Fahl and Turner Team Up with DOT to Resolve Route 29 Safety Issue

New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials, along with State Senator Shirley Turner (D-15) and Lambertville Mayor Julia Fahl, today celebrated the completion of a Route 29 safety improvement project that addresses a concern the town has discussed for nearly 20 years.
[caption id="attachment_63874" align="alignleft" width="300"] Turner[/caption]
“The Route 29 Improvement Project is an incredible example of state and local government working together on practical and effective solutions that will directly improve the quality of life for residents of Lambertville,” Fahl said. “Having safe streets impacts our whole community-especially residents whose front doors face right onto this four-lane speedway which runs through the heart of our city. Our community has been talking about improving pedestrian safety and slowing traffic on Route 29 for almost 20 years. Moving from talk to action has been one of my priorities and I am proud to have found willing partners in Governor Murphy and Commissioner Gutierrez-Scaccetti.”