Freiman Takes a Crack at Grossman's Coca Cola Comments


A bubbly missive by LD2 Republican State Senate candidate Seth Grossman about boycotting a mea culpa-mode Coca Cola prompted a retort this morning by Assemblyman Roy Freiman (D-16).

"Interesting. Coke went from almost being a target of a boycott for not standing up against voter suppression, to being a target of a boycott because they believe in voter rights," said the Central Jersey Assemblyman. "It will be interesting to see if Pepsi decides to join Coke or tries to become the drink of the Republican party."

A new Georgia law aimed at preventing blacks and working people from voting prompted Freiman last month to undertake legislation that would pressure powerful entities in Georgia and other states contemplating similar voter-impairments to reverse course on the Jim Crow measures.

The 98-page new Georgia law outlaws providing food or water to people waiting in line to vote and adds additional voter ID requirements to mail voters and shortens state runoffs.

Co-chair of the business caucus in the Assembly, Freiman said,  “In New Jersey, we are taking steps to increase access to the drop boxes, and encouraging more and more people to vote. We are increasing democracy and yet what’s taking place in Georgia is the opposite. It is truly outrageous, going backwards in time. What we had hoped that what would be happening in the country is that we are encouraging people to vote.

“We can sit back and say ‘isn’t it great to live here in New Jersey as it relates to that,’ but I think we have a moral obligation to stand up and support the people of Georgia,” Freiman added. “They’re speaking out. I’m a legislator here in New Jersey and there are some things we can do.

“Maybe we should halt how we spend money in the state of Georgia,” he noted.

The same law infuriated Grossman, who's running against former Assemblyman Vince Polistina (R-2) in the GOP Primary for the seat currently occupied by retiring state Senator Chris Brown (R-2).

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