Following Plea Deal, Statement From Paterson Mayor Joey Torres

Below is the text of a full statement released by Mayor Joey Torres of Paterson, who earlier this evening accepted a plea deal in his corruption case:
I would like to take this opportunity to express my most sincere apologies to the citizens of the great City of Paterson, for the serious offense I have committed. I take full responsibility for them, my actions and lack of judgement.
From a very young age my dream and calling was to serve this great City, and I have had the honor of serving you for over 30 years, as a public servant, and over 11 years as your Mayor, but most importantly as a citizen and public servant.
Despite my actions having contributed to an atmosphere of uncertainty at City Hall throughout these last difficult months, I am thankful and grateful for my colleagues and staff who have remained focused and continued the development of important initiatives.
God has blessed me immensely with the life he’s given me. He has given me a wonderful family…I have drawn strength from a remarkable wife, daughters, brothers and sisters and dear friends.
I’d just like to say to the young people who have a calling to serve, please do not lose heart, do not lose hope…believe in your calling and in the great Silk City.
I am eternally grateful to have served you. Thank you…God bless you all.
Don't you just love it how every crooked politician who gets caught suddenly finds God? "[God] has given me a wonderful family..." He also gave you the Ten Commandments, Joey, one of which is "Thou shalt not steal."
shut up Joey