Following Week of Chest Thumping, Budget Triumvirate Heads into Friday After 'Productive' Meeting

Political enemies NJ Governor Phil Murphy and NJ Senate President Steve Sweeney will come together to highlight pre-K budget investment at Oakview Elementary School in West Deptford. They will also tour pre-K classrooms and speak to the press.

TRENTON - They inched closer to a [bubbleAutoLink text="budget deal" id="31616"] tonight in what sources on all sides described as the most productive meeting yet among Governor, Senate President and Speaker.

It was long.

But it wasn't necessarily tedious, sources say.

Tasked with trying to negotiate the atmosphere of arch rivals Sweeney and Murphy ahead of a July 1st deadline, Coughlin is said to

[caption id="attachment_22194" align="alignright" width="300"] Coughlin [/caption]

be the player most fearful of a government shutdown, according to sources who say the Middlesex lawmaker really amped up efforts to get alpha males Murphy and Sweeney amiably in the same space.

It was a good meeting, and multiple sources tonight connected to the triumvirate had positive vibes and even a few predictions about a deal getting struck as early as tomorrow.

They're all set to meet again in Trenton at 9 a.m. on Friday.

"They're both just trying to save face at this point," said a source, referring to Murphy and Sweeney.

What might a deal look like?

No one close to Sweeney, Coughlin or Murphy would speculate or offer anything concrete in the way of details, but one statehouse source suggested a hiked threshold for the millionaire's tax (from Murphy's proposed $1 million to $2 million) and a scaled corporate business tax hike (from Sweeney's proposed 22 percent to 11 or ten percent). Internet tax. Sales tax. But that wasn't done. Just dome buzz.

Following plug pulls of Friday sessions and rescheduling for Saturday in their respective chambers, the senate prez and speaker scheduled Friday quorum calls, which could allow the governing bodies to introduce new legislation without having to go through committees.

Very fluid right now.

More later.

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