Fear Mongering on the Move

Saturday morning, I heard my doorbell ring. I looked out before answering and saw two women and a man with a clipboard. One woman was dressed in what appeared to be a red, white, and blue cheerleading costume. A fund raiser I assumed. Wrong assumption. It was the Republican candidates for senate and assembly in LD 11. I want to thank them for motivating me to write this letter.
I informed the republican candidates that I support the incumbents of LD 11, State Senator Vin Gopal, and Assembly members Downey and Houghtaling. I reminded them in a brief and I am sure for them unpleasant exchange that anyone aligned with the former president, given his misogyny, legendary lies with COVID misinformation, his attacks on the US Constitution and Republican complicity, having started a Cold Civil War within our fragmented United States, not to mention his family financial chicanery, and worse his perpetuation of the Big Lie where contrary to evidence and facts, if you lie enough people will begin to believe the lies as truth. It would have been better if they were to run unaffiliated. The response was of course strong disagreement and fear mongering with comments about the border. Nothing about why and how they would better represent constituents of LD 11.
Here is why I support the current incumbents, Gopal, Downey, and Houghtaling. They communicate consistently in print and online media with constituents regardless of party affiliation or no affiliation. I have sought and know of their reliability and responsiveness to personal constituent needs for information and assistance. Mr. Gopal, State Senator of LD 11 is a tireless legislator and servant leader who has sponsored a legion of bills to assist constituents of every kind and need. They are too numerous to list but can be viewed at the NJ State Legislative website and Senator Gopal’s website. You will see similar diligence by Assemblymembers Downey and Houghtaling by researching their legislative records and websites.
Contrary to serving our needs in LD 11 is the Republican support and repetition of the Big Lie and fomenting the divisiveness of the former president. This Republican platform of Trump obedience and negativity is not what we need.
It is Sunday morning. I just read that a New Hampshire state senator and physician, William Marsh, changed party affiliation from Republican to Democrat due to the failure of the Republicans to follow masking and vaccine recommendations, including their Republican legislature refusing federal funds for vaccines.
Think about the fear mongering, think about the Republican assault on women reproductive rights, think about Republican anti-science stands on COVID, vaccines, and masking, think about the Big Lie and other know nothing issues when the Republicans come knocking on your door. While you are at it, return Governor Murphy to office to protect and enhance our state health (we are currently sixth in the nation for fully vaccinated - https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health), environment, and education (we are currently ranked between first and third in the country depending on which bonafide website you research.)
Jonathan Shutman
Ocean, NJ
…………….……….OUTSTANDING LETTER Trump and the present Republican Party are so accurately and so clearly described in this letter. As was stated, “This platform of Trump obedience and negativity is not what we need.” True, Trump governed ruthlessly by fear and humiliation. As an InsiderNJ reader, I applaud you and thank you, Jonathan Shutman, for writing this letter at this critical time. YES, vote for Governor Murphy! DO NOT BECOME COMPLACENT! VOTE……….VOTE……….VOTE………VOTE EVERY VOTE GIVES US STRENGTH!……. EVERY VOTE GIVES US POWER!