Fonseca Flyer Hits the Streets in the Mile-Square City

As Hoboken goes nuts in the lead up to Tuesday's Election, a flyer is circulating on the streets targeting veteran operative Pablo Fonseca.

Fonseca's running Anthony Romano's mayoral campaign in a pick 'em local election, and the flyer picks him out of the pile of operatives associated with Romano and makes the former Cory Booker COS a campaign issue.

"People in Newark can't stand Pablo Fonseca's corrupt politics," the flyer notes in bold red. "But Anthony Romano brought him into our community."

InsiderNJ contacted Fonseca for comment.

"Desperate campaigns that have no traction will continue to focus on personal issues and lies," he said. "The Romano Campaign will continue to focus on the issues that affect the residents of Hoboken. We will not legitimize these flyers. I've been doing politics for over 20 years and my record speaks for itself and I've never been charged with anything."





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