Frozen out of Mainstream Media Coverage, Hoffman and Sabrin Tag Team on Menendez v. Hugin: 'No Substance'

Stranded on the B side of a marquee matchup between Democratic Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and retired Celgene executive Bob Hugin, Libertarian Murray Sabrin and Green Party standard bearer Madelyn Hoffman decried what they say passes for dialogue between Menendez-Hugin, and the lack of main stream media coverage of their scrappy, longshot campaigns.
"It's just two guys beating the crap out of each other," griped Sabrin, referring to a headline one day in which Menendez calls Hugin and fraud, followed by Hugin labeling Menendez a liar.
Sabrin wants Menendez to resign.
But he detests what he regards as the hollowness of the Hugin campaign.
"The guy has no core principles," Sabrin said of the Republican. "I haven't seen anything from Hugin in the way of ideas. All he does is talk about how New Jersey is unaffordable. Well, gee whiz, Bob, is that right?
[caption id="attachment_34910" align="alignnone" width="1590"] Hoffman[/caption]
"These guys are totally vicious people," he added. "They want to be there to be senators. I'm talking about a lifetime of research and ideas and convictions. Shame on the Bergen Record, the Star-Ledger and Asbury Park Press. They haven't talked to me at all. All they care about is how much money we've raised."
For her part, Green Hoffman was equally unimpressed.
"There is no dialogue between the two of them," she said of Menendez and Hugin. "It's an argument about who's the least corrupt, an argument about who will be able to get cancer drugs and others sold for the lowest prices. There is nothing at all of substance. No discussion of foreign policy, no discussion about college tuition, wages, jobs, infrastructure, etc."
She too hasn't received any mainstream media coverage.
"No reporters have reached out,' said Hoffman. "I've sent out press releases around issues and a lot on social media."
#Sabrin4Senate2018 #TwoBobsNoDifference