Former Assemblyman Guy Gregg on the Difference Between Democratic and Republican Primaries

The My9 TV studio sits on the side of a highway like the remains of a computers parts company now partially dedicated to the Steve McGarrett-like reenactment angles of Jim McQueeny's New Jersey Now television program.

Iridescent in an impeccably tailored blue suit purpled with a silk handkerchief, Essex County Democratic Committee Chairman Leroy Jones of East Orange arrived in Byronic splendor and seated himself catacorner to fellow former Assemblyman Guy Gregg of Warren County.

McQueeny occupied the space between them.

Gored by the early and sustained carnage of a Republican Gubernatorial Primary, Gregg cheerily regarded his cross-the-aisle doppelganger, beckoned to the TV show to offer counter point to his own point perspective on New Jersey. At the moment, Jones occupies the forward position of a Democratic Party establishment infrastructure wholly dedicated to front-runner Phil Murphy.

Gregg's party is somewhat divided right now by what appears to be a more competitive contest between Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno and Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli (R-16).

"The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that we have our gunfights out in broad daylight, while you have them in the bathroom,"Gregg grinned at Jones.

Previous comments for: Former Assemblyman Guy Gregg on the Difference Between Democratic and Republican Primaries

  1. Bill Robinson says:

    you have to love how the Republicans think they are so much better than Democrats.But it is only in there minds.

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