Freiman Formally Kicks off His Reelection Campaign in Battleground LD16

First elected in 2017, Assemblyman Roy Freiman (D-16) of Hillsborough today formally launched his reelection campaign in the battleground Central Jersey district.
Vice chair of the State and Local Government Committee and a member of the Financial Institutions, and Insurance Transportation and Independent Authorities committees, Freiman, a Democrat, worked for more than 20 years at Prudential, where he served as a vice president of strategy and analytics.
His full statement:
"Throughout my four years as an Assemblyman representing the 16th Legislative District, I have been continually motivated to improve the way we do things in Trenton: to end partisanship, to act more fiscally responsible, to listen to all points of view and to try new approaches rather than repeating missteps. Keeping these goals in mind, I have been earnest in serving my constituents and the state. Today I am announcing my reelection campaign for the Assembly in November 2021 so that I can continue to push forward strategies to improve and unite our state.
"We are living in unique and challenging times. We are recovering from the most devastating medical crisis of the century, combined with economic challenges, and a country that finds itself unable to regain civil political debate. We need leaders who have strong moral principles, who are firm in their values. We need leaders with the ability to listen, compromise, and most importantly, leaders who can find common ground to solve New Jersey’s problems.
"We are fortunate to have a pool of highly qualified democratic candidates who have stepped forward this year and asked for the opportunity to serve. I would be honored to have any of these people serve as my representatives in the New Jersey Legislature. I would be equally honored to continue to serve in the Assembly representing the people of my district and New Jersey. Thank you for your support."