Fulop Backs Kim for U.S. Senate, Advises Murphy to Abandon Campaign

Mayor Steven Fulop is releasing the following statement on New Jersey’s U.S. Senate Primary:
“I was an early supporter of Tammy Murphy for Senate but it’s no secret I’ve been disappointed with the campaign and how it has been conducted. I’ve expressed that over the last two months repeatedly both privately and publicly, and at this point, it’s clear to me that I was wrong with my early support and endorsement of Tammy Murphy for Senate.
"After watching the county conventions, I believe that Andy Kim has proven that he’s the better candidate, with a clearer message, and he brings a better chance of success in November. It’s never easy to admit when mistakes are made, but I should have waited longer before endorsing.
"Clearly, this campaign has become a catalyst for the backbone of the Democratic Party to be saying loud and clear that things need to change in New Jersey. I agree with them.
"At this point, I don’t think it’s in the state’s best interest for Tammy to continue her campaign. As the Mayor of Jersey City, I’ll do what I think is right and advocate for Andy Kim to my constituents as the best choice as the next U.S. Senator.”
Governor Phil KNUCKLEHEAD Murphy is a carpetbagger from Massachusetts. We've had 7 years of this clown ruining the state with the highest taxes in history, largest budget increase in history (almost $60 BILLION for 2024), while lying to NJ property owners that there will be significant property tax relief under the STAYNJ Act, when they know that the act will be ready in 2026, but there won't be any money in the budget for it--unless they cut out the $4-$5 BILLION DOLLARS/YEAR they give away to illegal aliens in this state, and more. Now, Murphy wants his carpetbagger wife to run for U.S. Senate. NOT!!!!! Fulop is a total joke for governership. He's financially wrecked Jersey City, and will be pushing the failed "Green RAW Deal" agenda and failed EV agenda. We don't need another term of Democrat-Communists in NJ supporting Communist China at the expense of New Jersey residents.
This guy is a clown .
I’m all for abolishing the county line but Andy Kim should’ve joined the fight years ago. Crying about it now when it’s impacting his run against Tammy Murphy makes him look like Fulop, a bitch.
I'm sick of the machine politics in New Jersey. Murphy has no business in this race and we don't need Sweeney.
The Jersey City fiscal condition is a disaster thanks to him. If he becomes governor he’ll wreck the state’s fiscal health too. What a disaster!
He really is the worst. He blows whichever way the wind blows. No principles. No perspective. Just another political hack. He should not be governor.
This is blowing my mind. This is the kind of Monday I like!!!
He can't make his mind up about anything. Governors have to make tough decisions without seeing which way the wind is blowing. That's why Steve Sweeney should be governor.