Fulop Eyes Edison

Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop

And so the jockeying begins in this Aldous Huxleyan world of Judge Zahid N. Quraishi, whose aesthetic preference - blocks not lines - also happens to correspond more faithfully to the U.S. Constitution. In this brave new environment resides Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, who still has a hankering for support in the county where he grew up, specifically Edison.

The 2025 gubernatorial candidate will serve as the star attraction on May 2nd at an event at the American Legion in Edison hosted by the vice chair of the Edison Democratic Organization.

"Steve grew up in Edison and has been actively supporting the 'abolish the line movement, also reflecting and switching support to Andy Ki," Vice Chair Robert Kentos wrote to committee members. "...I met with Steve several weeks ago, the day he announced his support for Andy Kim and I arranged a Meet and Greet with him. This is a unique opportunity to meet Steve, who could be our next governor."

A Democrat, Fulop announced his candidacy for governor last year. Also in the growing field for 2025: Democrats Steve Sweeney, former Senate President, and Newark Mayor Ras Baraka.

Republican State Senator Jon Bramnick is already an announced candidate, and former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli kicks off his campaign later today.

Editor's Note: Photo by Al Sullivan.


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