Fulop Reacts to Judge's Ruling on Jersey City Ward Map

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop's reaction to a judge's ruling dismissing the lawsuit against the Jersey City Redistricting Commission:
Today the court made it clear that the ward map is unquestionably fair, despite attempts from the usual naysayers with their baseless lawsuits that recklessly tried to mislead the public and cause rifts in our community. The judge carefully considered and dismissed all of the plaintiff’s arguments, which is a good outcome for residents as we can all now continue focusing on the important work of moving all of Jersey City forward.
Some context, via The Jersey Journal:
The coalition of neighborhood groups fighting to invalidate a new, controversial Jersey City ward map they say was gerrymandered to strip powers from local community leaders will have to wait a couple more weeks to see if their lawsuit will move forward.
After hearing two hours of arguments from attorneys on both side, Hudson County Superior Court Judge Joseph Turula said Friday he will issue a ruling within two weeks on the Jersey City Ward Commission’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit brought by Jersey City United, the name given to the coalition.
From the Hudson Reporter:
If there was one thing that could bring residents and an all-star cast of current and former elected officials, community leaders and advocates together on a chilly Saturday morning in Jersey City, it was the city’s controversial new ward map.
Or, as newly-declared congressional candidate David Ocampo Grajales told the city’s Ward Commission: “It’s a little impressive that you’ve made everyone angry.”