The Girgenti-Robertson Redistricting Nexus

Bipartisan breakfast pals John Girgenti and Norm Robertson have a few things in common, including redistricting heartbreak.
The come-backing Robertson was a GOP casualty on the 2001 redistricting map, when he got sliced away from his seat in a newly conceived district that propelled Montclair's Nia Gill to power.
Ten years later, Girgenti found himself in similar straits, as the Democrats' lone redistricting victim, when the majority map removed Girgenti's Hawthrone from the Paterson-dominant 35th district.
Girgenti's departure from the legislature catapulted then-Assemblywoman Nellie Pou (D-35) up to the senate.
Legislative heartbreak isn't the only thing Girgenti (a Democrat) and Robertson (a Republican) have in common.
They both served as chairs of the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.