Fulop and the Bear Hunt

It's a shame bears can't vote. At least it is for Steve Fulop.
Among the points made by Fulop in a wide-ranging "Sustainability" proposal is a plan to end the state's bear hunt.
The Jersey City mayor and gubernatorial candidate is clearly relying on detailed policy positions to separate himself from his five competitors for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.
His website presents policy ideas for a number of areas, including transportation, education, housing and public safety.
Sustainability is his most recent addition.
New Jersey's bear hunt is hardly the state's most pressing environmental issue, but it's certainly one of the more emotional ones.
The state for years did not have a bear hunt until then-Governor Chris Christie started one. Phil Murphy initially stopped the hunt, but with bear complaints rising, he restarted it in 2022.
A bear hunt has been routinely opposed by animal rights advocates and others who contend the state's black bears pose no danger.
Fulop's proposal reads:
"Enacting a plan to end the controversial bear hunt, reflecting Mayor Fulop’s long-standing partnership with animal welfare advocates and commitment to humane policy approaches."
Another part of Fulop's proposal is enacting a statewide moratorium on warehouse development pending a study of land use laws.
Warehouse construction often is controversial with White Township, a small town in Warren County, offering the best example of that. For four years, residents fought - and ultimately stopped - a massive warehouse plan from being built in their rural community.
The dilemma, of course, is that as more people shop online - as opposed to visiting malls - more warehouses are needed. So how do you square that circle?
The gubernatorial candidate also talks about protecting and expanding open space, which includes enacting the Liberty State Park Protection Act. The park is in his hometown of Jersey City.
Other ideas include raising state efficiency targets, expanding clean energy technology, investing more in electric vehicle infrastructure, preserving nuclear power and strengthening the DEP to better allow the agency to "actively enforce environmental regulations, address pollution, and tackle flooding risks."
Broadly speaking, just about all of the Democratic candidates for governor present some type of information on issues on their websites.
As of yet, none has been as detailed as Fulop.
Which presents an interesting question. How important are issues?
Keep in mind that successful primary runs often depend on personality, political alliances and deals.
As noted, Fulop thinks details and precise proposals are what matter to voters..
Issues matter. Fulop is showing leadership and setting standards for the campaign. The Murphy DEP has been horrible and they've used spin and gaslighting and grants to manipulate the lame NJ environmental groups. Fulop's agenda exposes all that.
The system is rigged so the party will decide whom will take office. Why not investigate who is actually occupying rent subsidized housing. The system is broken and requires an overhaul. Stop the socialism and the drain on our tax dollars.
When's the last time a bear was seen in Jersey City? Mayor Fulop has no idea of the problems our rural residents are facing with bears. Sounds like the same "progressive" attitudes that created the Los Angelos wildfires to become so devastating.
It is unfortunate that humans have encroached on the traditional land occupied by bears. Steve will get his goal of reduced rent cuz the bears are going to eat people and then there will be less demand for apartments causing the price to go down. See economics 101.
The governors race will be decided on fiscal responsibility, not the well being of bears. Fulop did not even balance his own cities budget last year. He cannot be trusted with the state budget.
What a joke. the corner stores are selling loose J’s in broad daylight but a legal dispo can’t open, and this guy is worried about the bear hunt? You want sustainability, how about the stupid NJ law that requires all cannabis to be grown indoors. In huge warehouses with electric lights and fans and chemicals. Instead of in the sun outside. What’s the carbon footprint on that?
Steven Fulop is the Mayor of Jersey City. There is no bear problem in Jersey City and he knows nothing about wildlife management. Assorted animal populations have to be managed which is why annually states do/dont issue limited hunting permits. Steven Fulop keeps leaving Jersey City day after day and ignoring Jersey City tenants and blocking constituents. He is not doing the job he has so why should he get a promotion? Housing is in a state of emergency and he has no housing policy and totally ignores this entire sector of people. The rents are so high in Jersey City because Steven Fulop eliminated rent control by refusing to hire people to enforce it. Tenants are at city hall week after week for years and he ignores them. Not only are we being price gouged into bankruptcy and homelessness, buildings are falling apart with fires breaking out and buildings losing heat all over. Because Mayor Fulop hasnt enforced fire code or bldg code in 5 years. His chief henchman is throwing out all the fines on the summons at municipal court and lying about it and hiding reports. Fulop is responsible for financial oversight also so the missing revenue from housing fines should be noticed during his budget vs actual reviews. Which, when is he doing that ?Since he is out of the county what looks like EVERY day. Bottom line is Steven Fulop needs to stop governor campaigning and deal with the housing crisis in Jersey City. We could wind up like the LA fires anytime, we have worse fire conditions and the missing mayor, and all we need are high winds. We already have huge building fires that spread. Wake up Jersey City, you need to get up out of your houses and call out the mayor to start cleaning up this mess. He needs to hire people to answer the no heat hotline, to do fire and elevator inspections, and to fully staff the landlord tenant office, and he needs to stop dicking around with art museums and start recovering all the revenue lost from failing to collect fines and registration fees. Hudson County has been calling him on this and Fulop ignores them and THAT is why he isnt getting the county democratic endorsement. So instead of looking at why he isnt getting the endorsement he has a tantrum and insults the county officials. THAT is not diplomacy. And the way he snipes at other politicians harks back to a toddler peeing his diapers when he doesnt get his way, total embarrassment.