adding that just this morning Hudson County Executive Amy DeGIse secured the support for Currie of Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop. "Amy has locked up all of Hudson's votes, even the votes of Jersey City," Guy said.
Sweeney had a sexual harassment case tossed https://law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey/appellate-division-unpublished/2010/a2152-08-opn.html