Fulop Comes Out With Third Ad of the Season

Jersey City Mayor Steven M. Fulop released his third and final television campaign commercial for the November 2017 mayoral contest. Earlier this season, the campaign released “A Day at the Beach” and “Bike Shop”, which highlighted citywide improvements and small business growth since 2013.
The new ad, “Graduation”, focuses on the Fulop Administration’s successes in growing the Jersey City Police Department to the largest it has been in two decades. The JCPD has also been nationally recognized for its focus on diversity. The Fulop Administration has made the issue of diversity a priority and has seen results: over 70% of new police hires during the past four years have been minorities.
“Four years ago, I made a promise that we would grow our police department to over 900 officers. At the time, our force was experiencing record lows of manpower, and we knew that with a larger, more diverse police force, we could make some much needed change to make our city safer,” said Mayor Fulop. “Since then, we have seen our police force grow to over 922 officers, and have ensured that these officers reflect the community they serve. We have made some important strides in moving Jersey City forward, and I promise that will continue making Jersey City safer for everyone.”
In addition to growing the police force, the Fulop Administration has increased gun recoveries by 68% since 2015 and has replaced the much-needed CCTV system citywide. Mayor Fulop has been vocal on his belief in holistic solutions to reducing crime in Jersey City, and has created new recreational opportunities for kids to keep them engaged after school, as well as providing 1,000 summer jobs for Jersey City teens.
Watch the ad here: https://youtu.be/K9R1J-CX_Yc