Faced with National Dems Onslaught, Ciattarelli Revels in Underdog Role

Jack Ciattarelli amid the maelstrom off early voting.

DENVILLE - So how's this early voting going?

At least in one part of the state, we have some numbers for Saturday and today up to 3 p.m. That would be Morris County.

Sources with the county board of elections report that 1,713 people voted over the first day and a half.

Some 705 were Democrats, 642 were Republicans and 365 were unaffiliated.

It's a truism of politics these days that Democrats are more likely to vote early than Republicans.

For the record, Morris has about 136,000 registered Republicans and 117,000 Democrats, according to the latest data. There are an estimated 140,000 unaffiliated voters.

Speaking of Morris, Republican Jack Ciattarelli had two appearances in the county on Sunday - at a diner in Whippany and an outdoor rally at Gardner Field in Denville

Fear is a great way to motivate voters and Ciattarelli used that approach today in Denville.

He said if Republicans don't like what Phil Murphy has done, they should fear what he'll do in a second term.

"It could only get worse," Ciattarelli said without elaboration.

Just a day before, Barack Obama was in Newark on Murphy's behalf and took the opportunity to criticize Ciattarelli.

The GOP candidate wasn't bothered by that; he said he considered it a "compliment."

Obama and other Democratic luminaries have been dropping into New Jersey of late to hype turnout on Murphy's behalf.

Ciattarelli is not interested in that approach.

He said today that the only people coming to campaign for him are going to be named, "Jack Ciattarelli."

Previous comments for: Faced with National Dems Onslaught, Ciattarelli Revels in Underdog Role

  1. Robert Knapp says:

    Phil Murphy since taking office in 2018 has accomplished more for our state than any governor in the history of New Jersey. He has assisted all people the youngest to the most senior with a myriad of programs. He righted the wrongs of the Christie administration in many areas up to and including the repayment of the state's financial obligation to the pension program. An then in early 2020, rose from a sick bed after major surgery to take the reins of the state through COVID. You see, it is extremely easy for anyone who is not sitting in the office to offer critical comments but when you are in the office the sole responsibility for the health, welfare and safety of all of the people is yours. And, by golly, our great Governor Phil Murphy exceeded all. FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob Knapp, Jersey City

  2. Ayan says:

    Move forward... you mean move backwards. Forward would be for change, forward would be for Jack Ciattarelli! Why do you want the same outcomes as the last 4 years? NJ ranked number 1 in outbound migration under Murhpy. NJ ranked number 1 in covid deaths. Courts still closed. Unemployment system still not paying out money. Corruption up and down the chain. Junk bond ratings around the corner. Higher taxes. More regulations and restrictions. And the death of democracy under a governor who claims the "Bill of Rights" is above his pay grade. Murhpy and his disciples are ignorant and they are gonna run this state into the ground.

  3. Ayan says:

    Jack Ciattarelli for Governor, we can't go back to the failed policies of King Murhpy. The man has absolutely no record to stand on, that is why he keeps talking about the last president and the insurrection. He has nothing to brad about. Even under his dictatorial 'emergency' rule, NJ had the Highest Covid deaths in the country. The DMV still doesn't function properly, anyone who spend 8 hours in line should know who is clearly to blame. Anyone who has been unable to access their rightful Unemployment benefits, knows its Murphy's fault. Civil Right leaders know he has done nothing for black and brown people, even killing any real police reform. It was Murhpy who shut down the economy and put black and brown people out of work. The man doesn't wear a mask at events, yet orders our children to wear them all day in School. He is corrupt, what ever happened to the Norcross investigation? He banned guns, yet NJ has twice as many shootings as last year, guess disarming legal owners just doesn't work. Feminists should hate him for how he tried to cover up the women's prison scandal and rape in his campaign. The budget is a mess, he is raising taxes on small businesses, even though the state Treasury as a $4,000,000,000 surplus. He is a joke and he needs to go back to Massachusettes, where he came from. His Goldman Sacks millions should not allow him to buy this election. His supporters are outright stupid, because even they can't point to one piece of good news we have gotten in the last 4 years.. all they can do is go back in history and bash trump.

  4. Robert Knapp says:

    We all stand behind our Great Governor Phil Murphy and Lt Governor Shelia Oliver. We will work up until 8 PM on November 2nd to re elect this man for four more years. We need every vote to be counted so all in this State, whether you vote my mail, vote early or vote at the polls on Election Day PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE AND MOVE FORWARD WITH ALL OF YOUR RELATIVES AND FAMILY FOR THE MURPHY TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob Knapp, Jersey City

  5. Michael Schnackenberg says:

    Ciattarelli can go to hell

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