Former Obama State Director Alexander Edits, Writes Book on Jan. 6th Coup Attempt

Mark Alexander, former State Director for Barack Obama's 2008 Democratic Primary Campaign in New Jersey, serves as the general editor of a new book on the infamous January 6th insurrectionary raid on the United States Capitol.
Currently Professor of Law at Villanova University, led the charge on the book with 13 other law deans, in addition to writing the Introduction and a chapter of his own.
Here’s the book description:
The United States is a nation of laws, and its Constitution and the rule of law have allowed it to confront and successfully navigate many threats to democracy throughout the nation’s complex history, including a Civil War. All of these threats challenged the nation in various ways, but never has there been a challenge to the truth of our elections like what happened on January 6, 2021.
The Insurrection represents a turning point in America’s history. In addition to the unprecedented assault on the U.S. Capitol, members of the government sought to undermine an election and supported an attack on the government. Exposing the issues that led us to January 6, Beyond Imagination? brings together 14 deans of American law schools to examine the day’s events and how we got there, from a legal perspective, in hopes of moving the nation forward towards healing and a recommitment to the rule of law and the Constitution.Here’s the West Academic Publishing webpage for the book, plus the Amazon link, and a copy of the cover appears below.
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