How “Get Covered NJ” Improves Access to Healthcare Coverage, on State of Affairs

Recorded 7/20/21 Steve Adubato sat down with Shabnam Salih, Director, NJ Office of Health Care Affordability & Transparency, to discuss the importance of the Get Covered NJ initiative to improve access to healthcare coverage for New Jersey residents, and Executive Order #217, which supports affordability and accessibility measures in healthcare.

Steve Adubato asked Shabnam Salih about the state’s Get Covered NJ initiative. When asked what it is and why it matters to people in New Jersey, Salih answers, “This year we launched New Jersey’s own state-based exchange, and we’ve done a number of things in the individual market that have ultimately help bring premiums to lower than they were when the ACA was first implemented. So, a whole host of policy changes and programs that I’ve implemented have made a significant impact on affordability for New Jerseyans who are purchasing on the individual market.” Salih also says the website is very helpful. “If you’re uninsured or under-insured or you want to shop around, there are different tools on there, where you can compare different types of plans. Learn more about your options.”

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