The (Full!) List of Bills Introduced in the 219th Legislative Session

Here's the (full) list of bills introduced in the 219th Legislative Session:
S1 Sweeney,S/Gopal,V+2 Sharing of services-encourages; makes appropriations REF SCU
S51 Singer,R/Diegnan,P+2 Medicaid reimbursement rate change on nursing homes-estab comm to study impact REF SHH
S52 Singer,R/Greenstein,L+2 Drug overdose fatality review team-establish in each county in the State REF SHH
S53 Singer,R/Vitale,J+1 Youths, at-risk-develop program to assist schools in identifying REF SLP
S54 Singer,R+1 School student w/severe allergies-require devel. of individualized care plan REF SED
S55 Singer,R/Rice,R+1 Maternity care-create best practices manual;$950K REF SHH
S56 Singer,R/Kean,T+2 Code Blue alert-req when Natl Weather Svc predict 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower REF SLP
S57 Singer,R/Kean,T Code Blue alert-auth provision of cert health & social svc to at-risk individual REF SHH
S58 Singer,R/Singleton,T Home & community based services-Div. of Med Asst & Health Svcs satisfy resid req REF SHH
S59 Singer,R/Singleton,T+4 National Guard members-provides certain employment protections REF SMV
S60 Singer,R/Singleton,T Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb REF SMV
S61 Singer,R/Singleton,T Prof lic/application fees-concerns spouse/dependent of active duty servicemember REF SMV
S62 Singer,R Criminal mischief-upgrades, damages school bus operation in presence of child REF SJU
S63 Singer,R/Kean,T Pub. sch teachers w/autistic students- Registered Behavior Technician credential REF SED
S64 Singer,R/Scutari,N+1 Charlie's Law-prescription drugs and medications-furnish with disposal info REF SHH
S65 Singer,R/Oroho,S Cannabis, medical-not subject to sales tax REF SHH
S66 Singer,R Autism spectrum disorder-establish certification card for diagnosed individuals REF SHH
S67 Singer,R NJWELL program-requires State Health Benefits Comm. advertise & annually review REF SHH
S68 Singer,R Federal student aid-students complete free application as part of graduation REF SED
S69 Singer,R/Cunningham,S Textbook purchase-eliminates requirement to submit sales tax exemption REF SED
S70 Bateman,C+1 Angioplasty facilities-DOH license additional w/at least 1 in each county REF SHH
S71 Bateman,C Driver's license-clarify period of suspension remains in effect until restored REF SLP
S72 Bateman,C Farm brewery & winery-brewery beverage lic.-permitted to produce hard cider REF SLP
S73 Bateman,C/Sarlo,P+5 Home baked goods-establish requirements for sale REF SHH
S74 Bateman,C/Smith,B Honey or native beehives-req. pesticide applicator notify, applying w/in 3 miles REF SEN
S75 Bateman,C/Smith,B Pesticide applicators and operators concerning bees-requires training REF SEN
S76 Bateman,C+1 Opioid antidote-school nurse administer to overdose victims on school property REF SHH
S77 Bateman,C Lead exposure-adopt plan reduce exposure from contaminated soil/drinking water REF SEN
S78 Bateman,C Lineal relatives-exempts all transfers from the Transfer Inheritance Tax REF SBA
S79 Bateman,C/Turner,S Continuing care retirement community-limits time to refund entrance fee REF SHH
S80 Bateman,C/Smith,B+1 Pollinator habitat on farms-provides CBT and income tax credits to farmers REF SEN
S81 Bateman,C/Greenstein,L Pollinator habitat, native, on undeveloped property-prov CBT credit to taxpayers REF SEN
S82 Bateman,C/Greenstein,L+1 Pollinator habitat, qualified native-CBT credit to public utilities that develop REF SEN
S83 Bateman,C/Codey,R+2 Jersey Native Plants Program-establish REF SEN
S84 Bateman,C/Greenstein,L+1 Timothy J. Piazza's Law-hazing; clarify conduct, incl. forcing alco. consumption REF SJU
S85 Bateman,C+1 Overdose Prev. Act-clarify pharm./health practitioners dispense opioid antidotes REF SHH
S86 Bateman,C+1 School safety & security-require law enforcement officer in all public schools REF SLP
S87 Bateman,C/Kean,T+1 Affordable housing-reforms procedures; repeal Statewide Non-Resid. Devel Fee Act REF SCU
S88 Bateman,C/Beach,J Veterans' property tax deduction and exemption-expand eligibility REF SMV
S89 Bateman,C/Gopal,V Horse-authorizes creation of special license plate and commem. as State animal REF STR
S90 Bateman,C/Scutari,N Investment Council-adds member from Judicial Retirement System REF SSG
S91 Bateman,C/Codey,R+1 Recycling Stream Improvement Task Force-establish; recycling program challenges REF SEN
S92 Bateman,C/Greenstein,L Protect Pollinators license plates-authorizes issuance REF SEN
S93 Bateman,C/Corrado,K Environmental infrastructure projects-authorizes NJ Infra. Bank to make loans REF SEN
S94 Gill,N/Rice,R+16 Democracy Act-establish; modify various voter registration and voting procedures REF SSG
S95 Gill,N/Ruiz,M Teachers loan redemption program-estab to Assist State Students Loan Program REF SED
S96 Gill,N/Weinberg,L Charter school application-provide local board of education w/approval authority REF SED
S97 Gill,N Rifle and shotgun ammunition sales-establishes a regulatory program REF SLP
S98 Gill,N Assault weapons ban, State's-strengthens REF SLP
S99 Gill,N+2 Elections-requires early voting availability REF SSG
S100 Gill,N Intern Protection Act-prov. legal protections/remedies for persons engaged w/emp REF SLA
S101 Gill,N Body camera worn by law enforcement officers-regulates use REF SLP
S102 Gill,N/Stack,B+4 Voting machine, new-required to produce paper record REF SSG
S103 Gill,N/Codey,R+2 Destructive device-revises definition include weapons of 50 caliber or greater REF SLP
S104 Gill,N/Codey,R State Bank of New Jersey Act REF SCM
S105 Gill,N/Turner,S+1 Optical scan voting systems-requires replacement of all voting machines by 2018 REF SSG
S106 Gill,N+1 Student loan interest, certain-allows income tax deduction REF SHI
S107 Gill,N Homestead prop. tax reimb.-revises elig. req, claimants relocating w/in same mun REF SCU
S108 Gill,N/Turner,S+2 Student freedom of expression-school district adopt a written policy REF SED
S109 Gill,N/Ruiz,M+1 Automobile insur underwriting-proh use of education/occupation as rating factors REF SCM
S110 Gill,N Immigration detainers-establish law enforcement procedures for responding REF SLP
S111 Gill,N/Ruiz,M+1 Auto insurance underwriting-proh. use of education, occupation and credit score REF SCM
S112 Gill,N Transition staff members-applies law governing EEO and affirmative action REF SSG
S113 Gill,N/Gopal,V Sex orientation of adults-prohibits attempts by mental health prof. to change REF SHH
S114 Gill,N Landlords-prohibits requiring rent paid by certain means of payment or off-site REF SCU
S115 Gill,N Immigrant Tenant Protection Act REF SCU
S116 Gill,N Facial recognition technology-restricts use by governmental entities REF SJU
S117 Gill,N Police interrogations-establishes pilot program requiring electronic recordings REF SLP
S118 Gill,N School bus contractor-prov info, result of criminal background check on bus driv REF SED
S119 Holzapfel,J+1 Animal Abuser Registry-establishes REF SEN
S120 Holzapfel,J+2 Firearm, loaded-incr criminal penalties w/in access of minors resulting in death REF SLP
S121 Holzapfel,J+1 Ret income-double amount that may be excluded from gross income under income tax REF SBA
S122 Holzapfel,J E-ZPass-provides income tax deduction for certain tolls paid REF STR
S123 Holzapfel,J Homestead property tax reimbursement-increase income eligibility limit REF SBA
S124 Holzapfel,J Flood insurance-requires insurers provide policyholders with certain information REF SCM
S125 Holzapfel,J Homestead property tax reimbursement-increase annual income eligibility REF SCU
S126 Holzapfel,J Cell phone, unlawful use while driv-extends 90 days statute of limitations REF SLP
S127 Holzapfel,J Alcohol, Education, Rehabilitation & Enforcement Fund-revises distrib. of monies REF SLP
S128 Holzapfel,J Petroleum products gross receipts tax revenue-excludes certain rail projects REF STR
S129 Holzapfel,J Drivers, never been issued a license-enhance penalties REF SLP
S130 Holzapfel,J Sexually violent predators-lower comp. rate, same level as inmates, instit. work REF SLP
S131 Holzapfel,J 9-1-1 Reverse system-requires each municipality to establish REF SLP
S132 Holzapfel,J+1 Driver's license, suspended-requires police notification REF SLP
S133 Holzapfel,J DUI-criminalizes fourth or subsequent offenses REF SLP
S134 Holzapfel,J Rescue operation of public entity-authorizes court to impose costs REF SJU
S135 Holzapfel,J Distracted Driver Enforcement and Education Fund-establishes REF SLP
S136 Holzapfel,J Street paving costs, qualified private communities-mun. required to reimburse REF SCU
S137 Holzapfel,J Public officer/employee, formally charged w/crime-suspend w/out pay & benefits REF SSG
S138 Holzapfel,J+1 Nutrition programs' motor vehicles-exempts from registration fees REF STR
S139 Holzapfel,J State sch aid reduction-prev dist that experienced decrease in equalized value REF SED
S140 Holzapfel,J St sch aid-incl value of prop exemp from taxation in valuation used to calculate REF SED
S141 Holzapfel,J Court dismissal, w/prejudice, civil action-notice filed under cert circumstances REF SJU
S142 Holzapfel,J School pupil transportation pilot program in Ocean County-establishes 3 year REF SED
S143 Holzapfel,J Internet Criminal Information Registry-establishes REF SLP
S144 Cardinale,G/Weinberg,L Child abuse, false report-create offense; permits assessment of penalty REF SBA
S145 Cardinale,G Public employees, certain-limits retroactive salary increases REF SSG
S146 Cardinale,G/Kean,T+1 Homestead property tax-increases maximum gross income tax deduction REF SBA
S147 Cardinale,G/Scutari,N+2 Blood donations-provides gross income tax credits for certain taxpayers REF SHH
S148 Cardinale,G/Pou,N+15 Consumer Freedom From Unwanted Expense in Health Insurance Coverage Act REF SCM
S149 Cardinale,G Affordable Housing Obligation Study Commission-establishes REF SCU
S150 Cardinale,G/Singer,R Housing projects-authorizes municipal challenge to non-redevel ordered by COAH REF SCU
S151 Cardinale,G/Codey,R+2 Patient info-limits behavioral health care prov. may disclose to insur. carrier REF SCM
S152 Cardinale,G Labor org. representing public employees-proh. campaign contrib, prot corruption REF SSG
S153 Cardinale,G/Smith,B+4 Shellfish species, commercial-allows cultivation in coastal & inner harbor water REF SEN
S154 Cardinale,G Wines, approved for sale out of St.-exempts from brand registration requirements REF SLP
S155 Cardinale,G/Singer,R Fair share affordable housing obligations-additional factors used in calculation REF SCU
S156 Cardinale,G/Singleton,T Wine, unopened container-authorizes retailer to accept exchange REF SLP
S157 Cardinale,G/Brown,C Parks, forests, St-owned beaches-remain open failure to enact general approp act REF SSG
S158 Cardinale,G Motor fuels-prohibit refiners passing costs w/cert payment cards to distributors REF SCM
S159 Cardinale,G+2 Contagious disease outbreak-requires facilities to notify patients w/in 24 hours REF SHH
S160 Cardinale,G+1 Contagious disease outbreak-require certain facilities to develop cohorting plan REF SHH
S161 Cardinale,G/Weinberg,L Predatory Alienation Prevention and Consensual Response Act REF SHH
S162 Cardinale,G/Singer,R Affordable housing-DCA collect info about State residents, provide to COAH REF SCU
S163 Cardinale,G/Singer,R Affordable housing obligations-COAH calculate on Statewide basis REF SCU
S164 Cardinale,G Sex assault victim-establish circumstances, court may order physical/psych exam REF SLP
S165 Corrado,K Campaign contributions-prohibits candidate charges w/crime to use for legal fees REF SSG
S166 Corrado,K Madison Holleran Proper Reporting Act-instit post student suicides on website REF SHI
S167 Corrado,K Bi-state authorities, certain-establishes various good governance requirements REF SSG
S168 Corrado,K State and local authorities-establishes various good governance requirements REF SSG
S169 Corrado,K+2 Veterans' dependent, certain-provides tuition benefits at higher ed institutions REF SHI
S170 Corrado,K+1 Veterans Assistance Grant Prog-estab nonprofit organizations, provide cert. svcs REF SMV
S171 Corrado,K Veteran, homeless shelters-establish grant program REF SMV
S172 Corrado,K Hotels, certain-prohibits smoking in guest rooms REF SHH
S173 Corrado,K Cemeteries, for-profit-eliminates property tax exemption REF SCU
S174 Corrado,K Food stamp misuse-increase penalty; mandatory imprisonment for public emp misuse REF SJU
S175 Corrado,K Settlements, confidential-bars public entities and employees from entering into REF SJU
S176 Corrado,K Discrim in the workplace-candidate receiving public fds adopt policy prohibiting REF SSG
S177 Corrado,K Minimum wage-exempt counties, muncipalities, & sch. dist from requirement to pay REF SLA
S178 Corrado,K Surtax imposed on certain businesses-repeals REF SBA
S179 Corrado,K Chemotherapy-test for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency REF SHH
S180 Corrado,K Open Public Records Act Study Commission-establishes REF SSG
S181 Corrado,K/Weinberg,L Supportive Technology for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Task Force REF SHH
S182 Corrado,K/Kean,T+3 Special education State aid-requires 100% be calculated as categorical aid REF SED
S183 Corrado,K Election days, general and primary-requires school districts to close schools REF SED
S184 Corrado,K Emergency Service Length of Service Award Program-permits loc govt unit to grant REF SCU
S185 Corrado,K/Bateman,C Elections, mail-in ballot-removes 48 hour provision of acceptance REF SSG
S186 Corrado,K/Greenstein,L Domestic violence & sexual assault-estab minimum level of training for judges REF SJU
S187 Corrado,K Physical restraints used in schools-DOE approve entities that train ed personnel REF SED
S188 Corrado,K Responsible School Violence Prevention, Preparation and Protection Pilot Program REF SLP
S189 Corrado,K/Kean,T Absences, excused-school district incl illness based on mental/behavioral health REF SED
S190 Connors,C+4 Combat to College Act-mil service memb/vets-grant priority course registration REF SHI
S191 Connors,C+1 Turnpike Authority-provide for representation of certain regions REF STR
S192 Connors,C Condemnation-prevents use, acquire resid & other private prop under redevel law REF SCU
S193 Connors,C/Kean,T+1 Sex offenders, re-offense-prosecutor req to determine risk prior to release REF SLP
S194 Connors,C Illegal aliens-excludes from workers' compensation and temporary disab. benefits REF SLA
S195 Connors,C/Oroho,S+1 Illegal alien-impose hiring sanctions to companies which hire from pub contracts REF SLA
S196 Connors,C+1 Military service-auth. free hunting/fishing lic & free admission to St. parks REF SEN
S197 Connors,C/Beach,J Domestic violence restraining order-consider results of domestic viol assessment REF SJU
S198 Connors,C+13 Veterans' benefits-broadens elig. by eliminating req of serving during cert wars REF SMV
S199 Connors,C+1 Senior citizen supplemental stabilization aid-reestablish REF SED
S200 Connors,C Sex offenders-loc government registration notification req, proh living near sch REF SLP
S201 Connors,C Aliens, authorized-certification req persons receiving State money or privileges REF SLA
S202 Connors,C Sexual assault, brutal-impose mandatory term of life imprisonment w/out parole REF SJU
S203 Connors,C/Beach,J+2 Disabled veterans' total property tax exemption-req State to reimb mun for costs REF SCU
S204 Connors,C Financial exploitation of the elderly-creates offense REF SJU
S205 Connors,C/Beach,J Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notification REF SLP
S206 Connors,C Senior citizen or veteran identity theft-increase penalties REF SLP
S207 Connors,C Public officers or emp. convicted of cert. crimes-subject to pension garnishment REF SSG
S208 Connors,C Public fds, stolen-levied against convicted employees retirement pension contrib REF SSG
S209 Connors,C Highway projects outside of AC Tourism District-allows CRDA finance REF SSG
S210 Connors,C+3 Drug dealing offenses-grade by units rather than weight of CDS REF SJU
S211 Connors,C/Beach,J+2 Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act-creates REF SMV
S212 Connors,C Heroin offenses-increases penalties by revising threshold amounts REF SJU
S213 Connors,C Fish and game laws violations, penalty moneys-provides payment to small mun REF SEN
S214 Connors,C Lyme disease-requires health insurance to cover REF SCM
S215 Diegnan,P Student enrolled in 8th grade-physical exam including cardiac component required REF SED
S216 Diegnan,P/Turner,S Charter school review board-establish; modify aspects, monitoring & evaluation REF SED
S217 Diegnan,P Homeowners insurance policies-prohibits use of anti-concurrent causation clauses REF SCM
S218 Diegnan,P Unemployment compensation-establishes standards regarding disqual for misconduct REF SLA
S219 Diegnan,P+1 Jury service-requires employers w/State contracts req. to pay usual compensation REF SJU
S220 Diegnan,P Veteran 100% disabled-total prop tax exemption retroactive to date of disability REF SCU
S221 Diegnan,P Tree purchase, planting and removal-concerns expenses to municipalities REF SCU
S222 Diegnan,P Homestead property tax deduction-expand deduction under income tax REF SCU
S223 Diegnan,P/Beach,J+1 School bus driver-permitted to administer epinephrine to student in emergency REF SED
S224 Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L School security measures-incorporate new school construction & existing sch bldg REF SED
S225 Diegnan,P+1 Concussion, student-return to regular activity prior to returning to competition REF SED
S226 Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L+1 Partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies-revises law REF SCM
S227 Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Electric buses-$3M; $3M for private carrier capital improvements & other funds REF STR
S228 Diegnan,P/Ruiz,M+1 School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs REF SED
S229 Diegnan,P/Vitale,J Opioid use disorders-establish pilot program for integrated system of treatment REF SHH
S230 Diegnan,P/Rice,R Higher education institution, 4 year-permitted to award associate degrees REF SHI
S231 Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Alternative Fuel Vehicle Transportation Financing Commission-establishes REF STR
S232 Singleton,T/Weinberg,L Environmental permits in burdened communities-concerns REF SEN
S233 Singleton,T Small business financing-requires certain disclosures to recipients REF SCM
S234 Singleton,T/Gopal,V+1 Prescription drug pricing disclosure requirement, measures and reduce cost-estab REF SHH
S235 Singleton,T Drug formularies-permit managed care organization to consider cost-effectiveness REF SHH
S236 Singleton,T/Vitale,J+1 Internet websites cert & online svcs-disclose personal ID info, customer opt-out REF SCM
S237 Singleton,T/Greenstein,L Civics instruction in middle & high sch-district use DOE's curriculum guidelines REF SED
S238 Singleton,T/Sarlo,P+2 Jr Firefighter Auxiliary members-promulgate reg pertaining to training/duties REF SLP
S239 Singleton,T Business financing-proh contracts that contain confession by judgment provisions REF SCM
S240 Singleton,T State tax expenditures-enhances certain reporting and disclosure REF SBA
S241 Singleton,T/Cunningham,S Drug court-makes certain changes REF SJU
S242 Singleton,T American Dream Act-down payment for low & moderate income first time homebuyers REF SCU
S243 Singleton,T/Corrado,K Disclosure statements-reduces threshold for filing annually REF SSG
S244 Singleton,T+1 Efficiency & scaling in delivery of local govt services-requires Bloustein study REF SCU
S245 Singleton,T/Bateman,C+1 Shared service agreements between local governments-include certain provisions REF SCU
S246 Singleton,T/Diegnan,P Basic & Essential health benefits plans-repeals statute authorizing offering REF SCM
S247 Singleton,T/Lagana,J Individual & small emp health benefit plans-revise permissable rating factors REF SCM
S248 Singleton,T+1 Low-income housing tax credits, fed.-allocate portion to high-opportunity areas REF SCU
S249 Singleton,T/Turner,S Pharmacy benefits manager prov. services w/in Medicaid prog-disclose info to DHS REF SHH
S250 Singleton,T Fair Chance in Housing Act-estab cert housing rights, persons w/criminal records REF SCU
S251 Singleton,T Job creation & retention-estab. award limitations for certain EDA tax incentives REF SEG
S252 Singleton,T Election infrastructure vendor-disclose financial ties for vendor approval REF SSG
S253 Singleton,T Lead service line inventories and replacement-public water system develop REF SEN
S254 Singleton,T FamilyCare Program-extend to children of eligible State employees REF SHH
S255 Singleton,T Independent expenditure committees-reporting requirements, makes various changes REF SSG
S256 Kean,T The 10-20 Life Law-concerns prison sentencing for crimes committed w/firearms REF SLP
S257 Kean,T+1 Civil service system-remove all State college positions REF SHI
S258 Kean,T/Stack,B Government Functions and Services Study Commission-establishes REF SCU
S259 Kean,T+2 Opportunity Scholarship Act-tax credit for contributing to scholarships REF SED
S260 Kean,T General Accounting Office-make performance reviews & prog analyses of operations REF SSG
S261 Kean,T+4 Public officers and employees w/limited historic exceptions-elim State resid req REF SSG
S262 Kean,T Medical Malpractice Court-establish REF SJU
S263 Kean,T/Corrado,K Burglary of a residence-upgrades crime to second degree; mandatory parole inelig REF SLP
S264 Kean,T/Singleton,T+6 Charitable org., NJ-based-allow income tax deduction for charitable contribution REF SBA
S265 Kean,T+1 Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration REF SEG
S266 Kean,T/Beach,J Sch emerg-annual training for students/staff of roles & responsibilities during REF SED
S267 Kean,T Statewide Affordable Housing Obligation Commission-establish REF SCU
S268 Kean,T Alcoholic beverage tax credit to breweries-provide for qualified capital expense REF SLP
S269 Kean,T Identifiable personal info-certain businesses notify data subjects of collection REF SCM
S270 Kean,T+1 Sex offender registration-expand regis. req., include human trafficking crimes REF SJU
S271 Kean,T+1 Brewery license, limited-authorizes holder to engage in certain activities REF SLP
S272 Kean,T Structures, free-standing-req. compliance w/notice approval process under MLUL REF SCU
S273 Kean,T/Lagana,J Opioid deaths-concerns reporting REF SHH
S274 Kean,T Veteran owned small businesses-EDA provide lower interest loans REF SEG
S275 Kean,T Military personnel non-resident dependent children-provide resident tuition rate REF SHI
S276 Kean,T Sch district tax levy cap-provides adjustment, expenditures associated w/new fac REF SED
S277 Kean,T/Weinberg,L Emma's Law-sch bus transporting students w/special needs equip w/safety features REF STR
S278 Kean,T/Cunningham,S+1 Veterans, late registration-higher education instit refund course tuition/fees REF SHI
S279 Kean,T/Pou,N Military nonresidential spouses-concerns licensure and certifications REF SCM
S280 Kean,T+1 Human trafficking victim-develop and post notice containing information REF SJU
S281 Pennacchio,J/Madden,F Public safety worker, surviving dependent-concerns workers' comp. suppl benefits REF SLA
S282 Pennacchio,J/Turner,S+7 Innocence Study & Review Commission-study & review wrongful convictions REF SJU
S283 Pennacchio,J+1 Baked goods sold at farm markets-concerns wrapped and covered containers REF SEG
S284 Pennacchio,J Credit reports-consumer reporting agencies provide a free report 3 times a year REF SCM
S285 Pennacchio,J Util authority fees, co or mun-incr income elig limit for reduction or abatement REF SCU
S286 Pennacchio,J Highland Water Prot/Planning Act-exemp constr/renovation of sch/police academies REF SEN
S287 Pennacchio,J Living wage ordinances-public contractors paying benefits toward compliance with REF SLA
S288 Pennacchio,J+1 Law enforcement officer, retired-eliminates age restriction to carry handguns REF SLP
S289 Pennacchio,J PANYNJ Cargo Facility Charge Act REF STR
S290 Pennacchio,J/Brown,C Pension & retirement income exclusion-removes income elig. cap applicable to tax REF SBA
S291 Pennacchio,J/Singleton,T Playgrounds, completely inclusive-allocate 10% Green Acres funding REF SEN
S292 Pennacchio,J Payouts, departing higher ed instit employee-proh if not contractually obligated REF SHI
S293 Pennacchio,J/Diegnan,P Mallory's Law-revise provision, sch dist anti-bullying policy; parent civil liab REF SED
S294 Pennacchio,J+1 Megan's Law-person convicted of sex offenses in foreign country register REF SLP
S295 Pennacchio,J Fusion-adds to types of Class I renewable energies REF SEN
S296 Pennacchio,J/Cunningham,S Fusion science field- establish scholarship program REF SHI
S297 Pennacchio,J Fusion energy, technology-eligible for economic incentive program benefits REF SEG
S298 Pennacchio,J Fusion Technology Industry Promotion Act-program promoting fusion technology REF SEG
S299 Pennacchio,J Fusion Technology Industry Commission-establishes REF SEG
S300 Pennacchio,J/Kean,T Women-owned & minority-owned business-Purch & Prop Division issue annual report REF SSG
S301 Rice,R Transportation-related infrastructure proj. & activities-pub on internet website REF STR
S302 Rice,R/Gill,N+2 Clean Energy Technology Center & Alternative Clean Energy Investment Trust Fund REF SEN
S303 Rice,R Redevelopment plan activities, fund-mun impose tax on shipping container storage REF SCU
S304 Rice,R Pub contracts-loc govt units report bids by minority-and women-owned businesses REF SSG
S305 Rice,R Labor market information-share w/school districts and higher ed. institutions REF SLA
S306 Rice,R/O'Scanlon,D+1 Landlord registration procedures-clarifies & expands; create rights for tenants REF SCU
S307 Rice,R/Greenstein,L Child care centers-prospective and current staff members undergo drug testing REF SHH
S308 Rice,R Abandoned properties-requires municipal accounting before receiving State aid REF SCU
S309 Rice,R+2 Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development Program-establish in DOLWD REF SLA
S310 Rice,R Dwellings-municipalities adjust deadline to apply for short-term exemp/abatement REF SCU
S311 Rice,R School dress code or uniform policy-prohibit school dist from denying admittance REF SED
S312 Rice,R Marijuana-decriminalizes possession of small amounts; expunge certain offenses REF SJU
S313 Rice,R Disparity in Treatment of Persons w/Disab in Underrepresented Communities Comm. REF SHH
S314 Rice,R/Kean,T Out-of-School Time Advisory Commission-review certain programs REF SED
S315 Rice,R/Cunningham,S+1 Youth Justice Transformation Act-appropriate annually;$100M REF SLP
S316 Rice,R Student Dropout Prevention Task Force-establishes REF SED
S317 Rice,R Financial instit., foreclosed property-remove water svc lines that contain lead REF SCM
S318 Rice,R/Singleton,T Public contracting-req conduct periodic studies of racial and ethnic disparities REF SSG
S319 Rice,R Health impact assessments of pending legislation-estab. conducting requirements REF SHH
S320 Rice,R Lead service lines-requires residential property contracts to address REF SCU
S321 Rice,R Lead service lines-requires certain residential developers to replace REF SCU
S322 Rice,R/Cunningham,S+1 Repartations Task Force-establishes REF SSG
S323 Diegnan,P Pol. party affiliation-decreases from 55 to 21 days to change, prior to primary REF SSG
S324 Diegnan,P Motor vehicles-authorizes operators to display electronic registration proof REF STR
S325 Diegnan,P+1 Animal cruelty violations-establishes process for recovering caring costs REF SEN
S326 Diegnan,P County career academies-renamed county vocational school district REF SED
S327 Diegnan,P/Ruiz,M+1 Dual language immersion program, devel.-estab grant program for school districts REF SED
S328 Diegnan,P/Weinberg,L+6 Human trafficking-pub. trans emp complete training course, handling & responding REF STR
S329 Smith,B Solar Roof Installation Warranty Program-establish, transfer $2M to fund program REF SEN
S330 Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1 St. pensions-proh investment, req divestment in pub traded fossil fuel companies REF SSG
S331 Smith,B/Codey,R+2 State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan REF SEN
S332 Smith,B Site Improvement Advisory Bd.-offer recommendations, encourage sustainable devel REF SCU
S333 Smith,B Energy conservation construction requirements-authorize municipalities impose REF SEN
S334 Smith,B/Greenstein,L LED technology-municipalities, public utilities & State to use in street lights REF SEN
S335 Smith,B/Oroho,S Deer control activity-permit; hunting lic. check-off, venison donation program REF SEN
S336 Smith,B/Greenstein,L Food date labeling-establish standards, public education program REF SCM
S337 Smith,B/Greenstein,L Sch dist bldgs-NJ infrastr Bank issue bonds to finan cost-effective improvements REF SEN
S338 Smith,B/Greenstein,L Renewable energy system, commerical-establish uniform alternative assessment REF SEN
S339 Smith,B Water Resources Protection Trust Fund Act-estab. user fee on water consumption REF SEN
S340 Smith,B/Greenstein,L Waste in landfills, organic-establish Statewide target to reduce disposal REF SEN
S341 Smith,B/Bateman,C Renewable energy-prohibits regulating certain solar panels; limits certain fees REF SEN
S342 Smith,B Env. regulations-auth DEP rulemaking to prevent backsliding, federal law changes REF SEN
S343 Smith,B/Diegnan,P Advanced cyberinfrasture strategic plan-develop REF SEG
S344 Smith,B/Bateman,C+1 Zero-carbon source-all electric power required by energy year 2050 REF SEN
S345 Smith,B Deer control-auth local law enforcement officers use certain alternative methods REF SEN
S346 Smith,B/Oroho,S County administrative school districts-establish pilot program in DOE REF SED
S347 Smith,B/Vitale,J One Health Task Force-estab. communications between physicians and veterinarians REF SHH
S348 Smith,B Food waste-solid waste management district required to develop strategy plan REF SEN
S349 Smith,B Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new home construction REF SEN
S350 Smith,B State contracts-purchasing preference to local and env. responsible businesses REF SEN
S351 Cryan,J Trustee memb-limits term; limits to 2 year term at higher education institutions REF SHI
S352 Cryan,J Physician services-require continued coverage for 12 mths, prov termination REF SCM
S353 Cryan,J+1 Undergraduate tuition and fees, NJ resident-prohibits increase REF SHI
S354 Cryan,J Higher ed. instit-req governing bds adopt tuition/fee schedules after Gov budget REF SHI
S355 Cryan,J Higher education public institution-annually prepare report on debt held REF SHI
S356 Cryan,J+1 Higher ed instit & mun mutually beneficial relationship-exam by study commission REF SHI
S357 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Nonprofit hospital w/for-profit medical on-site provider-restore prop tax exemp REF SHH
S358 Cryan,J/Ruiz,M+2 Mental health, suicide prevention-requires public school instruction REF SED
S359 Cryan,J/Ruiz,M+2 Violence prevention counseling services, professional-Medicaid cover REF SHH
S360 Cryan,J Statewide Rapid Response Emergency Group-establishes REF SLP
S361 Cryan,J/Ruiz,M Home visitation program services, certain-provides Medicaid coverage REF SHH
S362 Cryan,J Access Link paratransit service during state of emergency-NJT operate REF STR
S363 Cryan,J Health insurance carriers-prohibits denying preauthorized covered services REF SCM
S364 Cryan,J Motor vehicle accident-leaving scene, first degree crime if it results in dealth REF SLP
S365 Cryan,J/Vitale,J+12 Health care plans-offered by SEHBP and local boards of education REF SSG
S366 Cryan,J Police officers, campus-grants certain employment protections REF SLP
S367 Cryan,J Victims of firearm & stabbing crimes-bill VCCO for counseling services REF SLP
S368 Cryan,J/Weinberg,L Mass transit improvements-permits municipalities require developers make contrib REF SCU
S369 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Medicaid-DOC ensure inmates participate in pre-enrollment; card at release REF SHH
S370 Cryan,J/Vitale,J County Jail Rehabilitation and Re-Entry Program-evaluate inmates needs REF SHH
S371 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Medicaid enrollment course for inmates-requires DOC and DHS pre-enroll REF SHH
S372 Cryan,J Firearm owner become resident-obtain purchaser ID card; firearm out-of-State reg REF SLP
S373 Cryan,J Sales & use tax-increase from 6.625% to 7%; dedicates portion to NJT Corporation REF SBA
S374 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Inmate reentry services committee-each county required to establish REF SHH
S375 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Inmates, reentry services-authorizes use of county welfaire funds REF SHH
S376 Weinberg,L Ticket Consumer Choice Act REF SCM
S377 Weinberg,L Subcontracted transportation center workers-requires certain wage rates/benefits REF SLA
S379 Weinberg,L Pub body meetings-make various changes to law addressing, provide greater access REF SSG
S380 Weinberg,L Martin O'Shea Open Pub. Records Transparency Act; finan info, open data website REF SSG
S381 Weinberg,L Domestic abuse victims-establishes supervised community reintegration program REF SLP
S382 Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+2 Domestic crisis teams-uniform response procedures req, Statewide supervision REF SJU
S383 Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+1 Batterers' Intervention Programs, domestic violence cases-establishes standards REF SJU
S384 Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+1 Judges/judicial personnel-establish certain req. for domestic violence training REF SJU
S385 Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+2 Domestic viol cases-training req, law enforcement officers to assist in handling REF SJU
S386 Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+3 Prosecutors, municipal-establishes mandatory domestic violence training REF SJU
S387 Weinberg,L+2 Peace: A Learned Solution Program-establish REF SJU
S388 Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+3 Monica's Law-establish; concerns domestic violence risk assessment pilot program REF SJU
S389 Weinberg,L/Kean,T+3 PANYNJ-provides transparency and accountability reforms REF STR
S390 Weinberg,L Prescriptions-requires all prescriptions be electronically transmitted REF SHH
S391 Weinberg,L/O'Scanlon,D+2 Wrongful imprisonment statute-expands categories of individuals, may bring claim REF SJU
S392 Weinberg,L Sunshine in Litigation Act-establish, requires disclosure of judgements, pub haz REF SJU
S393 Weinberg,L/Singleton,T Investment Council, State-adjusts membership process and reports REF SSG
S394 Weinberg,L/Corrado,K+1 Caregiver's Assistance Act-income tax credit incurred for care of sr family memb REF SHH
S395 Weinberg,L Medicare health care coverage-expands to all residents REF SHH
S396 Weinberg,L Construction defect in common interest community-adjust statute of limitations REF SCU
S397 Weinberg,L/Turner,S+3 Age discrimination-expands scope of law prohibiting REF SLA
S398 Weinberg,L Vaccinations-recognizes right of minors aged 14 and older to consent REF SHH
S399 Weinberg,L/Turner,S Steam radiators-residential landlords required to equip with protective covers REF SCU
S400 Turner,S Motor vehicle surcharges-establishes payment plan is mandatory upon request REF SLP
S401 Turner,S/Cunningham,S+1 Law enforcement agencies-establish minority recruitment and selection programs REF SLP
S402 Turner,S Inmates, certain-concerns random drug testing REF SLP
S403 Turner,S Housing codes-enhances penalties upon corporate violators REF SCU
S404 Turner,S/Vitale,J Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal-pharmacist prescribe REF SHH
S405 Turner,S Pol. contributions-State Investment Council report priv money manager's fee info REF SSG
S406 Turner,S/Ruiz,M+1 School bus aide-minimum required for every 15 special needs students REF SED
S407 Turner,S Naturally Occurring Retirement Community-establish pilot program REF SHH
S408 Turner,S Police Off, Firefighter, Pub School Teacher, Corrections Off Home-buyer Asst Act REF SCU
S409 Turner,S Students residing in tax-exempt housing-concerns educational costs REF SED
S410 Turner,S Safe Playing Fields Act-restricts lawn care pesticides use at child care centers REF SEN
S411 Turner,S/Vitale,J Marijuana, medical-exempts from sales and use tax for sales REF SHH
) S412 Turner,S/Cryan,J+1 History Property Reinvestment Act-prov. credits against taxes, rehab hist. prop. REF SSG
S413 Turner,S/Ruiz,M+1 Contraceptives-expand req. for health insurers/Medicaid prog. cover prescription REF SCM
S414 Turner,S Drug court, central municipal-permits counties to establish REF SJU
S415 Turner,S Parole services-offered to certain defendants who served their maximum sentence REF SLP
S416 Turner,S Person w/mental illness-concerns diversion from criminal prosecution REF SJU
S417 Turner,S Cursive handwriting-public schools required to include instruction REF SED
S418 Turner,S State-administered federal rental assistance-req. application option enhancement REF SCU
S419 Turner,S Law enforcement officer-provides cultural training & devel diversity action plan REF SLP
S420 Turner,S Daylight saving time-establish permanent REF SSG
S421 Turner,S+4 Business personal property, local exchange telephone companies-local taxation REF SCU
S422 Turner,S Affordability controls, rental housing-establish standards for expiration REF SCU
S423 Oroho,S+1 Zero-Based Budget Act-State Treasurer develop/integrate cert practices/procedure REF SBA
S424 Oroho,S+5 Jobs Protection Act-verification of employment required REF SLA
S425 Oroho,S+2 Highland Water Protection & Planning Act-suspends until cert. conditions are met REF SEN
S426 Oroho,S/Cunningham,S+3 Rooming and boarding house-revises definition of landlord to include REF SCU
S427 Oroho,S/Doherty,M Commercial corridors, Highlands Region-prov. municipal planning auth to develop REF SEN
S428 Oroho,S/Sarlo,P+1 Litter-generating products-excludes corrugated containers sold by manufacturers REF SEN
S429 Oroho,S/Pennacchio,J+2 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act-bans abortion 20 weeks or more REF SHH
S430 Oroho,S/Cruz-Perez,N+21 Human Trafficking/Child Exploitation Prev. Act-blocking cert. Internet devices REF SCM
S431 Oroho,S+1 Sanctuary city-prohibits municipal ordinance to create REF SCU
S432 Oroho,S/Cryan,J Workers comp coverage-revises for injuries to volunteer and prof pub safety memb REF SLA
S433 Oroho,S/Pennacchio,J Renewable energy projects, financed by bonds-loc. govt req to purch excess insur REF SCU
S434 Oroho,S/Sarlo,P Vegetation Management Response Act-vegetation mgmt., electric public util. infra REF SEG
S435 Oroho,S/Gopal,V+1 Strict liability crime-charge for drug-induced death, direct contributing factor REF SJU
S436 Oroho,S/O'Scanlon,D+1 Petroleum products-rate reduction if Legislative action incr other tax rates REF SBA
S437 Oroho,S/Greenstein,L Children's psychiatric facilities-on-site staff members supervise patients 24/7 REF SHH
S438 Oroho,S/Madden,F First responders-medical tesing required, when exposed to bloodborne pathogens REF SHH
S439 Oroho,S/Sweeney,S Remuneration paid to employee-require public employers provide annual statement REF SSG
S440 Oroho,S/Singleton,T+2 Labor Law Enforcement-establishes office REF SLA
S441 Oroho,S/Sarlo,P+1 Government Efficiency and Regulatory Review Commission-establish REF SSG
S442 Oroho,S CBT revenues-allocates $10M to DEP for certain lake management activities REF SEN
S443 Doherty,M/Oroho,S+1 Proof of lawful presence in the US-requires to obtain certain benefits REF SSG
S444 Doherty,M/Oroho,S+1 Local Bond Law-amend current statutory provisions REF SCU
S445 Doherty,M+4 State aid to school districts-establishes a formula for distribution REF SED
S446 Doherty,M/Sweeney,S+2 Counties-permitted to share county tax administrators REF SCU
S447 Doherty,M Property taxes, delinquent-income tax refund to be credited against tax due REF SCU
S448 Doherty,M SPCA and county society for prev. of cruelty to animals-accountability required REF SEN
S449 Doherty,M+1 Wind/solar energy fac on agric land/open space-modify inherently beneficial use REF SEN
S450 Doherty,M/Bateman,C Transportation Cost Analysis Task Force-establish REF STR
S451 Doherty,M Electronic Publication Legal Notices Act-legal notices permitted on websites REF SSG
S452 Doherty,M Tax assessors, newly appointed-designate as professional service contractors REF SCU
S453 Doherty,M/Singleton,T+1 Disabled veterans-exempts from certain fees at State parks and forests REF SEN
S454 Doherty,M Medication-sch dist inform parent, student recommended use/possible side effects REF SED
S455 Doherty,M Parental rights-fundamental, not subject to infringement by State REF SJU
S456 Doherty,M Massage, bodywork and somatic services-remove imposition of sales tax REF SBA
S457 Doherty,M County vocational sch dist-limit trans costs located outside of county residence REF SED
S458 Doherty,M+1 State Police-one-third of fine moneys go to municipality where ticket was issued REF STR
S459 Doherty,M Firearm ID cards-allows county sheriffs to issue & permits to purchase handguns REF SLP
S460 Doherty,M Veterans, active service during Cold War-extend property tax benefit REF SCU
S461 Doherty,M Courtroom fac-grant county governing body final authority determine expenditures REF SJU
S462 Doherty,M+2 Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act-establishes REF SHH
S463 Doherty,M Prevailing Wage Law Study Commission-establishes REF SLA
S464 Sacco,N Drew's Law-establish 15 mph speed limit near parks; incr penal viol speed limit REF STR
S465 Sacco,N+2 Hair pieces for cancer patients-health insurance required coverage REF SCM
S466 Sacco,N/Rice,R Tenants, residential-requires notice of development application be given REF SCU
S467 Sacco,N Corrections officers, adult-requires complete in-service training prog in St fac REF SLP
S468 Sacco,N Vehicle-provides for forfeiture where weapon was unlawfully possessed REF SLP
S469 Sacco,N+1 Youth mentoring programs-establish grant program in DCA to provide funding REF SLP
S470 Sacco,N/Sarlo,P Cemetery property tax-exempt, loss of revenue-State pymt in lieu of taxes to mun REF SCU
S471 Sacco,N Data recording devices in motor vehicles-req disclosure; limits access to data REF SLP
S472 Sacco,N/Greenstein,L+1 Animal Cruelty Offender Registry-establishes REF SEN
S473 Sacco,N/Weinberg,L Uninsured patients-hospital employees assist w/applying for insurance coverage REF SHH
S474 Sacco,N School peer groupings-requires DOE to provide certain information regarding REF SED
S475 Sacco,N/O'Scanlon,D Drone use-sets certain standards, followed by law enforcement agencies REF SLP
S476 Sacco,N/Scutari,N Public safety employees-prohibits home address release by governmental entities REF SJU
S477 Sacco,N/Ruiz,M+6 UEZ sales tax revenues-dedicates percentage to General Fund REF SBA
S478 Sacco,N/Stack,B Helicopter-reduces operations at certain aviation facilities licensed by State REF STR
S479 Sacco,N/Cunningham,S Tourist helicopter operations in NJ-prohibits REF STR
S480 Sacco,N Hospital, non-profit and their nursing homes-maintains property tax exemption REF SCU
S481 Sacco,N/Diegnan,P Vehicular homicide-increase statute of limitations REF SLP
S482 Sacco,N NJTA & DOT projects-establishes design-build delivery system REF STR
S483 Sacco,N/Diegnan,P Snow removal by NJT-requires removal from certain stops, stations and stands REF STR
S484 Sacco,N/Pou,N Graduation rates of 4 year higher education institution-concerns REF SHH
S485 Sacco,N/Lagana,J Sch bus driver's driving record-share w/bd of education, bus contractor & police REF STR
S486 Sacco,N/O'Scanlon,D License holder's personal information-prohibit State disclosure REF SLP
S487 Sacco,N/Stack,B PFRS-enhances accidental death pension for surviving spouses, min. $50K annually REF SSG
S488 Brown,C/Beach,J County Tourism Incentive Grant Fund-establishes REF SSG
S489 Brown,C/Kean,T Artists, A-list performing-provides gross income tax credit, live performances REF SSG
S490 Brown,C/Scutari,N+3 Drug intoxication offense-estab. proc. to transport to substance abuse treatment REF SJU
S491 Brown,C/Scutari,N+4 Drug court elig.-estab special probation persons w/previous criminal convictions REF SJU
S492 Brown,C+2 Steven Schmincke's Law-facilitates sober living home construction financing REF SCU
S493 Brown,C/Vitale,J+2 Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel. REF SHH
S494 Brown,C/Singer,R Fire hydrant inspect, maintain and repair-required in planned real estate devel. REF SLP
S495 Brown,C+2 Boards of chosen freeholders-permits annual meeting at certain public buildings REF SCU
S496 Brown,C/Cruz-Perez,N Federal opportunity zone businesses-provide certain State assistance REF SEG
S497 Brown,C/Singleton,T Transportation projects between AC Airport & Tourism Dist.-auth. CRDA to finance REF SSG
S498 Brown,C+1 Solar energy redevelopment, landfill facilities-permit DEP enter into agreements REF SEN
S499 Brown,C+2 Emergency Green Alert System-establish; missing members & vets. of Armed Forces REF SLP
S500 Brown,C/Gopal,V+1 Atlantic City International Airport Spaceport Feasibility Study Commission-estab REF STR
S501 Brown,C+1 Queen of Hearts raffle games-permits conduct REF SSG
S502 Brown,C+2 Veterans, active duty service members-eliminates shellfish license fee REF SEN
S503 Brown,C/Cryan,J Pharmacy benefits managers-restricts certain practices related to meds and drugs REF SCM
S504 Brown,C Cigar bars, new-authorizes establishment in Atlantic City Tourism District REF SHH
S505 Vitale,J/Sweeney,S+2 Emergency medical services delivery-revises requirements REF SHH
S506 Vitale,J/Madden,F Hepatitis C testing-hosp and health care professionals offer; labs perform rapid REF SHH
S507 Vitale,J/Rice,R Public utilities bill due date-req. no earlier than 28 days past postmark date REF SEG
S508 Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+1 Substance use-secondary schools annually conduct written/verbal screening prog. REF SED
S509 Vitale,J/Singer,R Homes, newly constructed-locking medicine cabinets required REF SCU
S510 Vitale,J Organ donation, how to register-health insurers develop informational materials REF SCM
S511 Vitale,J Hepatitis C-health insurers, SHBP and SEHBP-provide coverage for meds/treatment REF SCM
S512 Vitale,J/Pou,N AIDS or HIV-health insurers, SHBP and SEHBP provide coverage drug regimens REF SCM
S513 Vitale,J/Kean,T Quinn Wilson's law-provides a gross income tax credit for stillbirth REF SHH
S514 Vitale,J/Singer,R+1 Menthol cigarettes-prohibits sale REF SHH
S515 Vitale,J/Gopal,V+2 Cardiac, full service adult diagnostic-DOH license qualifying hospitals to prov. REF SHH
S516 Vitale,J/Ruiz,M Gestational Carrier Agreement Act-revises certain definitions REF SHH
S517 Vitale,J/Codey,R Sterile syringe access programs-inherently beneficial uses REF SHH
S518 Vitale,J/Greenstein,L Intrauterine insemination-health benefits coverage required REF SCM
S519 Vitale,J/Ruiz,M State forms & documents-requires replacement for certain terms REF SSG
S520 Vitale,J/Cryan,J+3 Comprehensive Geriatric Fall Prevention Pilot Program-establish in DHS;$11.7M REF SHH
S521 Vitale,J/Ruiz,M Children's meals-restaurants provide healthy beverages REF SHH
S522 Vitale,J/Stack,B Child support arrears-collection by any St. or loc. welfare/social svc bd/agency REF SJU
S523 Vitale,J/Cryan,J Interstate Medical Licensure Compact-NJ enters into REF SHH
S524 Vitale,J/Singleton,T Pregnant women-amends law to extend length of postpartum Medicaid coverage REF SHH
S525 Vitale,J Hospital staff-revises identification badge requirements REF SHH
S526 Vitale,J/Pou,N+3 Insulin-health insurers required to limit copayments REF SCM
S527 Vitale,J/Stack,B Inmates at State & County facilities-offer hepatitis B and hepatitis C testing REF SHH
S528 Vitale,J/Cryan,J Inmates-DOC & county correctional fac to provide w/medication-assisted treatment REF SHH
S529 Vitale,J Children's meals served in restaurants-required to meet nutritional standards REF SHH
S530 Sweeney,S Pinelands Commission-clarify law concerning circumstances in which memb can vote REF SEN
S531 Sweeney,S Farm employers-CBT & gross income tax credit, provide lodging & trans. benefits REF SBA
S532 Sweeney,S Small business & farm employers-provide tax credits, State min. wage increase REF SBA
S533 Sweeney,S Small business & farm employer-CBT & income tax cred, mandatory employer contrib REF SBA
S534 Sweeney,S Small business & farm employers-EDA w/Dept. of Agric establish temp loan program REF SEG
S535 Sweeney,S Assets, depreciable-allows taxpayers deduct cost under CBT and gross income tax REF SBA
S536 Sweeney,S Small and farm employers-requires reduced worker's compensation premiums REF SLA
S537 Codey,R+1 Emergency shelters-establishes certain minimum and maximum temperatures REF SHH
S538 Codey,R/Rice,R Evictions-enhances use of breach of implied warranty of habitability defense REF SCU
S539 Codey,R/Rice,R+1 Landlord-tenant court records-establishes confidentiality REF SCU
S540 Codey,R Victim, witness or informant-proh. posting or publishing identifying information REF SJU
S541 Codey,R/Bateman,C+2 Horse racetrack-permits wagers on previously-recorded live races REF SSG
S542 Codey,R/Corrado,K September 11th, each yr.-requires each public school observe a period of silence REF SED
S543 Codey,R/Oroho,S Home invasion-creates first degree crime and subject to No Early Release Act REF SJU
S544 Codey,R Charter sch.-annually submit to Ed Commissioner salary/benefit info for cert emp REF SED
S545 Codey,R Child luring-requires mandatory imprisonment; Megan's Law provide annually REF SLP
S546 Codey,R/Weinberg,L+1 Perinatal anxiety-estab. awareness campaign, devel policies, promote recognition REF SHH
S547 Codey,R South Orange Village-renamed; replace treasurer w/chief financial officer REF SCU
S548 Codey,R Personal identifying information-exempts disclosure as public record REF SSG
S549 Codey,R/Gopal,V Firearm education program-successful completion to obtain a purchaser ID card REF SLP
S550 Codey,R Student ID cards-required to contain phone number for suicide prevention hotline REF SHI
S551 Codey,R Municipal emergency management coordinators, non-resident-permits appointment REF SLP
S552 Codey,R/Sweeney,S+2 School psychologist-estab. competitive grant program, sch dist assist in hiring REF SED
S553 Codey,R/Vitale,J+1 Smoking in the automobile when children are present-prohibits REF SHH
S554 Codey,R/Lagana,J Sports officials-upgrades certain types of assault to aggravated assault REF SJU
S555 Codey,R/Beach,J Student mental health-estab task force, examine pub sch prog/services to address REF SED
S556 Codey,R/Gopal,V Nursing home-permit use of electronic monitoring devices at resident's request REF SHH
S557 Codey,R Firearms & ammunition-imposes gross receipts tax REF SLP
S558 Codey,R Firearms permit fees-increases REF SLP
S559 Codey,R/Cryan,J Child absent-parent call; unexcused absence-notify parent or guardian REF SHH
S560 Madden,F/Gopal,V+1 Public safety worker, killed on duty-elim. time limit on tuition benf for spouse REF SHI
S561 Madden,F/Greenstein,L+1 Drivers Distractions Task Force-creates; impact road and highway safety REF SLP
S562 Madden,F/Addiego,D+1 Wage and hour law-increases certain penalties for violations REF SLA
S563 Madden,F/Sweeney,S+2 Income tax agreements, reciprocal w/other states-restricts auth. to terminate REF SBA
S564 Madden,F Sex offenders, repeat-increases mandatory minimum term of imprisonment REF SLP
S565 Madden,F Uphold Democracy Operation-extends elig. for $250 property tax deduction to vets REF SCU
S566 Madden,F/O'Scanlon,D+1 Homestead property tax reimbursement-revises criteria to establish base year REF SCU
S567 Madden,F Student athlete physical examinations-requires insurance cover REF SCM
S568 Madden,F/Sweeney,S Mental health record, prospective firearm purchases-notify police of expungement REF SLP
S569 Madden,F Septic system inspectors-requires DEP establish certification program REF SEN
S570 Madden,F/Ruiz,M+1 Teacher misconduct-DOE collect information and report to the Legislature REF SED
S571 Madden,F/Greenstein,L+2 School breakfast/lunch bill in arrears-provide anti-stigmatization protections REF SED
S572 Madden,F/Greenstein,L Senior citizen housing proj-landlord prov written explanation for rent increase REF SCU
S573 Madden,F/Greenstein,L Mold hazards in school buildings-requires evaluation for and abatement REF SED
S574 Madden,F/Singer,R+1 Mold hazard-DCA required to establish procedures for inspection and abatement REF SCU
S575 Madden,F Nursing homes-DOH estab process, independent informal dispute resolution hearing REF SHH
S576 Madden,F/Corrado,K Parole revocation-requires for assaulting or threatening law enforcement officer REF SLP
S577 Madden,F/Singleton,T Labor harmony agreements-concerns in retail & distribution center projects REF SLA
S578 Madden,F/Greenstein,L Disabled veterans & purple heart recipients-municipalities desig. parking spaces REF SCU
S579 Madden,F Disability law and etiquette-requires training for State employees REF SHH
S580 Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N Stalking-creates a civil cause of action REF SJU
S581 Beach,J/Greenstein,L Child porn on computers-information tech professionals report to law enforcement REF SJU
S582 Beach,J/Greenstein,L School Bus Safety & Child Protection Act-periodic criminal background checks req REF SED
S583 Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N Child passenger restraint system-increases penalties for not securing REF STR
S584 Beach,J/Weinberg,L Sch. breakfast prog-expands to all sch w/5% or more students elig for free meals REF SED
S585 Beach,J/Ruiz,M+12 Student w/concussion-evaluate by lic. health care prof prior to returning to sch REF SED
S586 Beach,J/Diegnan,P Domestic violence in presence of a child-establishes new crime REF SJU
S587 Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N+5 New Voter Empowerment Act-permits cert 17 year olds to vote in primary elections REF SSG
S588 Beach,J/Greenstein,L Career & Technical Education Commission-establish; creates initiatives promoting REF SED
S589 Beach,J/Ruiz,M Business accelerator incubator network-creates program REF SEG
S590 Beach,J/Oroho,S Sex offenders-bars jobs which primarily consist of contact with children REF SJU
S591 Beach,J/Corrado,K Gold Star Family Scholarship Program-establishes;$100K REF SHI
S592 Beach,J PFRS-allows cert. members to serve until age 70 upon mun governing body approval REF SSG
S593 Beach,J/Corrado,K Sexual assault-bars fund use & nondisclosure agreements settle St officer claims REF SSG
S594 Beach,J/Greenstein,L Life Sciences Internship Challenge-creates program, tax credit to cert companies REF SEG
S595 Beach,J/Greenstein,L Jersey Fresh sales pilot program-direct Department of Agriculture estab.;$500K REF SBA
S596 Beach,J/Greenstein,L Wind energy facilities-expands eligibility for tax credits for development REF SEN
S597 Beach,J Law enforce. officers-requires certain special officers be under 65 yrs of age REF SLP
S598 Beach,J/Cryan,J Election workers-raise pay to $300 a day REF SSG
S599 Beach,J/Kean,T School meals, bill in arrears-clarifies school dist cannot restrict meal access REF SED
S600 O'Scanlon,D+2 Health plans-restrict State & mun govt emp to direct savings to prop tax relief REF SSG
S601 O'Scanlon,D Senior citizens or disabled persons-creates crime of fiscal victimization REF SLP
S602 O'Scanlon,D/Oroho,S Health care benefits-set level; req employee contrib; proh Medicare Part B reimb REF SSG
S603 O'Scanlon,D/Oroho,S Public Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits Reform Task Force-creates REF SSG
S604 O'Scanlon,D Police & firefighter interest arbitration procedures-makes certain changes REF SLP
S605 O'Scanlon,D Property assessment-revises law governing REF SCU
S606 O'Scanlon,D/Singleton,T Suicide Prevention Advisory Council-establishes in DOH REF SHH
S607 O'Scanlon,D Courts, counties-municipal-establish with limited countywide jurisdiction REF SJU
S608 O'Scanlon,D Speed Limit Sanity Act-require posted limit based on 85% speed of vehicles REF STR
S609 O'Scanlon,D Judge, municipal court-increases term to five years REF SJU
S610 O'Scanlon,D/Vitale,J+1 VCCO-requires signs be posted in emergency rooms regarding REF SLP
S611 O'Scanlon,D Municipal Penalty Database-provides for development of searchable REF SCU
S612 O'Scanlon,D+3 Fiscal note, estimate-prohibits release of bill from committee without REF SSG
S613 O'Scanlon,D/Kean,T Massage and bodywork therapy establishments-regulates employers operating REF SCM
S614 O'Scanlon,D+1 River's Law-animal abuse, value of animal's life, second degree crime REF SEN
S615 O'Scanlon,D Alcoholic beverages-allows certain qualifying projects to sell REF SLP
S616 O'Scanlon,D+1 Civil settlement agreements with State entity-make full restitution REF SSG
S617 O'Scanlon,D Mobile intensive care programs & paramedic licensure-revises requirements REF SHH
S618 O'Scanlon,D Dog or cat shelter/pound-criminalizes impounding w/out consent of other party REF SEN
S619 O'Scanlon,D Medical marijuana-permits authorization thru telemedicine & telehealth REF SHH
S620 O'Scanlon,D Desecrating any public monument, insignia, symbol or structure-incr. penalties REF SJU
S621 O'Scanlon,D/Gopal,V Defibrillators-NJT required to equip trains REF STR
S622 Sarlo,P/Weinberg,L Minors-provides for jurisdiction for prosecution of certain crimes against REF SJU
S623 Sarlo,P/Oroho,S Burglary of residence-upgrades to crime of second degree REF SJU
S624 Sarlo,P Nonprofit hospital w/for-profit medical on-site providers-restore prop tax exemp REF SBA
S625 Sarlo,P Tree Experts Board-transfers from DEP to Department of Agriculture REF SEN
S626 Sarlo,P/Gopal,V+1 Street gang recruitment, criminal and criminality-upgrades certain penalties REF SLP
S627 Sarlo,P Reference-based pricing-directs State Health Benefits Commission to study REF SSG
S628 Sarlo,P/Madden,F Law enforcement officers, Class 3-provide security in place of religious worship REF SLP
S629 Sarlo,P/Oroho,S Pawnbrokers-retain goods for 7 days, record & report certain information REF SCM
S630 Sarlo,P/Gopal,V Advanced imaging svcs. & elective surgical proc.-req. pilot prog in SHBP & SEHBP REF SSG
S631 Sarlo,P/Thompson,S+1 Co/mun annual finan statements-estab pilot program, use of accounting principles REF SCU
S632 Sarlo,P Sexual Harassment & Abuse Survivor Fund-establish; authorize special financing REF SCU
S633 Greenstein,L Healthy Workplace Act-unlawful practice to subject emp. to abusive workplace env REF SLA
S634 Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N+3 Reliability, Preparedness & Storm Response Act-pub. util file emerg preparedness REF SEG
S635 Greenstein,L/Stack,B+1 Water loss audits-requires water purveyors to conduct REF SEN
S636 Greenstein,L/Turner,S Animal shelters-establishes additional requirements for operation and oversight REF SEG
S637 Greenstein,L+1 Water purveyors-required to implement leak detection programs REF SEN
S638 Greenstein,L/Oroho,S Honorably discharged veterans-establishes special license plate REF STR
S639 Greenstein,L/Turner,S Water testing and filters-water supplier reimburse residential customers REF SEN
S640 Greenstein,L/Turner,S Drinking water quality standards-supplier notify affected mun & school districts REF SEN
S641 Greenstein,L/Singleton,T Green infrastructure financing program-establish; make accessible and affordable REF SEN
S642 Greenstein,L/Codey,R Water loss audits-require water purveyors to conduct and report to DEP REF SEN
S643 Greenstein,L/Diegnan,P Green stormwater infra.-DOT prioritize design, construction & repair of pub hwys REF SEN
S644 Greenstein,L Wastewater system improvement charge-adopt regulations allowing utilities impose REF SEG
S645 Greenstein,L+1 Statewide Water Supply Plan-specifies min 20 year planning duration, add new req REF SEN
S646 Greenstein,L/Gopal,V+2 Lead service line inventories-public water systems compile and submit to DEP REF SEN
S647 Greenstein,L Water Quality Accountability Act-revise asset management & related reporting req REF SEN
S648 Greenstein,L Water and wastewater operation systems-public officials complete course of study REF SCU
S649 Greenstein,L Public water systems-publish financial and employee information on the Internet REF SEG
S650 Greenstein,L Boil water-public water systems required to provide notice & qual. standard viol REF SEN
S651 Greenstein,L/Codey,R Lead test results-establish online reporting systems for sch and child care ctrs REF SED
S652 Greenstein,L Mercer Regional Water Svc. Comm.; oversight over Trenton Water Works operations REF SEN
S653 Greenstein,L/Gopal,V Municipal water systems-municipalities provide certain info. to property owners REF SCU
S654 Greenstein,L Bot, used for commercial or election purposes to deceive-prohibits use REF SCM
S655 Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N Lead Education Accountability & Disclosure Act-pub. water systems prov cert info REF SEN
S656 Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N Lead service lines-public water systems develop schedules for replacement REF SEN
S657 Thompson,S Acts of God-prov. immunity from liab for recreational activities & from injuries REF SJU
S658 Thompson,S Income tax payment sys., credit or debit card-req Div of Taxation Director estab REF SBA
S659 Thompson,S Red heart-shaped identifying symbol-authorizes on personalized license plates REF STR
S660 Thompson,S Passenger veh.-useful life of 5 yrs. & allows local units to bond for such veh. REF SCU
S661 Thompson,S Carrier Appeals Prog-health insurers cover treatment ordered by health care prov REF SCM
S662 Thompson,S County political party committee-limits $5K per election amount contributed REF SSG
S663 Thompson,S Elected officials, former-proh. receiving for 5 years comp. from charitable org REF SSG
S664 Thompson,S Solid waste collectors-proh billing resid svcs more than 30 days in advance REF SEN
S665 Thompson,S National Guard members-clarifies eligibility for tuition assistance REF SHI
S666 Thompson,S Vehicles, county & municipal-prohibits use by part-time elected loc govt officer REF SCU
S667 Thompson,S State Forestry Services & related entities-transfer to Department of Agriculture REF SEG
S668 Thompson,S Mental Health Treatment Reform and Violence Prevention Act-establishes REF SHH
S669 Thompson,S Economic Research Office-establish in the Department of State REF SSG
S670 Thompson,S Police equipment and salary enhancements-municipalities accept fund donations REF SCU
S671 Thompson,S Olympic Games prizes-excludes from income tax the value of prizes or awards REF SBA
S672 Thompson,S/Stack,B+1 Deed recording-limited liability company disclose ownership information REF SCU
S673 Thompson,S Arthur Brisbane Child Treatment Center-transfer property to Dept. of Env. Prot. REF SSG
S674 Thompson,S Student Learning Standard, Social Studies-sch dist prov law enforcememt instruct REF SED
S675 Thompson,S State aid to cert school districts-prov addl, supplemental appropriation to DOE REF SED
S676 Thompson,S/Brown,C Voting violations-incr penalty, third to second degree crime, aggravating factor REF SSG
S677 Thompson,S Crowdfunding theft-upgrades; imposes mandatory restitution and fines REF SJU
S678 Thompson,S Civics courses-11th grade students complete, graduation requirements REF SED
S679 Thompson,S Voter registration, automatic-process at agency/office providing hunting license REF SSG
S680 Thompson,S/Greenstein,L School districts-provide lunch period not less than 20 seated minutes REF SED
S681 Thompson,S/Cruz-Perez,N+1 School districts located in historic communities-provide emergency St school aid REF SED
S682 Ruiz,M/Turner,S Landlord code violations enforce as tax liens-municipalities adopt ordinance REF SCU
S683 Ruiz,M Multiple dwelling owners w/at least 9 units-provide maintenance svc 24 hrs a day REF SCU
S684 Ruiz,M Educational institutions, post-secondary-concerns for-profit REF SHI
S685 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+1 Police and firefighters-establish a 5 year residency requirement REF SCU
S686 Ruiz,M Mental Illness Diversion Program-divert elig. person to mental health services REF SJU
S687 Ruiz,M/Beach,J+2 Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents REF SED
S688 Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+1 Pre-apprenticeship programs-enhances and allocates funds REF SLA
S689 Ruiz,M/Singleton,T NJ PLACE program-concerns & allocates $300K REF SLA
S690 Ruiz,M/Vitale,J Postpartum home visit, cost-free-provides NJ residents have access to 1 REF SHH
S691 Ruiz,M Diaper changing station-requires installation in certain public restrooms;$500K REF SCU
S692 Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+2 Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost REF SED
S693 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Educational Opportunity Fund-Higher Education Secretary create/maintain database REF SHI
S694 Ruiz,M/Weinberg,L Law Against Discrim-reaffirms & clarify; AG may initiate Superior court actions REF SJU
S695 Ruiz,M/Cryan,J+1 Legionnaires's disease-DEP, DOH, DCA & public water systems prevent/control REF SHH
S696 Ruiz,M Children, separated from parents, immigration matters-appoint standby guardians REF SHH
S697 Ruiz,M Lead paint-concerns public nuisance suits; exempts AG from certain aspects REF SEN
S698 Ruiz,M/Scutari,N+2 Campaign contrib-allow use for child care expense related to campaign activities REF SSG
S699 Ruiz,M/Singleton,T DOE arbitrators-training include issues related to cultural diversity and bias REF SED
S700 Ruiz,M Sexual assault training for law enforcement-expand scope REF SLP
S701 Ruiz,M Strangling victim, domestic violence-concerns pretrial detention REF SLP
S702 Ruiz,M Lead service lines and lead water supply plumbing-landlord disclose existence REF SCU
S703 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Health care professionals-undergo implicit bias training REF SHH
S704 Ruiz,M School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears REF SED
S705 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Postpartum depression screening-DOH develop and implement plan, improve access REF SHH
S706 Addiego,D Amber Alert false report-establishing crime of initiating REF SLP
S707 Addiego,D False report to law enforcement authorities-provides enhanced penalties REF SJU
S708 Addiego,D Solar photovoltaic sys.-priority status, customer-generator who are pub entities REF SEN
S709 Addiego,D Realty transfer fee-exempts surviving spouses, civil union partners & disab vets REF SMV
S710 Addiego,D/Cruz-Perez,N+3 Safety in School Transportation Task Force-establishes REF SED
S711 Addiego,D School Transportation Safety Commission-establishes REF SED
S712 Addiego,D Public utility-priority service required to pub/priv sch. & pub safety agencies REF SEG
S713 Addiego,D/Diegnan,P+2 Eileen's Law-fail to maintain a lane constitutes reckelssness under veh homicide REF SLP
S714 Addiego,D/Oroho,S Agriculture products, county-authorizes counties to issue promotional labeling REF SEG
S715 Addiego,D/Singleton,T Good Samaritan Law-prov immunity, who assists animals at accident scene or emerg REF SLP
S716 Addiego,D/Sweeney,S+1 Marine Academy of Sci. & Technology-sch. dist of resid prov aid in-lieu of trans REF SED
S717 Addiego,D/Singleton,T+1 Veteran, surviving spouse-provides income tax deduction REF SMV
S718 Addiego,D/Singleton,T Employers, employing person less than 18 years old-provide tax credit REF SLA
S719 Addiego,D Farm building-prohibits mun. from imposing stricter local fire safety standards REF SBA
S720 Addiego,D Fire code enforcement activities-requires DCA to establish training course REF SBA
S721 Addiego,D Farm buildings, certain-requires promulgation of separate code criteria REF SBA
S722 Addiego,D Animal death or injury, certain-establishes civil action for damages REF SJU
S723 Bucco,A/Oroho,S Burglary, residence-upgrade to second degree crime; if armed, first degree crime REF SJU
S724 Bucco,A+1 Property tax bills, permits, receipts-auth. municipality to deliver via e-mail REF SCU
S725 Bucco,A Cancer Research from Workforce Development Partnership Fd-prov dedicated funding REF SHH
S726 Bucco,A Lake Hopatcong Commission-changes memb & req DEP develop water level mgmt plan REF SEN
S727 Bucco,A Emergency responder-killing, life imprisonment without parole REF SLP
S728 Bucco,A/Oroho,S Inflation taxable income brackets under NJ gross income tax-indexes REF SBA
S729 Bucco,A Class 3 special law enforcement officer-revises appointment qualifications REF SLP
S730 Bucco,A Property taxes, delinquent-allows income tax refunds be credited against REF SBA
S731 Bucco,A Parental Rights and Property Tax Reduction Act REF SED
S732 Bucco,A/Gopal,V+3 Pharmacists-dispense certain drugs in emergency without prescription REF SHH
S733 Bucco,A State Auditor-authorizes cost-benefit analyses of certain programs & initiatives REF SBA
S734 Bucco,A Marriage Penalty Elimination Act-revises rates for joint and similar filers REF SBA
S735 Bucco,A Home repair and functional improvements-allows income tax deduction REF SCU
S736 Bucco,A Seeing Eye dog-designates as State Dog REF SHH
S737 Bucco,A CDS misuse-create a registry of individuals who req medical assistance as result REF SHH
S738 Bucco,A+1 SNAP participation-certain students exempt from 20 hour weekly work requirement REF SHH
S739 Bucco,A Election ballots-clarify Spanish/English accessibility req applicable printing REF SSG
S740 Bucco,A Police trained in animal cruelty-exempts certain additional training courses REF SEN
S741 Bucco,A/O'Scanlon,D+1 Autistic person-voluntarily make notation on driver's lic, ID card & MV registry REF STR
S742 Bucco,A Responsible School Violence Prevention, Preparation & Protection Pilot Program REF SLP
S743 Bucco,A Motor vehicles-authorizes operators to display electronic registration proof REF STR
S744 Gopal,V Developmental disabled individual-protection thru accountability/transparency REF SHH
S745 Gopal,V/Turner,S+1 Pensions & annuity funds-proh. State from investing in firearm/ammunition manuf. REF SSG
S746 Gopal,V Firearms-prohibits possession by person convicted of animal cruelty REF SLP
S747 Gopal,V Assault firearm-expands definition REF SLP
S748 Gopal,V/Ruiz,M H1 visa held by parent-student qualify for in-State tuition prov criteria is met REF SHI
S749 Gopal,V Ovarian cancer-prov. voluntary contributions by taxpayers on income tax returns REF SHH
S750 Gopal,V+1 Group insurance benefits for their employees-mun. and bds of ed jointly contract REF SCU
S751 Gopal,V/Weinberg,L+1 Black bear-requires annual update of comprehensive policy for managing REF SEN
S752 Gopal,V/Weinberg,L+1 Black bear-moratorium on hunting until new comprehensive policy on management REF SEN
S753 Gopal,V+3 Superstorm Sandy-impacted homeowners, subjected to contractor fraud-reimb. REF SCU
S754 Gopal,V Post-traumatic stress disorder-estab. prog allowing NJ lic driv to self-identify REF STR
S755 Gopal,V Senior freeze reimbursement-converts program into credit program REF SBA
S756 Gopal,V/Pennacchio,J Pensions and retirement income-increase exclusion for certain taxpayers REF SBA
S757 Gopal,V Workers' Comp. Judges from DCRP & Judges part of PERS transfers to JRS REF SSG
S758 Gopal,V Workers' comp judges-enrollment in PERS required; requires JRS rights/benf apply REF SSG
S759 Gopal,V Workers' Compensation Judges-changes eligibility from DCRP to PERS REF SSG
S760 Gopal,V+1 Community Food Bank of NJ-establish criteria for distribution of FY2020 funding REF SBA
S761 Gopal,V Disabled person-DEP required to develop beach accessibility guidelines REF SEN
S762 Gopal,V/Lagana,J Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State REF SEN
S763 Gopal,V Horses, retired-directs sales tax revenue in claiming race to special fund REF SSG
S764 Gopal,V Earned income tax credit program-enhance benefit treating qual relative as child REF SBA
S765 Gopal,V Earned income tax cred prog-increase benefit amount, who cannot claim qual child REF SBA
S766 Gopal,V Chloe's Pet Access Law-permits dogs in outdoor seating areas of restaurants REF SEN
S767 Gopal,V Infrastructure Bank transportation projects-eliminates 5% down payment required REF STR
S768 Scutari,N/Cardinale,G+2 Motor vehicle accident reports-restricts access under certain circumstances REF SJU
S769 Scutari,N/Cardinale,G DOBI employee-provides 2 year post-employment restriction REF SCM
S770 Scutari,N Internet ticket sales-prohibits certain violations of terms of service REF SCM
S771 Scutari,N Worker's compensation coverage-expands to parking areas provided by employer REF SLA
S772 Scutari,N False Claims Act-makes provisions retroactive under certain circumstances REF SJU
S773 Scutari,N Vendor/contractor, contract viol.-St contracts include provisions imposing penal REF SSG
S774 Scutari,N+1 Attorneys, private practice-requires legal malpractice liability insurance REF SJU
S775 Scutari,N Rental unit owners and business owners-maintain liability insurance policy REF SCM
S776 Scutari,N+1 Alarm systems-regulates installation, maintenance and repair of low-voltage REF SCU
S777 Scutari,N Motor vehicle sale, used-notify MVC; limit liability of cert. sellers after sale REF STR
S778 Scutari,N/Sacco,N NJT trains-requires door to operator's cabin be locked REF STR
S779 Scutari,N/Cardinale,G Legislator, official capacity-permits travel to and paid for by foreign country REF SSG
S780 Scutari,N/Gill,N Wrongful death act-expands to allow recovery for mental anguish & emotional pain REF SJU
S781 Scutari,N/Pou,N Motor vehicle insurance policy-include underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage REF SCM
S782 Scutari,N No-fault automobile insurance law-repeals; require mandatory liability insur law REF SCM
S783 Scutari,N/Pou,N Limitation on lawsuit option-does not apply in drunk/reckless drivers accidents REF SCM
S784 Scutari,N/Cryan,J Health care services, accessing-deletes prior authorization requirements REF SHH
S785 Scutari,N/Beach,J STEM Scholars Grant Pilot Program-establish in DOE REF SED
S786 Scutari,N Medical tests & procedures-prohibits pre-approval or precertifications REF SCM
S787 Scutari,N/Cryan,J+1 Rocky's Law-registry of animal rescue org; notify of animals behavioral/med hist REF SEN
S788 Scutari,N Motor vehicle & automobile insurance coverages-increase certain minimum limits REF SCM
S789 Scutari,N Personal injury protections-elim options; requires $250K of medical expense benf REF SCM
S790 Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M Higher ed. instit president-report on-campus crim/fire events to governing board REF SHI
S791 Cunningham,S/Pou,N+1 Students, undergrad-file degree plan; higher ed instit devel pathway sys to grad REF SHI
S792 Cunningham,S/Sweeney,S+5 Tuition assistance programs and student loan debt-graduation requirements REF SED
S793 Cunningham,S Workforce & Economic Development-funds for NJ Community College Consortium REF SLA
S794 Cunningham,S/Cryan,J Baccalaureate degree prog.-co. college offer in critical-need applied sci fields REF SHI
S795 Cunningham,S/Kean,T State college contracts-revises standards to mirror public research universities REF SHI
S796 Cunningham,S/Kean,T Income tax exemption, higher ed expenses-increase age of dependent REF SHI
S797 Cunningham,S Temporary businesses-prohibits municipal licensure of children operating REF SCU
S798 Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M Women-requires certain corporations appoint to board of directors REF SCM
S799 Cunningham,S+1 Higher ed instit-temp suspend tuition pymt student impacted by fed govt shutdown REF SHI
S800 Cunningham,S Expungement application-bars the denial of expungement in certain instances REF SJU
S801 Cunningham,S Educational institutions employees-eligible for unemployment benefits REF SLA
S802 Cunningham,S Detective Melvin Vincent Santiago's Law-disarming an armed security officer REF SJU
S803 Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M Servicemembers-clarify prohibition on discrimination REF SLA
S804 Cunningham,S Academic degree-granting inst.-proh. entering into revenue sharing arrangements REF SHI
S805 Cunningham,S Drug offenders, convicted-revises eligibility to receive assistance benefits REF SHH
S806 Cunningham,S+2 Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment REF SHI
S807 Cunningham,S Dependent care expenses-higher ed instit distribute info, allowance availability REF SHI
S808 Cunningham,S Outstanding Scholars Recruitment Program-establishes REF SHI
S809 Testa,M Corrections officers-investigate immigration status of inmates REF SJU
S810 Testa,M Illegal immigrants-prohibits release from correctional facilities REF SLP
S811 Testa,M Seasonal employees-concerns eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits REF SLA
S812 Testa,M State Debt Capacity Advisory Commission-establish REF SBA
S813 Testa,M Firearms purch. ID card, non-resid.-law enforcement notify fed. immigration auth REF SLP
S814 Testa,M School Funding Commission-study school funding formula & prepare report REF SED
S815 Lagana,J Strategic Lawsuit Against Pub Participation-auth application for dismissal REF SJU
S816 Lagana,J Firearm possession-prohibits by persons convicted of certain offenses REF SLP
S817 Lagana,J/Scutari,N Worker's compensation medical charges-prohibits reporting to reporting agencies REF SHH
S818 Lagana,J County ordinances-permits transmittal of certain proposed by electronic mail REF SCU
S819 Lagana,J/Greenstein,L+2 Firearm, loaded-prohibits leaving w/in easy access to minor under age 18 REF SLP
S820 Lagana,J/Gopal,V Out-of-network Consumer Prot., Transparency, Cost Containment & Acct Act-revises REF SCM
S821 Lagana,J/Gopal,V+3 Breast cancer patients-hospital provide info concerning reconstructive surgery REF SHH
S822 Lagana,J/Gopal,V Education loan payments-income tax deduction made by certain taxpayers REF SBA
S823 Lagana,J/Gopal,V+2 Retirement plans, qualified-income tax exemption for contributions REF SBA
S824 Lagana,J/Gopal,V+1 First time home buyers & seniors-provides temporary income tax credit REF SBA
S825 Lagana,J/Scutari,N Health club svcs contracts-proh limiting liability, injury caused by negligence REF SCM
S826 Lagana,J+2 Most responsible bidder-req. local contracting unit award local public contract REF SCU
S827 Lagana,J/Ruiz,M+1 Drinking water test every 3 years-req resid owners, schools & child care centers REF SEN
S828 Lagana,J/Greenstein,L Public utilities infrastructure projects-provide notice prior to initiating REF SEG
S829 Lagana,J/Singleton,T+2 Lead plumbing-requires property condition disclosure statement indicate presence REF SCU
S830 Lagana,J/Greenstein,L Drinking water tests-public water systems required to offer tests to customers REF SEN
S831 Lagana,J+2 Water, public system-prov customers & loc officials w/elevated lead level notice REF SEN
S832 Lagana,J/Ruiz,M Drinking water-landlord provide notice to tenants concerning lead REF SEN
S833 Lagana,J/Singleton,T+1 Lead service lines, replacement-allow municipalities to establish loan programs REF SEN
S834 Lagana,J/Gopal,V Health care service firm-provides income tax credit certain taxpayers REF SBA
S835 Lagana,J/Ruiz,M Earned income tax credit program-expands eligibility, taxpayers age 18 qualify REF SBA
S836 Lagana,J/Ruiz,M Earned income tax credit program-increases benefit amount from 40% to 50% REF SBA
S837 Lagana,J Children 16 or younger-health insurance companies to cover lead screenings REF SHH
S838 Pou,N Vital records, public employees handling-req. criminal history background check REF SHH
S839 Pou,N Prescription blank forms-prescriber or health care facility number consecutively REF SHH
S840 Pou,N/Gopal,V Pharmacies-regulates audits REF SCM
S841 Pou,N Homestead credit-payment req. to claimant following sale of qualifying homestead REF SCU
S842 Pou,N/Singleton,T NJBEST prog-income tax deduction for contrib; distrib to qual St tuition program REF SHI
S843 Pou,N/Ruiz,M Immigrants obtaining professional & occupational licenses-permits undocumented REF SCM
S844 Pou,N Charitable organizations-revises financial reporting requirements REF SCM
S845 Pou,N National Practitioner Data Bank-req. health care prof. licensing boards utilize REF SCM
S846 Pou,N License Verification System-verify health care professional's license REF SCM
S847 Pou,N Consumer reports-req. reporting agencies report number of free reports annually REF SCM
S848 Pou,N/Gopal,V Health care service firms-revise requirements for financial information reports REF SCM
S849 Pou,N/Corrado,K Blue envelope-issue, hold documents requiring a person w/autism to operate a veh REF STR
S850 Pou,N Tax preparation software-prohibits charging fees for filing State tax returns REF SCM
S851 Pou,N/Oroho,S Federal home loan banks-revises effects of delinquency & insolvency proceedings REF SCM
S853 Sweeney,S Buy American Act-highway & bridge construction contract made w/US steel products REF SSG
S854 Turner,S Laura Wooten's Law-requires civics instruction in middle school REF SED
S855 Sweeney,S/Pennacchio,J+1 Board of chosen freeholders-change title to board of county commissioners REF SCU
S856 Sweeney,S/Oroho,S County college employees/retirees-transfers membership in SEHBP to SHBP REF SBA
S857 Sweeney,S/Singleton,T+1 State administered pension and annuity funds-subjects to certain requirements REF SBA
S858 Sweeney,S Liquid nitrogen-prohibits sale of certain food & beverage products prepared with REF SHH
S859 Sweeney,S/Corrado,K School construction responsibilities-eliminate NJ Sch Devel Auth transfer to EDA REF SED
S860 Sweeney,S+1 Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act-provides uniform regulation REF SEG
S861 Sweeney,S/Oroho,S Cash balance plans-estab in PERS & TPAF, public employees w/less than 5 yrs svc REF SSG
S862 Sweeney,S/Oroho,S SEHBP, SHBP Plan Design Committee-eliminates; transfer coverage to SHBP REF SSG
S863 Sweeney,S Wages and hour and unemployment status-concerns employment status of individuals REF SLA
S864 Smith,B/Greenstein,L Plastic carryout bags, polystyrene & single-use straws-prohibits use REF SEN
S865 Smith,B/Bateman,C+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste REF SEN
S866 Pou,N Income access services-creates certain requirements REF SCM
S867 Pou,N Physical therapy-permits dry needling under certain circumstances REF SCM
S902 Sweeney,S Student, mandatory immunizations-clarifies exemptions for care center/attendance REF SHH
S903 Weinberg,L Student, mandatory immunizations-clarifies statutory exemptions REF SHH
SCR11 Cardinale,G School property taxes-grant certain senior citizens exemption from payment REF SCU
SCR12 Cardinale,G/Singer,R Affordable housing construction-prohibit exclusionary zoning; clarify obligation REF SCU
SCR13 Pennacchio,J Slot machine gambling at horse racetracks-establish; dedicates revenues REF SSG
SCR14 Pennacchio,J/Doherty,M+5 Article V Convention-limit certain powers of federal govt. & terms of office REF SSG
SCR15 Rice,R/Brown,C Joint Committee on Economic Justice & Equal Employment Opportunity-reconstitutes REF SLA
SCR16 Rice,R/Turner,S+2 Lead hazard remediation-dedicate revenue collected from sales tax on paint REF SCU
SCR17 Smith,B Water consumption/diversion user fees-dedicate revenue to water quality REF SEN
SCR18 Smith,B/Bateman,C Fossil fuel power plants-amends Constitution to prohibit construction REF SEN
SCR19 Oroho,S+1 St. budget-limit use of nonrecurring revenue except in crisis; limits growth REF SBA
SCR20 Oroho,S+3 Minor children medical procedures-regarding parental notification; pregnancy REF SHH
SCR21 Oroho,S+8 Free public school system-describe maintenance & support Legislature provides REF SED
SCR22 Oroho,S+1 State government spending-estab 2 percent cap on annual appropriations increases REF SBA
SCR23 Doherty,M/Pennacchio,J+3 Free public school support-allocate all income tax receipts to school districts REF SED
SCR24 Doherty,M/Pennacchio,J+2 State aid to school districts-allocate on equal per pupil basis REF SED
SCR25 Doherty,M Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2017, H.R.24 and S.16-enact REF SCM
SCR26 Codey,R Organ donation-give registered organ donors priority in organ allocations REF SHH
SCR27 Codey,R/Vitale,J+1 Hagedorn Gero-Psychiatric Hospital-urges Governor to reopen REF SHH
SCR28 O'Scanlon,D Initiative and referendum-propose constitutional amendment to provide Statewide REF SJU
SCR29 O'Scanlon,D/Oroho,S Pension and health benefits of public employees-authorize changes REF SSG
SCR30 Greenstein,L/Bateman,C+9 Natural resources, public-make State trustee; guarantee environmental rights REF SEN
SCR31 Addiego,D+1 Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief-requires programs be fully funded REF SCU
SCR32 Bucco,A+2 Veteran property tax deduction-constitutional amendment to increase to $500 REF SMV
SCR33 Bucco,A/Doherty,M Fire insurance policy-require tax imposed on premiums paid to St Firemen's Assoc REF SLP
SCR34 Testa,M Route 55 extension-urges Congress & Presid. provide federal infrastructure funds REF STR
SCR35 Lagana,J/Vitale,J Preexisting conditions-prohibit denial of coverage by certain health insurers REF SCM
SCR36 Pou,N National Practitioner Data Bank-available to health care prof. boards w/out cost REF SCM
SCR37 Sweeney,S Health care plans-limit actuarial value for State, local govt., school employees REF SSG
SCR38 Sweeney,S Pensions-specify type for new public employees, less than 5 years of service REF SSG
SJR11 Singer,R/Oroho,S+8 Opioid Antidote Administration & Aftercare Commission-study & report procedures REF SHH
SJR12 Singer,R School Psychology Awareness Week-designates second full week in November REF SED
SJR13 Singer,R Deaf Awareness Month/Deaf Awareness Week-desig. Sept. & last full week of Sept. REF SHH
SJR14 Singer,R Autism and Mental Disorders Study Commission-establishes REF SHH
SJR15 Cardinale,G/Kean,T Beirut Barracks Bombing Remembrance Day-designates October 23rd of each year REF SSG
SJR16 Singleton,T/Corrado,K+1 Career and Technical Education Month-designates February in each year REF SED
SJR17 Madden,F Persons w/Disabilities & Senior Citizen Transportation Services Task Force-estab REF STR
SJR18 Madden,F Caregivers Awareness Month-designates November of each year REF SHH
SJR19 Ruiz,M/Pou,N Latino Clergy Day-designates first Saturday of October REF SSG
SJR20 Bucco,A Growing Stage Children's Theatre of NJ-designates as NJ State children's theatre REF SSG
SJR21 Gopal,V/Corrado,K+2 Law Enforcement Officer Appreciation Day-designates January 9 of each year REF SLP
SJR22 Lagana,J/Madden,F+3 Heroes Day-designates September 11 of each year REF SSG
SJR23 Pou,N Day of the Girl-designates October 11 of each year REF SHH
SR11 Singer,R/Vitale,J Cannabidiol consumption-urges President & Congress to estab. a safe daily level REF SHH
SR12 Cardinale,G/Weinberg,L+6 Religious organizations-condemns hatred & bigotry & threats to Jewish centers REF SLP
SR13 Pennacchio,J+9 Joanne Chesimard-urges Cuba to extradite REF SLP
SR14 Pennacchio,J Fusion energy research-urges Congress and President increase funding REF SEN
SR15 Pennacchio,J Natl Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 1986-US Health/Human Svcs fulfill obligations REF SHH
SR16 Rice,R/Gill,N Slavery, indentured servitude-urges to prohibit use for those convicted of crime REF SJU
SR17 Weinberg,L Fossil fuel projects-urges Governor to impose moratorium REF SEN
SR18 Oroho,S/Sarlo,P+1 Senate Task Force on Government Efficiency and Regulatory-creates REF SSG
SR19 O'Scanlon,D/Sweeney,S Emergency veh lights sirens & speeding by law enforcement-AG study best practice REF SLP
SR20 Bucco,A+5 Organ harvesting from political prisoners-denounces People's Republic of China REF SSG
SR21 Testa,M Immigration reform-memorializes President and Congress to pass and enforce REF SLP
A101 DePhillips,C Loan redemption program-provides tax credits to companies contributing REF AHI
A102 DePhillips,C Business Court-creates; concerning disputes involving contracts REF AJU
A103 DePhillips,C State authorities-establish certain ethical standards and financial control req. REF ATR
A104 DePhillips,C Special Medical Malpractice Part in the Superior Court-establishes REF AJU
A105 DePhillips,C/Rooney,K+3 Health savings accounts, individual-extends federal income tax advantages REF AAP
A106 DePhillips,C Service of process-personnel at gated communities/multi-unit complexes allow REF AJU
A107 DePhillips,C/Rooney,K Madison Holleran Proper Reporting Act-in REF AHI
A108 DePhillips,C/Rooney,K+5 Public utility franchise process-revise/ REF ATU
A109 DePhillips,C Business accelerators and incubators and startup businesses-provides assistance REF AST
A110 DePhillips,C Fire companies, volunteer-exempts from paying annual charitable registration fee REF ALP
A111 DePhillips,C/Bramnick,J+1 Health care benefit plans-requires election by certain public employees REF ASL
A112 DePhillips,C/Schepisi,H County office vacancies-concerns timeframe for filling REF ASL
A113 DePhillips,C Business entities employed by Gov or Gov's office-conduct certain investigations REF ASL
A114 DePhillips,C/DeCroce,B Settlements, confidential-bars public entities and employees from entering into REF AJU
A115 DePhillips,C/DiMaio,J+2 Surtax imposed on certain businesses-repeals REF ACE
A116 DePhillips,C/Rooney,K Chemotherapy-test for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency REF AHE
A117 DePhillips,C/Sumter,S Highway guard rail along entirety Rt. 208 thru Franklin Lakes, approp up to $10M REF ATR
A118 DePhillips,C/McKeon,J Investment Council, State-adds member from Judicial Retirement System REF ASL
A119 DePhillips,C/Rooney,K+1 Elections, mail-in ballot-removes 48 hour provision of acceptance REF ASL
A121 Space,P/Wirths,H+1 Highlands preservation area-allows for exclusion of certain properties REF AEN
A122 Space,P/Wirths,H Local health agency, cert employees-repeals law, transfer to superseding agency REF ASL
A123 Space,P/Wirths,H School Funding Reform Act of 2008-eliminates expansion of preschool ed. program REF AED
A124 Space,P/Wirths,H Affordable housing need/fee-proh imposition upon local transfer or business move REF ACD
A125 Space,P/Wirths,H Pension and Health Benefits Review Commission-expands scope of review REF ASL
A126 Space,P/Wirths,H Absentee ballots-provides certain ballots be counted within ten days of election REF ASL
A127 Space,P/Holley,J Realty transfer fee, supplemental-eliminates transfers on commercial real estate REF ACD
A128 Space,P/Giblin,T+1 Street rods and custom motor vehicles-establish motor vehicle registration REF ATR
A129 Space,P/Webber,J Firearm permit application-requires access to law enforcement guidelines REF ALP
A130 Space,P/Wirths,H+1 PERS-requires eligibility checklist and audit for enrollment REF ASL
A131 Space,P/Wirths,H DEP lands for fishing, hunting and trapping purposes-provide for no net loss REF AAN
A132 Space,P/Wirths,H Firewood-obtained from seller's property not considered a lumber yard REF AAN
A133 Space,P/Webber,J+2 Firearm ID cards and handgun purchase permits-auth chiefs to issue REF ALP
A134 Space,P/Wirths,H Voter identity proof-certain documentation required REF ASL
A135 Space,P/Taliaferro,A+1 Bow hunting on federal military installations/William J Hughes Tech Center-auth. REF AAN
A136 Space,P/Wirths,H Freshwater fishing/hunting/trapping-Fish/Game Council sole authority to regulate REF AAN
A137 Space,P/McKeon,J+1 Mun court position-prov. early termination when 2 or more mun. share mun. courts REF AJU
A138 Space,P/Munoz,N+4 Alcoholic Beverage Tax rate-decrease on certain liquors REF AOF
A139 Space,P/Mazzeo,V+1 Local board of health-governing body of mun, population of 30K or less serve REF ASL
A140 Space,P/Wirths,H+1 School district's total general fund revenue-provides 4 year phase-in REF AED
A141 Space,P/Tucker,C+1 Natl Guard cert-retain elig, fire dept max age at closing date of civil svc exam REF AMV
A142 Space,P+1 Armed forces-exclude bonuses for reenlistment or vol extension from gross income REF AMV
A143 Space,P School district's budget proposal-restricts Ed. Commissioner authority to reject REF AED
A144 Space,P/Pinkin,N Judge, municipal court-provides appointment at local or county level REF AJU
A145 Space,P/Wirths,H+1 Firearm or weapon, legally transported-clarify definition, necessary deviation REF AJU
A146 Space,P/DiMaio,J+1 Ammunition possession, cert. types-permits; incr. penalties for unlawful purpose REF AJU
A147 Space,P/Johnson,G+4 Junior Firefighter's Auxiliaries-allows members to perform fire support duties REF ALP
A148 Space,P/Wirths,H Milk dealer license application-Agriculture Department prov electronic submittal REF AAN
A149 Space,P Fire & EMS Crisis Intervention Services-establishes telephone hotline REF ALP
A150 Space,P/Wirths,H+1 Safe Haven for Protection of Domestic Companion Animals Act REF AAN
A151 Space,P/Wirths,H Water quality management structures-exempts from real property taxation REF ATU
A152 Space,P/Wirths,H+12 Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act-establishes REF AWC
A153 Space,P/McKeon,J Soil & fill materials-DEP devel model ordinance for mun regulate deposit/storage REF AEN
A154 Space,P Veteran owned small business-EDA required to administer and provide loans REF ACE
A155 Wirths,H/Space,P Highlands planning area-prohibits State departments from considering compliance REF AEN
A156 Wirths,H/Space,P Highlands Water Protection & Planning Act-sunsets 5 years after enactment date REF AEN
A157 Wirths,H/Space,P+9 MVC-removes authority to increase fees; sets certain fees by statute REF ATR
A158 Wirths,H/Space,P+1 Highlands Property Tax Stabilization Fund-provides direct property tax relief REF AEN
A159 Wirths,H/Space,P Statewide Non-Residential Development Fee Act-repeals REF ASL
A160 Wirths,H/Space,P Voter registration forms-made available when applying for fishing license REF AAN
A161 Wirths,H/Space,P Agreement Among the States, Elect the President by National Popular Vote-repeal REF AOF
A162 Wirths,H/Space,P Property Assessment Appeal Transparency Act-revises content REF ASL
A163 Wirths,H/Space,P Handgun sales-eliminate prohibition against purchasing more than one in a month REF ALP
A164 Wirths,H/Space,P Illegal immigrants-prohibits release from correctional facilities REF ALP
A165 Wirths,H/Space,P+1 Preschool tuition rates-equal actual cost per pupil required REF AED
A166 Wirths,H/Space,P+2 Contractors, cert-verify work authorization of newly hired employees REF ALA
A167 Wirths,H Farm income averaging credit-permits under the NJ gross income tax REF AAN
A168 Wirths,H/Space,P Tuition rates charges by school districts-limits annual increase to 2% REF AED
A169 Wirths,H/Caputo,R+4 Student journalist at public schools-concerns speech rights REF AED
A170 Wirths,H+1 Farming operations-prohibits harassment of farmers engaged REF AAN
A171 Wirths,H+1 Driver's licenses and non-driver ID card applicants-conduct wanted person check REF ATR
A172 Wirths,H/Vainieri Huttle,V+5 Low-income housing-allows long term exemption extension REF ACD
A173 Wirths,H/Murphy,C+3 Regulatory Flexibility Act-expands scope w/econ impact rules on small businesses REF AOF
A174 Wirths,H Public officers and employees w/limited historic exceptions-elim State resid req REF ASL
A175 Wirths,H/Space,P School districts in all counties-requires miminum geographic cost adjustment REF AED
A176 Wirths,H/Mazzeo,V+2 Federal contract barred-prohibits person from contracting for public work REF ASL
A177 Wirths,H+5 Security officer, registered-school district may not proh from carrying firearm REF AED
A178 Wirths,H/Freiman,R Motor Vehicle Insurance Verification Act-online mv insurance verification system REF AFI
A179 Wirths,H Mandated Health Benefits Advisory Commission-study finan impact of mandated benf REF AFI
A180 Wirths,H+6 Small businesses w/income tax or CBT deduction-paid to minimum wage employees REF ALA
A181 Wirths,H/Space,P Wildlife-increases min civil fine for harassing; subsequent offense crim penalty REF AAN
A182 Wirths,H Pub. util. & cable television companies-relocate facilities for trans infra proj REF ATU
A183 Wirths,H/Space,P Emissions-prohibits State's participation in multi-state cap-and-trade prog. REF AEN
A184 Wirths,H/Egan,J+5 Labor Law Enforcement-establishes office REF ALA
A185 Wirths,H/Space,P Small business loan program-incl. broadband telecommunications service providers REF ACE
A186 Wirths,H+1 Broadband telecommunications service providers-use public utility or CATV poles REF ATU
A187 Wirths,H/Space,P Adopt a Stormwater Management Basin Act; provides CBT credit for adoption REF AEN
A188 Wirths,H Broadband telecommunications service-allows local units to offer REF ATU
A189 Carter,L/Timberlake,B Nail products containing dibutyl phthalates or toluene-proh sale & distribution REF ACO
A190 Carter,L/Downey,J Sexual assault, 18 yrs or older-elim. statute of limitations for civil actions REF AJU
A191 Carter,L/Reynolds-Jackson,V Court-imposed financial obligation-increase amount of credit for incarceration REF AJU
A192 Carter,L/Kennedy,J+2 STEM Scholars Grant Pilot Program-establish in DOE REF AST
A193 Carter,L/Calabrese,C+1 Security breach of geolocation data-requires disclosure REF AST
A194 Carter,L/Chiaravalloti,N+1 Rocky's Law-registry of animal rescue org; notify of animals behavioral/med hist REF AAN
A195 Carter,L/Karabinchak,R Artificial intelligence on economic growth-conduct study/issue report on impact REF AST
A196 Carter,L/Kennedy,J+4 Raritan Valley Line-NJT, feasibility study on restoring one-seat ride, Manhattan REF ATR
A197 Carter,L/Mukherji,R Family Care Advantage program-expands availability REF AHU
A198 Carter,L Public Interest Technology Network-estab. a network of academics and researchers REF AST
A199 Carter,L/Moriarty,P Employer tax law-concerns joint liability for payment REF ALA
A200 Tucker,C/Caputo,R+1 Liquor licenses and transfers-applicant required to notify certain residents REF AOF
A201 Tucker,C/Caputo,R+2 Alcoholic beverages w/in 1,000 feet of sch/religious instit-prohibits cert sales REF AOF
A202 Tucker,C/Caputo,R+5 Family day care provider-mandatory registration required REF AWC
A203 Tucker,C/Chaparro,A Child care centers-establishes a 500 foot drug free zone REF AWC
A204 Tucker,C/Caputo,R+2 Arson investigator's powers, municipal-broadens REF ALP
A205 Tucker,C Home-schooled children-inform school district and required to maintain records REF AED
A206 Tucker,C/Conaway,H+11 Veterans' benefits-broadens elig. by eliminating req of serving during cert wars REF AMV
A207 Tucker,C Law enforcement officers, special-permits to carry firearms when in State REF ALP
A208 Tucker,C+4 Vietnam Veterans of America conventions-grants leave of absence REF AMV
A209 Tucker,C/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 Disparity in Treatment of Persons w/Disab in Underrepresented Communities Comm. REF AHU
A210 Tucker,C/Caputo,R Police staffing based on municipal population & violent crime rate-min level req REF AHS
A211 Tucker,C/Giblin,T+4 Selective Service part of driv. license application, males under age 26-register REF AMV
A212 Tucker,C Veterans-establish pilot program to recruit/train for school security positions REF AMV
A213 Tucker,C+2 Sons of The American Legion-adds to list of paid leaves of absence conventions REF AMV
A214 Tucker,C/Caputo,R+11 Personal needs allowance-incr. to at least $50 for low-income person in cert fac REF AHU
A215 Tucker,C/Caputo,R Senior citizen housing-minimum temperature be maintained at 70 degrees REF ASE
A216 Tucker,C/Jasey,M+1 Lead exposure, low level-requires various measures to address effects REF AWC
A217 Tucker,C/Gove,D+1 Public employee, served in military-modifies law regarding leave of absence comp REF AMV
A218 Tucker,C/Taliaferro,A Service or guide dogs-concerns employee training, access to public facilities REF ALP
A219 Tucker,C/Caputo,R+4 Domestic violence victim-creates self-defense justification REF AWC
A220 Tucker,C/Chiaravalloti,N Constables-training required REF AHS
A221 Tucker,C/Caputo,R+8 Class Two special law enforcement officers-establishes certain benefits REF ALP
A222 Tucker,C/Holley,J+5 Military veterans or homeless-hospitals and shelters prov info on svcs/resources REF AHU
A223 Tucker,C/Timberlake,B+1 Mortgage foreclosures, resid-prov forbearance; place additional req on attorneys REF AHO
A224 DeAngelo,W/Chaparro,A Natl. Guard, active duty-allows corp. bus. tax credit paying salary differential REF AMV
A225 DeAngelo,W/Quijano,A+1 Env. responsible bus. equip-prov. tax credit under corp. bus. tax for cert costs REF ACE
A226 DeAngelo,W+3 High academic district performance-establish reward program REF AED
A227 DeAngelo,W/Benson,D+1 Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief Fund-increase State approp. by $387M REF ASL
A228 DeAngelo,W/Kean,S+1 School security expenditures-excludes cert increase from tax levy and approp cap REF AED
A229 DeAngelo,W/Wimberly,B+1 Telecommunications company-prov prorated refunds, svc outages longer than 24 hrs REF ATU
A230 DeAngelo,W/Benson,D Better Education Savings Trust Program-allows income tax deduction for contrib. REF AHI
A231 DeAngelo,W/Wimberly,B Water & sewer svcs.-estab uniform rates based exclusively on metered consumption REF ATU
A232 DeAngelo,W/Quijano,A Broadband infrastructure-provides CBT credit for certain investments REF ATU
A233 DeAngelo,W/Karabinchak,R Electric veh charging stations-prov corp bus tax credit, installation/purchase REF ACE
A234 DeAngelo,W+1 Telephone resid. svc.-req. telephone util. temp. suspend svc at customer request REF ATU
A235 DeAngelo,W/Taliaferro,A County college-establish income tax credit for attendance REF AHI
A236 DeAngelo,W/Pinkin,N State police veh.-offer surplus to cert. vol. fire and emerg. svc. Organizations REF AHS
A237 DeAngelo,W/Downey,J Elections, general, primary & sch.-prov. sample ballots sent by electronic mail REF ASL
A238 DeAngelo,W Deferred comp. plans-Division of Taxation produce instructional materials REF ABU
A239 DeAngelo,W+1 NJT fare increase-required Rate Counsel Div. evaluate whether fair and necessary REF ATR
A240 DeAngelo,W/Holley,J+1 9-1-1 public safety answering points and pub. safety dispatch points-estab. req. REF AHS
A241 DeAngelo,W/Chiaravalloti,N+3 Sex offenders-bars jobs which primarily consist of contact with children REF AJU
A242 DeAngelo,W/Downey,J Legal signature-clarifies person w/disab sign w/finger or other identifying mark REF AHU
A243 DeAngelo,W/Danielsen,J Higher ed. tuition bills-include student detailed fees & fee info on website REF AHI
A244 DeAngelo,W Manufacturing machine/metal trade apprenticeships tax credit program-establish REF ACE
A245 DeAngelo,W/Pintor Marin,E PFRS memb in federal/State military service-provide disability or death benefits REF AMV
A246 DeAngelo,W/Pintor Marin,E+1 Student dormitories-authorizes county colleges to establish and operate REF AHI
A247 DeAngelo,W Alcoholic beverage temporary permits-increases number REF AOF
A248 DeAngelo,W/Benson,D+3 Information literacy instruction-req. in curriculum of students grades K to 12 REF AED
A249 DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E Construction contracts-prompt payment required REF ALA
A250 DeAngelo,W/Quijano,A+5 Light frame residential construction-establish fire safety and protocols REF AHO
A251 DeAngelo,W Candidates' legal defense fund-limits contributions; requires reports to ELEC REF ASL
A252 DeAngelo,W+1 State facilities routine maintenance-permits temporary employment on temp. basis REF ASL
A253 DeAngelo,W Outsource jobs overseas-prohibits businesses from receiving contracts or grants REF ASL
A254 DeAngelo,W School used as polling place and open to students-written security plan required REF ASL
A255 DeAngelo,W Veteran 100% disabled-total prop tax exemption retroactive to date of disability REF ASL
A256 DeAngelo,W Open public records law-exempt certain personal info.; bars attorney's fee award REF ASL
A257 DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E+7 Energy assistance prog-requires DCA to provide certain information on low-income REF ATU
A258 DeAngelo,W/Thomson,E+1 State buildings-all new, required to have solar or geothermal energy systems REF ATU
A259 DeAngelo,W Military service members-provides civil service preference for expedition medal REF AMV
A260 DeAngelo,W/Wirths,H+3 Vegetation Management Response Act-vegetation mgmt., electric public util. infra REF ATU
A261 DeAngelo,W Child luring-requires mandatory imprisonment; Megan's Law provide annually REF ALP
A262 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Steven Schmincke's Law-facilitates sober living home construction financing REF AHE
A263 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V CDS, Schedule II-present ID required REF AHE
A264 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Opiates and other CDS-patients indicate they should not be prescribed REF AHE
A265 Armato,J/Benson,D Veterans, disabled-provides credits under CBT and income tax for qualified wages REF AMV
A266 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+2 National Guard memb active duty status-elim vet income tax deduction requirement REF AMV
A267 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+2 National Guard svc and NGB 22 form-eligible for certain veterans benefits REF AMV
A268 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+2 Sexual assault-bars fund use & nondisclosure agreements settle St officer claims REF ASL
A269 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Military service member serve, Humanitarian Operations-civil service preference REF AMV
A270 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jets-air quality studies, support campaign;$50K REF AMV
A271 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Special probation recovery court program-designates in statutes REF AJU
A272 Armato,J+1 Voter Regis System-election board use voter's certificate mail-in, create record REF ASL
A273 Armato,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Sexual harrassment-concerns REF AWC
A274 Armato,J+2 Veterans, qualified-estab. prog. to prov travel assistance to medical counseling REF AMV
A275 Armato,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Drug-dependent person, admitted into court-ordered treatment prog-reduce fines REF AJU
A276 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 Drug rehabilitation facility lic.-proh. pharmaceutical manufacturer from owning REF AHU
A277 Armato,J/Karabinchak,R Pharmaceutical manufacture-disclose financial & investment interest and benefits REF AHE
A278 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+2 Veterans serving in fed. mil campaign who received a medal-extends cert benefits REF AMV
A279 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V AC International Airport-require preserv of employee benefits/contractual rights REF ATR
A280 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 School student-excused absence, participation in military funeral playing "Taps" REF AED
A281 Armato,J/DeAngelo,W+4 Veteran, indigent & veteran status-defines for interment purposes REF ASL
A282 Mazzeo,V School district consolidation plan-submit to Commissioner of Education w/in 1 yr REF AED
A283 Mazzeo,V AC Growth Tax Credit Prog-grant tax credits, promote develop, non-rental housing REF ACD
A284 Mazzeo,V Running bamboo-establish requirements for sale and planting REF AAN
A285 Mazzeo,V/Dancer,R Casinos/racetrack-remove 7 day limit for continued operation, state of emergency REF ATG
A286 Mazzeo,V/Caputo,R Lottery drawings-limits 2 per day per game REF ATG
A287 Mazzeo,V/Johnson,G Clamming-expands authorization on Sundays REF AEN
A288 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Electronic pain monitoring system-used in assoc. w/Prescription Monitoring Prog. REF AHE
A289 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Tipped Wage Worker Protection Act REF ALA
A290 Mazzeo,V/Caputo,R Lottery-State Lottery Commission notify Legislature of new game REF ATG
A291 Mazzeo,V/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Elections Security Act-establishes REF ASL
A292 Mazzeo,V+3 Agritourism activity-provide limited civil liability immunity to farmer hosting REF AAN
A293 Mazzeo,V Performance guarantees-release if governing body/engineer fail to meet deadline REF ASL
A294 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+4 Local Public Contracts Law-requires release of bid list prior to bid date REF ASL
A295 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+3 Respiratory disease, casino emp working in smoking area-concerns workers' comp. REF ALA
A296 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Water supply & wastewater treatment svc. contract-deletes pub. bidding exception REF ASL
A297 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Wind energy facilities-expands eligibility for tax credits for development REF ACE
A298 Mazzeo,V/Houghtaling,E+1 Farms, commercial-allows holding 14 special occasion events per year REF AAN
A299 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Alcoholic beverages-allows consumption outdoors in AC Tourism District REF AOF
A300 Mazzeo,V/Houghtaling,E Small business & farm employer-CBT & income tax cred, mandatory employer contrib REF AST
A301 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Attorneys, assault-upgrades to aggravated assault REF ALP
A302 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+6 Veteran Memorial Homes-ancillary transportation to residents;$750K REF AMV
A303 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J National Aviation Research and Technology Park; $450K REF AST
A304 Danielsen,J/Holley,J+5 Historical sites-establishes offense of criminal mischief REF ALP
A305 Danielsen,J False incrimination and making fictitious reports-enhance penalties REF ALP
A306 Danielsen,J/Mazzeo,V+5 First responders-forcibly enter prop., provide emergency asst., civil immunity REF AJU
A307 Danielsen,J/Johnson,G Kevin Apuzzio's Law-desig; mun prov incr survivor pensions for vol emerg workers REF ASL
A308 Danielsen,J/Jasey,M School Counts County College Scholarship Program-establish REF AHI
A309 Danielsen,J/Jasey,M Statewide longitudinal data system-maintains data from preschool into workforce REF AHI
A310 Danielsen,J/Jasey,M Performance-based funding plans-directs Secretary of Higher Ed to establish REF AHI
A311 Danielsen,J Firefighters, experienced-exempts from certain requirements REF AHS
A312 Danielsen,J/Mukherji,R+4 Public utility termination-provide customer certified letter 10 days prior REF ATU
A313 Danielsen,J School facility, new-adjust school district tax levy cap, associated expenditure REF AED
A314 Danielsen,J/Holley,J Payroll check cashing practices-financial institutions required with proper ID REF AFI
A315 Danielsen,J NJ State Song; designates State Song REF ASL
A316 Danielsen,J Smoking-prohibits w/in 20 feet of areas outside of indoor public or work places REF AHE
A317 Danielsen,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Veterinary facilities-requires annual inspections REF AAN
A318 Danielsen,J/Lampitt,P Charter school payment-authorize estab. reserve accounts in school districts REF AED
A319 Danielsen,J Veterinary fac-obtain a signed consent form for unsupervised overnight stays REF AAN
A320 Danielsen,J/McKeon,J Digital payment platform-requires State to review and approve REF AST
A321 Danielsen,J Child enroll or withdraw from school district-establish certain procedural req. REF AED
A322 Danielsen,J/Lopez,Y Laborers, temporary-provides certain protections REF ALA
A323 Danielsen,J JRS member-permits to defer retirement to serve as county prosecutor REF AJU
A324 Danielsen,J Charter school prog.-modify various aspects including student admission approval REF AED
A325 Danielsen,J Student Discipline Ombudsman-estab., serve w/in Secretary of Higher Ed. Office REF AHI
A326 Peters,R+4 Veterans & military personnel-prov free admission to St parks, forests & beaches REF AMV
A327 Peters,R Employment w/public official-crime of fourth degree w/intent to deceive/injure REF AJU
A328 Peters,R Closed captioning, on televisions in State buildings-display REF ASL
A329 Peters,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Child care services for children younger than school age-permits school prop use REF AWC
A330 Peters,R+2 Driv. lic. suspended, mental or physical condition-proh charging restoration fee REF ATR
A331 Peters,R Set-Aside Act for Disabled Veterans' Businesses-removed principal place bus. req REF AMV
A332 Peters,R Elective pub. office-vacant when office holder changes pol party while in office REF ASL
A333 Peters,R Bd of Ed of limited purpose regional sch dist memb vacancy-fill by majority vote REF AED
A334 Peters,R Hunters-authorizes to ride in bed of pickup trucks under certain circumstances REF AAN
A335 Peters,R+1 Economic Development Auditor-establishes position in EDA REF ACE
A336 Peters,R+1 Economic Development Inspector General-establishes office in EDA REF ACE
A337 Peters,R+1 Governmental affairs agent-redefines REF ASL
A338 Peters,R+1 Local Govt. Process Activities Disclosure Act; expands lobbying disclosure req. REF ASL
A339 Kean,S+2 Seasonal workers-concerns eligibility for unemploymnet benefits REF ALA
A340 Kean,S Incapacitated patient-health care representatives to make health care decisions REF AHE
A341 Kean,S Artificial reef plan-DEP establish for commercial and recreational fishing REF AAN
A342 Kean,S Seasonal employees-concerns eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits REF ALA
A343 Kean,S Artificial reefs-establishes restrictions for fish gear and conch fishing REF AAN
A344 Kean,S County property-exempts sales from certain requirements REF ASL
A345 Kean,S/Thomson,E Black Creek and Wreck Pond dredging;$10M REF AEN
A346 Kean,S Electric public utilities-implement flood mitigation plans REF ATU
A347 Kean,S Firearm ID cards-disqualifies person on federal Watchlist from obtaining REF AHS
A348 Kean,S/Thomson,E Theft $500K or more-upgrades crime to first degree REF ALP
A349 Kean,S/Benson,D Autism diagnosis/treatment, developmental disabilities-health benefits cover REF AFI
A350 Kean,S Homeowners' associations-prohibits conflict of interest REF AHO
A351 Kean,S Arbitrator, subsequently serves as mediator-concerns resuming role REF AJU
A352 Kean,S Drew's Law-establishes a 15 mph speed limit near cert. public parks REF ATR
A353 Kean,S/Thomson,E Urban enterprise zones-changes State assistance over 7 yrs. REF ACE
A354 Kean,S Alimony-modifies award based on cohabitation of supported spouse REF AJU
A355 Kean,S/McKnight,A+47 PERS accidental disability benefit-permits application, injury after Jan. 2003 REF ALA
A356 Kean,S/Bramnick,J+2 Opportunity Scholarship Act-tax credit for contributing to scholarships REF AED
A357 Kean,S/Thomson,E Beach access fees-municipalities use proceeds to improve and maintain facilities REF ATG
A358 Kean,S/Schepisi,H Judges and justices-exempt from jury duty REF AJU
A359 Kean,S/Thomson,E+1 Regional contribution agreements-reauthorizes use REF ACD
A360 Kean,S/Thomson,E Drinking water infrastructure project in Howell Township;$2.125M REF AEN
A361 Kean,S/Egan,J+2 P.I.C.K. Awareness Act-authorize special license plate to support recovery REF ATR
A362 Kean,S/Munoz,N+4 Water safety-prov instruction as Student Learning, Comprehensive Health & Phy Ed REF AED
A363 Kean,S+1 Sexual assault of child under age 13-bars custody and visitation rights REF AJU
A364 Kean,S Uninsured driver-allows law enforcement officer to immediately impound vehicle REF ALP
A365 Kean,S/DiMaso,S Wheelchair only parking spaces-concerns additional spaces in parking facilities REF ATR
A366 Kean,S Real Property Assessment Demonstration Program-terminate participation REF ASL
A367 Kean,S/Thomson,E Affordable housing application-adopt regulations, req. mun. to prioritize resid. REF AHO
A368 Kean,S Property, certain-establish time periods for adverse possession REF AJU
A369 Kean,S/Thomson,E Litter Law Enforcement Week-designate Earth Day week each year REF AEN
A370 Kean,S/Thomson,E Tax levy growth limitation adjustment-school dist. experiencing St aid reduction REF AED
A371 Kean,S Cardiologists-full legal & med responsibility for treatment w/in ambulatory care REF AHE
A372 Kean,S Alcoholic beverage servers, licensed-established affirmative liability defense REF ALP
A373 Kean,S Fed svc, CIA-purch PERS credit, qual for emp-prov health care benf in retirement REF ASL
A374 Kean,S/Thomson,E Tourism Research Office-estab.; req specific measures for tourism, advertising REF ATG
A375 DePhillips,C Opioid antidote, administered-require involuntary commitment REF AHU
A376 DePhillips,C Mental health screening, annual-require health insurance coverage REF AFI
A377 Danielsen,J Cannabis-related businesses-creates certain protections for insurers REF AFI
A378 Danielsen,J Motor vehicle compliance program-establish; police utilize license plate readers REF ALP
A379 Thomson,E Volunteer sports personnel-criminal history and background checks required REF ALP
A380 Thomson,E+1 Volunteer emergency service org.-exempts from charitable contrib filing fees REF ALP
A381 Thomson,E Law enforcement officer impersonation-crime and guilty of third degree crime REF ALP
A382 Thomson,E+1 Street gangs, criminal-criminalizes participation REF ALP
A383 Thomson,E Contractors Registration Act-revises to include water remediation services REF ARP
A384 Thomson,E Contractors Registration Act-makes revisions REF ARP
A385 Thomson,E Sex offenders-AG defend challenges, cert mun ordinances that estab residency req REF AJU
A386 Thomson,E Sexual offenses, certain-eliminates statute of limitations in civil cases REF AJU
A387 Thomson,E Planning and zoning board members-satisfy training requirements on the Internet REF ASL
A388 Thomson,E Traffic control-permits municipalities to charge a fee to cover ancillary costs REF ASL
A389 Thomson,E State vehicles-regulates assignment and use REF ASL
A390 Thomson,E+3 Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program-school districts that incl. grades K through 6 offer REF AED
A391 Thomson,E Ethanol Study Commission, consisting of 5 members-establish REF AEN
A392 Thomson,E+5 Small employer health benefit purchasing alliance-allow sole proprietors to join REF AFI
A393 Thomson,E/Kean,S Keys, work in multiple locks-penalties for manfacture, purchase or possess REF ALP
A394 Thomson,E/Kean,S NJ STARS-public & nonpublic school provide students with more info; improve elig REF AED
A395 Thomson,E/Bramnick,J Law enforcement officers, released by govt entities-protect home addresses REF ALP
A396 Thomson,E/Kean,S+1 Servicemembers, died in service-extend civil service/tuition benf to family memb REF AMV
A397 Thomson,E+2 Municipal long term tax exemption-limits w/school districts receiving St sch aid REF ASL
A398 Thomson,E+2 State school aid calculation-incl. value of tax exempt prop. from tax valuation REF AED
A399 Thomson,E+2 Tax exemption information, long term-DCA required to post on website REF ASL
A400 Thomson,E/Kean,S+1 Children's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System-establishes REF AHE
A401 Thomson,E/Kean,S Infant fatalities, resulting from vaccinations-provides ID and study REF AHE
A402 Thomson,E PFRS-attain and maintain target funded ratio prior to enhancement of memb. benf. REF ASL
A403 Thomson,E Home improvement contractors-establish public information campaign REF ACO
A404 Thomson,E Subcommittee on Affordable Housing Need w/in Jt Committee, Housing Affordability REF AHO
A405 Thomson,E/Kean,S Solid waste mgmt. plan-prov mun review & submission of report opposing amendment REF AEN
A406 Thomson,E/Kean,S Fire alarm activation prior to evacuation of bldg.-school dist devel invest plan REF AED
A407 Thomson,E/Kean,S Leaving scene of accident resulting in serious bodily injury-mand. imprisonment REF ALP
A408 Thomson,E/Kean,S+3 Census-based funding-eliminates use, special education aid in school funding law REF AED
A409 Thomson,E Contracts, State-provides preference for in-State businesses REF ASL
A410 Thomson,E School contracted service providers, sch. bldg access-criminal hist record check REF AED
A411 Thomson,E/Mazzeo,V+1 Beach fees-municipalities charge reduced or no fee, children ages 12 to 17 REF ATG
A412 Thomson,E/Dancer,R Pub. sch teachers w/autistic students- Registered Behavior Technician credential REF AED
A413 McGuckin,G+4 Public utility-proh. filing rate increase petition under certain circumstances REF ATU
A414 McGuckin,G Motor fuel storage, distrib & dispensing-ensure operation during disasters/emerg REF AHS
A415 McGuckin,G Beach replenishment/dune construction-concerns valuation of property condemned REF AEN
A416 McGuckin,G Hurricane Sandy recovery-excludes pub works contracts from prevailing wage req REF ALA
A417 McGuckin,G/Webber,J Fishing-clarifies license not required at a private community lake REF AAN
A418 McGuckin,G Lawn removal near Barnegat Bay-provided State income tax credit REF AEN
A419 McGuckin,G FY2016 St suppl approp-reduce and transfer approp from preschool ed aid to TPAF REF AED
A420 McGuckin,G/Mazzeo,V+2 Fentanyl unlawful manufacturing, distributing or dispensing-increase penalty REF AJU
A421 McGuckin,G Realty transfer fee-terminate fee, 1% assessment on purch of property over $100K REF ACD
A422 McGuckin,G Paid sick leave-proh. local governments from requiring private employers to prov REF ALA
A423 McGuckin,G+2 Minimum wage & mandatory paid sick leave-proh. local units of govt from adopting REF ALA
A424 McGuckin,G/Dancer,R E-Zpass-provides income tax deduction for certain tolls paid REF ATR
A425 McGuckin,G Dwellings damaged by natural disasters-short-term exemptions, cert improvements REF ACD
A426 McGuckin,G Sick leave, accumulated-restrict use by public employees, yr prior to retirement REF ASL
A427 McGuckin,G Sick, vacation leave-limits cert unused be carried forward for pub officers/emp REF ASL
A428 McGuckin,G St aid reduction-concerns accumulated absences paid to employees upon retirement REF ASL
A429 McGuckin,G/Peterson,E Sick leave, unused-eliminates payments earned after effective date REF ASL
A430 McGuckin,G/Peterson,E+2 Drug dealing offenses-graded by units rather than weight of CDS REF AJU
A431 McGuckin,G Realty transfer fee, supplemental-eliminates REF ACD
A432 McGuckin,G Realty transfer fees, certain-exempts senior citizens, blind & disabled people REF ACD
A433 McGuckin,G Fire suppression systems-required in all elementary and secondary schools REF AED
A434 McGuckin,G Flood insurance-requires insurers provide policyholders with certain information REF AFI
A435 McGuckin,G Anticancer oral medication-limit upfront cost under certain health benefits plan REF AFI
A436 McGuckin,G Dwelling units during foreclosure-lender maintain vacant, age-restricted units REF AHO
A437 McGuckin,G DWI-requires installation of ignition interlock device REF ALP
A438 McGuckin,G Electric distrib substation-pub util submit proposal protect against crim attack REF ATU
A439 McGuckin,G Bribery, official/political matters-applies to soliciting to act, not yet in off REF ASL
A440 McGuckin,G/DeCroce,B Truck and van rental company-requires to photograph authorized user REF ACO
A441 McGuckin,G 9-1-1 public safety answering points-crime of second degree for interference REF AHS
A442 McGuckin,G/DeCroce,B Higher ed instit-estab. plans concerning cyber security & prev. of cyber attacks REF AHI
A443 McGuckin,G/Benson,D Animal cruelty law-prohibits owning, keeping/harbor animals; DHSS estab. website REF AAN
A444 McGuckin,G/DiMaso,S+1 State sch aid reduction-prev dist that experienced decrease in equalized value REF AED
A445 McGuckin,G Minors-permits to work until 11 pm between Memorial Day and October 1 of each yr REF ALA
A446 McGuckin,G Internet Criminal Information Registry-establish REF ALP
A447 McGuckin,G Child sexual abuse-establishes rebuttable presumption of pretrial detention REF ALP
A448 McGuckin,G Court dismissal, w/prejudice, civil action-notice filed under cert circumstances REF AJU
A449 McGuckin,G Polysomnography license fees-revises REF ARP
A450 McGuckin,G+1 Pub Works Contractor Regis Act-exempt alarm installers/locksmiths apprenticeship REF ALA
A451 McGuckin,G Drunk driv offense-law enforcement officer issue preliminary driv lic suspension REF AJU
A452 McGuckin,G/Dancer,R DOE-release school districts software program used to calculate State school aid REF AED
A453 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G+2 Autism Education Council-establishes REF AED
A454 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G+1 Texting while driving-school district provide instruction on dangers REF AED
A455 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Age-restricted development sales, cert.-include in table of equalized valuations REF ASL
A456 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Grocery stores, newly constructed-generators required REF AHS
A457 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G+1 Electric distribution lines-locate underground, areas affected by severe weather REF ATU
A458 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Displaced individuals-suspend certificate of occupancy and inspection fees REF AHS
A459 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Urea, used as a ice melt-prohibits sale and distribution REF ACO
A460 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Phosphorus, household cleaning prod.-labeling of ingredients req and restricts REF ACO
A461 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G+1 Water quality issues and supply-water purveyors required to notify municipality REF AEN
A462 Catalano,J Military installations preservation-in case of closure;$350K REF AMV
A463 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Military family members, certain-employ, provides CBT and income tax credit REF AMV
A464 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G+2 Homestead School Prop Tax Reimbursement Act-St reimb 50% taxes paid by seniors REF ACD
A465 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Homestead property tax reimbursement-increase annual income eligibility REF ABU
A466 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Miscarriage-health fac. staff prov. counseling St. registrar estab. birth cert. REF AHE
A467 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G+1 Homestead property tax reimbursement-increase income eligibility limit REF ABU
A468 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Disabled veteran total property tax exemption-St reimburse municipalities cost REF AMV
A469 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G+1 Opioids prescribed on first-time basis-limit supply to 7 days REF AHE
A470 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Commercial vehicle-increase fines for failure to have required markings REF ALP
A471 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G+1 Tourniquet-law enforcement officers issue, emergency service vehicle be equipped REF ALP
A472 Catalano,J Toxoplasmosis in newborns-includes in screening program REF AWC
A473 Catalano,J Chosin Few Memorial Highway-designates portion of State Highway Rt.35 REF AMV
A474 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G Spectator-based lawsuits-provides certain immunities from youth sports events REF AJU
A475 Webber,J/Space,P+1 Corrections officers-investigate immigration status of inmates REF AJU
A476 Webber,J/Conaway,H+7 State aid-increase distrib. from Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief Fund REF ASL
A477 Webber,J/Zwicker,A+2 Unfunded State and federal mandates-compile and update list REF ASL
A478 Webber,J/Moriarty,P+11 Transparency in Government Act-establish State public finance website REF ABU
A479 Webber,J/Space,P+1 Bond act public questions-interpretive statements include fiscal information REF ABU
A480 Webber,J/Schaer,G Legislative aide-prohibits political contribution greater than $30 per election REF ASL
A481 Webber,J/DeCroce,B+4 Healthcare Choice Act-health insurers licensed in other st. prov coverage in NJ REF AFI
A482 Webber,J+2 Overtime pay-excludes certain employees from gross income tax REF ALA
A483 Webber,J/DiMaio,J+3 Prenatally and Postnatally Diagnosed Conditions Awareness Act in NJ REF AWC
A484 Webber,J/Holley,J Recreation, conservation purpose-estab procedure, notify mun of loan application REF AAN
A485 Webber,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Home-Based Jobs Creation Act-concerns use of variances REF ACE
A486 Webber,J/Space,P+1 Elective office, public office or position-prohibits dual holding REF ASL
A487 Webber,J+4 Local government employee-prohibit terminal leave compensation REF ALA
A488 Webber,J/Mukherji,R+2 Medicaid-excludes certain income from gross income tax REF AHE
A489 Webber,J/Burzichelli,J+1 Construction permits-revise timeframe for issuance REF AEN
A490 Webber,J/Holley,J Tenant, deceased-permits landlord to remove property in certain situations REF AHO
A491 Webber,J/DeAngelo,W+1 Victimization of a senior citizen or a person with a disability-creates crime REF AJU
A492 Webber,J/Houghtaling,E+2 Economic development subsidy-business loan overdue, prohibits awarding REF ACE
A493 Webber,J/DiMaio,J+4 Autism Awareness-creates special license plates REF AWC
A494 Webber,J+2 School district capital projects-explanatory statement on ballot question REF AED
A495 Webber,J/Holley,J+1 POWs-exempt from certain MVC fees REF AMV
A496 Webber,J+6 Charitable org., NJ-based-allow income tax deduction for charitable contribution REF ABU
A497 Webber,J+1 HS graduation-student required to pass civics portion of naturalization test REF AED
A498 Webber,J/DeAngelo,W EMT and paramedic certification cards-MVC accept as ID verification program REF ATR
A499 Webber,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Telemarketers making sales calls-required to display their name and phone number REF ACO
A501 Webber,J+1 Property tax, from urban renewal entity-distribute portion to regional sch dist REF ASL
A502 Webber,J Child abuse and neglect information religious institutions-authorized disclosure REF AWC
A503 Webber,J+6 Baked goods sold at farm markets-concerns wrapped and covered containers REF AAN
A504 Webber,J Income tax-consolidates for cross-claiming of net losses, allows 20 yr loss REF AAP
A505 Webber,J Elderly or person w/disab-incr penal for cert criminal offense committed against REF ALP
A506 Webber,J Med. Philanthropy Act-physician uncomp. care $250K cap, alleging med malpractice REF AJU
A507 Webber,J Motor vehicle registration fees, certain-MVC required to refund REF ATR
A508 Webber,J/DeCroce,B+2 Workers' compensation insurance requirement-concerns corporations & partnerships REF ALA
A509 Webber,J/Peterson,E+4 Asset forfeiture reporting and transparency requirements-establishes REF ALP
A510 Webber,J/Peters,R Firearm training expenses-allows income tax deduction by law enforcement officer REF AAP
A511 Webber,J/DeCroce,B Frank J. Druetzler Station-Morris Plains, NJ-designate rail station REF ATR
A512 Webber,J/Houghtaling,E+9 Veteran, totally disabled, not serve in theater of war-auth. prop. tax exemption REF AMV
A513 Jimenez,A Civil service make-up exams-do not include the same questions as original exam REF ASL
A514 Jimenez,A/Johnson,G Newborn screening program-expands number of disorders REF AWC
A515 Jimenez,A+1 Vital records dissemination-establish guidelines REF AHS
A516 Jimenez,A EMT certification, certain out-of-State-provide reciprocity REF ARP
A517 Jimenez,A/Wimberly,B+6 Pregnant women-notify if insurance coverage, not subject to 48 hr maternity law REF AWC
A518 Jimenez,A/Lampitt,P+2 Vital records employees-requires criminal history record background check REF AHS
A519 Jimenez,A/Wimberly,B+3 Parole, probation-provides voter registration assistance REF ASL
A520 Jimenez,A/Wimberly,B+1 Health Enterprise Zone law-allow mun more discretion in granting prop tax exemp REF ACE
A521 Jimenez,A/Chiaravalloti,N Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act-expand eligible mun, include Harrison Town REF ACE
A522 Jimenez,A School and medical family leave-provides REF ALA
A523 Jimenez,A Clinical laboratory testing advisory board-establish REF AHE
A524 Jimenez,A/Quijano,A+1 Veterans and their spouses-waives commercial driver license fees REF AMV
A525 Jimenez,A/Murphy,C+1 Veterans and their spouses-waives certain prof. and occupational licensing fees REF AMV
A526 Jimenez,A/Conaway,H Fund to Prevent Use of Tobacco and Electronic Smoking Devices-establishes REF AHE
A527 Jimenez,A/Quijano,A+1 Animal Cruelty Offender Registry-establishes REF AAN
A528 Jimenez,A/Quijano,A Public safety employees-prohibits home address release by governmental entities REF AJU
A529 Jimenez,A/McKnight,A Employee time off-for events regarding education of their children REF AWC
A530 Jimenez,A/Mukherji,R+27 Nursing home-establish minimum certified nurse aide-to-resident ratios REF AHU
A531 Jimenez,A Child passengers-prohibits transport in front seat of vehicle REF AWC
A532 Jimenez,A Vehicle homicide-increases statute of limitations for prosecution REF ALP
A533 Jimenez,A/Schepisi,H Property record cards and tax maps-be produced in electronic format REF ASL
A534 Jimenez,A Vehicle size and weight enforcement-DOT required to conduct a study REF ATR
A535 Jimenez,A/Schepisi,H Real estate broker-removes examination requirement for relicensure REF ARP
A536 Jimenez,A/Mukherji,R Vehicle size and weight collected revenue-dedicate to Transportation Trust Fund REF ATR
A537 Jimenez,A/Munoz,N Radiologist assistants-approve procedures and establish supervisory level REF ARP
A538 Jimenez,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Involuntary commitment hearings-permits counties to provide videoconferencing REF AJU
A539 Jimenez,A/Giblin,T+9 Physical therapist-perform dry needling to stimulate underlying muscular tissue REF ARP
A540 Jimenez,A/Speight,S+2 Medicare health care coverage-expands to all residents REF AHE
A541 Jimenez,A/Mejia,P Local contracting unit-accept bid up to 5% more than lowest responsible bid REF ASL
A542 Jimenez,A Orthotic and prosthetic appliances, from licensed podiatrists-health benf. cover REF AFI
A543 Jimenez,A/Giblin,T Psychologist training requirements-revises REF ARP
A544 Jimenez,A Transient space marketplaces-authorizes municipalities to request certain info. REF ATG
A545 Jimenez,A/Chaparro,A Landlord-crime of renting to illegal occupancy which causes death of a person REF AHO
A546 Auth,R Consumer Freedom From Unwanted Expense in Health Insurance Coverage Act REF AFI
A547 Auth,R Health Care Consumer Out-of-Network Prot., Transparency, Cost Containment & Acct REF AFI
A548 Auth,R Firefighting training courses, certain-take online REF ALP
A549 Auth,R Parks and forests, State-DEP reimburse local units, responding to emergencies REF AEN
A550 Auth,R+1 Birth injury or congenital defect damages-establish physician civil immunity REF AJU
A551 Auth,R/DiMaio,J Gas piping work-permits licensed electrical contractors perform REF ARP
A552 Auth,R Superior Court judge nominee-offer pub remarks on qual. before Senate committee REF AJU
A553 Auth,R+2 Voter, ineligible non-citizen voter registrants-remove from system REF ASL
A554 Auth,R Students w/military obligations-higher education instit prov. greater assistance REF AHI
A555 Auth,R+2 Firearm purch ID card-priority when domestic viol restraining order is in effect REF AJU
A556 Auth,R Property tax bills-municipalities issue two separate REF ASL
A557 Auth,R Public safety officers killed in the line of duty-estab. housing expense reimb. REF ALP
A558 Auth,R Internet service provider-keep subscriber's personal ID info. confidential REF ACO
A559 Auth,R/DeCroce,B NJ STARS Program-include students who receive equivalent instruction elsewhere REF AHI
A560 Auth,R+1 Empower the Principal Act-elim. local school superintendent; proh vice-principal REF AED
A561 Auth,R Charter school-includes adjustment aid in calculation of district's payments REF AED
A562 Auth,R Pharmaceutical Representative Licensing Act REF ARP
A563 Auth,R Firearm silencers and sawed-off shotguns-auth manuf and sale to law enforcement REF AJU
A564 Auth,R E-ZPass-NJTA and SJTA display amount of tolls paid REF ATR
A565 Auth,R Property Tax Relief and Ed Empowerment prog-prov relief to citizens & ed grants REF ASL
A566 Auth,R/Kean,S+19 Parks, forests, St-owned beaches-remain open failure to enact general approp act REF ASL
A567 Auth,R/Danielsen,J+6 Internet gaming, inactive accounts-abandoned unclaimed property after 3 years REF ATG
A568 Auth,R/Jimenez,A+13 Child abuse, false report-create offense; permits assessment of penalty REF AJU
A569 Auth,R Prop. assessment-modifies regional sch dist use as basis for apportionment costs REF AED
A570 Auth,R Co. government dissolution-together w/legislative recommendations estab process REF ASL
A571 Auth,R/Rooney,K Home confinement prior to trial-requires defendants charged w/cert crimes REF AJU
A572 Auth,R Property tax appeal outcomes-revises procedures for determining REF ASL
A573 Auth,R/Webber,J+5 Candidate, primary election-proh candidate nominated more than 1 elective office REF ASL
A574 Auth,R/DiMaso,S+2 Motor fuel sales-requires that fuel stations specify taxes levied REF ATR
A575 Auth,R/Thomson,E+6 Towing company-certain toll road operators and bi-state agencies, driver choose REF ATR
A576 Auth,R/DeCroce,B+7 Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act-coerce patient, request med. REF AJU
A577 Auth,R+3 Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act-repeals REF AJU
A578 Auth,R+3 Stop Social Media Censorship Act-create for users whose speech has been censored REF AST
A579 DiMaio,J/Wirths,H+2 Full Disclosure Ultrasound Act-option to undergo sonogram 48 hrs. after abortion REF AWC
A580 DiMaio,J/Wirths,H+1 General obligation bonds by loc. units-requires pub referendum prior to issuance REF ASL
A581 DiMaio,J/Space,P Benefits-requires proof of lawful presence in the US to obtain REF AHU
A582 DiMaio,J/Space,P Highland Water Prot/Planning Act-proh DEP, imposing conditions, exempt projects REF AEN
A583 DiMaio,J+1 Property devalued due to certain environmental laws-State compensation requires REF ASL
A584 DiMaio,J Sch district employees not covered by bargaining agreement-prov more detail info REF ALA
A585 DiMaio,J+4 Raw milk permit program-establishes, permits sale of raw milk REF AAN
A586 DiMaio,J State Police services-exempts certain municipalities from payment REF ALP
A587 DiMaio,J+38 "I'm from NJ"-designate as State song REF ASL
A588 DiMaio,J+2 BB guns-clarifies are not firearms under NJ law REF ALP
A589 DiMaio,J County vocational sch dist-limit trans costs located outside of county residence REF AED
A590 DiMaio,J Volunteer firefighters, certain-authorizes reimbursement for EMT training REF AHS
A591 DiMaio,J/Burzichelli,J+1 Right to Farm Act-allow recovery, reasonable of attorney fees against complaints REF AAN
A592 DiMaio,J+2 SPCA and county society for prev. of cruelty to animals-accountability required REF AAN
A593 DiMaio,J/Giblin,T+10 Disbursement service org., 3rd party-post bond, failure to meet obligations REF ASL
A594 DiMaio,J/Rooney,K+1 SPCA, charter revoked-revise law concerning disposition of assets REF AAN
A595 DiMaio,J/Coughlin,C+2 State Police-one-third of fine moneys go to municipality where ticket was issued REF ATR
A596 DiMaio,J+3 Real estate purch-excludes gains on sales from taxation under CBT and income tax REF ACE
A597 DiMaio,J/Peterson,E+5 State aid to school districts-establishes a formula for distribution REF AED
A598 DiMaio,J Retail Establishes Check Cashers Act-creates license REF AFI
A599 DiMaio,J/Tucker,C+17 Disabled veterans-exempts from certain fees at State parks and forests REF AMV
A600 DiMaio,J Flu vaccine-provides medical exemption based on allergy vaccine ingredient REF AHE
A601 DiMaio,J+3 Student loans-Higher Ed. Student Asst. Auth. provide life insurance plans info. REF AHI
A602 DiMaio,J/Coughlin,C Knockout game-clarifies assault, juv. offender 14 yrs or older tried as an adult REF ALP
A603 DiMaio,J/DeAngelo,W+1 Commercial corridors, Highlands Region-prov. municipal planning auth to develop REF AEN
A604 DiMaio,J+1 State school aid-defines a day in session for the purpose of receipt REF AED
A605 DiMaio,J/DeCroce,B+4 Senior citizens-provide discounted hunting and trapping licenses, permit fees REF AAN
A606 DiMaio,J+1 Property, adjoining-permits entry to make improvements or repairs REF AHO
A607 DiMaio,J Cosmetology/hairstyling-clarifies ability to hold multiple practicing licenses REF ARP
A608 DiMaio,J Motor vehicle fees-dedicates unencumbered revenue collected to Trans. Trust Fund REF ATR
A609 DiMaio,J Water & sewer auth-removes mun/co ability to divert 5% of fds for other purposes REF AEN
A610 DiMaio,J+1 Marijuana, medical-exempts from sales and use tax for sales REF AHE
A611 DiMaio,J/Caputo,R Seeing Eye dog-designates as State Dog REF AHU
A612 Caputo,R/Schaer,G+4 Video lottery terminals at Meadowlands horse racetrack-voter approval REF ATG
A613 Caputo,R/Schaer,G+4 Video lottery terminals, Meadowlands racetrack-voter approval, dedicate proceeds REF ATG
A614 Caputo,R Executive county superintendent of schools-St. required to pay maintaining costs REF ASL
A615 Caputo,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Caylee's Law-missing child required to be reported within 12 hours REF AWC
A616 Caputo,R/Giblin,T+2 Student Dropout Prevention Task Force-establishes REF AED
A617 Caputo,R/Giblin,T Textbook-board of education required to supply one for each student REF AED
A618 Caputo,R Arenas-establish air quality standards and requires certificate REF AHE
A619 Caputo,R/Mukherji,R+1 Internet gaming affiliates-requires casino licensing-proh. waiver licensing req REF ATG
A620 Caputo,R Casino licensee-required to apply every 5 years for renewal REF ATG
A621 Caputo,R Casino licensee-conducting Internet gaming, prominently ad AC casino on website REF ATG
A622 Caputo,R/Giblin,T+2 Student information-employees of private entity w/access-background check req. REF AED
A623 Caputo,R/Giblin,T+3 Emergency light/panic alarm in pub school building-link to local law enforcement REF AED
A624 Caputo,R/Dancer,R Horse racetracks-allows wagers at casinos in Atlantic City using Internet REF ATG
A625 Caputo,R/Burzichelli,J Sports contests/athletic prof-repeals prohibitions/permits/lic concerning wagers REF ATG
A626 Caputo,R/Dancer,R Horse racetrack-permits wagers on previously-recorded live races REF ATG
A627 Caputo,R/Chaparro,A+13 Environmental Infrastructure Trust-expend additional sums to make loans for proj REF AEN
A628 Caputo,R+2 St/local law enforcement agencies-assist officers, receiving nomination petition REF AJU
A629 Caputo,R/Giblin,T+3 Children unattended in mv-establish public awareness campaign concerning dangers REF AWC
A630 Caputo,R Alcohol, retail sale-limitation of hours consistent throughout licensed premises REF AOF
A631 Caputo,R/Jasey,M+46 Non-teaching staff-submit to binding arbitration for a disciplinary action REF ALA
A632 Caputo,R/Sumter,S Elections-requires early voting availability REF ASL
A633 Caputo,R/Mukherji,R+1 Artist District-State Council on Arts establish REF ATG
A634 Caputo,R/Johnson,G+5 Fireworks-related injury-reported to State Fire Marshal REF AHS
A635 Caputo,R/Conaway,H+3 Medicare or Medicare Advantage plan options-retirees choose health care coverage REF ASL
A636 Caputo,R Sports events, prohibited-establish penalties for accepting wagers REF ATG
A637 Caputo,R/Dancer,R Sports pools operators-revises permit and license REF ATG
A638 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Atlantic, Cumberland, Cape May counties-NJT study/report commuting needs REF ATR
A639 Mazzeo,V/Kean,S+4 Shore Protection Fund-increases amount annually credited to $50M REF AEN
A640 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Manufacturing business attraction, expansion marketing plan-development required REF ACE
A641 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Marine Science Institute, Atlantic Co region-task force to determine feasibility REF AHI
A642 Mazzeo,V Small business start-ups-provides income tax credits to support development REF AST
A643 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Ambulance service-concerns reimbursement for epinephrine and naloxone REF AFI
A644 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J State Dredging Task Force-creates; investigate current policies and practices REF AEN
A645 Mazzeo,V Construction code officials, share-clarifies municipal authority REF ASL
A646 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Military leave benefits-expands to pub. officers/emp subject to proof of service REF AMV
A647 Armato,J ID theft-debt collectors required to cease against certain victims REF ACO
) A648 Armato,J Firefighter training gradutes-establish income tax credit REF AAP
A649 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V SNAP Employment & Training Prog-St ensure job training, prevent loss of benefits REF AHU
A650 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Catch and Cook program-establish REF AAN
A651 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Wild native plants-allow seed collection REF AAN
A652 Armato,J+1 Veterans, certain-exempt from driver's, motorcycle and digitized picture fees REF ATR
A653 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Insulin purchase-places a cap of $100 on amount paid by covered persons REF AFI
A654 Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Local govt. officers, elected or appointed-ethics training required REF ASL
A655 Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Senior citizens-DHS ensure distribution concerning risks and prevention of fraud REF ASE
A656 Vainieri Huttle,V/Calabrese,C+23 Hydraulic fracturing/nat. gas explor.-concerns drill cuttings/other byproducts REF AEN
A657 Vainieri Huttle,V/McKeon,J+5 PANYNJ-provides transparency and accountability reforms REF ATR
A658 Vainieri Huttle,V/Carter,L+7 Maria's Law-homemaker-home health aides, requires certification suspension REF ARP
A659 Vainieri Huttle,V/Chiaravalloti,N+8 Health insurance policy-clarify prohibition on preexisting condition exclusion REF AFI
A660 Vainieri Huttle,V Real estate rental scams-Div. of Consumer Affairs establish public info campaign REF ACO
A661 Vainieri Huttle,V/Mukherji,R+1 Daisy's Law-kennel & veterinary facilities prov dog supervision, maintain record REF AAN
A662 Vainieri Huttle,V Traffic signs-DOT inspect, establish awareness campaign concerning maintenance REF ATR
A663 Vainieri Huttle,V/Jimenez,A+3 Bijou's Law-renames Pet Groomers Licensing Act REF ARP
A664 Vainieri Huttle,V Reproductive Donation Safety Act-concerns the regulation of semen banks REF AHE
A665 Vainieri Huttle,V Become A Nurse-establish license plate; dedicates fees for nursing scholarships REF ATR
A667 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Student athlete head injury-DOE develop registry who sustain concussions REF AED
A668 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lopez,Y+5 Human Trafficking Comm-study human trafficking illicit massage parlor connection REF AWC
A669 Vainieri Huttle,V/Mukherji,R+1 Transient guest accommodation-auth. prohibition or regulation of rental space REF AHO
A670 Vainieri Huttle,V Tackle football-prohibit childrens under age 12 from participating REF AWC
A671 Vainieri Huttle,V/DiMaso,S+2 Massage and bodywork therapy establishments-regulates employers operating REF ARP
A672 Vainieri Huttle,V/Calabrese,C+7 Patient info-limits behavioral health care prov. may disclose to insur. carrier REF AHU
A673 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lopez,Y Correctional police officers-40 hrs in-svc training incl 8 hrs sexual misconduct REF ALP
A674 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lopez,Y Inmate abuse, by employees-establish reporting and investigation program REF ALP
A675 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lopez,Y Strip searches in State correctional facilities-limits cross gender REF ALP
A676 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lopez,Y Code Red alert-creates to shelter at-risk individuals during hot weather REF AHU
A677 Vainieri Huttle,V/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Overdose Prevention Centers-authorizes REF AHU
A678 Vainieri Huttle,V/Quijano,A Zoning officers & land use board administrators-establish certification program REF ASL
A679 Vainieri Huttle,V/Mukherji,R Concussion, student-return to regular activity prior to returning to competition REF AED
A680 Vainieri Huttle,V/Downey,J+6 Long-term care facilities-estab requirements concerning rights of LGBT residents REF AHE
A681 Vainieri Huttle,V+10 Age discrimination-expands scope of law prohibiting REF ALA
A682 Vainieri Huttle,V Bias intimidation law-makes various changes REF ALP
A683 Vainieri Huttle,V/DePhillips,C+2 Mental Health and Addiction Services-establishes Office of Ombudsman REF AHU
A684 Vainieri Huttle,V/DePhillips,C+1 Substance abuse-authorizes appointment of limited guardian to direct treatment REF AHU
A685 Vainieri Huttle,V/Conaway,H Maintenance Certification by physicians-not req to perform cert prof activities REF AHE
A686 Vainieri Huttle,V/Dancer,R Mental health & substance use disorder patient-transfer to community resid fac REF AHU
A687 Vainieri Huttle,V HIV prophylaxis-authorizes pharmacists to dispense w/out individual prescription REF AHE
A688 Vainieri Huttle,V Psychiatric hospital-provide cert. notices/reports of injuries; DOH investigate REF AHE
A689 Vainieri Huttle,V Independent Monitor of State Psychiatric Hospitals Office-establish REF AHE
A690 Sumter,S/Benson,D PAAD elig victims' remuneration, involuntary internment-exclude from income tax REF ASL
A691 Sumter,S+1 UEZ-auth creation in Garfield, Harrison, Keansburg, Cliff-side Park and Fairview REF ACE
A692 Sumter,S/Wimberly,B+2 Adoption subsidy payments-allows direct deposit REF AHU
A693 Sumter,S/Wimberly,B Guardian, temp.-expand role, place incapacitated person in less restrictive env. REF AHU
A694 Sumter,S/Holley,J Office of Women's Research and Policy-creates;$150K REF AWC
A695 Sumter,S/Wimberly,B+3 Hotel, emerg. asst.-DHS give priority temp rental assist to Work First recipient REF AHU
A696 Sumter,S/DeCroce,B+2 Professional licensure or renewal-professional boards provide online processing REF ARP
A697 Sumter,S/Vainieri Huttle,V Crime victim's info.-proh disclosure pertaining to assault on health care worker REF ALP
A698 Sumter,S/Mukherji,R+6 Redistricting-incarcerated person be counted at residential address REF ASL
A699 Sumter,S/Pintor Marin,E+5 Motor vehicle Surcharge Community Svc. Prog.-community svc. in lieu of surcharge REF ALP
A700 Sumter,S Managed care plan provider networks-biannual audit required REF AFI
A701 Sumter,S/Benson,D+9 Call Center Jobs Act-concerns relocation to a foreign country REF ALA
A702 Sumter,S/Mazzeo,V+1 State info tech contracts-req software use to document contractor computer use REF ASL
A703 Sumter,S/Mukherji,R+2 Probation officers-union officials who represent participate in union activities REF AJU
A704 Sumter,S Real property-periodic revaluation required REF ASL
A705 Sumter,S/Murphy,C+2 Roadside maintenance safety policies-requires NJTA to implement REF ATR
A706 Sumter,S/Swain,L+12 Maternity care-establish standards for general hospitals providing care REF AHE
A707 Sumter,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V+6 African-American women-study sexual and reproductive health REF AWC
A708 Sumter,S Student-athlete complaint against coach/sports official-prov counseling services REF AED
A709 Sumter,S/Kennedy,J+1 Developmentally disabled clients, criminal cases-designate public defender REF AHU
A710 Sumter,S/Carter,L+6 Youth Justice Transformation Act-appropriate annually;$100M REF ALP
A711 Sumter,S/Timberlake,B+2 Reparations Task Force-establishes REF ASL
A712 Johnson,G/Benson,D+6 Probation employees-transfers from Judiciary to State Parole Board REF AJU
A713 Johnson,G/Webber,J Lawyers and law firms-prohibits lobbying public entity from dual employment REF AJU
A714 Johnson,G/Bramnick,J+5 Mental health record, prospective firearm purchases-notify police of expungement REF ALP
A715 Johnson,G Campaign contrib-proh business receiving State development subsidies from making REF ASL
A716 Johnson,G+1 Police officers employed by Rutgers University-confers civil service status REF AHI
A717 Johnson,G/Schaer,G+7 Minors-provides for jurisdiction for prosecution of certain crimes against REF AJU
A718 Johnson,G Attorney's fee-establish award to prevailing party in municipal services dispute REF AJU
A719 Johnson,G Exec. Branch department heads-extends 1 to 2 yrs cannot act as gov affairs agent REF ASL
A720 Johnson,G/Mosquera,G Domestic abuse victims-establishes supervised community reintegration program REF AWC
A721 Johnson,G+1 Pub safety director, civilian-clarify mun/St police departments, no police power REF ALP
A722 Johnson,G Inmate video visitation service contracts-impose requirements REF ALP
A723 Johnson,G/Wimberly,B+2 Bus. for certification-prohibits disqual. of certain minority and women owned REF ACE
A724 Johnson,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 False public alarms-includes crime as form of bias intimidation REF AJU
A725 Johnson,G/Schaer,G+3 Alcoholic beverages, residential redevelopment areas-municipality issue permits REF AOF
A726 Johnson,G/Kennedy,J+1 Hybrid vehicles, plug-in-provides sales and use tax exemption for sales REF AEN
A727 Johnson,G Capital gains, sale of employer securities by qualif. bus.-income tax exclusion REF AAP
A728 Johnson,G/Reynolds-Jackson,V Voting rights to inmates-correctional facilities provide informational packets REF ALP
A729 Johnson,G/DiMaso,S+3 Wrongful imprisonment statute-expands categories of individuals, may bring claim REF AJU
A730 Johnson,G Halfway house employees-required to complete police training course REF ALP
A731 Johnson,G Volunteer first aid, ambulance & rescue squads-increases contribution limit REF ASL
A732 Johnson,G Historic New Bridge Landing Park Commission-modifies powers and allocation REF ATG
A733 Johnson,G/Mukherji,R Fuel cell devices and systems-provides sales tax exemptions REF ACE
A734 Johnson,G Motor vehicle false or secret compartments-prohibits REF AJU
A735 Johnson,G Opioid Prevention & Rehabilitation Program Fund-establish tax on opioid drugs REF AHE
A736 Johnson,G Gas public utility bill credit-establishes for certain customers REF ATU
A737 Johnson,G/Murphy,C NJCLASS-consider combined income of all cosigners on application REF AHI
A738 Johnson,G/Houghtaling,E Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles-provides CBT and income tax credits for purchase REF AEN
A739 Johnson,G/Freiman,R+1 Police officers, certain-affords civil immunity REF ALP
A740 Johnson,G Fuel cells-req State agencies in awarding contracts to consider when purch items REF AST
A741 Johnson,G/Conaway,H+3 Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State REF AST
A742 Johnson,G Fuel cell fac-sales tax exemp, sales of natural gas used to generate electricity REF AST
A743 Johnson,G Homicide, crime-imprison for committing more than 1 crime upon place of worship REF AJU
A744 Johnson,G Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies REF ALP
A745 Johnson,G/Pinkin,N+3 Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes REF ATR
A746 Johnson,G/Kennedy,J+2 Ambulances-required to carry epinephrine REF AHE
A747 Johnson,G/Karabinchak,R Firefighting foam containing perfluoroalkyl & polyfluoroalkyl-restrict discharge REF AEN
A748 Johnson,G Pub body meetings-make various changes to law addressing, provide greater access REF ASL
A749 Johnson,G Martin O'Shea Open Pub. Records Transparency Act; finan info, open data website REF ASL
A750 Johnson,G/Pinkin,N+2 Police officers, campus-grants certain employment protections REF ALP
A751 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+4 Sex offender-require local government registration, prohibit living near schools REF AJU
A752 Rumpf,B/Johnson,G+4 Sex offender release-prosecutor determine risk of re-offense under Megan's Law REF AJU
A753 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+2 Illegal aliens, cert-excludes from worker's comp & temporary disability benefits REF ALA
A754 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Dredging waterways, certain-DEP assume responsibility & provide boat access REF AEN
A755 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Dredging account, special-establish, DEP administer account and programs REF AEN
A756 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Dredged material disposal projects, navigational waterways;$26.14M REF AEN
A757 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+1 Defense of Community Standards Act-revises law concerning sexually oriented bus. REF ACE
A758 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Domestic violence restraining orders, dissolve-court consider results & assess REF AJU
A759 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Condemnation of certain residential/private property-prevents use to acquire REF ACE
A760 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Low income persons-increase personal needs allowance to $55 residing in cert fac REF AHU
A761 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+2 Illegal alien-impose hiring sanctions to companies which hire from pub contracts REF ASL
A762 Rumpf,B/Gove,D DUI suspended license-increase prison time for convicted motor vehicle offense REF ALP
A763 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+1 DUI-extends penalties to include any substance that impairs driving ability REF ALP
A764 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Drunk driving offenses-criminalizes fifth or subsequent REF ALP
A765 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+3 Energy fac, transitional-ends and caps State energy tax revenues REF ASL
A766 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+4 Hunting, fishing lic.-free admission to St. parks, certain types of military svc REF AMV
A767 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+1 Senior citizen supplemental stabilization aid-reestablish REF ASE
A768 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Harassment-anonymous through electronic communication device, disorderly offense REF AJU
A769 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Photovoltaic tech for age-restricted community clubhouse fac-BPU provide funds REF ATU
A770 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notifications REF AJU
A771 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Megan's Law-offenders required to register-upgrades crime of invasion of privacy REF AJU
A772 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+2 Aliens, authorized-certification req persons receiving State money or privileges REF ASL
A773 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Sexual assault of minor-provide mandatory term REF AJU
A774 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+1 Driver's license suspension-commit traffic violations which result in death REF ALP
A775 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Internet Predator Investigation and Prosecution Fund-establish w/$200 assessment REF AJU
A776 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Pub officers/employees-convicted of cert crimes, subject to pension garnishment REF AJU
A777 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Intoxicated employees-prevented from receiving worker's compensation REF ALA
A778 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Elective public office, individual seeking-diclose criminal offense conviction REF ASL
A779 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Highway projects, outside Atlantic City Tourism District-allows CRDA to finance REF ATG
A780 Rumpf,B/Gove,D+5 Drug dealing offenses-allow certain CDS to be graded by units rather than weight REF ALP
A781 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Fish & game law viol-provide for payment to small mun, penalty money assessed REF AAN
A782 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Terrorism organizations-establishes civil action for damages REF AHS
A783 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Dredging lagoon community waterways-authorizes assessment/bonds to finance REF AEN
A784 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Wharves, piers repair-auth. municipalities to adopt ordinances req. maintenance REF ASL
A785 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Invest in NJ First Act-preference in awarding critical infrastructure projects REF ACE
A786 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Nuclear power plant, trespassing-third degree crime REF ATU
A787 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Escapees-responsible for apprehension costs REF ALP
A788 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Energy tax revenue-caps St use portion, ensures balance paid annually as mun aid REF ASL
A789 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Realty transfer fee-prohibits seller to transfer fee liability to buyer REF ACD
A790 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Transportation infrastructure needs in coastal counties-DOT and NJT study/report REF ATR
A791 Verrelli,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Affordable housing programs-estab guidelines for creditworthiness determinations REF AHO
A792 Verrelli,A/Mukherji,R Children's products made with formaldehyde-prohibits sale & distribution REF ACO
A793 Verrelli,A/Mejia,P+4 Juvenile offender-Juvenile Justice Commission estab an arts education pilot prog REF ALP
A794 Verrelli,A/Swain,L+1 Incapacitated person-establish procedure to enforce certain visitation rights REF AHU
A795 Verrelli,A/Swain,L+4 Cosmetics products-prohibits sale when tested on animals REF ACO
A796 Verrelli,A Pain mgmt clinics-lic req; ID abnormal drug usage & prescribing practice process REF AHE
A797 Verrelli,A Prop, vacant & abandoned-req use of clear polycarbonate boarding for securing REF AHO
A798 Verrelli,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 Drug overdose fatality review team-establish in each county in the State REF AHE
A799 Verrelli,A Expungement-applicant file 1 duly verified petition for multiple convictions REF AJU
A800 Verrelli,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Child support, fail to pay-driv. lic may not be suspended if given court hearing REF AJU
A801 Verrelli,A/Houghtaling,E+8 Labor and emp. law viol.-req business seeking to perform St contract to disclose REF ASL
A802 Verrelli,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+3 Gift card fraud-requires certain retailers to train employees REF ACO
A803 Verrelli,A/Wimberly,B+3 Vet student loan debt-exempts discharge thru fed Total & Permanent Disab process REF AMV
A804 Verrelli,A/Greenwald,L+5 Inmates at State & County facilities-offer hepatitis B and hepatitis C testing REF ALP
A805 Verrelli,A Contractor work, certain industries-concerns a skilled & trained workforce REF ALA
A806 Verrelli,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Medicaid-DOC ensure inmates participate in pre-enrollment; card at release REF AHU
A807 Verrelli,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Incarcerated individual, former-prov. corporation business tax/income tax credit REF ALA
A808 Verrelli,A Lead paint-concerns public nuisance suits; exempts AG from certain aspects REF AEN
A809 Verrelli,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Substance use disorders in correctional facilities-develop peer counseling prog. REF ALP
A810 Verrelli,A/Karabinchak,R+1 Student mental health assistance program-establish program to create REF AED
A811 Verrelli,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Persons returning to work after imprisonment-DOLWD post opportunities on website REF ALA
A812 Verrelli,A Public defender fees, inability to pay-municipal court provide applicant notice REF AJU
A813 Verrelli,A Prisoner reentry peer support hotline-establishes REF ALP
A814 Verrelli,A Lead service lines and lead water supply plumbing-landlord disclose existence REF AHO
A815 Verrelli,A Correctional fac., private-prohibit State investining in companies that operate REF ASL
A816 Verrelli,A Correctional facilities, for-profit, private-prohibit DOC entering into contract REF ALP
A817 Verrelli,A Correctional facility, private-prohibit St-chartered finan instit from investing REF ALP
A818 Verrelli,A Inmates-require DOC provide educational & employment counseling prior to release REF ALP
A819 Verrelli,A Inmates, post-release employment-requires DOC provide training REF ALP
A820 Verrelli,A Inmates, certain-concerns vocational training REF ALP
A821 Verrelli,A Inmates-requires DOC provide substance use disorder services REF ALP
A822 Verrelli,A Inmate driver's license renewal-DOC coordinate w/MVC and assist upon release REF ALP
A823 Verrelli,A Insurance coverage, complex medical needs-requires for persons 18 or younger REF AFI
A824 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Zwicker,A+5 Light frame residential construction-prohibit in densely populated census tracts REF AHO
A825 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Timberlake,B School day-establishes a pilot program to increase the length of the day & year REF AED
A826 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B+3 Landlord code violations enforce as tax liens-municipalities adopt ordinance REF AHO
A827 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Mukherji,R+2 Drug Court-person participating earn credit against court financial obligations REF AJU
A828 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 Medicaid coverage-provides to eligible pregnant women for 365-day period REF AHE
A829 Reynolds-Jackson,V/McKnight,A+1 Jury service-eliminates past conviction of indictable offense as disqualifer REF AJU
A830 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Speight,S+3 Home visitation program services, certain-provides Medicaid coverage REF AHU
A831 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Chaparro,A+2 Infant walkers-prohibits sale REF ACO
A832 Reynolds-Jackson,V Kappa Alpha Psi-authorizes the issuance of license plates REF ATR
A833 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Sumter,S+1 Automobile insurance practices-concerns REF AFI
A834 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A St. Francis Medical Center;$4.5M REF AHE
A835 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A+3 Smoking devices, electronic-prohibits persons under age 21 from possessing REF AHE
A836 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Schaer,G+1 Pregnant women-amends law to extend length of postpartum Medicaid coverage REF AHE
A837 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Timberlake,B+1 Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Commission;$240K REF AAP
A838 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B Earned income tax credit program-expands eligibility, taxpayers age 18 qualify REF AAP
A839 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B Earned income tax cred prog-increase benefit amount, who cannot claim qual child REF AAP
A840 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B+1 Earned income tax credit program-enhance benefit treating qual relative as child REF AAP
A841 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B Earned income tax credit program-increases benefit amount from 40% to 50% REF AAP
A842 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B+2 Lead service lines-requires residential property contracts to address REF AHO
A843 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B+2 Heat stroke in athletes at public schools-Ed. Commissioner distribute pamphlets REF AED
A844 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Murphy,C+2 Inmate reentry services committee-each county required to establish REF ALP
A845 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Sumter,S+2 Public contracting-req conduct periodic studies of racial and ethnic disparities REF ASL
A846 Chiaravalloti,N/Mukherji,R+1 Pedestrian death-increase penalties for failing to yield REF ATR
A847 Chiaravalloti,N/Calabrese,C Police-training for interactions w/persons who may have behavioral health issues REF ALP
A848 Chiaravalloti,N/McKnight,A+1 Autobus-register with municipality and receive approval REF ATR
A849 Chiaravalloti,N/Mukherji,R Autopsy-med. examiner req to perform in all cases of compelling public necessity REF ALP
A850 Chiaravalloti,N Community Broadband Study Commission-establishes REF AST
A851 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R Work zone, automated speed enforcement-establish pilot program REF ATR
A852 Chiaravalloti,N Land-State-owned-requires DEP to take certain actions before sale or lease REF AAN
A853 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+3 Temporary businesses-prohibits municipal licensure of children operating REF ACE
A854 Chiaravalloti,N/McKnight,A Bus operators, private-participate in NJT bus lease program receive State funds REF ATR
A855 Chiaravalloti,N/Taliaferro,A Distracted driv. viol-incl addl forms of communication of data on wireless phone REF ALP
A856 Chiaravalloti,N Hearing impaired, assistive devices-expand Medicaid coverage REF AHU
A857 Chiaravalloti,N/Quijano,A+1 Diaper changing station-requires installation in certain public restrooms;$500K REF AWC
A858 Chiaravalloti,N/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 Patient Protection Act-establishes requirements, transfer and referral REF AHE
A859 Chiaravalloti,N/Mukherji,R Smoke alarms-requires Division of Fire Safety to annually distribute REF AHO
A860 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+2 Supportive Technology for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Task Force REF AHU
A861 Chiaravalloti,N/Moriarty,P Tax data sharing between State Treasury and DOLWD-concerns REF ALA
A862 Chiaravalloti,N Property assessment appeals-refund excess prop. taxes paid by taxpayer who wins REF ASL
A863 Chiaravalloti,N Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics REF ALP
A864 Chiaravalloti,N Legacy Student Preference in College Admissions Task Force-establishes REF AHI
A865 Chiaravalloti,N Private correctional fac.-prohibit detaining persons based on immigration status REF ALP
A866 Chiaravalloti,N Immigrant Tenant Protection Act REF AHO
A867 Chiaravalloti,N Motor vehicle registration process-provide option to indicate hearing impairment REF ATR
A868 Chiaravalloti,N Hearing impaired, assistive devices-expand Medicaid coverage REF AHU
A869 Chiaravalloti,N Steam radiators-residential landlords required to equip with protective covers REF AHO
A870 Chiaravalloti,N Deaf, hard of hearing individuals-evaluate interactions between law enforcement REF AHU
A871 Chiaravalloti,N Meal plans-prohibit public instit of higher education requiring student purchase REF AHI
A872 Chiaravalloti,N/McKnight,A Don't block the box-establishes 5 year pilot program to enforce thru camera use REF ATR
A873 Giblin,T Motor vehicle offenses-permits municipality to sell certain vehicles REF ATR
A874 Giblin,T/Coughlin,C+3 Pub records-include e-mail addresses as confidential item redacted under OPRA REF AJU
A875 Giblin,T Food allergy information-restaurants required to post notice REF ACO
A876 Giblin,T/Benson,D+4 On-line courses-Secretary of Higher Education study prevalence, cost and quality REF AHI
A877 Giblin,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Interstate authorities-concerns occupational safety and health for pub employees REF ALA
A878 Giblin,T/Mukherji,R Workers' compensation-permits collective bargaining agreements improving REF ALA
A879 Giblin,T Asthma-friendly schools-boards of education required to adopt policies REF AED
A880 Giblin,T Criminal records-eliminates certain prohibitions to expungements REF AJU
A881 Giblin,T/Jimenez,A+6 Real estate licensees-revises laws concerning REF ARP
A882 Giblin,T Residential access streets, certain-provides for lower speed limits REF ATR
A883 Giblin,T/Timberlake,B+1 Human trafficking victim-develop and post notice containing information REF AJU
A884 Giblin,T Real estate licensees-concerns REF ARP
A885 Giblin,T/DeCroce,B Trans projects-pilot program to allow a single firm to design & inspect services REF ATR
A886 Giblin,T/Quijano,A Building service employees-provides transition period, after 90 days retain emp. REF AAP
A887 Giblin,T Paraprofessionals employed by ed services commission-concern employment contract REF ALA
A888 Giblin,T Transportation projects-appropriates from Transportion Trust Fund Authority REF ATR
A889 Giblin,T Investment Council, State-adjusts membership process and reports REF ASL
A890 Giblin,T Latex gloves-DOH develop phase out plan, in health care fac/food establishments REF AHE
A891 Giblin,T Vocational training school, certain-exempts nonprofit from property tax REF AED
A892 Giblin,T/Caputo,R+4 University Hospital board of directors membership-increase from 11 to 13 REF AHE
A893 Giblin,T/Caputo,R+6 Drug court-permits counties to establish a central municipal REF AJU
A894 Giblin,T/Timberlake,B+4 Labor harmony agreements for hospitality projects-concerns REF ALA
A895 Giblin,T Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment REF AHI
A896 Giblin,T/Benson,D+1 County colleges-develop plan to achieve three-year graduation rate REF AHI
A897 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Lyme disease-health insurance required to cover REF AFI
A898 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Municipal authority-supervise/terminate employment of construction code official REF ASL
A899 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Notaries public-required to be U.S. citizens REF ARP
A900 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Bay scallop fishery-DEP authorize and requires assessment of resource REF AAN
A901 Gove,D/Rumpf,B NICS terminals, new-assist local police departments with payment;$250K REF ASL
A902 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+6 Inheritance tax-eliminates & repeal chapters 33-37 of Title 54, Revised Statutes REF ABU
A903 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Municipal ordinance violation fines-convert into tax liens REF AHO
A904 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Disabled veteran property tax exemption-State reimbursement to municipalities REF AMV
A905 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Animal rescue-provides immunity and forms emergency animal rescue response units REF AAN
A906 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Seniors Helping Seniors Who are Blind or Visually Impaired Demo Program;$360K REF ASE
A907 Gove,D/Rumpf,B VetGroup, Inc.-allow gross income tax contributions REF AMV
A908 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+1 Distinguished service medal-authorize special license plate REF AMV
A909 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+2 Veterans of the global war on terror conflicts-provide certain benefits REF AMV
A910 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Co and mun emp leave of absence-St reimb salary, mil service in war on terror REF AMV
A911 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+2 Veteran's property tax exemption-extends to tenant shareholders in co-ops REF AMV
A912 Gove,D/Rumpf,B PERS ordinary disability retiree-allows reenrollment REF ASL
A913 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Homestead property tax reimbursement-extend payment to non-elig surviving spouse REF ACD
A914 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+2 Veterans-municipal development trust funds be spent on affordable assistance REF AMV
A915 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Surviving spouse, cert blind or disabled vet-annual comp paid from date of death REF AMV
A916 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+5 Armed Forces & National Guard-estab. task force, study issues of returning memb. REF AMV
A917 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+1 Senior citizen or veteran identity theft-increase penalties REF ALP
A918 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Island Beach & Liberty St Parks-dedicate fees collected to support cert programs REF ATG
A919 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+2 Vulnerable person-creates new offense of theft by financial exploitation REF ALP
A920 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Barnegat Bay Decoy & Baymen's Museum-converts loan to grant REF AAP
A921 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Volunteer tuition credit program-clarifies non-credit courses are eligible REF AHI
A922 Gove,D+1 Business and the Arts Commission-establish to promote art Statewide REF ATG
A923 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+2 Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act-creates REF AMV
A924 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Veterans' organizations-exempt from motor vehicle registration fees REF AMV
A925 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Municipal police officers-revises current law permitting paid leave of absence REF ALA
A926 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Trapping license fees-provides discount for resident senior citizens REF AAN
A927 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+1 Vol firefighters, rescue & first aid squad memb-allows $5K income tax deduction REF AHS
A928 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Breann's Law-children w/catastrophic illnesses provide out of network coverage REF AFI
A929 Gove,D Heritage Weekend-requires Division of Travel & Tourism to develop and promote REF ATG
A930 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Abandoned vessel, after state of emergency-petition county for removal REF AHS
A931 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+1 Transfer Inheritance Tax-eliminates and repeals parts of the revised statute REF ABU
A932 Gove,D/Rumpf,B+1 Disab. vet. prop-cont tax exempt status, homes destroyed by flood/storm reconstr REF AMV
A933 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Disabled veteran-exempts from beach buggy permit fees REF AMV
A934 Gove,D Declaration of Independence-250th Anniv., develop manual to plan celebration REF ATG
A935 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Signs, indicate historic district or site-DOT develop common design REF ATG
A936 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Historic markers & signs-DOT & hist. entities accept gifts/grants to purch/erect REF ATG
A937 Karabinchak,R Sidewalk construction-req. along certain routes w/in certain radius of pub sch REF ATR
A938 Karabinchak,R Gross Income Tax EasyFile Prog.-Div. of Taxation prepare income tax return forms REF AAP
A939 Karabinchak,R Development projects-provides expedited processes related to approval REF ASL
A940 Karabinchak,R/Downey,J School bus monitoring systems-authorizes use REF AED
A941 Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G+1 Thefts, unlawful taking-upgrades crime in certain instances REF AJU
A942 Karabinchak,R Prof legal service contract on behalf of St agency-memor in writing w/in 30 days REF ASL
A943 Karabinchak,R/Mazzeo,V Mail-in ballot-requires outer mailing envelope include paid postage REF ASL
A944 Karabinchak,R/Houghtaling,E Animal cruelty offense-proh Racing Comm from issuing lic or emp convicted person REF ATG
A945 Karabinchak,R Prescriptions-pharmacist adjust increment in which medication is dispensed REF AHE
A946 Karabinchak,R County bds of elections-county boards of chosen freeholders serve as tie breaker REF ASL
A947 Karabinchak,R Sch. elections-change deadline to submit public question from sch bd to co clerk REF ASL
A948 Karabinchak,R Reserves, US-increases paid leave of absence days for public employees who serve REF AMV
A949 Karabinchak,R Deer or elk originating from outside State-prohibits possession REF AAN
A950 Karabinchak,R/DeAngelo,W+1 Minimum wage increase-establish a 3 year study, impact on businesses REF ALA
A951 Karabinchak,R/Calabrese,C Call mitigation technology to subscriber-telecommunications svc provider provide REF ACO
A952 Karabinchak,R/Jasey,M Higher education institution, 4 year-permitted to award associate degrees REF AHI
A953 Karabinchak,R Architects-disclose insurance coverage REF ARP
A954 Karabinchak,R/Lampitt,P+1 Insulin drugs-place $100 cap on amount paid by covered person for purchase REF AFI
A955 Karabinchak,R/Dancer,R Pharmacy benefits manager-prohibit requiring covered persons to use mail service REF AFI
A956 Karabinchak,R/Caputo,R Property, municipal-wide reassessment-required under certain circumstances REF ASL
A957 Karabinchak,R/Dancer,R Textbook purchase-eliminates requirement to submit sales tax exemption REF AED
A958 Conaway,H/Moriarty,P+8 Veterans' civil service preference-expands elig and creates additional benefits REF AMV
A959 Conaway,H/McKnight,A Hepatitis C-hospital labs, bio-analytical or clinical labs offer tests REF AHE
A960 Conaway,H/Holley,J+1 Hepatitis C test-labs required to draw and store blood for test confirmation REF AHE
A961 Conaway,H/Wimberly,B+1 Smoking devices, electronic-req. licensure for manufacturers and retail dealers REF AHE
A962 Conaway,H/Murphy,C+1 Recreational Therapists Licensing Act REF ARP
A963 Conaway,H/Wimberly,B+1 Sickle cell trait diagnoses-establishes central registry REF AHE
A964 Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+1 Menthol cigarettes-prohibits sale REF AHE
A965 Conaway,H/Murphy,C Teaching hospitals & medical residency programs-increase number throughout State REF AHE
A966 Conaway,H/Murphy,C+9 Menthol cigarettes/flavored electronic smoking device-prohibit sale/distribution REF AHE
A967 Conaway,H/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Tobacco and vapor products-prohibits use of coupons, price rebates in sales REF AHE
A968 Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 Lead exposure-adopt plan reduce exposure from contaminated soil/drinking water REF AEN
A970 Conaway,H/Lampitt,P+7 Students w/depression-public schools required to administer written screenings REF AED
A971 Conaway,H/Vainieri Huttle,V HIV, areas w/high prevalence-hosp. & clinical labs prov. info & offer screenings REF AHE
A972 Conaway,H/Zwicker,A+2 Smart phone & social media used in schools-comm to study effects on adolescents REF AED
A973 Conaway,H/Pinkin,N Buprenorphine-requires health benefits coverage REF AFI
A974 Conaway,H+1 Solar panels-requires new residential property construction include REF AHO
A975 Conaway,H/Zwicker,A Vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell-provides CBT and income tax credits for purchase REF AST
A976 Conaway,H/Johnson,G Hydrogen refueling stations-install at service areas on State's toll roads REF AST
A977 Conaway,H/Armato,J+5 Smoking devices, electronic & tobacco products-prohibits delivery, under age 21 REF AHE
A978 Conaway,H/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 Drugs, alternative-health insur. carriers provide list to health care prof./phar REF AHE
A979 Conaway,H/Quijano,A+11 Maternity care evaluation protocols-DOH required to establish REF AHE
A980 Conaway,H/Vainieri Huttle,V+9 Antenatal prenatal care clinics-DOH conduct survey on status REF AHE
A981 Conaway,H/Murphy,C+2 Microbeads-prohibit manufacture/sale/promotion of consumer products containing REF AEN
A982 Conaway,H/Karabinchak,R 9-1-1 call fee on customers' periodic phone bills-reduce from $0.90 to $0.22 REF ALP
A983 Conaway,H Cigars, flavored-prohibits sale REF AHE
A984 Conaway,H/Murphy,C+2 Hypodermic syringes & needles-provide 2-1-1 phone system, safe disposal location REF AHE
A985 Conaway,H/Rooney,K Plant species-prohibits certain actions relative to endangered and threatened REF AAN
A986 Conaway,H/DePhillips,C+2 Chemotherapy-test for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency REF AHE
A987 Conaway,H Health Insurance Marketplace Act REF AFI
A988 Conaway,H/Mukherji,R+7 Health insurance plans cover essential health benefits-preserve requirements REF AFI
A989 Conaway,H/Zwicker,A Facial recognition systems-AG required to arrange for certain testing REF ALP
A990 Conaway,H/Murphy,C+5 9-1-1 sys. regionalization cost-fd. w/9-1-1 Sys., & Emerg Response Trust Fd Acct REF ALP
A991 Conaway,H/Houghtaling,E+1 County Urban Agricultural Development Zone Act REF AAN
A992 Conaway,H/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 Tobacco & vapor products-revise sale requirements; incr penalties for proh sales REF AHE
A993 Conaway,H/Lopez,Y+3 Vapor Products Tax Act-revises licensure & operational req. for vapor businesses REF AHE
A994 Conaway,H/Caputo,R Medications, maintenance-prohibits SHBP, SEHBP or Medicaid from denying coverage REF AFI
A995 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+8 Veterans Assistance Grant Prog-estab nonprofit organizations, provide cert. svcs REF AMV
A996 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Economic Gardening Program-create, prov customized service to certain businesses REF ACE
A997 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Horseshoe crab-designates as State Arthropod REF AAN
A998 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Opioid & substance use disorders-establish a pilot program to study REF AHU
A999 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E School Funding Commission-establish in DOE REF AED
A1001 Downey,J/Freiman,R+15 Veteran suicide prevention public service announcements-DMVA receive vol contrib REF AMV
A1002 Downey,J Medicaid Enrollment Encounter Database-establish as part of iPHD project REF AHU
A1003 Downey,J/Wimberly,B+8 SNAP-DHS develop outreach plan to inform students REF AHU
A1004 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E WorkAbility Program-increase hourly limit of reimb. personal care assistant svcs REF AHU
A1005 Downey,J/Chiaravalloti,N+5 Medicaid Transportation Brokerage Program Oversight and Accountability Act REF AHU
A1006 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Casino & racetrack-remove 7 day limit, continue operation, budget-related emerg. REF ATG
A1007 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+2 Medical debt-delays when sent to collection agency, prov. income-based repayment REF ACO
A1008 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Filial responsibility-repeals anachronistic sections of law REF AHU
A1009 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+4 Michael Anthony Fornicola's Law-automated external defibrillator req in hotels REF ATG
A1010 Downey,J Nursing aide-financial assistance tax credit for costs associated w/training REF AHI
A1011 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Social and emotional learning-Commissioner of Education establish pilot program REF AED
A1012 Downey,J Bundled payments pilot program-establishes in Medicaid REF AHU
A1013 Downey,J Death, wrongful-include damages for mental anguish and emotional pain/suffering REF AJU
A1014 Downey,J Workers' compensation cases-removes limitations of suit and attys' fees REF ALA
A1015 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+3 Disabilities and employment-establish public awareness campaign REF AHU
A1016 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+2 Disabled individual-design and make available to public webpage w/employee info. REF AHU
A1017 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+3 Model Employer for People with Disabilities-create program for State government REF AHU
A1018 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+3 Disabled individual-conduct study to identify trends and gaps in employment REF AHU
A1019 Downey,J/Timberlake,B Welfare agency-conduct full eligibility screening of pub. asst & social svc prog REF AHU
A1020 Downey,J/Zwicker,A Patients' gender and sex information-hospitals/health care facilities collect REF AHU
A1021 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Developmentally disabled person-requires DHS study emergency response services REF AHU
A1022 Downey,J/Holley,J+8 Perinatal health curriculum, community health workers-DOH develop standardized REF AHE
A1023 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Medicaid recipient's estate-limit authority of DHS to impose liens/seek recovery REF AHU
A1024 Downey,J/Tucker,C+2 Birth certificate to military veteran-requires issuance of 1 free copy REF AMV
A1025 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+2 Veteran for civil service hiring preference-changes definition REF AMV
A1026 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Veteran pension benf.-change definition & elim req of svc during specific dates REF AMV
A1027 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E License Verification System-verify health care professional's license REF AFI
A1028 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+2 Medicaid prescription drug services-provide via fee-for-service delivery system REF AHU
A1029 Downey,J Personal injury protections-elim options; requires $250K of medical expense benf REF AFI
A1030 Downey,J Workers' Compensation Judges-changes eligibility from DCRP to PERS REF AJU
A1031 Downey,J Workers' Comp. Judges from DCRP & Judges part of PERS transfers to JRS REF AJU
A1032 Downey,J Workers' comp judges-enrollment in PERS required; requires JRS rights/benf apply REF AJU
A1033 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Psychiatrists who contract with DCF-provides tuition reimbursement REF AHU
A1034 Downey,J+1 Pediatric and adult psychiatry reimbursement rates-requires rate review study REF AHU
A1035 Jasey,M/Tucker,C+4 Sickle cell anemia-insurers required to provide coverage for medications REF AFI
A1036 Jasey,M/Jimenez,A+4 Public access information provided to a government agency-exempts disclosure REF AJU
A1037 Jasey,M Charter schools teachers/prof support staff-must meet the same certification req REF AED
A1038 Jasey,M/DeCroce,B+13 Kindergarten, full-day-establish task force to study related issues REF AED
A1039 Jasey,M/Giblin,T+7 Public school closure-establishes approval procedures REF AED
A1040 Jasey,M/Caputo,R+5 Sch district-satisfy 80% of effectiveness, St. must return area to local control REF AED
A1041 Jasey,M/Benson,D+2 Student w/traumatic brain inury-appoint coordinator to coordinate education REF AED
A1042 Jasey,M Sch. district-places 5 yr. limit on State control, req local control be returned REF AED
A1043 Jasey,M/Quijano,A+1 Out-of-School Time Advisory Commission-review certain programs REF AED
A1044 Jasey,M/McKnight,A+8 School building-adopt policy establishing temperature control standards REF AED
A1045 Jasey,M/Reynolds-Jackson,V Works Dual Enrollment Option Program-establish REF AED
A1046 Jasey,M/Reynolds-Jackson,V Advanced placement exam fees-State reimbursement school districts for the cost REF AED
A1047 Jasey,M+1 Worker's compensation-changes ratio for earnings REF ALA
A1048 Jasey,M/Mukherji,R Relocation assistance amounts-provides increase based on increase of CPI REF ACD
A1049 Jasey,M/Quijano,A+8 Residential Foreclosure Transformation Act-transfer to affordable housing REF AHO
A1050 Jasey,M/Calabrese,C+1 Low and moderate income housing-expands financing opportunities REF AHO
A1051 Jasey,M/McKeon,J Municipal dedicated charitable funds-concerns exclusively public purposes REF ASL
A1052 Jasey,M/Wimberly,B Residential property mortgage foreclosure process-revises REF AFI
A1053 Jasey,M/Caputo,R Military recruiter-prov simplified method, opting out of release of student info REF AED
A1054 Jasey,M Kindergarten, full-day-required in all school districts; uniform age requirement REF AED
A1055 Jasey,M/Lampitt,P+1 Community school pilot program-establish 5 year REF AED
A1056 Jasey,M Colleges-revise standards for contracting, mirror standards applicable to univ. REF AHI
A1057 Jasey,M/McKeon,J+2 Municipal emergency management coordinators, non-resident-permits appointment REF AHS
A1058 Jasey,M/Reynolds-Jackson,V Senior citizen service-requires discrimination prevention training for providers REF ASE
A1059 Jasey,M/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 Opioid antidote-higher ed instit maintain supply; campus medical prof administer REF AHI
A1060 Jasey,M/Zwicker,A State form-modernize to incorp. new standards for collection of sex/gender info REF AHU
A1061 Jasey,M/Johnson,G+9 Maternal mental health-ID & take appropriate steps to secure fed funding sources REF AHE
A1062 Jasey,M/McKnight,A+5 Child care centers, licensed-requires 45 day notice for tuition rate changes REF AWC
A1063 Jasey,M/Murphy,C+1 Foreclosure mediation program requirements-enhances homeowner notification REF AHO
A1064 Jasey,M/Kennedy,J+2 Campaign funds-use of up to $25K for child care expenses for campaign activity REF ASL
A1065 Jasey,M/Sumter,S Electioneering not permited-county clerk place signs near polling place REF ASL
A1066 Jasey,M Branch campus, higher ed. instit-requires Secretary of Higher Education approval REF AHI
A1067 Jasey,M/McKeon,J Nursing fac special care-patients w/psych, substance use disorder dual diagnosis REF AHE
A1068 Jasey,M/Caputo,R+2 School readiness & workforce development pilot prog-estab low-income households REF AHI
A1069 Jasey,M/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 Students w/disab-sch security drills/emerg situations-req documentation of needs REF AED
A1070 Jasey,M STEM students-concerns recruitment and retention REF AST
A1071 Speight,S/Verrelli,A Driver's license, restricted use-provide as alternative for license suspension REF AJU
A1072 Speight,S/McKnight,A+2 Working Group on End of Life and Palliative Care-establish in DOH REF ASE
A1073 Speight,S/Pintor Marin,E+1 Preeclampsia testing for certain pregnant women & women who have given birth-req REF AWC
A1074 Speight,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V Educational Opportunity Fund-Higher Education Secretary create/maintain database REF AHI
A1075 Speight,S/Vainieri Huttle,V Legionnaires's disease-DEP, DOH, DCA & public water systems prevent/control REF AEN
A1076 Speight,S/McKnight,A AG-collect, record, analyze & report cert prosecutorial & criminal justice data REF ALP
A1077 Speight,S/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Postpartum depression screening-DOH develop and implement plan, improve access REF AWC
A1078 Speight,S/Pintor Marin,E+6 Domestic violence orders-requires to be issued in other languages REF AWC
A1079 Speight,S Health care professionals-undergo implicit bias training REF AHE
A1080 Speight,S/Murphy,C+1 Inmates, reentry services-authorizes use of county welfaire funds REF ALP
A1081 Speight,S/McKnight,A Human Trafficking Commissioner-public awareness, post signs w/24 hour hotline REF AJU
A1082 Speight,S VCCO pilot program-make grants available to non-profit org. to perform outreach REF ALP
A1083 Speight,S VCCO, order payment to crime victim-establishes presumption REF ALP
A1084 Speight,S Police dept., cert areas-req specialized in-svc training regarding crime victims REF ALP
A1085 Speight,S Crime Victim Comp. Review Bd-req training or experience in crime victim's rights REF ALP
A1086 Speight,S Tenants, receive public assistance payments-extend grace period for late charges REF AHO
A1087 Murphy,C/Mukherji,R+1 Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing REF AAN
A1088 Murphy,C Heart specialty hospital-exempts hospital assessment under certain circumstances REF AHE
A1089 Murphy,C/Conaway,H Dumping dredge spoils-prohibits around islands without municipal approval REF AEN
A1090 Murphy,C Disabled veteran, totally/permanently-provide income tax credit for rent REF AMV
A1091 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Brewery tours-Division of Travel and Tourism required to advertise and promote REF AOF
A1092 Murphy,C/Downey,J+20 Sexual harassment-requires Legislature to adopt/distribute policy prohibiting REF ASL
A1093 Murphy,C/Armato,J School evacuation plans-school districts required to file plan with DOE REF AED
A1094 Murphy,C/DeAngelo,W+2 Veteran to veteran peer support helpline-DMVA conduct outcomes & efficacy study REF AMV
A1095 Murphy,C+7 Disab.-req. accessible public restroom facilities be equipped w/signs reserving REF AHU
A1096 Murphy,C/DeAngelo,W+13 Veteran owned businesses-waives business formation and registration fees REF AMV
A1097 Murphy,C/Mukherji,R+3 Nondiscrimination policy-NJT adopt and requires annual training REF ATR
A1098 Murphy,C/Downey,J State agency websites-make accessible to people w/disabilities on mobile devices REF ASL
A1099 Murphy,C/Armato,J+4 Military Advisory Board-establish REF AMV
A1100 Murphy,C/Mukherji,R+1 Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact-enters NJ in REF AHS
A1101 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V Anti-sexual harassment policy-requires each county and municipality to adopt REF ASL
A1102 Murphy,C/Carter,L Youth-serving patriotic societies-speak w/sch students during regular sch hours REF AED
A1103 Murphy,C Breweries, limited-makes various changes to governing law REF AOF
A1104 Murphy,C+1 Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents REF AED
A1105 Murphy,C/Armato,J Student mental health-estab task force, examine pub sch prog/services to address REF AED
A1106 Murphy,C+1 Jr Firefighter Auxiliary members-promulgate reg pertaining to training/duties REF AHS
A1107 Murphy,C/Karabinchak,R+7 Maximizing Employment for People with Disabilities Task Force-establishes REF ALA
A1108 Murphy,C/Benson,D+6 Mary's Law-concerns specialized, modified motor vehicles REF AHE
A1109 Murphy,C+1 Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb REF AMV
A1110 Murphy,C/McKnight,A Elder abuse in domestic settings-clarifies REF AJU
A1111 Murphy,C Child Advocate Office-establish REF AWC
A1112 Murphy,C Interstate Medical Licensure Compact-NJ enters into REF AHE
A1113 Murphy,C Mental health first aid training-St. Bd of Ed incl instruct for pub sch teachers REF AED
A1114 Murphy,C/Zwicker,A 5G Network and Development Task Force-establish REF ATU
A1115 Murphy,C/Johnson,G Charitable contributions, State-based-allows gross income tax deduction REF ABU
A1116 Murphy,C/Greenwald,L Small wireless facility deployment-provides for uniform regulation REF ATU
A1117 Murphy,C Delaware River Basin Commission;$200K REF AEN
A1118 Murphy,C/Mukherji,R+1 Mental health first aid training-State employees receive REF AHE
A1119 Murphy,C/Lopez,Y Alice Paul statue-Joint Committee on Library of Cong to replace Philip Kearney REF AWC
A1120 Murphy,C/Mosquera,G Child care centers, lic.-prov. annual notice of emergency procedure requirements REF AWC
A1121 Murphy,C Veteran of US or organized militia misrepresentation-upgrades certain crimes REF AMV
A1122 Murphy,C/Benson,D+1 Women Veterans Coordinator-establishes in DMVA REF AMV
A1123 Murphy,C/Benson,D Hearing aids-requires health benefits coverage for all ages REF AFI
A1124 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V Planning for an Aging Population Task Force-establishes REF ASE
A1125 Coughlin,C/Johnson,G+2 Liquor license, inactive-provide for transfer and sale, qualify smart growth mun REF AOF
A1126 Coughlin,C/Sumter,S+1 State agencies, certain-sell Internet ads on agencies' websites as pilot program REF ASL
A1127 Coughlin,C Warrant info-auth computer sys that would allow electronic access to arrest info REF ALP
A1128 Coughlin,C/Holley,J+2 Liquor license, inactive-mun hold lic reserved for smart growth devel, addl 5 yr REF AOF
A1129 Coughlin,C Manufacturing equipment and facility renovation-CBT for certain investment REF ACE
A1130 Coughlin,C/Holley,J+5 Limited brewery premises-allows consumption of food REF AOF
A1131 Coughlin,C/Dancer,R Freshwater wetlands mitigation projects-use St-owned mun-managed Blue Acres land REF AAN
A1132 Coughlin,C Catastrophic Illness, Children Relief Fd prog-excl donations in determining elig REF AWC
A1133 Coughlin,C/McKeon,J Insurance producers-prohibits application of fiduciary standard REF AFI
A1134 Coughlin,C Charter school-modify enrollment procedures, use lottery selection process REF AED
A1135 Coughlin,C/Karabinchak,R+1 Nonprofit hospital w/for-profit medical on-site provider-restore prop tax exemp REF ASL
A1136 Coughlin,C/Houghtaling,E Wage claims against subcontractors-concerns responsibility of owners REF ALA
A1137 Coughlin,C/Pinkin,N+36 Health care plans-offered by SEHBP and local boards of education REF ABU
A1138 Coughlin,C/Lampitt,P+6 Breakfast or lunch, reduced price-State pay difference REF AED
A1139 Freiman,R/Calabrese,C Winery salesrooms-makes various changes to law governing REF AAN
A1140 Freiman,R/Calabrese,C Agriculture-related events on preserved farmland-permits REF AAN
A1141 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A+2 Firearm purchaser ID-increases from age 18 to 21 REF AJU
A1142 Freiman,R/Pinkin,N Zero-Based Budget Act-State Treasurer develop/integrate cert practices/procedure REF ABU
A1143 Freiman,R/Swain,L+1 Energy usage and spending at State buildings-State Treasurer required to review REF AEN
A1144 Freiman,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Dogs-allowed in sampling and tasting areas of breweries REF AOF
A1145 Freiman,R/Egan,J+10 Electronic Permit Processing Review System-establishes REF ACD
A1146 Freiman,R/Murphy,C+4 Historical Markers Trail-Division of Travel and Tourism establish REF ATG
A1147 Freiman,R State procurement process-revise certain aspects REF ASL
A1148 Freiman,R/Thomson,E+8 Retirement plans, qualified-income tax exemption for contributions REF AFI
A1149 Freiman,R/Johnson,G+1 Education loan payments-income tax deduction made by certain taxpayers REF AED
A1150 Freiman,R/Downey,J+1 Home restoration contractors-requires registration REF ARP
A1151 Freiman,R/Downey,J+2 Insourcing business-provides CBT and income tax credits REF ACE
A1152 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A+6 First time home buyers & seniors-provides temporary income tax credit REF AHO
A1153 Freiman,R/Benson,D+3 E-ZPass-opt in to receive real-time electronic toll notification REF ATR
A1154 Freiman,R/Swain,L+1 Small businesses-req to provide earned sick leave; CBT & income tax credit REF ACE
A1155 Freiman,R/Murphy,C+1 Access Link paratransit service during state of emergency-NJT operate REF ATR
A1156 Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+1 Minimum wage increase-provides gross income tax credits for employers REF ALA
A1157 Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+1 Minimum wage increase-establish task force to study impact on businesses REF ALA
A1158 Freiman,R/Lopez,Y+1 Disability benefits provided by transportation network companies-authorize use REF AHU
A1159 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A Income housing obligation, moderate-auth workforce housing transfer agreements REF AHO
A1160 Freiman,R Traumatic Brain Injury Fund-include trans cost, accessing support group meetings REF AHU
A1161 Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V Minimum wage increases-Commissioner of Labor & Workforce Devel. annually review REF ALA
A1162 Freiman,R Municipal consolidation-related costs-State reimburse 50% REF ASL
A1163 Freiman,R/Danielsen,J+4 Opioid abuse-estab publish awareness, Pregnant Women, Women w/Dependent Children REF ALP
A1164 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A Commuter rail service on West Trenton Line-NJT conduct study on restoring use REF ATR
A1165 Freiman,R/Armato,J+3 Assets, depreciable-allows taxpayers deduct cost under CBT and gross income tax REF AST
A1166 Freiman,R Health care benefits insur carrier-contract for independent forensic finan audit REF AOF
A1167 Freiman,R/Tully,P Affordable housing obligation-strategic forecasting analysis, impact on each mun REF AHO
A1168 Freiman,R Tax preparation software-prohibits charging fees for filing State tax returns REF ACO
A1169 Freiman,R/Swain,L+3 Health care service firm-provides income tax credit certain taxpayers REF AHE
A1170 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A DNA samples & genetic information-analysis property of person sampled REF ALP
A1171 Freiman,R/Karabinchak,R Statewide database, certified payroll information for pub works projects-creates REF ALA
A1172 Zwicker,A/Benson,D+6 Website, classified-mun and co police departments estab safe areas for purchases REF ALP
A1173 Zwicker,A/Pinkin,N+1 Residents w/special needs-establish central registry for use during emergencies REF AHS
A1174 Zwicker,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+7 Special ed. students-estab. comprehensive searchable ed prog & resources website REF AED
A1175 Zwicker,A/Benson,D+6 Internet service providers-prohibits disclosure of subscriber's personal ID info REF AST
A1176 Zwicker,A/Freiman,R Angioplasty, elective procedures-estab. req, issue licenses to certain hospitals REF AHE
A1177 Zwicker,A/Quijano,A Organ and bone marrow donations-grants State employees paid leave REF ALA
A1178 Zwicker,A/DePhillips,C+1 Blockchain technology-permits corporations to use for recordkeeping requirements REF AST
A1179 Zwicker,A/Pinkin,N State buildings, certain-high performance green building standards REF AEN
A1180 Zwicker,A Libraries-allows disposal of certain materials without advertising for bids REF ASL
A1181 Zwicker,A/Mukherji,R+1 Internet websites, commercial and online service operators-post privacy policy REF AST
A1182 Zwicker,A Drilling platform-clarifies liability for discharges of hazardous substances REF AEN
A1183 Zwicker,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Wine making facilities, instructional-sell wine on premises at certain events REF AAN
A1184 Zwicker,A+1 School discipline data-report on their websites and to Commissioner of Education REF AED
A1185 Zwicker,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Spill Compensation and Control Act cap-incr on recovery damages cert dischargers REF AEN
A1186 Zwicker,A/Murphy,C Natural disaster-related spending, by State & local govt.-requires DCA to track REF ACO
A1187 Zwicker,A/Benson,D+2 Autonomous vehicles-directs MVC to establish driver's license endorsements REF ATR
A1188 Zwicker,A/Benson,D+2 Bot, used for commercial or election purposes to deceive-prohibits use REF AST
A1189 Zwicker,A/Benson,D+1 Autonomous vehicle pilot program, fully-establishes REF ATR
A1190 Zwicker,A Innovation Assistance Act-establishes & provides tax credits to cert. businesses REF AST
A1191 Zwicker,A Beatrice Hicks Innovation Partnership-prov. funding for emerging tech businesses REF AST
A1192 Zwicker,A/Benson,D Chiara's Law-proh euthanizing animals in shelter except for health/safety reason REF AAN
A1193 Zwicker,A/Mukherji,R Hydrofluorocarbon emissions-DEP establish monitoring and reporting program REF AEN
A1194 Zwicker,A Chiropractic-provides for temporary travel license to practice REF ARP
A1195 Zwicker,A Charter school funding-provides that State pay tax levy portion REF AED
A1196 Zwicker,A/Jasey,M Charter sch. finan reporting/proh contracting w/for-profit charter mgmt org-req REF AED
A1197 Zwicker,A Charter school expand no. of grade levels or enlarge resid region-voter approval REF AED
A1198 Zwicker,A Charter school enrollment demographics-eliminates sibling enrollment REF AED
A1199 Zwicker,A Charter school admission-Commissioner of Education maintain waiting list REF AED
A1200 Zwicker,A/Chaparro,A Governor, State Legislature-estab. ranked-choice voting procedure for elections REF ASL
A1201 Zwicker,A/Quijano,A Division of Gifted and Talented Education-establish in DOE REF AED
A1202 Zwicker,A/Mukherji,R Zero-carbon source-all electric power required by energy year 2050 REF ATU
A1203 Zwicker,A/Freiman,R Department of Commerce and Innovation Act REF AST
A1204 Zwicker,A/Benson,D Independent expenditure committees-makes various changes to reporting req. REF AAP
A1205 Zwicker,A/Swain,L Recycled materials-district recycling plan include compostable waste REF AEN
A1206 Zwicker,A Independent expenditure committees-reporting requirements, makes various changes REF ASL
A1207 Zwicker,A/Dancer,R Professional license-issue for certain individuals w/good standing licenses REF ARP
A1208 Zwicker,A/Karabinchak,R Military spouses, certain-provides tax credits for hiring REF AMV
A1209 Zwicker,A Black bear-moratorium on hunting until new comprehensive policy on management REF AAN
A1210 Zwicker,A/Conaway,H Facial recognition technology use by law enforcement agency-public hearings REF AST
A1211 Zwicker,A Dogs-prohibits cropping or altering the tail or ears; animal cruelty offense REF AAN
A1212 Chaparro,A Public utilities & pipeline operators-reimburse mun., certain emergency services REF ATU
A1213 Chaparro,A/Mukherji,R Homeowners' associations-revises time period at which unit owners assume control REF AHO
A1214 Chaparro,A/McKnight,A Internet-organized events-authorizes municipalities to regulate REF ASL
A1215 Chaparro,A/Mukherji,R+1 Automobile insurance-proh. use of gap coverage as rating factor in underwriting REF AFI
A1216 Chaparro,A Addi's Law-parent convicted of murdering child's other parent terminate rights REF AWC
A1217 Chaparro,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+7 Zackhary's Law-Hit & Run Advisory Program; fleeing motor vehicle accident scene REF ALP
A1218 Chaparro,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Theater liquor license-revises law REF AOF
A1219 Chaparro,A/McKnight,A+2 Rabies-owner notification of testing protocol & options prior to testing animals REF AAN
A1220 Chaparro,A Law enforcement-penalty for withholding ID to hinder apprehension or prosecution REF ALP
A1221 Chaparro,A/Speight,S+1 Social svcs. hotline-emerg contact info & access instructions be prov to tenants REF AHO
A1222 Chaparro,A Publishing document, State agency Internet Website-redact handwritten signature REF ASL
A1223 Chaparro,A/Webber,J Rail passenger service-provide purchasers w/proof of payment at time of purchase REF ATR
A1224 Schaer,G/Johnson,G+8 Wiretap orders-authorize to investigate luring of a child and ID theft REF AJU
A1225 Schaer,G/Tucker,C+9 Medicaid, veterans on SSI-increase personal needs allowance to $50 to recipients REF AMV
A1226 Schaer,G/Jimenez,A+17 Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration REF AHS
A1227 Schaer,G/Freiman,R+2 Revenue Advisory Board-establish, provide consensus revenue forcasting advice REF ABU
A1228 Schaer,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 Breakfast after the bell-establish incentive fund REF AWC
A1229 Schaer,G/Mosquera,G+8 Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website REF ACD
A1230 Schaer,G/Benson,D+2 Clinical Trials Working Group-creates, concerns clinical trial for drugs REF AHE
A1231 Schaer,G+6 Adopted children-maintain religious upbringing when placed in family home REF AWC
A1232 Schaer,G Adopted child-requires religion not be changed REF AWC
A1233 Schaer,G/Holley,J+4 Lead paint-municipalities conduct inspections in single-and two family dwellings REF AHO
A1234 Schaer,G Firearm education program-successful completion to obtain a purchaser ID card REF ALP
A1235 Schaer,G/Lopez,Y+3 Street gang recruitment, criminal and criminality-upgrades certain penalties REF ALP
A1236 Schaer,G/Houghtaling,E+1 Adulterated candy-prohibits sale in NJ REF ACO
A1237 Schaer,G/Wirths,H+1 Construction industry employers-notify employees of certain rights REF ALA
A1238 Schaer,G/Timberlake,B+1 Asbestos inspection-establish licensing and permit req., adoptions of standards REF ARP
A1239 Schaer,G Healthcare Disclosure and Transparency Act REF AFI
A1240 Schaer,G/Chaparro,A Rental asst. determinations & evictions-concern residential inspection findings REF AHO
A1241 Schaer,G/Benson,D+1 Mental health screening service-concerns expansion of services by DOH REF AHU
A1242 Schaer,G/Benson,D+3 Early Intervention Support Services program-expansion of program to all counties REF AHE
A1243 Schaer,G/Benson,D+1 Mosquito spraying-requires notification prior to application REF AAN
A1244 Schaer,G Health care fac.-DOH establish standardized requirements for vendor registration REF AHE
A1245 Schaer,G/DeAngelo,W Public utility infrastructure projects-notice required prior to initiating REF ATU
A1246 Schaer,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Terrorism-expands crime REF AHS
A1247 Schaer,G Tuition Aid Grant-establish program to provide free tuition to certain students REF AHI
A1248 Schaer,G/Mukherji,R College Ready Students Program Act-prov tuition-free dual enrollment opportunity REF AHI
A1249 Schaer,G/Mukherji,R Succeed in NJ-estab student loan reimb prog, resid employed in designated fields REF AHI
A1250 Schaer,G/Jasey,M School counselor preparation programs-include credits on college/finan planning REF AED
A1251 Schaer,G/Reynolds-Jackson,V+35 Sch. districts-revise health care levy adjustment; make changes to sch emp benf. REF ASL
A1252 Schaer,G/Mukherji,R+14 Lead Education Accountability & Disclosure Act-pub. water systems prov cert info REF AEN
A1253 Schaer,G/Mukherji,R+4 Lead service lines-public water systems develop schedules for replacement REF AEN
A1254 Schaer,G Geriatric parole-establishes for certain eligible inmates REF ALP
A1255 Schaer,G/Dancer,R Religious services-establish security plan; select 1 person to carry handgun REF AJU
A1256 Schaer,G/DeCroce,B Barber service-concerns licensure of persons rendering services in another state REF ARP
A1257 Schaer,G+1 Public venues & places of worship-submit emerg plans to law enforcement agencies REF ALP
A1258 Schaer,G/Mukherji,R+1 SHBP, SEHBP-requires pharmacy benefits manager report price and amount charged REF ASL
A1259 Schaer,G/DeCroce,B Pharmacy benefits manager prov. services w/in Medicaid prog-disclose info to DHS REF AHU
A1260 Schaer,G/Wimberly,B+2 Juneteenth Independence Day-changes date to June 19 of each year REF ASL
A1261 Schaer,G Juveniles-revise criteria and eligibility for medical parole for certain inmates REF ALP
A1262 Schaer,G/Timberlake,B Lead service line inventories and replacement-public water system develop REF AEN
A1263 Schaer,G Life insurance, stranger-originated-prohibits act, practice or arrangement REF AFI
A1264 Greenwald,L/Holley,J+1 Plenary retail distribution license-removes limit from certain stores REF AOF
A1265 Greenwald,L/Lampitt,P Limited retail religious distribution license-establishes REF AOF
A1266 Greenwald,L/Schaer,G+1 Surplus lines insurance coverage-decreases premium REF AFI
A1267 Greenwald,L Motor vehicle rental surcharge-decrease from $5 per day to $2 per day REF ATR
A1268 Greenwald,L/DeAngelo,W+1 Property taxation-authorizes State constitutional convention to reform REF ASL
A1269 Greenwald,L Class 4A commercial property-eliminates the 1% fee and the 1% tax REF AAP
A1270 Greenwald,L/Quijano,A+1 Teacher recruitment grant program-establishes in DOE;$6M REF AHI
A1271 Greenwald,L/Bramnick,J+1 Motor veh franchisees/franshisors-revises law concerning rights/responsibilities REF ARP
A1272 Greenwald,L/Benson,D+1 Devel. disabled person-rebalance State resources and provide community services REF AHU
A1273 Greenwald,L/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 DEP-required to submit annual financial report on status of cert. fund balances REF AEN
A1274 Greenwald,L Public officials, AG & county prosecutors, acting-serve no longer than 6 months REF ASL
A1275 Greenwald,L Carpet and other flooring installation-excludes from sales and use tax REF ABU
A1276 Greenwald,L/Zwicker,A Cosmetology/Hairstyling State Board-modifies education requirement for licensure REF ARP
A1277 Greenwald,L/Benson,D Drug evidence testing-data collection and issuance of report required REF ALP
A1278 Greenwald,L/Vainieri Huttle,V Office parks and retail centers-authorized conversion to mixed-use developments REF ACD
A1279 Greenwald,L/Holley,J+2 Handgun purchase-estab 180 day prohibition, person fails to report loss/theft REF AJU
A1280 Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+3 Destructive device-revises definition include weapons of 50 caliber or greater REF AJU
A1281 Greenwald,L/DeAngelo,W+1 HonorScholars Program-establishes, renames NJSTARS and repeals NJSTARS II REF AHI
A1282 Greenwald,L/McKnight,A+4 Tuition assistance programs and student loan debt-graduation requirements REF AED
A1283 Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R Drinking water supply & wastewater infrastructure-BPU estab 2 year grant program REF ATU
A1284 Greenwald,L/Moriarty,P+8 Income tax agreements, reciprocal w/other states-restricts auth. to terminate REF ABU
A1285 Greenwald,L Design-Build Constr. Services Procurement Act-estab awarding contract procedures REF ACD
A1286 Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+1 Immigrants obtaining professional & occupational licenses-permits undocumented REF ARP
A1287 Greenwald,L/Coughlin,C+10 Food Desert Elimination Act-provide incentives to supermarkets to eliminate REF AHU
A1288 Greenwald,L Utility connection fees, local government-clarifies intent regarding REF ATU
A1289 Greenwald,L/Pinkin,N Charity care services, qual-allows gross income tax deduction prov by physicians REF AHE
A1290 Greenwald,L Residential construction projects-concerns prevailing wage payments REF ALA
A1291 Greenwald,L School elections-shortens certain school board members' terms REF AED
A1292 Greenwald,L/Johnson,G+2 Handgun ammunition-regulate sale & develop system for electronic firearm info. REF AJU
A1293 Greenwald,L/Burzichelli,J+1 Brewery, distillery industries-estab advisory council; funding thru alco bev tax REF AOF
A1294 Greenwald,L/Speight,S+2 County Jail Rehabilitation and Re-Entry Program-evaluate inmates needs REF ALP
A1295 Greenwald,L/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Medicaid enrollment course for inmates-requires DOC and DHS pre-enroll REF ALP
A1296 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C+3 Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website REF ASL
A1297 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C Election activities-provides excused absences for public school students REF AED
A1298 Mosquera,G/Coughlin,C+5 Garden State Manufacturing Jobs Act REF ACE
A1299 Mosquera,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Vehicles, compressed natural gas-provides corporation business tax credits REF ACE
A1300 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C Interscholastic athletic opportunity report-school district to annually submit REF AED
A1301 Mosquera,G+1 Pawnbroker-required to file transaction reports online REF ARP
A1302 Mosquera,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Alimony-prohibits awarding to domestic violence offenders REF AJU
A1303 Mosquera,G Podiatric physicians-include coverage of services REF AFI
A1304 Mosquera,G/Wimberly,B Mortgage loan discrimination based on familial status-prohibits REF AFI
A1305 Mosquera,G/Moriarty,P+9 Domestic violence committed in the presence of a child-establish new crime REF AWC
A1306 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C+2 Agency prov temp home for child or pregnant woman during crisis-background check REF AWC
A1307 Mosquera,G/Space,P Alcohol Education, Rehabilitation and Enforcement Fund-revises distribution REF AHU
A1308 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C+2 Child Support Reform Task Force-establish REF AJU
A1309 Mosquera,G/Benson,D Homestead property tax reimbursement-revises criteria to establish base year REF ASL
A1310 Mosquera,G/Moriarty,P Sex offenders-required annual review to determine if they registered and tiered REF AJU
A1311 Mosquera,G/Webber,J Decedent's safe-deposit box-revises procedures concerning access REF AJU
A1312 Mosquera,G/Mukherji,R Infant/toddler-allow tri-weekly visits for parents/guardian under Child Prot Div REF AWC
A1313 Mosquera,G/Tucker,C SNAP applications-DHS use performance bonuses to incr. staff for processing REF AHU
A1314 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C Fire police officers-permits certain fire police units to appoint REF ALP
A1315 Mosquera,G/Moriarty,P Grab bar installation-required in certain restrooms REF ASE
A1316 Mosquera,G/DeAngelo,W+9 Energy assistance-provides $21 minimum annually to qualified families REF AHU
A1317 Mosquera,G/Greenwald,L+15 Domestic violence and firearms-revises certain laws concerning REF ALP
A1318 Mosquera,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Shotgun and rifle purchases-criminal background check required REF ALP
A1319 Mosquera,G/Schaer,G+2 Behavioral Mental Health Advisory Board-establish REF AHU
A1320 Mosquera,G Immigrant privacy law-prevent disclosure of health care enrollment information REF AHU
A1321 Mosquera,G/Chaparro,A Affordable health care plans-create English/Spanish language Internet websites REF AHU
A1322 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C Lymphedema-health insurers, SHBP/SEHBP provide coverage for diagnosis/treatment REF AFI
A1323 Mosquera,G Domestic viol. incident-failure to report, makes it a disorderly offense REF AWC
A1324 Mosquera,G/Holley,J+1 Domestic Violence Tuition Waiver Program-establishes REF AWC
A1325 Mosquera,G/Conaway,H Family First Employer Act-enacts, establishes award for certain employers REF AWC
A1326 Mosquera,G/Downey,J+3 Baby monitor, unsecured-creates public awareness campaign concerning risks REF AWC
A1327 Mosquera,G Class Two special law enforcement officers-establishes certain hiring preference REF ALP
A1328 Mosquera,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Domestic violence reports-establish human resource officers response training REF AWC
A1329 Mosquera,G/Chaparro,A Alien/illegal alien-replace reference w/foreign & undocumented foreign nationals REF ASL
A1330 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C Fire hydrants-prohibits water companies from accessing more than one charge REF ASL
A1331 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C Fire hydrant access-req. certain water companies access water flow rate testing REF ASL
A1332 Mosquera,G/DeAngelo,W+1 Veteran coordinator, higher ed instit-work w/DMVA, ensure all available access REF AMV
A1333 Mosquera,G/Mukherji,R+2 Computer science-school districts offer course, high sch. graduation requirement REF AED
A1334 Mosquera,G Levi's Law-DOH provide spina bifida information to parents/families of newborns REF AWC
A1335 Mosquera,G/Spearman,W Civil service-municipalities having population under 2,500 withdraw by ordinance REF ASL
A1336 Benson,D/Wimberly,B+10 Mold hazard-DCA required to establish procedures for inspection and abatement REF AHO
A1337 Benson,D+1 Sex offenders-loc government registration notification req, proh living near sch REF ALP
A1338 Benson,D/Downey,J+1 Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notification REF ALP
A1339 Benson,D/Vainieri Huttle,V+10 School bus aide-minimum required for every 15 special needs students REF AED
A1340 Benson,D/Lopez,Y+2 Water testing and filters-water supplier reimburse residential customers REF ATU
A1341 Benson,D/Murphy,C Drinking water quality standards-supplier notify affected mun & school districts REF ATU
A1342 Benson,D/Conaway,H+5 Lead in drinking water-health care facilities required to test and remediate REF ATU
A1343 Benson,D/Mukherji,R Amino acid-based elemental formulas, certain-requires health insurance coverage REF AFI
A1344 Benson,D/McKnight,A+1 Dual language immersion program, devel.-estab grant program for school districts REF AED
A1345 Benson,D/Johnson,G+4 Main Street Economic Growth Prog-estab to encourage bus development in small mun REF ACE
A1346 Benson,D Medicaid-limits ability to seek recovery for improper enrollment, admin. error REF AHE
A1347 Benson,D/McKnight,A+1 Mold hazards in school buildings-requires evaluation for and abatement REF AEN
A1348 Benson,D Fire extinguishers-required in new 1 and 2 family residences REF AHO
A1349 Benson,D/DeCroce,B+2 Transportation Trust Fund Authority-revenues from other funds;$165.95M REF ABU
A1350 Benson,D/McKnight,A+4 Restorative Justice in Education Pilot Program-establish in Education Department REF AED
A1351 Benson,D/Giblin,T+3 Stroke ready hospitals, acute-desig; estab Stroke Care Advisory Panel & database REF ASE
A1352 Benson,D/Mukherji,R Nonimmigrant aliens-removes exclusion from qualifying for in-State tuition rates REF AHI
A1353 Benson,D/DeCroce,B+1 Railroad crossing-driver required to stop when on-track equipment is approaching REF ATR
A1354 Benson,D/Lopez,Y Learner's permit, special-establishes cert additional examination & requirements REF ATR
A1355 Benson,D/Murphy,C+2 Animal abuser registry-establish; prohibits convicted person from owning a pet REF AAN
A1356 Benson,D+2 Veteran-submit personal status statement prior to civil service eligibility list REF AMV
A1357 Benson,D/Holley,J Life Sciences Training and Devlopment Program-establishes in DOLWD REF ALA
A1358 Benson,D+6 School bus recordings tampering-criminalize; school bus video monthly inspection REF ATR
A1359 Benson,D/Tucker,C+3 Woman Veteran-authorizes creation of license plates REF ATR
A1360 Benson,D/Tucker,C+2 Vendors that employ veterans-DMVA grant preference in awarding contracts REF ASL
A1361 Benson,D/Murphy,C+2 Mental health and addiction service provider-transition to fee-for-svc reimb sys REF AHU
A1362 Benson,D/DeCroce,B+4 Public Use Airports Task Force-estab; develop materials concerning capabilities REF ATR
A1363 Benson,D/Swain,L Sch transportation contract-termination of contract for misconduct by contractor REF ATR
A1364 Benson,D Nursing homes-DOH estab process, independent informal dispute resolution hearing REF AHE
A1365 Benson,D/Houghtaling,E+4 Wildlife-prohibits harassing or taking at competitive events; establish penal. REF AAN
A1366 Benson,D/DeCroce,B Motor vehicle subscription services-concerns REF ATR
A1367 Benson,D Respite care services for eligible Medicaid beneficiaries-ensure coverage REF AHU
A1368 Benson,D/Chiaravalloti,N Veterans awarded degrees-Outcomes-Based Allocation funding-FY2020 act to include REF AMV
A1369 Benson,D/Zwicker,A Patrolman Billie D Ellis Memorial Highway-desig. portion of Rt 27 in Princeton REF ATR
A1371 Benson,D/Vainieri Huttle,V Transportation network companies-share info., sexual misconduct investigation REF ATR
A1372 Holley,J/Wimberly,B+3 Lead paint inspection-required prior to home purchase; estab. led hazard ed prog REF AHO
A1373 Holley,J/Mukherji,R Children's products-prohibits sale of unsafe supplemental mattresses REF ACO
A1374 Holley,J/McKnight,A Marijuana-legalizes possession & personal use of small amounts for age 21 & over REF AOF
A1375 Holley,J/McKnight,A+1 Sch meal prog-Dept of Agriculture increase participation thru marketing campaign REF AAN
A1376 Holley,J Patient's med. hist-when devel or supplementing check for substance use disorder REF AHE
A1377 Holley,J/McKnight,A Meal plan funds, unused-donate to emergency meal fund, distrib. to NJ food banks REF AHI
A1378 Holley,J/Vainieri Huttle,V Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell-develop best practices REF AST
A1379 Holley,J Officials, locally elected-prohibit retroactive salary incr. as of Dec. 1, 2018 REF ASL
A1380 Holley,J Steam radiators-requires residential landlords to install protective covers REF AHO
A1381 Holley,J Private Vehicle Rental Modernization Act REF AFI
A1382 Holley,J Homestead property tax reimbursement for seniors-based on sch. portion, tax bill REF ASL
A1383 Holley,J Nurse, licensed-veteran receive credit upon completing military medical training REF AMV
A1384 Moen,W Baccalaureate degree program, accelerated 3 year-4 year higher ed. instit. offer REF AHI
A1385 Moen,W Higher ed instit, governing bd memb-complete a training prog devel by Secretary REF AHI
A1386 Moen,W Colleges, State and county-adds 2 employees to boards of trustees REF AHI
A1387 Moen,W Outstanding Scholars Recruitment Program-establishes REF AHI
A1388 Moen,W Military active duty-auth. to fish in freshwater w/out license or trout stamp REF AMV
A1389 Moen,W Notaries public-provides for training programs and increases application fees REF AJU
A1390 Moen,W Mail-in ballot procedure-creates fund to reimburse counties for cost REF ASL
A1391 Lopez,Y/Mukherji,R+8 Postage for sending goods to Armed Forces-income tax credit for cost REF AMV
A1392 Lopez,Y/Freiman,R Digital currency-regulates and establishes certain consumer protections REF AST
A1393 Lopez,Y/Giblin,T+2 Prof & occupational bds-req standards, considering applicants w/crim hist record REF ARP
A1394 Lopez,Y/Murphy,C Registered Apprenticeship Program for State Agencies-establish REF ALA
A1395 Lopez,Y/Quijano,A+2 Gun crimes-AG issue reports concerning gun use REF AJU
A1396 Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V State & local government-concerns information security standards and guidelines REF ASL
A1397 Lopez,Y/Murphy,C+1 Nursing services, private duty-requires health benefits coverage REF AFI
A1398 Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V Child care centers-prospective and current staff members undergo drug testing REF AWC
A1399 Lopez,Y/McKnight,A+21 Eye exam completed-young children required, entering pub. sch or Head Start Prog REF AED
A1400 Lopez,Y/Mukherji,R+3 Detective Melvin Vincent Santiago's Law-disarming an armed security officer REF AJU
A1401 Lopez,Y/Downey,J+6 Opioid abuse & prevention-requires public high school students receive instruct. REF AED
A1402 Lopez,Y Construction worker employment-concerns stop-work orders REF ALA
A1403 Lopez,Y Leapfrog Hospital Survey-requires certain hospitals to complete REF AHE
A1404 Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V+9 Crimes against elderly and disabled-requires collection and reporting of info. REF AHU
A1405 Lopez,Y/Spearman,W Partnership for a Drug Free NJ-increase appropriation REF AHU
A1406 Lopez,Y/Carter,L+5 Nursing services-establishes min. Medicaid reimbursement rates for private duty REF AHE
A1407 Lopez,Y Residential automatic pesticide misting systems-prohibits installation or use REF AAN
A1408 Lopez,Y/Reynolds-Jackson,V+3 Apprenticeship mentoring-estab for women, minorities and persons w/disabilities REF ALA
A1409 Lopez,Y/Schaer,G Governor's Urban Scholarship Prog-extends elig to students residing, certain mun REF AHI
A1410 Lopez,Y/Dancer,R Gold Star Family Member-co. clerk or register of deeds/mortgages issue ID card REF AMV
A1411 Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Firearm, loaded-prohibits leaving w/in easy access to minor under age 18 REF ALP
A1412 Lopez,Y/Johnson,G+5 Children, youth & family services organizations-establish COLA REF AHE
A1413 Lopez,Y Transportation proj, shutdown-DOT compensate local govt entities for penal/fines REF ATR
A1414 Lopez,Y/McKnight,A Juvenile Offender Community Conservation and Improvement Services Program REF ALP
A1415 Lopez,Y/Karabinchak,R+1 Pub util fac & related street repaving-concerns procedures, respect to repair REF ATU
A1416 Lopez,Y Pub utilities cable TV companies-accommodate/relocate fac, pay costs, infra proj REF ATU
A1417 Lopez,Y/Greenwald,L+5 Firearms & ammunition-establishes cert criminal penalties to disqualified person REF AJU
A1418 Lopez,Y/Tully,P+1 Used Car Buyer's Bill of Rights-establish new requirements for motor veh dealer REF ATR
A1419 Lopez,Y/Tully,P Hospital staff-revises identification badge requirements REF AHE
A1420 Lopez,Y Business financing-proh contracts that contain confession by judgment provisions REF AFI
A1421 Lopez,Y/Quijano,A Strangling victim, domestic violence-concerns pretrial detention REF ALP
A1422 Lopez,Y/Benson,D Automobile insurer involved in claim-not required to provide a statement REF AFI
A1423 Lopez,Y Driver's license fee-requires MVC to prorate for certain individuals REF ATR
A1424 Lopez,Y/Karabinchak,R Senior Citizen Home Repair and Modification Program-establishes;$10M REF ACD
A1425 DeCroce,B+4 Offender internet registry-establish publicly accessible Internet registry REF AJU
A1426 DeCroce,B/Dancer,R Sex offender registration information-publish on internet registry REF AJU
A1427 DeCroce,B/Giblin,T+3 Public school instruction, veterans and observance of patriotic exercises-req. REF AMV
A1428 DeCroce,B+5 Home solar electrical generator-tax deduction, purch./installing battery backups REF ATU
A1429 DeCroce,B/Benson,D+7 High-risk pregnancy and reporting of fetal deaths-screening required REF AWC
A1430 DeCroce,B+6 Summer payment plan-each school district offer for school district employees REF ALA
A1431 DeCroce,B/Zwicker,A+8 Modern manuf bus-provide assistance, St agencies promote devel, concerns careers REF ACE
A1432 DeCroce,B/Chiaravalloti,N+2 Child custody loss-psychological exam required to regain custody REF AWC
A1433 DeCroce,B+2 Property taxes, delinquent-allows income tax refunds be credited against REF ASL
A1434 DeCroce,B/Johnson,G+11 Crime victim-make victim impact statement directly to defendant at sentencing REF AJU
A1435 DeCroce,B/Thomson,E+11 Red Tape Review Commission-estab, assess effect rules/regulation have on economy REF ASL
A1436 DeCroce,B/Thomson,E+7 NJBEST contributions-provides income tax deductions REF AHI
A1437 DeCroce,B/Thomson,E+9 Pension plans, qualified, deferred comp-exclude certain income tax contributions REF AAP
A1438 DeCroce,B/Thomson,E+9 State Auditor-authorizes cost-benefit analyses of certain programs & initiatives REF ASL
A1439 DeCroce,B+7 Labor laws, State-revises test for employment or independent contractor status REF ALA
A1440 DeCroce,B Highlands Water Prot, Planning Act-repeals planning & env permitting provisions REF AEN
A1441 DeCroce,B Minor employment certificate-revises application and issuance procedures REF ALA
A1442 DeCroce,B/Johnson,G Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1971-makes various changes REF AJU
A1443 DeCroce,B/Benson,D+5 Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners REF AHU
A1444 DeCroce,B/Benson,D Senior nutrition programs' motor vehicles-exempts from registration fees REF ATR
A1445 DeCroce,B UEZ-authorizes creation in West Milford REF ACE
A1446 DeCroce,B/DePhillips,C Telemarketing sales calls-prohibits from making REF ACO
A1447 DeCroce,B Tourism promo. & devel. activities at Lake Hopatcong-prov. funding Jefferson Twp REF ATG
A1448 DeCroce,B+10 Smoking devices, electronic-prohibits person under 21 yrs of age from possessing REF ALP
A1449 DeCroce,B/DePhillips,C School construction responsibility-transfer to Div. of Prop. Management & Constr REF AED
A1450 DeCroce,B/DePhillips,C+9 Company, limited liability-make certain disclosures concerning ownership REF AFI
A1451 DeCroce,B/DePhillips,C+10 Campaign expenditures, entity whose principals cannot be readily identified-proh REF ASL
A1452 DeCroce,B+2 Lake Hopatcong-DEP evaluate sewer svc; tax deduction, septic system maintenance REF AEN
A1453 DeCroce,B+2 Lake Hopatcong Commission-$4M annually from General Fund REF AEN
A1454 Moriarty,P/Zwicker,A+6 Independent State authority member-disclosure contractual relationship REF ATR
A1455 Moriarty,P/Greenwald,L+3 Sales tax holiday, annual-establish, sale of computers & certain school supplies REF ABU
A1456 Moriarty,P Government records-makes certain changes to public access REF AJU
A1457 Moriarty,P/Caputo,R+12 Anti-depotism policies-req. adoption of policies by school dist. and charter sch REF AED
A1458 Moriarty,P+1 School districts-provide for safe operation of electrically operated partitions REF AED
A1459 Moriarty,P/Johnson,G Children's products-prohibits sale containing lead, mercury or cadmium REF ACO
A1460 Moriarty,P Ink cartridge-requires printers to display average cost per printed pages REF ACO
A1461 Moriarty,P/Johnson,G+1 State, local authority member, officers-concerns compensation and benefits REF ASL
A1462 Moriarty,P/DeAngelo,W+3 Voters-estab pilot prog to permit active military service members to use Intenet REF AMV
A1463 Moriarty,P/Conaway,H+1 Digital copy machine-requires destruction of stored records REF ACO
A1464 Moriarty,P/Pinkin,N Retail food establishment-DOH establish uniform standards REF AHE
A1465 Moriarty,P+1 Govt Reality Check Act-proh employers from providing benefits to public employee REF ASL
A1466 Moriarty,P/Vainieri Huttle,V DRPA officers, employees-impose gift and compensation restrictions REF ATR
A1467 Moriarty,P/Vainieri Huttle,V DRPA officers, employees-impose gift and compensation restrictions REF ATR
A1468 Moriarty,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Delaware River Toll Bridge Commission-impose restrictions REF ATR
A1469 Moriarty,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 PANYNJ Commissioners, officers & employees-impose gifts/compensation restriction REF ATR
A1470 Moriarty,P/Conaway,H+1 DOC privatization contract-State Auditor required to review REF ASL
A1471 Moriarty,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 State expenditure Internet website-State Treasurer to org./publish contract data REF ABU
A1472 Moriarty,P/Quijano,A+6 Credit card interchange fees and consumer protection-concerns REF ACO
A1473 Moriarty,P Geography ed in high school-directs Education Commissioner to study curriculum REF AED
A1474 Moriarty,P/Jimenez,A+7 Motor vehicles for sale-dealership required to notify buyers of recalls REF ACO
A1475 Moriarty,P Check, unsolicited-revised law concerning prohibition REF ACO
A1476 Moriarty,P/Bramnick,J Text message, unsolicited-revise penalty provision of law concerning prohibition REF ACO
A1477 Moriarty,P/Danielsen,J Prescrip. Drug Review Commission-establish-requires production costs be reported REF AHE
A1478 Moriarty,P/Benson,D Binding arbitration dispute-St agency, will not enter into contract w/bus entity REF ASL
A1479 Moriarty,P Motor vehicles-proh transporting certain items, provides standards for loading REF ATR
A1480 Moriarty,P Motor vehicle certificate of ownership-requires secured party to deliver by mail REF ATR
A1481 Moriarty,P+2 Electronic toll transponder-imposes certain requirements for rental companies REF ACO
A1482 Moriarty,P/Caputo,R+6 Fair Repair Act-concerns repairs to certain consumer electronics REF ACO
A1483 Moriarty,P Vehicle trade-in and title releases-regulates pay-off REF ACO
A1484 Moriarty,P+3 Strategic Lawsuit Against Pub Participation-auth application for dismissal REF AJU
A1485 Moriarty,P/Sumter,S+4 Mun Volunteer Prop Tax Reduction Act-prop owner volunteer in return for vouchers REF ASL
A1486 Moriarty,P Used Motor Vehicle Dealer Licensing Act REF ACO
A1487 Moriarty,P/Johnson,G Used Car Buyers' Bill of Rights-prohibits as is sales of used motor vehicles REF ACO
A1488 Moriarty,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Sex orientation of adults-prohibits attempts by mental health prof. to change REF AHE
A1489 Moriarty,P Invasive examination of unconscious patient by health care practitioner-prohibit REF AHE
A1490 Moriarty,P/Vainieri Huttle,V Merchandise offered in advertisements-req. disclosure of usual/customary price REF ACO
A1491 Moriarty,P/Holley,J Consumers-retail companies, subcontr. work/svcs to provide certain notifications REF ACO
A1492 Moriarty,P/Quijano,A Binary firearm triggers-establishes criminal penalties for sale and possession REF AJU
A1493 Moriarty,P Death pronouncement-permits EMT/paramedic/county medical examiner's investigator REF AHE
A1494 Rooney,K+7 Public utility requesting rate increase-hold public hearing in every county req. REF ATU
A1495 Rooney,K Sharing Resources-estab grant/loan prog, encourge shared svc & mun consolidation REF ASL
A1496 Rooney,K Special ed.-estab. grant program, sch. dist develop in-dist & collaborative prog REF AED
A1497 Rooney,K Student Population Density Aid-provides to certain public school districts REF AED
A1498 Rooney,K Personal watercrafts-establish cert exceptions, emerg personnel prov rescue svcs REF AHS
A1499 Rooney,K Regional authorities-estab. measures to improve transparency and accountability REF ATR
A1500 Rooney,K Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act-amends definition of harassment & intimidation REF AED
A1501 Rooney,K Property tax credits, certain-requires State to award as rebates REF ASL
A1502 Rooney,K Driver's license knowledge test-required to offer in Italian REF ATR
A1503 Rooney,K/Auth,R Animal prescriptions-required to be issued in owner's name REF AAN
A1504 Rooney,K/McKeon,J+6 E-ZPass website-req publication of certain information related to toll discounts REF ATR
A1505 Rooney,K/DePhillips,C Honor and Remember Flag-mandates display at certain public buildings REF AMV
A1506 Rooney,K Epinephrine Access & Emerg. Treatment Act-admin of auto-injector device, possess REF AHE
A1507 Rooney,K Hunting, trapping and fishing fees & licenses-exempts residents 65 and older REF AAN
A1508 Rooney,K/Thomson,E+1 Right to Home Defense Law-justifiable use of force, defending home or residence REF ALP
A1509 Rooney,K Honeybee hives-proh. Dept. of Agriculture from regulating min prop size required REF AAN
A1510 Rooney,K/Chiaravalloti,N Internet access speed, faster-cable television companies required to provide REF ATU
A1511 Rooney,K Paperless ticketing system used for entertainment access-prohibits use REF ARP
A1512 Rooney,K/Chiaravalloti,N Cable television companies-provide television svc. & Internet to all svc. areas REF ATU
A1513 Rooney,K/Mukherji,R Ticket sales, online-prohibit circumventing security measures REF ACO
A1514 Rooney,K/Pinkin,N+4 Recycling bins-provide bins in State buildings REF AEN
A1515 Rooney,K Marijuana, medical-authorizes for treatment of substance use disorder REF AHE
A1516 Rooney,K Pet grooming services-regulates performance REF AAN
A1517 Rooney,K/Burzichelli,J Animal rescue from mv-exempts law enforcement & emerg. personnel from liability REF AAN
A1518 Rooney,K Polling places-prohibits the use of schools REF ASL
A1519 Rooney,K/DePhillips,C+3 Opioid antidotes-authorizes first responders to administer & dispense w/immunity REF AHE
A1520 Rooney,K/Johnson,G Income tax exemption, higher ed expenses-increase age of dependent REF AHI
A1521 Rooney,K/Burzichelli,J+3 Horse-authorizes creation of special license plate and commem. as State animal REF ATR
A1522 Rooney,K CATV companies renewing system-wide franchise-make svc available w/in cert. mun. REF ATU
A1523 Rooney,K/Chiaravalloti,N Congestion Pricing Cost Relief Commission-creates REF ATR
A1524 Rooney,K/Karabinchak,R Pavement condition & conduct pavement lifecycle analysis-DOT prov, annual report REF ATR
A1525 Rooney,K/Vainieri Huttle,V DOE candidates for employment-req. to undergo criminal history background check REF AED
A1526 Rooney,K+1 Transportation network companies-prov riders w/cert info, illuminated ID markers REF ATR
A1527 Rooney,K/Karabinchak,R+6 Election workers-raise pay to $300 a day REF ASL
A1528 Rooney,K/Karabinchak,R MVC online services-prohibits charging fees REF ATR
A1529 Spearman,W Estates personal representative-provides application for voluntary discharge REF AJU
A1530 Spearman,W Scooter, motorized-equip w/safety flags, operated on public roadway or bike path REF ALP
A1531 Spearman,W/Karabinchak,R License plate frames-permits which do not obsure numbers or letters on lic plate REF ATR
A1532 Spearman,W School districts, renaissance-requires use of common enrollment system REF AED
A1533 Spearman,W/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Tenant-based voucher, reservation portion-person displaced due to housing devel. REF AHO
A1534 Spearman,W/Chiaravalloti,N+1 Works Act-businesses create pre-emp training prog in partnership w/nonprofit org REF ALA
A1535 Spearman,W/Reynolds-Jackson,V+4 Snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle/dirt bike-revise penalties for illegal operation REF ATR
A1536 Spearman,W/Mukherji,R+1 Sign fabrication, prevailing wage requirements & proj. labor agreements-concerns REF ALA
A1537 Spearman,W+1 Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act-extend economic recovery term REF ASL
A1538 Spearman,W Motor vehicle violations, cert municipalities-changes fine allocation collected REF ALP
A1539 Spearman,W Civil service eligible list-remove appointee upon appointment to position REF ASL
A1540 Spearman,W Plenary retail consumption licenses-allows municipalities to revoke and reissue REF AOF
A1541 Spearman,W Bicyclist approaching stop sign-reduce speed instead of stopping REF ATR
A1542 Spearman,W/Lopez,Y Tanning beds-prohibits person under 18 years of age from using REF ACO
A1543 Spearman,W Driver's license and vehicle registration fees-exempts certain individuals REF ATR
A1544 Spearman,W Public water systems-replace at expense of public water system customers REF AEN
A1545 Clifton,R State, local government & school district employee-direct deposit required REF ASL
A1546 Clifton,R Infrastructure-permits counties to charge a fee to fund through voter approval REF ASL
A1547 Clifton,R+1 Farmland preservation purposes-disclose original purchase price for land to a co REF AAN
A1548 Clifton,R Tourism-authorizes Travel & Tourism Division accept gifts and grants to promote REF ATG
A1549 Clifton,R Historical projects-promote on website and collect donations for projects REF ATG
A1550 Clifton,R+1 Omnibus driver-inspect bus at end of route for passengers w/disabilities REF ATR
A1551 Clifton,R/Benson,D Infectious disease testing-first responder administer opioid antidote REF AHE
A1552 Clifton,R Public employee charitable contribution-incr percent may be spent on admin costs REF ASL
A1553 Clifton,R/Rooney,K Rock salt on roadways-DOT conduct study and issue report on use REF ATR
A1554 Clifton,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Overdose Fatality and Near Fatality Review Board-establish REF AHE
A1555 Clifton,R/Dancer,R Solicitation & canvassing activities-includes as violation of consumer fraud act REF ACO
A1556 Clifton,R/Benson,D Vehicle purchased by the State-required to be hybrid or electric REF AEN
A1557 Clifton,R/DeCroce,B School bus driver w/motor vehicle points-disqualifies from operating REF ATR
A1558 Clifton,R/DeCroce,B School buses-required to be equipped w/certain technology to avoid crashes REF ATR
A1559 Clifton,R School bus driver-required to pass physical performance test REF ATR
A1560 Clifton,R/Dancer,R Residential health care facilities-establish resident supervision requirements REF AHE
A1561 Houghtaling,E/Taliaferro,A+1 Landowner of the Year award program-establishes REF AAN
A1562 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+5 Motorcycle license endorsement-issue to certain out-of-State milirary personnel REF AMV
A1563 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+5 Horse-boarding businesses-clarifies sales tax collection responsibilities REF AAN
A1564 Houghtaling,E Equine animal activities law-clarifies responsibility and liability issues REF AAN
A1565 Houghtaling,E/Taliaferro,A+1 Agriculture development boards, county-creates alternate voting members REF AAN
A1566 Houghtaling,E/Taliaferro,A Wineries and retail salesrooms, licensed-clarifies certain responsibilities REF AOF
A1567 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+3 Workers, locked out-concerns health insurance benefits REF ALA
A1568 Houghtaling,E/Mazzeo,V+4 Teachers of Agric. in higher ed. Student Asst Auth-estab Loan Redemption Program REF AAN
A1569 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Pensions & annuity funds-proh. State from investing in firearm/ammunition manuf. REF ABU
A1570 Houghtaling,E Employment opportunities-public school discuss w/grades 9 thru 12 students REF AED
A1571 Houghtaling,E/Egan,J+2 Prevailing wage-public work on properties receiving tax abatement or exemptions REF ALA
A1572 Houghtaling,E/Benson,D Firearms-prohibits possession by person convicted of animal cruelty REF AJU
A1573 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Triploid grass carp-permits stocking in waterbodies under certain circumstances REF AAN
A1574 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+6 Slow Down or Move Over, It's the Law Act-imposes motor vehicle penalty points REF ALP
A1575 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Firearm registry-allow people prohibited from owning a firearm include name REF AJU
A1576 Houghtaling,E/DeAngelo,W+3 Prevailing wage-expands circumstances under which wage must be paid REF ALA
A1577 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Furlough, invol.-req. payment to State employees', late enactment of approp act REF ASL
A1578 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Agricultural Literacy Week-establish REF AAN
A1579 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Disabled person-DEP required to develop beach accessibility guidelines REF AHU
A1580 Houghtaling,E/McKeon,J+1 Jersey Native Plants Program-establish REF AAN
A1581 Houghtaling,E/Dancer,R+1 Invasive Species Task Force-establish REF AAN
A1582 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Pensions and retirement income-increase exclusion for certain taxpayers REF AAP
A1583 Houghtaling,E/Dancer,R+1 Native seed-DEP estab. grant program in higher education instit to support devel REF AAN
A1584 Houghtaling,E/Johnson,G+2 Native plants-Department of Agriculture develop & plant nurseries; make brochure REF AAN
A1585 Houghtaling,E/Johnson,G Native Seed Commission-establish; develop plan to increase production and use REF AAN
A1586 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Long Term Tax Exemp Law-annual svc charge paid to mun, enter financial agreement REF ASL
A1587 Houghtaling,E/Dancer,R Dogs-permitted in farmers markets REF AAN
A1588 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Veteran property tax deduction & tax exemption elig.-revise veteran definition REF AMV
A1589 Houghtaling,E/Carter,L+2 CDS and opioids, schedule II-concerns prescriptions REF ALP
A1590 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Caller ID information, certain-prohibits manipulation REF ALP
A1591 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Plant species-State Board of Agriculture provide list of environmentally harmful REF AAN
A1592 Houghtaling,E+1 Pollinator habitat-DEP estab. leasing program for State-owned land used/manage REF AAN
A1593 Houghtaling,E/Burzichelli,J+5 Farm buildings, certain-requires promulgation of separate code criteria REF AAN
A1594 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+8 Centers for Independent Living-DOLWD for continued assistance;$750k REF ASE
A1595 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Code Blue alert-req when Natl Weather Svc predict 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower REF AAP
A1596 Mejia,P Franchise arrangements-prohibits no-poaching agreements REF ALA
A1597 Mejia,P/Timberlake,B Promote Employment by State Agencies of People w/Disabilities Task Force-estab. REF ALA
A1598 Lampitt,P/Schaer,G+9 Caregiver's Assistance Act-income tax credit incurred for care of sr family memb REF ASE
A1599 Lampitt,P/Benson,D+13 Student w/concussion-evaluate by lic. health care prof prior to returning to sch REF AED
A1600 Lampitt,P/Moriarty,P+1 Local unit sharing of services-encourages REF ASL
A1601 Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+6 Motor vehicle lease-allows termination in event of death and prohibits fee REF ACO
A1602 Lampitt,P/Benson,D Veterans-provides up to 60 tuition-free credits at county colleges REF AMV
A1603 Lampitt,P HPV vaccination-requires for students in grades 6 thru 12 REF AHE
A1604 Lampitt,P Health benefit plans-concerns unlawful employment practices based on provision REF ALA
A1605 Lampitt,P/Coughlin,C Sick leave, unused-limits payments and limits vacation leave carried-forward REF ASL
A1606 Lampitt,P/Moriarty,P+8 Wage and hour law-increases certain penalties for violations REF ALA
A1607 Lampitt,P/Benson,D+1 Autonomous vehicles on State roadways-permits testing and use REF ATR
A1608 Lampitt,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Prescription drugs for certain medical conditions-continued coverage required REF AFI
A1609 Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+1 Motor vehicles, self-driv-clarify owner comply w/existing insurance requirements REF AFI
A1610 Lampitt,P+1 Limited breweries licensee-eliminates restriction on sale of beer REF AOF
A1611 Lampitt,P/DeAngelo,W Student Loan Assistance and Home Purchase Act-establishes REF ASL
A1612 Lampitt,P Teachers-establish loan redemption program REF AHI
A1613 Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R Teacher certification req-proh St Bd of Ed, limiting number of 2-yr coll credits REF AED
A1614 Lampitt,P School breakfast kiosk pilot program-establish REF AED
A1615 Lampitt,P/Mosquera,G+2 Family justice centers-establish; provide coordinated assistance to crime victim REF AWC
A1616 Lampitt,P/Conaway,H+8 Student ID cards-required to contain phone number for suicide prevention hotline REF AHI
A1617 Lampitt,P/Jasey,M+2 Juvenile-family crisis information-allow law enforcement to provide sch. w/info. REF AED
A1618 Lampitt,P/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 At-risk youths-law enforcement agencies coordinate w/sch dist to ID and assist REF AED
A1619 Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R Classroom supplies expenses-provides income tax deduction to eligible educators REF AED
A1620 Lampitt,P Foreclosure-residential mortgage lenders accept in lieu of foreclosure REF AED
A1621 Lampitt,P/Jasey,M Special education students-attend college courses/vocational training pilot prog REF AED
A1622 Lampitt,P/Pintor Marin,E+5 Nutrition assistance programs-transfers authority from DOH to DHS REF AHU
A1623 Lampitt,P/Benson,D Student loan payments-establishes gross income and CBT credits REF AHI
A1624 Lampitt,P Graduation proficiency test-revises provisions of law; elim. test in 11th grade REF AED
A1625 Lampitt,P/Jasey,M+6 STEM-devel outreach prog, encourage young women/minorities pursue career in STEM REF AST
A1626 Lampitt,P/McKeon,J School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs REF ATR
A1627 Lampitt,P Teachers & school leaders-estab task force, examine professional development req REF AED
A1628 Lampitt,P/Timberlake,B+1 Virtual learning in sch. dist. w/teacher shortages-conduct study on feasibility REF AED
A1629 Lampitt,P/Jasey,M Teaching staff member certification-State Bd of Examiners expedite determination REF AED
A1630 Lampitt,P/Greenwald,L+7 School meals, bill in arrears-clarifies school dist cannot restrict meal access REF AED
A1631 Lampitt,P/Jasey,M+6 Meal prog-sch dist take action to increase participation in free/reduced priced REF AED
A1632 Lampitt,P/Reynolds-Jackson,V+6 School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears REF AED
A1633 Lampitt,P/Mosquera,G Child care expenses-allows gross income tax credit for portion REF AWC
A1634 Lampitt,P NJCLASS loan borrowers-reduce loan repayment, child enrolled in Grow NJ Kids REF AHI
A1635 Lampitt,P/Downey,J Medical marijuana-permits authorization thru telemedicine & telehealth REF AHE
A1636 Lampitt,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Sexual assault training for law enforcement-expand scope REF AWC
A1637 Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+1 Youth Suicide Prevention Advisory Council-prepare prevention instruction report REF AWC
A1638 Stanfield,J Age-restricted community-restrict occupancy of unit to older adults after resale REF AHO
A1639 Stanfield,J+1 Apprenticeships, registered-prov. CBT and income tax credits for bus that employ REF ALA
A1640 Stanfield,J+1 Student database-include military-connected student identifier in database REF AED
A1641 Stanfield,J Public utilities-required to mail customers detailed rate settlement agreements REF ATU
A1642 Stanfield,J Public utilities-provide customers notice of request for increase in rates REF ATU
A1643 Stanfield,J Good Samaritan Law-prov immunity, who assists animals at accident scene or emerg REF AHS
A1644 Stanfield,J Epinephrine for anaphylaxis-assessment of district employees trained in admin. REF AED
A1645 Quijano,A/Benson,D+2 Drones equipped with weapon-creates fourth degree crime REF AHS
A1646 Quijano,A/Chaparro,A+2 Security Deposit Assistance Pilot Program-establish REF ACD
A1647 Quijano,A/DeCroce,B+1 Assault on disabled victims-upgrades REF AJU
A1648 Quijano,A/McKnight,A School buildings-Department of Community Affairs survey suppression systems REF AED
A1649 Quijano,A Judges and prosecutors-prohibits posting or publishing home address on Internet REF AJU
A1650 Quijano,A Restrictive covenant-limits certain provisions in and enforceability of REF ALA
A1651 Quijano,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Boil water notice-req. by certain public water systems via phone, email or text REF ATU
A1652 Quijano,A Lead in drinking water-higher ed institutions test annually; report test results REF AHI
A1653 Quijano,A/Pinkin,N+9 Vehicle-fueling and charging infrastructure, zero-emission-development projects REF ACE
A1654 Quijano,A Cybersecurity awareness training-State, county & municipal employees complete REF ACO
A1655 Quijano,A High school equivalency exam fees-State pay for low-income individuals REF AED
A1656 Quijano,A/Chaparro,A+4 New single or two family homes-fire suppression systems required REF AHO
A1657 Quijano,A/DeAngelo,W+1 Auto insurance underwriting-proh. use of education, occupation and credit score REF AFI
A1658 Quijano,A/Mukherji,R Inmate, substance abuse treatment prog-earn time credits reduce parole elig date REF ALP
A1659 Quijano,A/Bramnick,J+1 Insurance Fair Conduct Act-unreasonable prices for business insurance REF AFI
A1660 Quijano,A PERS members/retirants-increase surviving spouse accidental death benefit REF ASL
A1661 Quijano,A Cannabis business expense deduction-decouples St tax provisions, fed prohibition REF AOF
A1662 Quijano,A/Jimenez,A+3 Mallory's Law-revise provision, sch dist anti-bullying policy; parent civil liab REF AED
A1663 Quijano,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Nonprofit Security Grant Program-establishes REF AHS
A1664 Quijano,A Grand jury witness-bars disclosure of personal identifying information REF AJU
A1665 Quijano,A/Pinkin,N Individual & small emp health benefit plans-revise permissable rating factors REF AFI
A1666 Quijano,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Ammunition sale or transfer-prohibits mail order, Internet and any other method REF ALP
A1667 Quijano,A/Schaer,G Class Three special law enforcement officers-prov. security in places of worship REF ALP
A1668 Quijano,A Criminal record-impose cert duties; penalties for disseminating expunged records REF AJU
A1669 Quijano,A/Freiman,R Insulin-health insurers required to limit copayments REF AFI
A1670 Quijano,A Voting system, electronic-requires vendor disclose finan. ties prior to approval REF ASL
A1671 Quijano,A Hearing impaired-law enforcement agency training & contract w/qual. interpreters REF ALP
A1672 Quijano,A/Caputo,R School Opening and School Closing Student Safety Task Force-establishes REF AED
A1673 Quijano,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Children 16 or younger-health insurance companies to cover lead screenings REF AFI
A1674 Quijano,A Ballots-requires gender neutral elected office titles REF ASL
A1675 Quijano,A Academic degree-granting inst.-proh. entering into revenue sharing arrangements REF AHI
A1676 Quijano,A/DeAngelo,W SPRS member, 9/11 WTC-provides death benefits to surviving spouses & children REF AHS
A1677 Quijano,A Residential Water Quality Assurance Program-establish in DEP REF AEN
A1678 Burzichelli,J Extracurricular activity-prohibits board of ed from charging a participation fee REF AED
A1679 Burzichelli,J/Benson,D+1 New Jobs for NJ Act-concerns tax credit, employers who hire unemployed workers REF ACE
A1680 Burzichelli,J Partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies-revises law REF ARP
A1681 Burzichelli,J Student Loan Lottery-establish w/winnings applied to outstanding student loans REF ATG
A1682 Burzichelli,J/Jasey,M School district-prohibits joining associations, Statewide interscholastic sports REF AED
A1683 Burzichelli,J/Pintor Marin,E+3 Hospital, non-profit-maintains property tax exemption REF ASL
A1684 Burzichelli,J Pet trusts-clarifies provisions with regards REF AAN
A1685 Burzichelli,J/Murphy,C Claudia's Law-patient receive notification of abnormality in chest x-ray REF AHE
A1686 Burzichelli,J Ambulatory care facility assessment-reduces REF AHE
A1687 Burzichelli,J Farmers-DEP obtain approval from Secretary of Agric prior to levying penalties REF AAN
A1688 Burzichelli,J Rental property, residential-expands municipal authority to license and inspect REF AHO
A1689 Burzichelli,J/Taliaferro,A Sr, disabled citizens-incr annual income limitation elig $250 prop tax deduction REF ASL
A1690 Burzichelli,J/Dancer,R School, municipal, fire district elections-conduct general election day in Nov. REF ASL
A1691 Burzichelli,J Electric generation & trans. fac. assets-divest assets to unaffiliated companies REF ATU
A1692 Burzichelli,J Hazardous substances-concerns taxes on transfer REF AEN
A1693 Burzichelli,J+1 Casino lic applicant-disqualif for 5 yrs, substantially closed casino prop in St REF ATG
A1694 Burzichelli,J Temp. approp-incr amount allowable between start of fiscal yr/adoption of budget REF ASL
A1695 Burzichelli,J Homeowners' assoc bylaws w/respect to animals if owner is FEMA desig. displaced REF AHS
A1696 Burzichelli,J Bicycles, unclaimed-police donate to nonprofit organizations REF ASL
A1697 Burzichelli,J Marriage or civil union license-obtain in any municipality in the State REF AJU
A1698 Burzichelli,J Animal, domestic companion-rights of action for pecuniary damages REF AAN
A1699 Burzichelli,J/Space,P Deer hunting with firearm-authorizes on Sunday on private property REF AAN
A1700 Burzichelli,J/Mukherji,R+2 Alcoholic beverages-creates new permit to allow certain restaurants to sell REF AOF
A1701 Burzichelli,J Fire police officers-establish special license plates REF ATR
A1702 Burzichelli,J/Taliaferro,A Tidal wetlands-prohibits demolishing or requiring removal of cabins REF AEN
A1703 Burzichelli,J Sports officials-upgrades certain types of assault to aggravated assault REF AJU
A1704 Burzichelli,J/Lopez,Y+3 Medicaid reimbursement to nursing homes-Department of Human Services review REF AHU
A1705 Burzichelli,J Liquid nicotine-imposes retail sales tax; repeals floor tax REF AAP
A1706 Burzichelli,J/Zwicker,A+3 Small business stock-income tax deduction from capital gain from sale/exchange REF AAP
A1707 Burzichelli,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Racing Commission for horse racing purse subsidies;$20M REF ATG
A1708 Burzichelli,J Marijuana, medical-workers' compensation & PIP coverage required REF AFI
A1709 Burzichelli,J/Taliaferro,A+2 Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs Program;$450K REF AAN
A1710 Burzichelli,J Sewerage systems, municipal-authorize alternative procedure for sale to pub util REF ATU
A1711 Burzichelli,J/Reynolds-Jackson,V Alcoholic beverage retail licenses Class C inactive-allows mun. to renew or deny REF AOF
A1712 Burzichelli,J/Karabinchak,R Real estate sale-concerns disclosure of certain information prior to sale REF ARP
A1713 Burzichelli,J Deer-authorizes Sunday firearm and bow hunting on certain lands REF AAN
A1714 Burzichelli,J Class I renewable energy-allows BPU to increase cost to customers 2022 thru 2024 REF AEN
A1715 Burzichelli,J Kiosks, automated service-imposes contribution requirements on use by employers REF ALA
A1716 Kennedy,J/McKnight,A+2 Handicapped parking-allows primary caregiver of handicapped person to apply REF AHU
A1717 Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N Internet ticket sales-prohibits certain violations of terms of service REF ACO
A1718 Kennedy,J/Rooney,K+2 Breach of security, personal info w/in bus. or public entity-free credit report REF ACO
A1719 Kennedy,J/Holley,J+1 Defibrillator, automatic external-higher ed instit required to have athletic fac REF AHI
A1720 Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N Triclosan-prohibits sale of certain products containing REF ACO
A1721 Kennedy,J Restaurant chains, certain-provide sodium information for items offered for sale REF AHE
A1722 Kennedy,J/Vainieri Huttle,V NJT trains-requires door to operator's cabin be locked REF ATR
A1723 Kennedy,J Public utility performing road excavation-required repaving REF ATU
A1724 Kennedy,J/Benson,D Chlorpyrifos insecticide-prohibits use REF AAN
A1725 Kennedy,J/Benson,D Pub. util. & cable tv svc providers-notify public entities of svc discontinuance REF ATU
A1726 Kennedy,J Eating events, competitive-requires presence of basic life support ambulance REF AHE
A1727 Kennedy,J/Jasey,M+2 Gender, non-binary-indicate "X" for sex on any driver's license or ID card REF ATR
A1728 McKnight,A/Danielsen,J+5 Paper account statements-depository institutions req. to provide to elder adults REF AFI
A1729 McKnight,A/Chiaravalloti,N+1 Transportation services-certain providers develop and publish route schedules REF ATR
A1730 McKnight,A/Chiaravalloti,N+5 Senior citizen high-rise building-lobby security req in high violent crime areas REF AHO
A1731 McKnight,A/Webber,J+3 Violent crime victims-prohibit releasing personal identifying information REF ALP
A1732 McKnight,A/Sumter,S Witness protective order-authorize against actor attempted to prevent reporting REF ALP
A1733 McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 American Sign Language interpreter-request interpreter at public meetings REF ASL
A1734 McKnight,A 911 calls, certain-establishes procedures for intake and record keeping REF ALP
A1735 McKnight,A Law enforcement officer-required to have updated photograph REF ALP
A1736 McKnight,A/Chaparro,A+2 Child counseling-either physically present or heard acts of domestic violence REF AWC
A1737 McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Home-schooled child-parent req to notify school district in writing of intention REF AED
A1738 McKnight,A/Munoz,N+3 Safe Sanitary Subsidized Rental Housing Bill of Rights-establishes REF AHO
A1739 McKnight,A Prostitution Offender Education Prog.-impose mandatory fine w/in 500 feet of sch REF AJU
A1740 McKnight,A/Chaparro,A+4 Senior citizen rental housing-prohibits late penalties against tenant REF AHO
A1741 McKnight,A/Murphy,C Children's meals-restaurants provide healthy beverages REF AWC
A1742 McKnight,A/Quijano,A+2 Landlord registration procedures-clarifies & expands; create rights for tenants REF AHO
A1743 McKnight,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Gunfire-sch-based mentoring in pub schools located w/in 1K feet, 3 yr pilot prog REF AED
A1744 McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Youths, at-risk-develop program to assist schools in identifying REF ALP
A1745 McKnight,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V State aid, public schools-provides voluntary contrib by taxpayers on tax returns REF AAP
A1746 McKnight,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V College Loans to Assist State Students-defer payments to new parent REF AHI
A1747 McKnight,A/Jasey,M School dress code or uniform policy-prohibit school dist from denying admittance REF AED
A1748 McKnight,A/Benson,D+3 Transporting network companies-proh engaging in surge pricing during st of emerg REF ATR
A1749 McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Hate crimes-amend statute that crim. display of symbols/exposing threats of viol REF AJU
A1750 McKnight,A/Carter,L+1 Cosmetology and hairstyling or ancillary services-permits chair or booth rental REF ARP
A1751 McKnight,A/Tucker,C+2 Disabled veterans & purple heart recipients-municipalities desig. parking spaces REF AMV
A1752 McKnight,A VCCO-post signs and distribute pamphlets in emergency rooms REF ALP
A1753 McKnight,A Bereavement areas-certain hospitals required to establish REF AHE
A1754 McKnight,A/Dancer,R+3 Cursive handwriting in public schools-requires instruction REF AED
A1755 McKnight,A/Quijano,A+6 Silver Alert Sys, missing person w/dementia-same broadcast alerts as Amber Alert REF ACO
A1756 Munoz,N+8 Sick leave, certain used-prohibit payment to public employees at retirement REF ASL
A1757 Munoz,N PERS-benefits are calculated on base salary regardless of extra compensation REF ASL
A1758 Munoz,N/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Stalking and restraining order protections for adoptive children-concerns REF AHU
A1759 Munoz,N/Chaparro,A+1 Nursing programs-estab process for county colleges to offer baccalaureate degree REF AHI
A1760 Munoz,N/Jasey,M+10 Consumer Access to Health Care Act-elim advanced practice nurse to prescribe med REF AHE
A1761 Munoz,N/Wirths,H+3 PERS-bars certain employees of certain public agencies from participation REF ASL
A1762 Munoz,N Nurses, newly lic. registered prof.-attain baccalaureate degree w/in 10 years REF ARP
A1763 Munoz,N/Vainieri Huttle,V+8 Prosecutors, municipal-establishes mandatory domestic violence training REF AJU
A1764 Munoz,N Assault involving domestic violence-provides a mandatory term of imprisonment REF AJU
A1765 Munoz,N Prevention of Domestic Violence Act-expands types of abusive acts REF AJU
A1766 Munoz,N/Jimenez,A Judges & judicial personnel-establish a minimum level of domestic viol training REF AJU
A1767 Munoz,N Domestic violence for adoptive parents-expands REF AJU
A1768 Munoz,N/Mosquera,G+5 Monica's Law-establish evidence-based risk assessment in domestic violence cases REF AJU
A1769 Munoz,N/Mosquera,G+3 Domestic crisis teams-uniform response procedures req, Statewide supervision REF AJU
A1770 Munoz,N/Mosquera,G+6 Domestic viol cases-training req, law enforcement officers to assist in handling REF AJU
A1771 Munoz,N/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 Domestic violence, child exposed-estab. Statewide program, provide treatment svc REF AJU
A1772 Munoz,N/Dancer,R Batterers' Intervention Programs, domestic violence cases-establishes standards REF AJU
A1773 Munoz,N/Jasey,M Nurses, advanced practice-establishes tuition reimbursement program REF AHI
A1774 Munoz,N/Space,P+7 Inflation taxable income brackets-indexes under gross income tax REF AAP
A1775 Munoz,N EEO settlement agreements-approved by NJT board of directors REF ATR
A1776 Munoz,N NJT, unsafe conduct-NJT publish safety violations, establish mechanism to report REF ATR
A1777 Munoz,N Employment and contract information-NJT post on website REF ATR
A1778 Munoz,N State realty transfer fee-allocates nondedicated portions to mun prop tax relief REF ACD
A1779 Munoz,N Property tax reimbursement program-expands eligibility REF ASL
A1780 Munoz,N Manufacturing equipment-provides a CBT credit for certain investment REF ACE
A1781 Munoz,N Nurse psych advanced-completion of certificate, involuntary treatment commitment REF AHE
A1782 Munoz,N Manufacturing jobs-reduce number req to qualify for finance & incentive programs REF ACE
A1783 Munoz,N Tunnel-NJT adopt plan to evacuate passengers when rail veh. becomes immobilized REF ATR
A1784 Munoz,N/DeCroce,B Nurses, advanced practice visiting-limited practice of prescribing meds & device REF AHE
A1785 Munoz,N Health care benefits-set level; req employee contrib; proh Medicare Part B reimb REF ASL
A1786 Munoz,N Nursing-biennial renewal of lic or certificate is due on professional's birthday REF AHE
A1787 Munoz,N Homestead property tax deduction, under gross income tax-incr & indexes maximum REF AHO
A1788 Munoz,N Campaign funds-permits use, pay for child care expenses for campaign activities REF ASL
A1789 Munoz,N/Pintor Marin,E+1 Child care services-State entities & agencies provide for full-time employees REF AWC
A1790 Munoz,N/DeCroce,B NJT annual report-changes reporting date and certain date requirements REF ATR
A1791 Munoz,N Nurse staffing committees-hospitals establish REF AHE
A1792 Peterson,E/Webber,J+5 Transfer inheritance tax-phases out over 2 years REF ABU
A1793 Peterson,E Adoption expenses, certain-permits tax credit against gross income tax REF AHU
A1794 Peterson,E Electronic communication svcs or remote computing services-comply w/NJ subpoenas REF AJU
A1795 Peterson,E/Dancer,R+8 Child pornography law-revises and upgrades crimes to first degree REF AJU
A1796 Peterson,E/Webber,J Students w/conflicts of conscience-excuses students from cert class requirements REF AHI
A1797 Peterson,E+1 S corp. bus. tax cred-transfer to shareholders, apply against in income tax liab REF ACE
A1798 Peterson,E+3 Open pub meetings-municipal governing body provide sufficient time for comments REF ASL
A1799 Peterson,E/Conaway,H+3 Rescue, first aid or ambulance squads-clarify immunity from civil damages REF AJU
A1800 Peterson,E/Johnson,G+1 Disabled persons-provides employers with various tax incentives REF ACE
A1801 Peterson,E/DeAngelo,W Design professionals-authorized to self-certify construction plans REF ASL
A1802 Peterson,E/Webber,J+3 Handgun-chief of police, disqualification of applicant's permit/purchase ID card REF ALP
A1803 Peterson,E/Lampitt,P+4 Domestic violence-related assault-upgades under certain circumstances REF AJU
A1804 Peterson,E/Jasey,M Bingo, conducted by educational organizations w/prizes for students-permits REF ATG
A1805 Peterson,E/Dancer,R+1 Domestic violence crimes, certain-provide mandatory minimum term of imprisonment REF AJU
A1806 Peterson,E+1 Illegal aliens-proh. employment and req use of E-Verify program in pub contracts REF ALA
A1807 Peterson,E/Space,P+6 Firearm trans-reasonableness standard for persons who deviate from travel course REF ALP
A1808 Peterson,E+1 Domestic viol. against minors-prov. additional aggravating factor in sentencing REF AJU
A1809 Peterson,E/DiMaio,J Emergency warning lights-permits use of LED lights REF ALP
A1810 Peterson,E Angioplasty, elective service-DOH req to issue license, cert qualifying hospital REF AHE
A1811 Peterson,E Condemned property-specifies just compensation for use by profit-making entity REF AHO
A1812 Peterson,E/Chaparro,A+13 Child custody-establishes presumption of joint legal and physical custody REF AJU
A1813 Peterson,E Low, moderate income housing units-calculation required REF AHO
A1814 Peterson,E CBT-establishes net operating loss carryback deduction REF AAP
A1815 Peterson,E Wineries, produce more than 250K gallons a year-allow to ship wine to customers REF AAN
A1816 Peterson,E Volunteer fire companies-exempts from charitable registration fees REF ACO
A1817 Peterson,E Parole hearings-allow victims and relatives to witness REF ALP
A1818 Peterson,E PFRS death benefit-pay supplemental needs trust for unmarried disabled child REF ASL
A1819 Peterson,E/Wirths,H+1 Emp reconciliation plan-estab when loc unit participates in shared svc agreement REF ASL
A1820 Peterson,E/Vainieri Huttle,V Child abuse-officer of ed sign acknowledgement & undergo training, report duties REF AED
A1821 Peterson,E+1 Casino regulators-statutory ethics & conflicts-of-interest, legalized marijuana REF AJU
A1822 Peterson,E Intruder-authorizes use of force in a dwelling under certain circumstances REF ALP
A1823 Peterson,E/Thomson,E+5 Military sash-allow graduating student to wear while participating in ceremony REF AMV
A1824 Peterson,E/DiMaso,S Voter registration-limit automatic process at Motor Vehicle Commission locations REF ASL
A1825 Timberlake,B Firefighters devel cancer-elig for workers compensation/accidental disab pension REF ALA
A1826 Timberlake,B Suspended sentence/probation/parol reduction-based on compliance with conditions REF ALP
A1827 Timberlake,B Garden State Multiple Employee Plan MEP-concern St-admin retirement savings plan REF ALA
A1828 Timberlake,B/Murphy,C+1 Portable benf-estab sys for worker, prov svc to consumers thru contracting agent REF ALA
A1829 Timberlake,B Surplus Gross Income Tax Rev Acct-estab, level of unanticipated rev is collected REF ABU
A1830 Timberlake,B/Caputo,R+2 Student Learning Standard, Social Studies-sch dist prov law enforcememt instruct REF AED
A1831 Timberlake,B/Tucker,C+1 Pub safety emp, deceased-permit reimb of COBRA health benefit costs of survivors REF ALA
A1832 Timberlake,B Local contracting units-establish joint venture and set-aside programs REF ASL
A1833 Timberlake,B/Giblin,T+3 Toy guns and imitation firearms-prohibits certain sales REF ACO
A1834 Timberlake,B/Tucker,C+6 Community Wealth Preservation Prog-expand access, purch prop from sheriff's sale REF ACD
A1835 Timberlake,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 Housing, residential developers-provide low, moderate & middle income housing REF AHO
A1836 Timberlake,B/Jasey,M Breast Feeding employee-requires employer to provide certain accommodations REF AWC
A1837 Timberlake,B/Lampitt,P+6 Listening to Mothers Survey Act-estab. survey, improve maternity care access/svc REF AHE
A1838 Timberlake,B/Zwicker,A+3 Education services online-prohibits using and disclosing certain information REF AST
A1839 Timberlake,B/Vainieri Huttle,V Child abuse reporting hotline-maintain by DCPP, prov info on available resources REF AWC
A1840 Timberlake,B/Vainieri Huttle,V Emergency medical services delivery-revises requirements REF AHE
A1841 Timberlake,B/Quijano,A Lead or asbestos hazard abatement, primary residency-gross income tax deduction REF AHE
A1842 Timberlake,B Homeless Bill of Rights REF AHU
A1843 Timberlake,B Abandoned property-shortens timeframe for municipality to rehabilitate REF AHO
A1844 Timberlake,B Jewelry containing cadmium-prohibits sale, distribution and manufacturing REF ACO
A1845 Timberlake,B/Speight,S Lead paint on home exterior-requires construction permit and inspections on work REF AHO
A1846 Timberlake,B/Vainieri Huttle,V Birthing options-midwives/physicians required to provide pregnant women w/info. REF AWC
A1847 Timberlake,B/Speight,S Mental Illness Crisis Resource Hotline-establish 24 hour, toll-free hotline REF AHU
A1848 Timberlake,B/Tucker,C Halloween, children's costumes-requires reflective material REF ACO
A1849 Timberlake,B/Caputo,R Law enforcement officers stay with dead body util medical examiner arrives-req. REF ALP
A1850 Timberlake,B Commercial vehicles registered in State-req. to be equipped w/underride prot sys REF ATR
A1851 Schepisi,H/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Property acquired by municipalities-exempt county, school & fire district taxes REF ASL
A1852 Schepisi,H/Moriarty,P+1 Sick & vacation leave-limits certain unused to be carried-forward REF ASL
A1853 Schepisi,H+1 Crime Victim's Bill of Rights-enhances REF AJU
A1854 Schepisi,H Medically necessary emergencies in outpatient settings-insurers to reimburse REF AFI
A1855 Schepisi,H Transitional Aid to Localities program-extends elig. for short-term finan. asst. REF ASL
A1856 Schepisi,H Office of International Trade and Protocol in EDA-establishes REF ACE
A1857 Schepisi,H/Chaparro,A Business Tax and Incentive Task Force-establishes REF ACE
A1858 Schepisi,H Economic development partnerships-authorizes establishment of regional REF ACE
A1859 Schepisi,H Moving expenses, commence work in State-provides income tax deduction REF ACE
A1860 Schepisi,H Personal Injury Trust Fund Transparency Act-concerns trust claims REF AJU
A1861 Schepisi,H Property tax exemption or abatement, certain-prohibits from receiving REF AHO
A1862 Schepisi,H/Thomson,E Long Term Tax Exemption Law-limits amount of real property that may be taxed REF AHO
A1863 Schepisi,H+6 Affordable fair share housing-incr max mun percentage by age-restricted units REF AHO
A1864 Schepisi,H/Auth,R+3 Affordable Housing Obligation Study Commission-establishes REF AHO
A1865 Schepisi,H Employee, prospective-eliminates requirement to discuss personal matters REF ASL
A1866 Schepisi,H/Clifton,R+1 Abandoned prop-convert to affordable housing, cred toward fair share obligation REF AHO
A1867 Schepisi,H/Thomson,E+3 Affordable housing-DCA collect info about State residents, provide to COAH REF AHO
A1868 Schepisi,H/Thomson,E+5 Affordable housing preference-allows municipalities to establish for their resid REF AHO
A1869 Schepisi,H+8 Affordable housing obligations-COAH administer based on statewide obligation REF AHO
A1870 Schepisi,H+9 Housing projects-authorizes municipal challenge to non-redevel ordered by COAH REF AHO
A1871 Schepisi,H+9 Affordable housing obligations-COAH calculate on Statewide basis REF AHO
A1872 Schepisi,H+12 Fair share affordable housing obligations-additional factors used in calculation REF AHO
A1873 Schepisi,H+8 Affordable housing obligation-exemptions for urban aid municipalities REF AHO
A1874 Schepisi,H+10 Affordable housing-concerning local zoning authority with respect to REF AHO
A1875 Schepisi,H Child, unemancipated-authority to make provision, ed expenses w/child support REF AJU
A1876 Schepisi,H/Chaparro,A School bus drivers-required to retake certain knowledge and skills tests REF ATR
A1877 Schepisi,H/Karabinchak,R+31 Pub office or emp-estab procedures for disqual upon conviction of cert crimes REF AJU
A1878 Schepisi,H Disclosure statement, annual-req business entity that was issued permit/lic file REF ASL
A1879 Schepisi,H/Webber,J+1 Firearms purch. ID card, non-resid.-law enforcement notify fed. immigration auth REF AOF
A1880 Schepisi,H/Dancer,R Minors-exempt personal identifying information from disclosure in public records REF ASL
A1881 Schepisi,H/Dancer,R Security officer assault-upgrades simple assault to aggravated assault REF AJU
A1882 Schepisi,H/Dancer,R Public utility customers' right to decline installation of smart meter-provides REF ATU
A1883 Schepisi,H Vehicle warranty, for aftermarket and recycled parts-consumer notification req. REF ACO
A1884 Schepisi,H Law enforcement officers-qualify for use of firearm once a year REF AJU
A1885 Schepisi,H Mobile intensive care programs & paramedic licensure-revises requirements REF AHE
A1886 Schepisi,H/DiMaso,S+20 Volunteer Emergency Responder Loan Redemption Program-establish REF AHI
A1887 Wimberly,B Employer securities sale-provides gross income tax exclusion for capital gains REF AAP
A1888 Wimberly,B Economic Redevelopment & Growth Grant program-increase value of resid tax credit REF ACE
A1889 Wimberly,B/Lopez,Y+2 Minorities and women in construction industry-concerns outreach and training REF ALA
A1890 Wimberly,B Court Security Enhancement Fund-establishes and increases court fees REF AJU
A1891 Wimberly,B/Murphy,C NJ SHARES-provides for voluntary contributions, taxpayers on income tax returns REF ATU
A1892 Wimberly,B Expungement records, nondisclosure-establish pilot program in Paterson REF AJU
A1893 Wimberly,B/Armato,J+46 Unclaimed Util. Deposit Trust Fd.-revenue to Statewide nonprofit energy asst org REF ATU
A1894 Wimberly,B School district under State intervention-prohibits from leasing building REF AED
A1895 Wimberly,B Core curriculum content standards-creates advisory council to oversee revision REF AED
A1896 Wimberly,B Manchester Regional School District-provide additional State school aid;$3.1M REF AED
A1897 Wimberly,B/Holley,J+2 Marijuana-decriminalizes possession of 10 grams or less and personal use amount REF AJU
A1898 Wimberly,B/Carter,L Motor vehicle surcharges-establishes payment plan is mandatory upon request REF ALP
A1899 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+3 Safe and Sanitary Rental Housing Act-establishes REF AHO
A1900 Wimberly,B/Chaparro,A County Tenant Legal Assistance Program-allows for establishment REF AJU
A1901 Wimberly,B/Speight,S+5 Eviction Crisis Task Force-study recent trends in eviction actions against resid REF AHO
A1902 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V State department contracts out work-requires cost analysis in certain cases REF ASL
A1903 Wimberly,B Expungement eligibility-expands; eliminates cap on number of convictions REF AJU
A1904 Wimberly,B/Vainieri Huttle,V+9 Sensitivity training program-develop for high school athletic directors/coaches REF AED
A1905 Wimberly,B/Timberlake,B Public util.-maintain billing records, duration of account; overpay full refund REF ATU
A1906 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+1 Police, false report-includes as bias intimidation; false 911 call-estab. crime REF ALP
A1907 Wimberly,B/Tully,P+7 Tiny home occupancy-municipalities lease vacant municipal land REF AHO
A1908 Wimberly,B/Karabinchak,R+5 High labor-demand industries-Work & Learn Consortiums, estab certificate program REF AHI
A1909 Wimberly,B/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Brianna's Law-gestating cow transporting for slaughter fourth degree crime REF AAN
A1910 Wimberly,B/Speight,S Multiple dwelling owners w/at least 9 units-provide maintenance svc 24 hrs a day REF AHO
A1911 Wimberly,B High school coaches, employed in school districts-provide employee stability REF AED
A1912 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Mortgage loan & prop tax pymts-temp defer, emp affected by federal govt shutdown REF AFI
A1913 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+15 School Security Task Force-establishes REF AED
A1914 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+3 Senior Cit. Tenant Protection Act-allow senior cit apply for rent increase limit REF AHO
A1915 Wimberly,B/Quijano,A+4 Juvenile incarceration and parole-concerns REF ALP
A1916 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S Grants for Urban Parks to Hinchliffe Stadium, Paterson;$1M REF AEN
A1917 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S+1 William Paterson University;$2M REF AHI
A1918 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+4 Thomas Edison State University;$1.7M REF AHI
A1919 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+1 Fair Chance in Housing Act-estab cert housing rights, persons w/criminal records REF AHO
A1920 Wimberly,B/Tucker,C+5 Pest infestation-prohibits certain demolitions without inspection REF AHO
A1921 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+4 Domestic violence Internet registry-creates for public access; increases fines REF AWC
A1922 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+3 Financial instit., foreclosed property-remove water svc lines that contain lead REF AFI
A1923 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Statewide limitation on rent increases-establishes REF AHO
A1924 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S William J Pascrell Jr. Highway-designates State Highway Route 19 REF ATR
A1925 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 MV surcharge-rev to Special Need Housing REF AHO
A1926 Wimberly,B Racially discriminatory language-Law Revision Comm. identify statutes containing REF ASL
A1927 DiMaso,S Government affairs agents-prohibits appointed officials, convicted from serving REF ASL
A1928 DiMaso,S Motor vehicle accident, caused by medical condition-municipal judge dismiss REF AJU
A1929 DiMaso,S Affordable housing-revise 20% set-aside requirement for newly-constructed devel. REF AHO
A1930 DiMaso,S Affordable housing obligation-to reflect job loss, fed mil installation closure REF AHO
A1931 DiMaso,S Tuition reimb.-prohibits public employers when obtained from unaccredited instit REF ASL
A1932 DiMaso,S/Pinkin,N Vehicle, municipal-prohibits certain officials from using for private purposes REF ASL
A1933 DiMaso,S Veterans, first responders and police-authorizes free admission to State parks REF AMV
A1934 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N+4 Sch emerg-annual training for students/staff of roles & responsibilities during REF AHS
A1935 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N+4 School security-districts institute policies to improve emerg. communications REF AED
A1936 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N+4 School safety-St Police maintain 24 hr hotline, anonymous tip regarding threats REF AED
A1937 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N+3 School employees & students ID cards-school districts implement policy mandating REF AED
A1938 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N+4 Emergency communication policy and protocals-school district submit for review REF AED
A1939 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N+4 School security resource clearinghouse, online-DOE establish REF AED
A1940 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N+4 School emergency response-Police Training Commission adopt training course REF AED
A1941 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N+4 School safety and security plans-Commissioner of Education review REF AED
A1942 DiMaso,S Property assessment-revises law governing REF ASL
A1943 DiMaso,S/Clifton,R+6 Wineries, produce more than 250K gallons per yr.-allow lic. to ship to consumers REF AOF
A1944 DiMaso,S/Thomson,E Colleges, private and their police officers-affords civil immunity REF AJU
A1945 DiMaso,S/Clifton,R Automatic dialing device callers-disclose certain identifying information REF ACO
A1946 DiMaso,S Public util rate increase-prohibit until conclusion of hearing/BPU determination REF ATU
A1947 DiMaso,S/Schepisi,H+1 Child sexual abuse-directs school districts to establish policies and training REF AED
A1948 DiMaso,S Horse racing and simulcast activities-continue during state of emergency REF ATG
A1949 DiMaso,S Handicapped parking signs-include non-emergency law enforcement contact number REF ATR
A1950 DiMaso,S+1 Drug/alco. treatment program-earn credit against court-imposed finan obligations REF AJU
A1951 DiMaso,S/Vainieri Huttle,V VCCO-requires signs be posted in emergency rooms regarding REF ALP
A1952 DiMaso,S Fiscal note, estimate-prohibits release of bill from committee without REF ASL
A1953 DiMaso,S Civil settlement agreement w/public entity-forfeit public office or employment REF ASL
A1954 DiMaso,S River's Law-animal abuse, value of animal's life, second degree crime REF AAN
A1955 DiMaso,S Alcoholic beverages-allows certain qualifying projects to sell REF ALP
A1956 DiMaso,S Civil settlement agreements with State entity-make full restitution REF ASL
A1957 DiMaso,S/Lopez,Y Sexual Assault Survivor Protection Act-award monetary comp, include atty fees REF AJU
A1958 DiMaso,S Dog or cat shelter/pound-criminalizes impounding w/out consent of other party REF AAN
A1959 DiMaso,S/Thomson,E Superstorm Sandy-grant prog exchange for affordable housing obligation reduction REF ACD
A1960 DiMaso,S/Vainieri Huttle,V Desecrating any public monument, insignia, symbol or structure-incr. penalties REF AJU
A1961 DiMaso,S/Vainieri Huttle,V Madalyn's Law-toxic shock syndrome, install age-appropriate signs in ladies room REF AED
A1962 Pinkin,N/Coughlin,C White Collar Crime Offender Registry Act REF ALP
A1963 Pinkin,N/Webber,J+2 Higher ed. public instit.-prohibits increasing tuition and fees more than 4% REF AHI
A1964 Pinkin,N/McKeon,J+12 Judges/judicial personnel-establish certain req. for domestic violence training REF AJU
A1965 Pinkin,N/Murphy,C Community residential facilities-equip with standby emergency power generators REF AHS
A1966 Pinkin,N Malpractice cases, professional-revises affidavit of merit requirement REF AFI
A1967 Pinkin,N/Mosquera,G+2 Brain injury screening and education program-establish in DCF REF AWC
A1968 Pinkin,N+1 Green home improvement-prov tax deduction for increasing building sys resiliency REF AST
A1969 Pinkin,N/Murphy,C+5 Lactation rooms-make available at certain PANYNJ airports REF AWC
A1970 Pinkin,N/Zwicker,A Rutgers University board of governors-adds 2 student representatives REF AHI
A1971 Pinkin,N/Conaway,H Electric school bus pilot program-directs BPU develop and implement REF ATU
A1972 Pinkin,N/Conaway,H+3 Ensuring Transparency in Prior Authorization Act REF AHE
A1973 Pinkin,N Angel Investor Tax Credit Act-incr for qualified investments; addl bus incentive REF AST
A1974 Pinkin,N Energy storage analysis-BPU and electric public utilities to conduct REF ATU
A1975 Pinkin,N Zero emission vehicle charging station-50% credit against societal benf charge REF ATU
A1976 Pinkin,N Sch dist bldgs-NJ infrastr Bank issue bonds to finan cost-effective improvements REF AEN
A1977 Pinkin,N/Pintor Marin,E+8 Lead test results-establish online reporting systems for sch and child care ctrs REF AEN
A1978 Pinkin,N/Kennedy,J+9 Plastic carryout bags, expanded polystyrene & single-use straws-prohibits use REF AEN
A1979 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y+5 Architectural Paint Stewardship Act; paint producers implement or participate REF AEN
A1980 Pinkin,N Immunization Information System-revises access and reporting requirements REF AHE
A1981 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y+2 Plastic Pollution Task Force-establishes study, ways to reduce & address REF AEN
A1982 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y+15 Women-requires certain corporations appoint to board of directors REF AWC
A1983 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R Election officials-coordinate w/relevant federal officials regarding security REF ASL
A1984 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R Election equipment-store in secured facility REF ASL
A1985 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R Vol, fire company/emerg svcs & elig dependents-expands tuition credit program REF AHI
A1986 Pinkin,N/Conaway,H Ultrasound screenings-prohibit preauthorization and cover under health benf plan REF AFI
A1987 Pinkin,N Physicians, retired-establishes limited medical license REF ARP
A1988 Pinkin,N/Mukherji,R+1 Physicians license-provides average time to issue shall not exceed 51 days REF ARP
A1989 Pinkin,N/Conaway,H One-room surgical practices-revises licensure REF AHE
A1990 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R+1 School bus, newly-manufactured-equipped with global positioning systems REF ATR
A1991 Pinkin,N/Quijano,A Sexually violent offenders-establish training for judges REF AJU
A1992 Pinkin,N/Conaway,H One Health Task Force-estab. communications between physicians and veterinarians REF AHE
A1993 Pinkin,N Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new home construction REF AEN
A1994 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R School buses equipped with GPS-establish pilot program REF AED
A1995 Pinkin,N Student exchange visitor placement org, international-register w/Secretary of St REF ASL
A1996 Bramnick,J/Webber,J+3 Sr citizen & disabled person prop tax deduction-incr amount of income limit elig REF ASL
A1997 Bramnick,J/Munoz,N+2 State Auditor-expands duties to include performance audits at request of Leg. REF ASL
A1998 Bramnick,J Ballot questions-disclose total amount of State debt or other entity REF ASL
A1999 Bramnick,J/Mazzeo,V+2 Military monument desecration-crime of third degree REF AMV
A2001 Bramnick,J Physicians-allows to jointly negotiate w/carriers over contractual terms REF AFI
A2002 Bramnick,J/Peterson,E+1 S corporations-eliminates minimum CBT REF ACE
A2003 Bramnick,J/Munoz,N Sex assault, convicted-subject to No Early Release Act REF AJU
A2004 Bramnick,J+5 Income tax rates-reduce by 10% over 3 years REF ABU
A2005 Bramnick,J/Sumter,S+2 Life insurance-requires notice prior to lapse due to nonpayment of premium REF ACO
A2006 Bramnick,J/DeAngelo,W+4 Military member-may qualify for residential tuition rate at county colleges REF AMV
A2007 Bramnick,J/Burzichelli,J Private wildlife habitat certification program-DEP establish REF AAN
A2008 Bramnick,J+2 Bus. out-migration, formation and employment-study impact of St bus income taxes REF ACE
A2009 Bramnick,J/Schepisi,H Campaign contributions-disclosure by independent expenditure groups REF ASL
A2010 Bramnick,J Governor and legislative leaders-meet quarterly REF ASL
A2011 Bramnick,J+2 Blue painted between yellow lines-authorize Commissioner of Transportation allow REF ATR
A2012 Bramnick,J/Carter,L Respect for Physicians Act-prompt response for prior auth. for health services REF AFI
A2013 Bramnick,J+2 Annual approp., failure to enact-impose a daily fine of $250 for each leg. REF ASL
A2014 Bramnick,J/Thomson,E Vehicles, donated-provides gross income tax deduction REF AAP
A2015 Bramnick,J DUI accident-provides that limitation on lawsuit option does not apply REF AFI
A2016 Bramnick,J Motor vehicle insurance policy-include underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage REF AFI
A2017 Bramnick,J/DeCroce,B+1 Affordable housing-reforms procedures; repeal Statewide Non-Resid. Devel Fee Act REF AHO
A2018 Bramnick,J Petroleum products-rate reduction if Legislative action incr other tax rates REF ATR
A2019 Bramnick,J/DeCroce,B Trans. capital proj. & infra safety inspection-cont, failure to enact approp law REF ATR
A2020 Bramnick,J/DeCroce,B+1 Statewide Affordable Housing Obligation Commission-establish REF AHO
A2021 Bramnick,J/Dancer,R+3 Medical tests & procedures-prohibits pre-approval or precertifications REF AFI
A2022 Bramnick,J/Moriarty,P+4 Cancer treatments-proh. pre-approval or percertification, tests and procedures REF AHE
A2023 Bramnick,J/Moriarty,P Health Insurance Claim Plain Language and Simplification Act REF AFI
A2024 Bramnick,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Prenatal ultrasound screenings-prohibits pre-approval covered under health plans REF AFI
A2025 Bramnick,J/Dancer,R Partnership's statement-requires filing fee or recording of statement REF AFI
A2026 Bramnick,J/Munoz,N Veterans, civil service purpose-define vet./disabled vet under fed/St definition REF AMV
A2027 Bramnick,J/Carter,L+1 Emma's Law-sch bus transporting students w/special needs equip w/safety features REF ATR
A2028 Bramnick,J/DePhillips,C Mail-in ballot-complete ballot each year; repeals automatic vote-by-mail desig. REF ASL
A2029 Bramnick,J/Munoz,N Local Unit Audit Teams-create program in the Department of the Treasury REF ASL
A2030 Pintor Marin,E Port Support Zone Act of 2015 REF ACE
A2031 Pintor Marin,E/Sumter,S School district-request permission to use an unrecognized position title REF AED
A2032 Pintor Marin,E/Quijano,A Legionnaire's Disease prevention-regis., testing & disinfection of cooling tower REF AHE
A2033 Pintor Marin,E Holiday pay-State reimburse county employees for performing State services REF ASL
A2034 Pintor Marin,E Pol. party affiliation-decreases from 55 to 21 days to change, prior to primary REF ASL
A2035 Pintor Marin,E Family leave benefits-allows for sharing between covered individuals REF ALA
A2036 Pintor Marin,E Civil svc-adjusts ID of first class cities & cert co have unclassified positions REF ASL
A2037 Pintor Marin,E/Lampitt,P+2 Baby boxes-various St dept prov info linkages & safe sleep education on websites REF AWC
A2038 Pintor Marin,E/Mukherji,R+2 Human trafficking offense-civil actions against person profiting from commission REF AJU
A2039 Pintor Marin,E Dwellings-municipalities adjust deadline to apply for short-term exemp/abatement REF ASL
A2040 Pintor Marin,E Health svc. corporations-clarify charitable role & revises bd of directors' memb REF AJU
A2041 Pintor Marin,E Disabled or elderly, endangering person-upgrades crime REF AJU
A2042 Pintor Marin,E/Sumter,S Personal Injury Trust Fund Transparency Act-concerns trust claims REF AJU
A2043 Pintor Marin,E/Calabrese,C Foreclosed resid. property-seller deliver insurable title in contract of sale REF AFI
A2044 Pintor Marin,E Site remediation-owner applying for de minimis cert no contamination knowledge REF AEN
A2045 Pintor Marin,E Prevailing wage & pay to play laws-apply local pub contract bid threshold amount REF ASL
A2046 Pintor Marin,E/DeAngelo,W School shared services arrangements-required by executive county superintendent REF AED
A2047 Pintor Marin,E/Giblin,T Charity care to certain hospitals-revises criteria for payment REF AHE
A2048 Pintor Marin,E/Burzichelli,J Lottery tickets-adjust from 30% to 27% rate dedicated to public pensions REF ATG
A2049 Pintor Marin,E/Mukherji,R Lead plumbing-concerns disclosure by homeowner prior to sale REF AEN
A2050 Pintor Marin,E Trauma centers-establishes restrictions on new designation REF AHE
A2051 Pintor Marin,E/Mukherji,R Sewerage authority-prohibits imposing connection fee in certain circumstances REF ATU
A2052 Pintor Marin,E/Mosquera,G+1 Marriage license application-revises form, permit changes in middle and surname REF AHU
A2053 Pintor Marin,E Grow NJ Assistance Prog.-change elig requirements/benefits; extend prog deadline REF ACE
A2054 Pintor Marin,E Scrap metal theft-upgrades crime REF ATR
A2055 Pintor Marin,E/Freiman,R Econ Redevel and Growth Grant Prog & NJ Asst Program-extend application deadline REF ACE
A2056 Pintor Marin,E/Speight,S Disability & accident insur-proh discrim w/respect to charging rates of premiums REF AFI
A2057 Pintor Marin,E/Munoz,N+4 Transition staff members-applies law governing EEO and affirmative action REF AAP
A2058 Pintor Marin,E/Munoz,N+6 Criminal investigations-disclosure required by applicants for State employment REF AAP
A2059 Pintor Marin,E/Munoz,N+4 Human resource management of employees-grants authority to Civil Service Comm. REF AAP
A2060 Pintor Marin,E/Munoz,N Campaign contrib-allow use for child care expense related to campaign activities REF ASL
A2061 Pintor Marin,E/Reynolds-Jackson,V State Rental Assistance Program-annual appropriation;$80M REF AHO
A2062 Pintor Marin,E Mun court-reduce fine amounts set by mun ordinance if violator is unable to pay REF AJU
A2063 Pintor Marin,E/Reynolds-Jackson,V Prisoner reentry transitional housing-requires DCA establish standards REF ACD
A2064 Calabrese,C+1 Bisphenol A-proh. sale, offer for sale or distrib. of infant products containing REF ACO
A2065 Calabrese,C/Jasey,M+6 Lesbian, gay business owners w/disab. or veteran-creates certain assistance prog REF ACE
A2066 Calabrese,C/Mukherji,R Sewerage rate increase-subjects county and municipality approval by BPU REF ATU
A2067 Calabrese,C DOBI employees-criminal history background check required REF AFI
A2068 Calabrese,C/Jasey,M+2 Digital devices in classrooms-DOE develop health & safety best practices for use REF AED
A2069 Calabrese,C Higher education institution-State Auditor conduct performance review audit REF AHI
A2070 Calabrese,C/Mukherji,R Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide REF AAN
A2071 Calabrese,C Business financing contract containing confession by judgment-incl notifications REF AFI
A2072 Calabrese,C/Swain,L+2 Lead-contaminated water service lines, senior & low income homeowners-prov loans REF AEN
A2073 Calabrese,C/Conaway,H Special ed. aid, extraordinary-students w/costs over $55K, State reimb county REF AED
A2074 Calabrese,C/Benson,D+3 Suicide Hopeline-allows follow-up calls from opertators to at risk minors REF AHU
A2075 Calabrese,C/Dancer,R+1 Milkweed plants-prohibits sale treated with certain pesticides REF AAN
A2076 Calabrese,C/Verrelli,A+1 State wage, benefit and tax laws-DOLWD post information of person who violates REF ALA
A2077 Calabrese,C Mercury in floors of certain facilities-establish task force to study presence REF ACO
A2078 Calabrese,C Mercury free-new flooring for schools and child care centers be certified REF ACO
A2079 Calabrese,C Shared service agreements between local governments-include certain provisions REF AAP
A2080 Swain,L/Tully,P+9 School security training-employed in substitute capacity & emp/vol of youth prog REF AED
A2081 Swain,L/Mosquera,G+5 Sexual assaults-PANYNJ & airport operators coordinate w/law enforcement invest. REF AWC
A2082 Swain,L/Tully,P+3 Sch bus driver's driving record-share w/bd of education, bus contractor & police REF ATR
A2083 Swain,L/Downey,J+2 Cyber-interference-establishes fourth degree crime REF ALP
A2084 Swain,L/Tully,P School bus contractor-prov info, result of criminal background check on bus driv REF AED
A2085 Swain,L/Tully,P+1 Euthanizing animals-shelter or kennel offer to animal rescue org. for adoption REF AAN
A2086 Swain,L/Murphy,C+1 Sexual assault, ed instit by another student-fine fail to appropriately respond REF AHI
A2087 Swain,L/Murphy,C+2 Sexual misconduct, health care prof-higher ed instit report allegation to lic bd REF AHI
A2088 Swain,L/Tully,P Breast cancer patients-hospital provide info concerning reconstructive surgery REF AHE
A2089 Swain,L/Mosquera,G Sexual assaults on cruise ships-directs PANYNJ to coordinate invest./prosecution REF AWC
A2090 Swain,L/Chiaravalloti,N+2 Fairness in Asset Forfeiture Proceedings Task Force-establishes REF ALP
A2091 Swain,L/Tully,P Bus driv. emp. records-release to future emp., written response, complaint filed REF ATR
A2092 Swain,L/Tully,P+1 Smoking devices, electronic-DOE devel/disseminate training materials for sch emp REF AED
A2093 Swain,L/Tully,P+7 Fentanyl-AG establish program to detect in State's illegal drug supply REF ALP
A2094 Swain,L/Houghtaling,E+4 Pollinator-friendly-establishes label for plants REF AAN
A2095 Swain,L/Tully,P+2 Motorbus, purchased for public transportation svc-be electric-powered by 2029 REF ATR
A2096 Swain,L/Tully,P+1 Enhanced Crossing and Crosswalk Pilot Program-establishes in Bergen County REF ATR
A2097 Swain,L/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Campus sexual assault victim-higher education institutions establish hotline REF AHI
A2098 Swain,L/Freiman,R Health care practitioners-disclose criminal and discipliniary hist. to patients REF AHE
A2099 Swain,L/Tully,P Stillbirth-expands list of health care professionals auth to prov svcs & support REF AHE
A2100 Swain,L/Tully,P Drinking water test every 3 years-req resid owners, schools & child care centers REF AEN
A2101 Swain,L/Tully,P+4 Public utilities infrastructure projects-provide notice prior to initiating REF ATU
A2102 Swain,L/Tully,P+3 Water, public system-prov customers & loc officials w/elevated lead level notice REF AEN
A2103 Swain,L/Tully,P Alternative fuel vehicles-permits counties and municipalities to bond for REF ASL
A2104 Swain,L/Tully,P Children's products-DEP post a list of certain chemicals and reports use REF AEN
A2105 Swain,L/Tully,P+2 NJT-provide notice concerning routine maintenance & significant reduction in svc REF ATR
A2106 Swain,L/Tully,P+4 Fair Play Act-allows collegiate student-athletes earn comp, use of name or image REF AHI
A2107 Swain,L Child support, over age 19-clarifies procedures concerning collection REF AJU
A2108 Swain,L/Lopez,Y Electric veh charging stations-exemp local approval installation at gas stations REF AEN
A2109 Swain,L/Vainieri Huttle,V Dogs and cats euthanized at shelters/pounds-DOH establish reduction REF AAN
A2110 Swain,L/Chiaravalloti,N+1 Bike/pedestrian safety-Hwy. Traffic Safety Div conduct public awareness campaign REF ATR
A2111 Swain,L/Vainieri Huttle,V Abortion laws, restrictive-prohibits expenditure of State funds REF ASL
A2112 Swain,L/Vainieri Huttle,V Motor vehicle accident-leaving scene, first degree crime if it results in dealth REF ALP
A2116 Tully,P/Swain,L+6 Fed. fds for St agencies-St Treasurer submit report to Leg identifying deadlines REF ASL
A2117 Tully,P/Swain,L+1 Federal funds, receipt-establish State Ombudsman to oversee application REF ASL
A2118 Tully,P/Swain,L+12 Telecommunications & Internet service providers-terminate service contracts REF ACO
A2119 Tully,P/Swain,L+1 Aircraft systems, unmanned-clarify crime of trespassing/invasion of privacy incl REF AHS
A2120 Tully,P/Swain,L Miranda Vargas Act-suspend sch bus endorsement driv lic convicted, 3 moving viol REF ATR
A2121 Tully,P/Swain,L Consumer reporting agencies-proh adverse info, emp affected by fed govt shutdown REF AFI
A2122 Tully,P/Pinkin,N+3 Food allergies-restaurants post signs advising customers to notify servers REF ACO
A2123 Tully,P/Swain,L+1 Pedestrian and Bike Safety Advisory Council-establishes REF ATR
A2124 Tully,P/Swain,L+1 Alco. & Drug Use Disorder Policy-estab off, oversee fd & data tracking treatment REF ALP
A2125 Tully,P/Houghtaling,E+2 Pollinator Pathway designation for municipalities-creates REF AAN
A2126 Tully,P/Houghtaling,E+3 Pollinator habitat program-directs DEP to establish for closed landfills REF AAN
A2127 Tully,P/Swain,L Emergency Medical Technician Training Fund-revises eligibility req. for reimb. REF AHE
A2128 Tully,P/Swain,L Health insurance carriers-prohibits denying preauthorized covered services REF AFI
A2129 Tully,P/Swain,L+1 Emergency Service Length of Service Award Program-permits loc govt unit to grant REF ALP
A2130 Tully,P/Swain,L+1 Smoking devices, tobacco & electronic-increase penal for sale to person under 21 REF AHE
A2131 Tully,P/DePhillips,C+1 Global War on Terrorism Medal-creates REF AMV
A2132 Tully,P/Swain,L Digital content-retailers required to permit person to cancel and obtain refund REF ACO
A2133 Tully,P/Swain,L Rental companies-Homeland Security conduct study regarding suspicious behavior REF AHS
A2134 Tully,P/Swain,L+4 Drinking water tests-public water systems required to offer tests to customers REF ATU
A2135 Tully,P/Swain,L+2 Lead plumbing-requires property condition disclosure statement indicate presence REF AHO
A2136 Tully,P/Swain,L+3 Lead service lines, replacement-allow municipalities to establish loan programs REF AEN
A2137 Tully,P/Swain,L+2 Drinking water-landlord provide notice to tenants concerning lead REF AEN
A2138 Tully,P/Swain,L Smoke detectors-establish pilot program to purchase/install in school restrooms REF AED
A2139 Tully,P/Swain,L+2 Responsible School Violence Prevention, Preparation and Protection Pilot Program REF AED
A2140 Tully,P/Wirths,H+1 Health care service firms-revise requirements for financial information reports REF ACO
A2141 Tully,P/Swain,L+1 Lead service lines-requires certain residential developers to replace REF AEN
A2142 Tully,P/Swain,L Military personnel non-resident dependent children-provide resident tuition rate REF AHI
A2143 Tully,P/Swain,L Firearm owner become New Jersey resident-obtain purchaser ID card REF ALP
A2144 Tully,P/Swain,L Advanced imaging svcs. & elective surgical proc.-req. pilot prog in SHBP & SEHBP REF AHE
A2152 Mukherji,R/Pintor Marin,E+5 Green building projects-priority consideration of permit applications REF AEN
A2153 Mukherji,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 Mental illness-clarify law governing involuntary commitment incl substance abuse REF AHU
A2154 Mukherji,R/Jasey,M Duckweed on pond-post signs warning of presence and potential danger REF AAN
A2155 Mukherji,R/Johnson,G Digital Currency Jobs Creation Act REF AST
A2156 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+1 Chloe's Pet Access Law-permits dogs in outdoor seating areas of restaurants REF AAN
A2157 Mukherji,R Jersey City Reservoir prop.-dedicate CBT revenues for preservation & restoration REF AAN
A2158 Mukherji,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Sober living home-clarify auth. to regulate resid, substance abuse aftercare fac REF AHU
A2159 Mukherji,R/Jimenez,A+1 Sepsis recognition and treatment protocols-requires hospital establish REF AHE
A2160 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A Prescription drugs & drug samples-proh. certain steering and marketing practices REF AHE
A2161 Mukherji,R/Benson,D+2 Charitable food contributions, made from business inventory-income tax deduction REF ACO
A2162 Mukherji,R/Johnson,G+1 MarcAnthony's Law-criminalizes use of defaced or stolen firearm & injure police REF ALP
A2163 Mukherji,R/Jasey,M+2 Student loan interest, certain-allows income tax deduction REF AHI
A2164 Mukherji,R Acting Associate Justice of the Supreme Court-temp assigned to Supreme Court REF AJU
A2165 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A County homelessness housing trust fund-$7 increase in surcharge, record document REF AHO
A2166 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+2 Voter-take photo of own ballot and share it on Internet-based social media REF ASL
A2167 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A Crossing guard or parking enforcement assault-upgrades to aggravated assault REF ALP
A2168 Mukherji,R/Chiaravalloti,N Computer science course-high schools required to offer REF AED
A2169 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+1 Sanctuary jurisdiction-establish program, reimb. loc govt for fed grant fds lost REF AHS
A2170 Mukherji,R/Sumter,S+2 Grant awards-allows students to use during summer session REF AHI
A2171 Mukherji,R/Johnson,G Internet service providers-keep subscriber's identifiable information confident REF AST
A2172 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+1 Edison Innovation Science & Technology Fund-establish;$5M REF AST
A2173 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+2 Veterans-exempts from non-driver identification card fees REF AMV
A2174 Mukherji,R/Holley,J+1 Driving w/suspended license suspended for parking viol.-prohibits cert penalties REF AJU
A2175 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+2 Voter regis. website, online-Secretary of State estab & auth digital signatures REF ASL
A2176 Mukherji,R/Quijano,A+3 9-1-1 calls-exempts cert. health information from definition of goverment record REF ACO
A2177 Mukherji,R/DeAngelo,W Craft distillery production limit-incr.; elim. tour req. on-premises consumption REF AOF
A2178 Mukherji,R Certificate of rehabilitation-issue to offenders w/substance abuse disorder REF ALP
A2179 Mukherji,R Stop loss insur. coverage-90 day notice cancellation/renewal for small bus plans REF AFI
A2180 Mukherji,R Prescription drug benefits-develop standard prior authorization form REF
A2181 Mukherji,R Medicaid-pharmacies dispense for all covered medications REF AHE
A2182 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+1 Human trafficking-commercial driver license applicants complete training course REF AWC
A2183 Mukherji,R Nursing home-permit use of electronic monitoring devices at resident's request REF AHE
A2184 Mukherji,R Fuel cell devices-provides sales and use tax exemption for sale REF AEN
A2185 Mukherji,R/Speight,S Housing Choice Vouchers Program, federal, pre-application-continuously maintain REF AHO
A2186 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+1 Homeless shelter-establish Statewide database of beds REF ACD
A2187 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A Residential rental premises-establishes 5 year moratorium on conversions REF AHO
A2188 Mukherji,R/Zwicker,A+1 Internet websites cert & online svcs-disclose personal ID info, customer opt-out REF AST
A2189 Mukherji,R/McKnight,A+13 Liberty St. Park Protection Act; estab. Advisory Committee & DEP related actions REF AAN
A2190 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Plastic Container Recycling Enhancement Act REF AEN
A2191 McKeon,J/Wimberly,B+6 Statewide gun buyback program-requires Attorney General establish REF ALP
A2192 McKeon,J/Quijano,A+2 Whistleblower claim-bars pub entity/emp, entering into confidential settlements REF ASL
A2193 McKeon,J/Moriarty,P+6 President-candidate req to disclose fed. income tax return to appear on ballot REF ASL
A2194 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+5 State parks-required to remain open for 7 days due to failure to enact NJ Budget REF AEN
A2195 McKeon,J/Quijano,A Heroin mixtures-estab. new crime, upgrades penalty involving heroin and fentanyl REF AJU
A2196 McKeon,J St. pensions-proh investment, req divestment in pub traded fossil fuel companies REF ASL
A2197 McKeon,J/Downey,J+13 Gay/transgender defense-prev. criminal defendant from asserting to reduce charge REF AJU
A2198 McKeon,J Water Infrastructure Improvement Bond Act of 2018-authorize bonds for $400M REF ATU
A2199 McKeon,J/Pinkin,N Statewide Water Supply Plan-specifies min 20 year planning duration, add new req REF AEN
A2200 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V Water loss audits-require water purveyors to conduct and report to DEP REF AEN
A2201 McKeon,J/Pinkin,N+5 Lead service line inventories-public water systems compile and submit to DEP REF AEN
A2202 McKeon,J Green stormwater infra.-DOT prioritize design, construction & repair of pub hwys REF ATR
A2203 McKeon,J/Jasey,M Income exceeding $1M-increase income tax rate, dedicate revenue to tax relief REF AAP
A2204 McKeon,J/Chiaravalloti,N Green building-permits developer to qualify for low-interest loan from NJEDA REF ACE
A2205 McKeon,J/Jasey,M+7 NJBEST prog-income tax deduction for contrib; distrib to qual St tuition program REF AHI
A2206 McKeon,J/Space,P+2 Solid and hazardous waste, soil & fill recycling industries-concerns regulation REF AEN
A2207 McKeon,J/DeCroce,B+2 For-profit debt adjusters-eligible for licensing to conduct business in this St. REF ACO
A2208 McKeon,J Electric or renewable power source veh-counties and municipalities purch w/bonds REF AEN
A2209 McKeon,J/Downey,J Health clinics/urgent care facilities-establish registration and operational req REF AHE
A2210 McKeon,J/Lampitt,P Marijuana-related funds-establishes State bank for handling REF AFI
A2211 McKeon,J Personal vehicle sharing program-establish REF AFI
A2212 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 Environmental permits in burdened communities-concerns REF AAN
A2213 McKeon,J/Freiman,R+1 Small employers-prohibits insurers from offering stop loss insurance REF AFI
A2214 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+7 Health benefits dependent coverage-requires coverage until child turns 26 of age REF AFI
A2215 McKeon,J/Conaway,H+6 Health benefits coverage-requires for certain preventive services REF AFI
A2216 McKeon,J/DeAngelo,W+8 Law Against Discrimination-expand to health programs and activities REF AFI
A2217 McKeon,J Organ and tissue donation-provides for opting out REF ATR
A2218 McKeon,J Organ donor driver's license or ID card designation-remain until renewal REF ATR
A2219 McKeon,J/Pinkin,N+2 Qualified offshore wind project-expands definition REF ATU
A2220 McKeon,J/Pinkin,N Solar renewable energy portfolio standards, net metering-revises law REF ATU
A2221 McKeon,J Auto accidents-unreimb medical expense reimb, econ loss in civil actions/damages REF AJU
A2222 McKeon,J/Freiman,R+4 Prescription drug savings-carriers required to pass on to consumers REF AFI
A2223 McKeon,J Health service corporation-reorganize into a mutual holding company system REF AFI
A2224 McKeon,J Federal home loan banks-revises effects of delinquency & insolvency proceedings REF ARP
A2225 Dancer,R/Benson,D+4 Motor vehicle interior light-stopped by law enforcement, light required to be on REF ALP
A2226 Dancer,R/Houghtaling,E+9 Small business, first-time paperwork violations-suspends fines REF ACE
A2227 Dancer,R Minor psych fac.-notify Div. of Child Prot. if parent unwilling to remove child REF AWC
A2228 Dancer,R+9 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act-bans abortion 20 weeks or more REF AWC
A2229 Dancer,R/Webber,J+1 Sex offense in foreign countries-comply with Megan's Law REF AJU
A2230 Dancer,R Farmland, perserved-reacquire devel. rights, establish restrictions/conditions REF AAN
A2231 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Dyslexia-DOE establish pilot program, provide assistive technology to students REF AED
A2232 Dancer,R/Downey,J Worker's compensation medical charges-prohibits reporting to reporting agencies REF ALA
A2233 Dancer,R/Timberlake,B Law enforcement officer retired due to disability-tuition assistance eligible REF AHI
A2234 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Born out of wedlock-eliminates phrase from statutes concerning legal settlement REF AWC
A2235 Dancer,R Carjacking and child prostitution-conviction records shall not be expunged REF AJU
A2236 Dancer,R Kratom-criminalizes manufacture, sale and possession of substances containing REF ALP
A2237 Dancer,R Death penalty-restores for certain murders REF AJU
A2238 Dancer,R Military, overseas-authorizes marriage or civil union by video conference REF AJU
A2239 Dancer,R Disabled-clarifies that age restrictions may not be imposed to exclude housing REF AHO
A2240 Dancer,R Horseback riding on State-owned lands-requires use of protective headgear REF AAN
A2241 Dancer,R DEP fees-obtain legislative approval/authorization before an increase or new fee REF AEN
A2242 Dancer,R Sewerage & utility authorities-impose residency req. on newly appointed members REF ASL
A2243 Dancer,R Student, commits sexual offense-prohibits student from attending same school/bus REF AJU
A2244 Dancer,R/Murphy,C+12 Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal REF AMV
A2245 Dancer,R Children-establish for involuntary civil commitment REF AHU
A2246 Dancer,R/Pinkin,N+3 Federal service academy-Adjutant General of DMVA issue flag to resident enrolled REF AMV
A2247 Dancer,R/Murphy,C Horse racing-prohibits req. of advance notice in order to continue, st of emerg. REF ATG
A2248 Dancer,R Pretrial risk assessment-expands to include acquittals for reasons of insanity REF AJU
A2249 Dancer,R Manufactured homes, affordable-communities are inherently beneficial uses REF AHO
A2250 Dancer,R/Webber,J+1 Megan's Law-person convicted of sex offenses in foreign country register REF AJU
A2251 Dancer,R Children crisis intervention service units & screening center-training protocols REF AWC
A2252 Dancer,R Casino & racetrack gaming-emp. oversee operations considered essential personnel REF ATG
A2253 Dancer,R OPRA to any student record-prohibits public access REF AED
A2254 Dancer,R Cannabis, medical-not subject to sales tax REF AHE
A2255 Dancer,R Paper and automatic voter registration-req at agency providing hunting licenses REF ASL
A2256 Dancer,R Sports wagering license-continue live horse racing for standardbred racetracks REF ATG
A2257 Dancer,R School districts located in historic communities-provide emergency St school aid REF AED
A2258 Dancer,R Therapy dog-estab pilot program to use in public elementary school wellness prog REF AED
A2259 Dancer,R Integrated Co-occurring Treatment Facility Construction Bond Act;$100M bonds REF AHU
A2261 Dancer,R Horses, retired-establish fund to care for and improve track safety REF ATG
A2262 Dancer,R Public assistance programs-businesses required to make available no-cost help REF AHE
A2263 Thomson,E/Bramnick,J Training wage-establishes REF ALA
ACR11 Space,P/Wirths,H+1 State tax bills pass both Houses of Leg by 3/5 majority vote-amends Constitution REF ABU
ACR12 Space,P/McKeon,J+1 Municipal court judges-remove certain gubernatorial appointments REF AJU
ACR13 Space,P/Wirths,H Internet & telephone services-BPU investigate and bring svc to rural communities REF ATU
ACR14 Wirths,H/Space,P+1 Fish, hunt, trap and harvest fish-constitutional amendment to preserve rights REF AAN
ACR15 Wirths,H/Space,P+2 Free public school system-describe maintenance & support Legislature provides REF AED
ACR16 Wirths,H/Space,P Council on Local Mandates-constitutional amendment to broaden powers REF ASL
ACR17 Wirths,H/Space,P Housing rights of State residents-clarifies housing opportunity laws REF AHO
ACR18 Wirths,H/Benson,D Senior, disabled citizens-eliminate caps to qualify for $250 prop. tax deduction REF ASL
ACR19 Carter,L/Murphy,C+6 Violence Against Women Act-urges Congres REF AWC
ACR20 Carter,L/Kennedy,J Gun control measures-memorializes Congress & President to enact legislation REF AJU
ACR21 DeAngelo,W Collective bargaining-amends Constitution to give public employees the right REF ALA
ACR22 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Veteran, civil service hiring-provide preference, received badge, medal, ribbon REF AMV
ACR23 Peters,R+4 Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief-requires programs be fully funded REF ASL
ACR24 Peters,R/Bramnick,J+5 State government spending-estab 2 percent cap on annual appropriations increases REF AAP
ACR25 Peters,R/Mazzeo,V+7 Fire insurance policy-require tax imposed on premiums paid to St Firemen's Assoc REF AHS
ACR26 Kean,S/DePhillips,C+3 Veteran property tax deduction-constitutional amendment to increase to $500 REF AMV
ACR27 Kean,S+2 Property tax-freeze on primary residences of homeowners 65 years and over REF ASL
ACR28 Kean,S/Thomson,E+7 Gold Star family-receive veteran's property tax deduction REF AMV
ACR29 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G State aid to school districts-allocate on equal per pupil basis REF AED
ACR30 Webber,J+2 Legislative terms-limit Senate to 3 successive terms; General Assembly to 5. REF ASL
ACR31 Jimenez,A/Sumter,S+4 Medicaid wraparound payments to qualified health centers-ensure payment REF AHE
ACR32 Jimenez,A Radiologist assistants-encourages regulations to authorize practice REF ARP
ACR33 Jimenez,A/Mejia,P Keegan Landfill-Urge NJ Sports & Exposition Auth & DEP immediate action to close REF AEN
ACR34 Auth,R Senior citizen, primary residence-exempt $60K assessment from property taxation REF ASL
ACR35 Auth,R Revenue responsibility-cap, limit spending growth to 1 percent over 6 years REF ABU
ACR36 DiMaio,J/Peterson,E+4 Free public school support-allocate all income tax receipts to school districts REF AED
ACR37 DiMaio,J/Space,P Justices of the Supreme Court-provides for 5 year terms and tenure elections REF AJU
ACR38 DiMaio,J/Space,P+1 Judicial review of arbitration rulings-elim disputes concerning court facilities REF AJU
ACR39 DiMaio,J Motor vehicle fees-dedicate portion of revenue to transportation system REF ATR
ACR40 DiMaio,J+2 Health care coverage-prohibits law or regulation compelling person to obtain REF AHE
ACR41 Caputo,R/Schaer,G+1 Casino operation & estab.-authorize Legislature to permit in certain counties REF ATG
ACR42 Caputo,R Casinos outside of Atlantic City-establish not more than 2 REF ATG
ACR43 Caputo,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Casino establishment & operation in Bergen, Essex, Hudson-allow not more than 3 REF ATG
ACR44 Caputo,R Casinos in Bergen County-allow establishment and operation of casinos by 2018 REF ATG
ACR45 Caputo,R/Holley,J+13 Casino gambling in northern part of State-intent to approve authorization REF ATG
ACR46 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+3 Law enforcement officer, permanent disability-$250 property tax deduction REF ALA
ACR47 Armato,J Veteran property tax deduction-extend eligibility to surviving spouse REF AMV
ACR48 Armato,J Vets., honorable discharge & totally disabled-grant total property tax exemption REF AMV
ACR49 Vainieri Huttle,V/Tucker,C+3 9-1-1 system-urges Governor and Legislature to fully fund REF AHS
ACR50 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C+2 Human trafficking-SCI examine activity business/employer of massage therapists REF AWC
ACR51 Johnson,G/Coughlin,C+10 State Parole Board-transfer probation functions from Judiciary REF AJU
ACR52 Verrelli,A Defendant's fees from municipal court matters-address prior to incarceration REF AJU
ACR53 Speight,S/McKnight,A+1 Palliative Care & Hospice Education & Training Act-pass; fund initiatives REF ASE
ACR54 Speight,S Educational Opportunity Fund Board-modernize regulations, student funding levels REF AHI
ACR55 Chaparro,A/Timberlake,B+3 People's Republic of China-condemns abuses against Falun Gong practitioners REF ASL
ACR56 Greenwald,L/Murphy,C Legislative Apportionment Commission-change membership; composition requirements REF ASL
ACR57 Greenwald,L/Benson,D+1 Veterans and surviving spouses-receive enhanced homestead rebate amount REF AMV
ACR58 Greenwald,L/Kean,S Homestead real property-proposes to limit assessment REF AHO
ACR59 Greenwald,L/Quijano,A+1 Assault weapons ban-urge President and Congress to enact REF ALP
ACR60 Greenwald,L State transportation system bonded indebtedness-require voter approval REF ATR
ACR61 Greenwald,L State constitutional convention-reform system of property taxation REF ASL
ACR62 Greenwald,L/Conaway,H Health care-establish right to comprehensive, affordable, accessible health care REF AHE
ACR63 Greenwald,L/Murphy,C Legislative Apportionment Commission-change membership; composition requirements REF ASL
ACR64 Moen,W Preserved open space-requires State make payments in lieu of taxes REF AAN
ACR65 DeCroce,B Law enforcement officers, permanent disability-give $500 property tax deduction REF ASL
ACR66 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+4 9-1-1 System & Emergency Response Trust Fund Account-dedicate money to 9-1-1 sys REF AHS
ACR67 Burzichelli,J Senior & disabled citizen income-increase limitation for property tax deduction REF ASL
ACR68 McKnight,A/Holley,J+1 Elder adults-require paper account statements be provided to REF AFI
ACR69 Munoz,N Pension and health benefits of public employees-authorize changes REF ASL
ACR70 Munoz,N Motor vehicle fees & surcharges-dedicate portion of revenue to transit system REF ATR
ACR71 Peterson,E State bond refundings that increase bonded indebtedness-require voter approval REF ASL
ACR72 Peterson,E State budget-prohibit from using bonds to balance REF ABU
ACR73 Peterson,E/Thomson,E+1 Recreational marijuana tax revenue-dedicate to property tax relief REF AAP
ACR74 Peterson,E/DiMaio,J+1 Recreational marijuana-dedicate tax revenue for rehabilitation services REF AJU
ACR75 Timberlake,B/Wimberly,B+11 Lead hazard remediation-dedicate revenue collected from sales tax on paint REF AHO
ACR76 Schepisi,H+1 State funding for public education-distributed on a per pupil basis REF AED
ACR77 Schepisi,H+10 Affordable housing construction-prohibit exclusionary zoning; clarify obligation REF AHO
ACR78 Schepisi,H/DeCroce,B+7 Affordable housing obligation-requires statewide calculation REF AHO
ACR79 Schepisi,H/DeCroce,B+3 Legislative Select Committee on Investigation-constitutes special committee REF ASL
ACR80 Pinkin,N/McKeon,J+26 Natural resources, public-make State trustee; guarantee environmental rights REF AAN
ACR81 Pinkin,N/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Plastics recycling marketplace-urges DEP and EDA to establish REF AEN
ACR82 Pinkin,N/Freiman,R+3 Senior Security Act of 2019-urges US Senate to adopt REF AFI
ACR83 Bramnick,J/Space,P+5 Property tax relief and reform-special session of Legislature to consider REF ASL
ACR84 Bramnick,J Legislative districts-establish to promote competition between political parties REF ASL
ACR85 Bramnick,J Public school, free-Legislature describe manner it provides for efficient system REF ASL
ACR86 Bramnick,J+2 Homestead real property-limit assessment; allow exemption, $50K of home value REF AHO
ACR87 Bramnick,J/DeCroce,B+2 Affordable housing obligations-provide that only Legislature may determine REF AHO
ACR88 Bramnick,J Public school-prohibit student being compelled to attend other than nearest REF AED
ACR89 Tully,P/Dancer,R Volunteer fire fighter/first aid squad member residence-$200 property tax credit REF ASL
ACR90 McKeon,J Organ donation-give registered organ donors priority in organ allocations REF AHE
ACR91 Bergen,B General Assembly-proposed constit amendment to limit 12 years successive terms REF ASL
AJR11 Space,P/DeAngelo,W+2 Hunting and Fishing Day-designates fourth Saturday of September each year REF AAN
AJR12 Peters,R Neon yellow-designates official color to raise awareness of suicide among vets. REF AMV
AJR13 Catalano,J+2 Obesity Care Week-designates the second week of October of each year REF AHE
AJR14 Webber,J/Space,P Ronald Reagan Day-designates February 6th of each year REF ASL
AJR15 Jimenez,A/Benson,D+4 Marrow Donation Awareness Week-designate second full week in September REF AHE
AJR16 Auth,R/Mukherji,R+16 Beirut Barracks Bombing Remembrance Day-designates October 23rd of each year REF AMV
AJR17 Auth,R Home-Schooling Month-designates May of each year REF AED
AJR18 Auth,R Teen Driver Safety Awareness Week-designates third full week in December REF ATR
AJR19 DiMaio,J/Peterson,E+2 Women Veterans Month-designates March of each year REF AMV
AJR20 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Civil service examinations-urges to permit during deployment REF AMV
AJR21 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Jersey Fresh Season-designates months of June through September of each year REF AAN
AJR22 Vainieri Huttle,V Multiple System Atrophy Awareness Month-designates March REF AHE
AJR23 Verrelli,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 State Commission on Urban Violence-establishes; study sources of violence in NJ REF ALP
AJR24 Chiaravalloti,N/Mukherji,R Crossing Guard Appreciation Day-designates on International Walk to School Day REF AED
AJR25 Chiaravalloti,N World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims-designates 3rd Sunday in Nov. REF ATR
AJR26 Chiaravalloti,N/Benson,D+4 STEM Week-designates second week of March in each year REF AST
AJR27 Chiaravalloti,N County College Month-designates April REF AHI
AJR28 Giblin,T/Vainieri Huttle,V Eating Disorders Awareness Week-permanently designates last week in February REF AHE
AJR29 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Law Enforcement Officer Appreciation Day-designates January 9 of each year REF ALP
AJR30 Murphy,C/Mosquera,G+6 Domestic Violence & Legal Access Task Force-establishes; study unmet legal needs REF AJU
AJR31 Murphy,C School Psychology Awareness Week-designates second full week in November REF AED
AJR32 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A Autoimmune Encephalitis Awareness Day-designates February 22 of each year REF AHE
AJR33 Lopez,Y/McKnight,A+9 Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year REF AHS
AJR34 Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Endometriosis Awareness Month-designates March of each year REF AWC
AJR35 Lopez,Y/Downey,J Better Hearing and Speech Month-designates May of each year REF AHU
AJR36 Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in NJ-designates November 25 REF AWC
AJR37 DeCroce,B+6 Megan's Law Risk Assessment Review Task Force-review scale used for sex offender REF ALP
AJR38 Clifton,R/Munoz,N Unified smart card fare collection study commission-establishes REF ATR
AJR39 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Manufacturing Week-designates first week of October of each year REF ALA
AJR40 Quijano,A Electoral system-urges to assure of protection from foreign computer hackers REF ASL
AJR41 Quijano,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+1 Federal decennial census-permit incarcerated individuals use home address REF ASL
AJR42 McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+9 Children's Mental Health Awareness Week-designates first week of May each year REF AWC
AJR43 McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 Emotional and Behavioral Disorder Awareness Month-designates May of each year REF AHU
AJR44 McKnight,A/Chaparro,A+10 Domestic Violence Services Awareness Week-designates third full week in March REF AWC
AJR45 McKnight,A/Chaparro,A Library Awareness Week in NJ-designates second week of September of each year REF ASL
AJR46 McKnight,A/Timberlake,B+3 Financial Literacy Month-designates April of each year REF AED
AJR47 McKnight,A Toiletry Day-designates April 24 of each year REF AHU
AJR48 Munoz,N Transit Alternative Revenue Task Force-establishes REF ATR
AJR49 Timberlake,B Autism Awareness Month-designates April of each year REF AHE
AJR50 Timberlake,B Minority Health Month-designates April of each year REF AHE
AJR51 Timberlake,B CASA Child Advocate Month-designates April of each year REF AWC
AJR52 Timberlake,B/Lopez,Y+4 Fire Prevention Awareness Month-designates October of each year REF ALP
AJR53 Timberlake,B/Lopez,Y+5 Bullying Prevention Month-designates October of each year REF AED
AJR54 Timberlake,B/Lopez,Y+4 Stroke Awareness Month-designates May of each year REF ASE
AJR55 Timberlake,B/Lopez,Y+12 Domestic Violence Awareness Month-designates October of each year REF ALP
AJR56 Timberlake,B/Downey,J Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month-designates October REF AWC
AJR57 Timberlake,B Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month-designates April of each year REF AWC
AJR58 DiMaso,S/Vainieri Huttle,V+8 Women in Public Office Day-designates March 19th REF AWC
AJR59 DiMaso,S Superstorm Sandy Remembrance Day-designates October 29 of each year REF AHS
AJR60 Pinkin,N/Schaer,G+1 Tree of Life Remembrance Day-designates October 27th of each year REF ASL
AJR61 Bramnick,J Respect the Taxpayer Day-designates second Tuesday of January each year REF AAP
AJR62 Calabrese,C/Houghtaling,E Learning Through Gardening Day-designates first Thursday of March of each year REF AAN
AJR63 McKeon,J/Danielsen,J+4 Commission on Drunk and Impaired Driving-establishes; reduce incidences REF ALP
AR11 Space,P/Wirths,H Law enforcement officers-condemns images inciting violence against officers REF ALP
AR12 Space,P/Mazzeo,V+11 Organ harvesting from political prisoners-denounces People's Republic of China REF ASL
AR13 Wirths,H/Space,P+1 41 sponsors or more-require mandatory posting; provides Special Order Speeches REF ASL
AR14 Carter,L/Spearman,W African-American youth, swim programs-urges to promote participation REF AWC
AR15 Tucker,C Transgender veterans-memorialize to authorize changes on certain military forms REF AHE
AR16 Tucker,C USS Liberty Rememberance Day-designates June 8, 2018 REF AMV
AR17 Tucker,C Violence-declares public health crisis REF AHE
AR18 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+2 Sports betting-urges to oppose efforts to federally regulate REF ASL
AR19 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Atlantic City Rail Line-urges Gov. & NJT conduct marketing & investment campaign REF ATR
AR20 Danielsen,J/DeAngelo,W Net neutrality-urges President and Congress to restore in federal law REF AST
AR21 Danielsen,J+1 Northeast Supply Enhancement Project-express opposition; urges alternative proj. REF AOF
AR22 Thomson,E+2 Walter Patterson & Werner Foerster Justice & Extradition Act-expresses support REF ALP
AR23 Thomson,E Hudson Canyon-opposes designation as national marine sanctuary REF AAN
AR24 Thomson,E/Kean,S Law enforcement officers-recognizes and honors service REF ALP
AR25 Auth,R+8 Military personnel-permit to carry loaded firearms at military facilities REF AMV
AR26 Auth,R Amtrak service disruption-urges AG take action to recover from repair costs REF ATR
AR27 DiMaio,J Opioid pain medication-license boards implement continuing education requirement REF ARP
AR28 Chiaravalloti,N Merchant Marine, WW II-pass H.R.2992 & S.2989; award Congressional Gold Medal REF AMV
AR29 Chiaravalloti,N/Mazzeo,V Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Task Force-support Veterans Treatment Courts REF AMV
AR30 Chiaravalloti,N/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Slow Down, Saves Lives-urges counties and municipalities to adopt REF ATR
AR31 Chiaravalloti,N Sleep apnea-reconsider withdrawing advance notice of proposed rulemaking REF ATR
AR32 Chiaravalloti,N/Jasey,M Transgender individuals-condemns Trump Administration's policy REF AHU
AR33 Chiaravalloti,N/Greenwald,L Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act-urges to repeal REF ALP
AR34 Chiaravalloti,N Waze Mobile Limited-urges to prohibit sharing of sobriety checkpoint information REF AST
AR35 Chiaravalloti,N Hearing impaired-urges law enforcement agency training program, how to approach REF ALP
AR36 Giblin,T/Schaer,G+3 Motor vehicle safety inspections-opposes elimination REF ATR
AR37 Conaway,H/Murphy,C+3 Hazardous waste incinerator-opposes construction in Falls Township, PA REF AEN
AR38 Conaway,H/Zwicker,A+1 Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle-provide funding & incentives to promote usage REF AST
AR39 Benson,D Merrill's Marauders-urges to pass legislation awarding Congressional Gold Medal REF AMV
AR40 DeCroce,B/Vainieri Huttle,V Children, Internet-urges to pass legislation protecting from danger while using REF AWC
AR41 DeCroce,B Greenwood Lake water quality-urges NY to join NJ in efforts to improve REF AEN
AR42 Rooney,K/Johnson,G+1 Argentina-urges to fulfill its Superfund obligations for Passaic River REF AEN
AR43 Rooney,K/McKeon,J+3 E-ZPass-urges to provide discounts to residents of NJ REF ATR
AR44 Rooney,K/McKeon,J+3 E-ZPass-urges reciprocity agreement to provide discounts to residents of NY & NJ REF ATR
AR45 Rooney,K Fusion energy research-urges Congress and President increase funding REF AST
AR46 Spearman,W Dick Allen-urges to elect to National Baseball Hall of Fame REF ATG
AR47 Clifton,R/Munoz,N NY PA Station-urges NJT provide telecommuting locations during repairs REF ATR
AR48 Clifton,R/Munoz,N+2 Amtrak at NY PA Station-urges Congress to examine operations REF ATR
AR49 Clifton,R Federal Transit Administration-strengthen safety oversight, improve guidance REF ATR
AR50 Mejia,P/Mosquera,G Public charge policies-condemn proposed rule & expanding benefit list considered REF AHS
AR51 Quijano,A/Mazzeo,V Disabled-encourages accessible beaches REF AHU
AR52 Quijano,A/Murphy,C Children of cert LGBTQ parents-calls on federal govt to recognize as US citizens REF AHU
AR53 Quijano,A Gun violence-urges President & Congress to declare national emergency REF ALP
AR54 Quijano,A Mexico-US border wall-opposes decision to declare national emergency to fund REF ALP
AR55 Quijano,A/Downey,J Suicide prevention & mental health crisis hotline-urges FCC designate 9-8-8 REF AHU
AR56 Kennedy,J/Johnson,G+1 Haitian nationals-condemns decision to terminate Temporary Protected Status REF AOF
AR57 McKnight,A/Chaparro,A+1 Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week-urges to designate second week of June REF AST
AR58 McKnight,A Slavery, indentured servitude-urges to prohibit use for those convicted of crime REF AJU
AR59 McKnight,A Day of Civility-designates November 13, 2019 REF AHU
AR60 McKnight,A/Chiaravalloti,N Civil asset forfeiture cases-study the reasonableness of lowering court fees REF ALP
AR61 Peterson,E Law enforcement-require training on developmentally disabled & behavioral health REF ALP
AR62 Peterson,E Financial literary instruction-require school dist. incorporate into curriculum REF AED
AR63 Peterson,E/Vainieri Huttle,V Special Olympics-recognize contributions REF AHU
AR64 Timberlake,B/Caputo,R+2 Tax code-urges to exclude all discharged student loans from federal income tax REF AHI
AR65 Timberlake,B/McKnight,A+9 Terrorists, domestic-urges FBI to categorize white supremacists as REF AOF
AR66 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N+2 Law Enforcement Directive No. 2007-1 & School Safety & Security-update regularly REF AED
AR67 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y+1 Advisory Council on Solid Waste Management-urges Governor to make appointments REF AEN
AR68 Swain,L/Reynolds-Jackson,V Crisis pregnancy centers-condemns deceptive practices REF AWC
AR69 Swain,L/Tully,P Congestion pricing plan, NYC-opposes REF ATR
AR70 Swain,L/Tully,P Suez North America-replace lead service lines; urges to hold company accountable REF AEN
AR71 Swain,L/Pinkin,N Plastic straws and stirrers, disposable-encourages citizens to reduce use REF AEN
AR72 Tully,P/Swain,L School security drill-urges schools provide parents opportunity to observe REF AED
AR73 Tully,P/Swain,L Religious organizations-DOL proposed rule clarifying civil right protections REF ALA
AR75 McKeon,J+1 Fossil fuel companies-urges legal action for harms caused by climate change REF AEN
AR76 McKeon,J/Quijano,A Aerial unmanned vehicles-urges FAA to expand restrictions on flights REF AHS
AR77 McKeon,J/Jasey,M Fossil fuel projects-urges Governor to impose moratorium REF AEN
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