Former Frelinghuysen Opponent Wyka to the Current Crop of CD11 Hopefuls: 'Dig Deep'

Twice vanquished by U.S. Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11), first in 2006 and then in 2008, former CD11 Democratic candidate Tom Wyka has some advice for those hopefuls elbowing one another in an attempt to be that lone face of the party to go up against the veteran Republican in 2008.
"Dig deep to show what you're really all about and... inspire," said Wyka, when contacted by InsiderNJ. "That was arguably my ONLY good weapon. LOL. Take the high road but you don't always have to be polite about it. The times call for telling it like it is."
Despite Wyka on two occasions recording just 37% of the vote to Frelinghuysen's 62%, the Democrat said he believes Frelinghuysen is beatable.
"My idol...always: Carol Shea Porter.," he said, when asked about the prospects of one of his party members. "Similar district when she beat [Frank] Guinta in NH-1, I believe [2012-50% to 46%]. It's possible and so far Mikie [Sherrill] is establishing the right foundation. Though I have an affinity to McKeon too. I couldn't get the money together or quit my day job. That was the heartbreaking thing for me."
Wyka said he's staying out of the endorsement game. "I'm endorsing all the citizen engagement, though," he said.
Thanks Tom 💟