Fajardo Shows up at the Cuban Club for Menendez

They didn't always get along.
They did.
Then didn't.
At the apex of his local combustible political career, Rafael Fajardo of Elizabeth bucked the Democratic Party of state Senator Ray Lesniak (D-20), which tended to put U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) on the other side of the political divide.
But they always had Cuba, Fajardo and Menendez.
They always had the umbilical cord of the island to tie them together even in their moments of combative disarray.
But there was respect there, too, from Fajardo, Even if he felt the U.S. Senator drifted too far to the left at times, too much so for his taste, and with the liberal specter of Lesniak at close range, Fajardo respected Menendez's intelligence.
It was always "Bob." First name basis.
So he was there last Friday at the Cuban Club for Menendez, helping to raise money for the campaign.
The mood hardly had the feel of a Jose Marti birthday party bash.
In a sense, Fajardo's friendly presence reminded the dog soldiers of old in the maritime city that the Lesniak v. Fajardo political wars could spike turnout for statewide Dems intent on urban activity.
Now local leaders are looking at six ward candidates running unopposed.
"No one cares," said a source, dutifully trudging in a parade with an absolutely flat mood.
But Fajardo cared.
It's just that his rebellious, guerilla warrior ways used to ensure a rapid heartbeat of political excitement.