Francis 'Ready to Stand in Solidarity' in Counter-Trump Rally

West Cape May Commish Francis in CD2

West Cape May Commissioner John Francis reacted to the incoming rally scheduled this evening here in Wildwood:

(Francis is seeking the Democratic nomination in CD2).

"Hey, this is still America, and if the president wants to come to the district to support his candidate, I think that's his right," Francis said.

"But then I thought I would join a friend organizing a beach cleanup while reminding myself that President Trump wants to open offshore drilling along our coast. Governor Murphy has made that more difficult by passing A-839 the Shore Tourism and Ocean Protection from Offshore Oil and Gas ACT — or STOP Offshore Oil and Gas Act, protecting at least State waters to 3 miles offshore.

"A little while later, I received an invitation from a grassroots organization, Cape May County Indivisible. They promised music, speakers, and a peaceful protest with a baby trump balloon. Balloons sound like fun, but sometimes having fun at someone else's expense is not being kind. And if there is anything I'd like to see more of in politics, and our world, it's kindness, even in our protest. So if I can make it through the security and the crowd, maybe by the time I've cleaned a few yards of beach, I'll be ready for some music, a few speeches, and to stand in solidarity with my sisters and brothers working toward the future, we'd like to see. Okay, I get it, political satire, but I could do without a balloon."

Editor's Note: The beach cleanup was canceled, but Francis still intends to speak at the Indivisible Rally.

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