Florio Calls for a Suspension of Campaign Lawn Signs During COVID-19

Union Township Committee member Joseph Florio today announced that his re-election campaign in the Union Township Democratic Primary will be going above and beyond current ELEC guidelines to provide maximum transparency for residents and report every campaign contribution, not just those over $300 as required by law. Florio also called on his opponent to join him in pledging to forego putting up lawn signs before the Primary Election Day in order to best adhere with social distancing and self-isolating procedures currently in place as a result of the dangerous COVID-19 virus.
“Together we are facing unprecedented times and, in working with different groups throughout our community during this crisis, I believe the last thing people want to deal with are ‘politics as usual,’” said Florio. “Many people have friends and neighbors contracting this virus and are worried about what comes next, so my focus will remain on moving forward with the urgent business of making sure government continues to provide information and services while also implementing best practices to help Township families. Now is not the time for contentious politics, it is the time for our community to pull together and work as one.”
Florio continued, “During the duration of the Primary campaign we will be disclosing every dollar contributed, not just those over $300 as required by law, and we are requesting our opponent join us in providing this maximum transparency for Township residents. We will also forego the use of campaign signs during the campaign to best adhere to the practices of ‘social distancing’ and ‘self-isolation’. Now, more than ever, our residents need to see those who would presume to lead show why they are deserving of that trust. I am asking my opponent to join me in putting the needs of our residents first during this unprecedented time in pledging transparency and civility while also placing the public’s safety above all else in foregoing the use of lawn signs during this campaign.”