Fulop: Jersey City Has 1,411 COVID-19 Cases and 38 Fatalities Total as of Sunday

Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop

A message from Jersey City Mayor Fulop on Sunday, April 5th:

As another week passes, we now see the number of positive cases at 1,411 and 38 fatalities. There is no question that the next two weeks will be the most difficult challenge for us, but we will get through it if we continue to work together.

We are working diligently to provide as much information to you as possible. That is why we've updated the dashboard for our residents to show our specific hospital data. We currently have information for Christ Hospital such as the number of patients in the hospital, the number of ventilators in use vs. available and much more. Information on Jersey City Medical Center will soon follow. You can review all of the data here on its own tab and all of the tabs will continue to be updated with new information.

I am proud of all that we've done in Jersey City, working together and being proactive ahead of everyone in the country. Yes, we have more positives than most, but we are also testing much more than other cities as we have set up our own testing sites before any city in New Jersey. The more tests we can provide to Jersey City residents, the more informed decisions we can continue to make for the long term.

Finally, I want to remind you that after three weeks of no street cleaning, we are bringing it back starting tomorrow, Monday, April 6. The pictures below are just some of what I have seen around our City lately. This is annoying for all of us and truthfully, it is disgusting. Just as a note to those people that think this is acceptable: you may think you are keeping yourself and others safe by following guidelines, but you are not helping if you are throwing your medical trash on the ground for others to pick up.

After we are able to clean the streets this week, we will try and suspend the parking regulations again. I know that moving your car is frustrating so let's work together to stop the litter. Make sure you and your neighbors are not throwing their trash on the ground.

Please continue to practice social distancing, do not leave your home unless you need to and remember: we will get through this Jersey City.

The NJDOH reports that as of Monday April 6th there are 41,090 COVID-19 cases and 1,003 fatalities statewide.

COVID-19 Cases by County
Data is provisional and subject to revision.

3,821 Positives Pending Further Information

13 Deaths Pending Further Information

Bergen County:

6,862 Positive Test Results

200 Deaths

Essex County:

4,493 Positive Test Results

186 Deaths

Hudson County:

4,395 Positive Test Results

92 Deaths

Passaic County:

3,756 Positive Test Results

53 Deaths

Union County:

3,685 Positive Test Results

78 Deaths

Middlesex County:

3,263 Positive Test Results

87 Deaths

Monmouth County:

2,545 Positive Test Results

62 Deaths

Ocean County:

2,374 Positive Test Results

71 Deaths

Morris County:

1,956 Positive Test Results

60 Deaths

Somerset County:

902 Positive Test Results

31 Deaths

Mercer County:

740 Positive Test Results

19 Deaths

Burlington County:

646 Positive Test Results

11 Deaths

Camden County:

645 Positive Test Results

8 Deaths

Sussex County:

292 Positive Test Results

11 Deaths

Gloucester County:

279 Positive Test Results

3 Deaths

Warren County:

215 Positive Test Results

7 Deaths

Hunterdon County:

211 Positive Test Results

2 Deaths

Atlantic County:

132 Positive Test Results

1 Deaths

Cape May County:

85 Positive Test Results

3 Deaths

Cumberland County:

64 Positive Test Results

2 Deaths

Salem County:

29 Positive Test Results

2 Deaths

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