Frelinghuysen Votes for the Repeal of the Affordable Care Act

Former Senator Rodney Frelinghuysen, who has had no public involvement with Republican colleagues even before leaving office in January, has put his name at the top of a list of GOP officials endorsing Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco’s reelection.

Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11) this afternoon voted for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

“Obamacare is collapsing across the country and failing to make health care affordable for New Jersey families facing skyrocketing premiums, soaring deductibles, and fewer choices,” the veteran Republican congressman said. “So doing nothing is not an option!”

House Republicans this afternoon succeeded in rejecting the cornerstone of Barack Obama’s presidency.

“The earlier version of the House-proposed American Health Care Act was unacceptable to me,” explained Frelingthuysen, who in the aftermath of the first , unsuccessful repeal vote found himself targeted by at least one group on the right seeking the elimination of Obamacare. “Today, I want to reassure New Jersey families that this legislation protects those with pre-existing conditions and restores essential health benefits.

“I voted to move this bill to the U.S. Senate, which will have the opportunity to improve this legislation significantly.”

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3 responses to “Frelinghuysen Votes for the Repeal of the Affordable Care Act”

  1. The time to act is the Republican Primary 2018. Write a check. Any size is good. Come down to his primary opponent’s campaign headquarters and donate time. Lots of interesting things to do in a campaign. Be an instrument of change. Let Frelingheysen and MacArthur (the other NJ Congressman who voted yes) how you feel by helping get them fired.

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