EXCLUSIVE: Stack Goes off on DeGise Following Announcement of Daughter's Candidacy

Union City

Running for the [bubbleAutoLink text="Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO) chairmanship" id="26483"] with an actual opponent in front of him now, Senator Brian P. Stack (D-33) called Amy DeGise's candidacy a joke - and slapped away at what it signifies.

"Tom DeGise and the HCDO went on this massive search for a candidate to run against me and who did they come up with? His own daughter. It's a joke. If Tom DeGise has the votes, he should run himself. But he put up his daughter. It once again makes Hudson the laughing stock. This is a person [Amy DeGise] with no vote-building ability."

InsiderNJ pointed out that Amy DeGise, a teacher, means to hold Stack to account for his pension and benefits overhaul vote.

The mayor who won reelection on Tuesday with massive numbers despite having no opposition, pushed back strenuously.

"I'll hold her account for the massive tax increases that have come from her father, the lack of services and the party's lack of representing the diversity of the county," Stack said.

"He himself said 'the old white man wouldn't be the candidate,' but he picked his daughter," the mayor added.

"That's not party building," Stack said, his voice rising. "The only time they want minorities engaged is when they want something, They don't provide services."

InsiderNJ asked Stack if he believes all the sumo wrestling between his and Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop's faction on the one hand and the Degises and state Senator Nick Sacco (D-32) on the other won't get revolved before it comes to a real head at JUne reorganization.

"Under no circumstances," Stack said. "The way it gets resolved is for Tom DeGise to say that he's not running again. He said he serves the mayors? No. He serves one mayor [Sacco]. And by the way, he supported and carried the water for the most right wing mayor in America [former Jersey City Mayor Bret Schundler]."

But can't Hudson County overlord U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) step in and resolve the mess?

Stack said in response, "If Senator Menendez wants someone to build this party up, that's me. I'm committed."

Then he doubled back on DeGise's support for Republicans, swatting away at U.S. Rep. Albio Sires (D-8).

"Albio Sires - how many times did he run as a Republican? What do they do for the party? Let's talk about what we're going to do for the party. All they want to do is take care of their buddies through the HCDO. They don't want to use the organization to help people. There are enough people in this party who want to see this party changed, and that is why we will win, I wouldn't be in it otherwise."

Previous comments for: EXCLUSIVE: Stack Goes off on DeGise Following Announcement of Daughter's Candidacy

  1. Joseph Blaettler says:

    Stack is delusional. When the real story comes out about Stack and it will, people in Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken are going to see how he screwed them over.

  2. The Bureau says:

    Rise up Jersey City...This is going to end up being Jersey City vs Union City....

  3. NJBlech says:

    Someone should also remind Stack that he is a big time double dipper, simultaneously serving as state senator of the 33rd District and mayor of Union City. Such a practice is illegal today but thanks to a grandfather clause a few long-time pols like Stack are permitted to get away with it. All of the criticisms he makes against DeGise also apply to him, and this is why Hudson Co.'s reputation as a political cesspool is well-deserved.

  4. The Bureau says:

    Can someone please remind Mayor Stack that he is in fact an old white man!..As much as he thinks he's latino, he is not!!!

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