Former Bayonne Employee Urges Menendez, Booker and Others to Deny Support for Mayor Jimmy Davis; Swibinski Derides O'Donnell Campaign 'Sleaze'

The woman who alleged sexual harassment by the Mayor of Bayonne on Oct. 24th fired off a letter to prominent New Jersey politicans, among them U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), urging them not to enable Mayor Jimmy Davis in next year's local elections.

"Perhaps you don’t realize the kind of message this echoes to young women across the State of New Jersey and the rest of the United States," wrote Stacie Bera Percella. "The issue of speaking out about sexual harassment and the individuals that carryout this spineless act. The history of woman being harassed has been challenged more so recently then in the past. Some women don’t possess the ability to face men of power. Others like myself, who was raised by a United States Marine, will always hold my ground while assisting the weak in their fight.

"If you condone this sexual predation then it could happen to your daughter, wife or granddaughter," she added. "IT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED NOW!"

In the letter CC'd to numerous bigwigs, Percella identified herself as a 17- year former employee of the City of Bayonne.

"I know most of you have heard of me or the allegations and charges I filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC] against City of Bayonne Mayor James M. Davis concerning sexting charges," she wrote. "For the individuals who haven’t I would like to convey to you my narrative and put all elected officials on notice."

Percella said Davis - running for reelection next year against challenger former Assemblyman Jason O'Donnell - referred to her body parts and invited her to meet him at a bar and in one instance a hotel room in Atlantic City.  "Mayor Davis and his comrade, Business Administrator Joe DeMarco will tell you that there is nothing to my allegations, that they hold no merit and I am a disgruntle ex-employee. If that is the case why have they first denied the 'Sexting,' secondly said this is coming from anonymous sources, thirdly said that someone stole his phone and sent these foul texts, and finally saying it was playful banter," she added. "Time after time Mr. DeMarco who controls Mayor Davis has maliciously smeared me and countless others to push his personal agenda forward."

DeMarco today stepped forward as campaign manager for Davis, whose spokesman released a response to the letter.

"This letter should include an O’Donnell for Mayor paid for line because it is nothing more than the latest attempt by Jason O’Donnell to take this campaign right into the gutter," Paul Swibinski said in a statement. "O’Donnell doesn’t want people to see all of the incredible progress happening in Bayonne; instead he wants to make this about sex, lies and sleaze. He has a perfect accomplice in Stacie Percella, someone who is motivated only by greed and revenge. She is also suing the City of Bayonne for sexual harassment in another case that has nothing to do with Mayor Davis and is only interested in enriching herself at the expense of Bayonne taxpayers. The people of Bayonne will see this for what it is and it will backfire bigtime on Jason O’Donnell."

An opponent of then-Mayor Mark Smith, Menendez proved a critical ally for Davis in 2013, and the senior U.S. Senator attended Davis' kickoff this fall. O'Donnell was a close friend and ally of Smith, who infuriated Menendez when he backed state Senator Nia Gill (D-34) for Congress over then-Freeholder Donald Payne, Jr. On the eve of his own 2012 reelection effort, Menendez had wanted Smith to back Payne as a favor to Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo, an important Essex County ally for the senator.

In addition to Menendez, Percella sent her letter to U.S. Senator Cory A. Booker, U.S. Rep. Albio Sires, Rep. Donald Payne, Jr. Lt. Gov Kim Guadagno, Gov.-elect Philip Murphy, Assemblywoman Sheila Y. Oliver Senator, Senator Brian Stack, Senator Sandra B. Cunningham, Assemblyman Nicholas Chiaravalloti, Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight, Hudson County Executive Thomas DeGise, Hudson County Freeholder Kenneth Kopacz, Hudson County Freeholder William O’Dea, Hudson County Freeholder Jerry Walker, Councilwoman Sharon Ashe-Nadrowski, Councilman Thomas Cotter, Councilman Salvatore Gullace, Councilman Gary LaPelusa, and Councilman Juan M. Perez.

Previous comments for: Former Bayonne Employee Urges Menendez, Booker and Others to Deny Support for Mayor Jimmy Davis; Swibinski Derides O'Donnell Campaign 'Sleaze'

  1. June Lennon says:

    A true investigation is in order

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