Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Friday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Friday (August 23rd, 2019):
Nominations Notice of Intention Received 7/16/2019:
Benjamin D. Morgan, of Mullica Hill.
Mark B. Shoemaker, of Mt. Royal.
Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:
Mark B. Shoemaker, of Mt. Royal.
Benjamin D. Morgan, of Mullica Hill.
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S4069 Sweeney,S Mail-in ballot voters-receive for all future elections;$2M
Bills Introduced:
S4040 Singleton,T Fair Chance in Housing Act REF SCU
S4041 Lagana,J.A. Veh-permits co, mun to bond for alt fuel REF SCU
S4042 Corrado,K/Bateman,C+1 Campaign expenditures, cert.-concerns REF SSG
S4043 Corrado,K/Bateman,C Company, limited liab-concerns ownership REF SCM
S4044 Brown,C/Andrzejczak,B Tuition, civil svc benf-extend to family REF SMV
S4045 Pennacchio,J/Cunningham,S+1 Fusion science field-scholarhip prog. REF SHI
S4046 Andrzejczak,B/Gopal,V Vet Memor Homes, trans.;$750K REF SMV
S4047 Andrzejczak,B Sales agent-percentage of winning ticket REF SSG
S4048 Andrzejczak,B Farm mgmt. disputes-concerns fees REF SJU
S4049 Pennacchio,J+1 Higher ed. instit.-review emp. history REF SHI
S4050 Bateman,C/Greenstein,L Protect Pollinators lic. plate-auth. REF SEN
S4051 Madden,F Buprenorphine-req. health insur. cover REF SCM
S4052 Kean,T+1 Ed., special-attend college courses REF SED
S4053 Bucco,A.R. Sch svc providers-crim hist record check REF SED
S4054 Singer,R/Oroho,S Cannabis, medical-not subject to sales tax REF SHH
S4055 Greenstein,L Suicides by minors-reporting req. REF SHH
S4056 Greenstein,L Alice Paul statue-replace Philip Kearney REF SSG
S4057 Greenstein,L Sch. bus, new-equip w/global positioning REF STR
S4058 Greenstein,L Toxic shock syndrome-estab. awareness REF SHH
S4059 Greenstein,L Paper Polling backup-permits cert voters REF SSG
S4060 Greenstein,L Domestic companion-concerns REF SJU
S4061 Andrzejczak,B St sch aid-dist not subject to reduction REF SED
S4062 Singleton,T/Pou,N Prescrip. drug savings-pass to consumers REF SCM
S4063 Singleton,T Job creation-concerns tax incentives REF SEG
S4064 Singleton,T Wage claims against subcontract.-concern REF SLA
S4065 Andrzejczak,B Bus. Grievance Bd.-estab. REF SEN
S4066 Pou,N Health care svc firms-finan info reports REF SCM
S4067 Bucco,A.R. Assault on attorneys-upgrades REF SJU
S4068 Diegnan,P Emerg, amber warning lights-concerns use REF STR
SCR176 Andrzejczak,B Hist. Preserv. Off.-concerns locations REF SSG
SCR177 Rice,R Immigration, mixed status-condemns rule REF SCU
SJR143 Bucco,A.R. Stroke Awareness Mo.-desig. May REF SHH
SR151 Weinberg,L Fossil fuel proj.-Gov. impose moratorium REF SEN
SR152 Kean,T+1 Foreign-based co-encourage direct invest REF SEG
Bills Received from Governor/Absolute Veto:
S1364 AaAca (2R) Van Drew,J/Andrzejczak,B+1 Wildwoods Tourism Improvement-funding
Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:
S834 Scutari,N/Greenstein,L Diabetes test devices-proh. resale
S2804 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S+25 Eye exam-req. children entering pub. sch
S3075 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M+4 Embryo storage facilities-DOH required to regulate and license
S3205 ScaSca (2R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+6 Expungement proc.-revises
S3309 Aa (1R) Vitale,J/Greenstein,L+17 Viol. Intervention Prog.-estab.
S3330 ScaSaAca (3R) Addiego,D/Singleton,T+9 Child care svc., sch. dist prop-concerns
S3661 SaAca (2R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S+3 Real estate devel.-clarify assess. pymt
S3901 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Pintor Marin,E Econ. devel. programs-extend deadlines
Co-Sponsors Added:
S135 (Greenstein,L) Elder abuse, domestic settings-clarifies
S262 (Bucco,A.R.) Child abuse, false report-create offense
S526 (Stack,B) Federal income tax advantages-extends
S974 (Gopal,V) Spinal muscular atrophy-screen newborns
S1232 Sca (1R) (Lagana,J.A.) Pub records law-exemp cert personal info
S1751 (Singleton,T) Cosmetology sch. clinics-charge svc. fee
S2347 (Singleton,T) Small bus.-suspend fines paperwork viol. S2776 Scs (SCS) (Gopal,V) Plastic carryout bags-proh.
S2929 Sca (1R) (Gopal,V) Drug overdose fatality review team-estab
S3023 (Madden,F) Probation off. union rep.-concerns
S3170 Sca (1R) (Diegnan,P) Plant closing, transfer, layoff-concerns
S3374 (Turner,S) Medicaid coverage-concerns elig.
S3514 (Turner,S) Income tax, qual. retire. plans-exemp.
S3515 (Bucco,A.R.) Opioid antidote-pharm maintain min stock
S3856 (Bucco,A.R.) Pub. venue/worship-submit emerg. plans
S3873 (Bucco,A.R.) Small bus. & farm emp.-incr. St min wage
S3874 (Bucco,A.R.) Length of Svc. Award-loc govt unit grant
S3875 (Bucco,A.R.) Small bus.-incr. cert. mand. emp contrib
S3904 (Bucco,A.R.) Fireman cert.-raises max. elig. age
S3930 (Bucco,A.R.) Solar-powered resid hydrogen refueling
S3933 (Greenstein,L) Charlie's Law-medication disposal
S3934 (Bucco,A.R.) Worker's comp. premiums-reduce
S3940 (Bucco,A.R.) Bus.-3 yr. impact study, min. wage incr.
S3946 (Bucco,A.R.) Fusion energy-Class I renewable energy
S3965 (Kean,T) Legionnaires's disease-concerns prev.
S4042 (Bucco,A.R.) Campaign expenditures, cert.-concerns S4045 (Bucco,A.R.) Fusion science field-scholarhip prog. S4049 (Bucco,A.R.) Higher ed. instit.-review emp. history S4052 (Bucco,A.R.) Ed., special-attend college courses SR152 (Bucco,A.R.) Foreign-based co-encourage direct invest SCR163 Sca (1R) (Gopal,V) Viol. Against Women Act-Cong. reauth.
SJR124 (Bucco,A.R.) Prescrip. Drug Take Back Day-desig.
SJR138 (Bucco,A.R.) Child Abuse Prev. and Awareness Mo-April
SJR141 (Bucco,A.R.) Bullying Prevention Month-designate Oct.
Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:
S2505 ScaSaSa (3R) (Ruiz,M) Vegetation Mgmt. Response Act
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S2151 (Madden,F) Sr prop tax bill-converts freeze to cred
S2452 Sca (1R) (Madden,F) Vet, wartime disab-incr., paid allowance
S3713 (Bucco,A.R.) Driv lic, ID cards-prov. valid for 48 mo
The Senate President has made the following appointments:
*Effective July 17, 2019
Select Committee on Economic Growth Strategies:
Senator Joseph Pennacchio (26), to replace Senator Robert W. Singer (30).
*Effective July 19, 2019
New Jersey Office on Minority and Multicultural Health Advisory Commission:
Hetal Gor, of Englewood, to replace Vivian Darkes.
The Senate President has made the following re-appointment:
*Effective July 19, 2019
Disadvantaged Youth Employment Opportunities Council:
Senator Troy Singleton (7)
The Senate President has made the following Joint re-appointments:
*Effective July 19, 2019
Fire Safety Commission:
Arthur Londensky, of South River.
Daniel DeTrolio, of West Orange
Pasquale Intindola, of Nutley.
Kevin Krushinski, of Parlin.
Gerard Naylis, of Bergenfield.
Frederick Collender, of Columbus.
Stanley J. Sickels, of Red Bank.
Kevin P. Bellew, of Hazlet.
The Senate Minority Leader has made the following re-appointments:
*Effective July 10, 2019
Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel:
Philip J. Morin, III, of Cranford.
Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission:
Donald A DiGioia, Esq., of Emerson.
Note to the 3/25/19 Digest:
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S1298 Singleton,T Shared svcs.-tax bill show savings info.
The Senate adjourned at 6:30 PM, to meet again on Monday, August 26, 2019 (SESSION).
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A5759 Jones,P/Lampitt,P+4 Mail-in ballot voters-receive for all future elections;$2M
Bills Introduced:
A5706 Karabinchak,R Architects insur coverage-disclosure req REF ARP
A5707 Lopez,Y FF, cert-concerns transfer to PFRS REF ASL
A5708 Bramnick,J/Dancer,R Partnership's statement-filing fee req. REF AFI
A5709 Burzichelli,J/Karabinchak,R Real estate-disclose cert. info. REF ARP
A5710 Jones,P/Spearman,W Driv. lic. fees-exempt cert. individuals REF ATR
A5711 Wimberly,B Fair Chance in Housing Act REF AHO
A5712 Thomson,E/Mazzeo,V+1 Beach fees-permits mun to charge reduced REF ATG
A5713 Vainieri Huttle,V/Johnson,G PANYNJ toll incr.-conduct pub hearing REF ATR
A5714 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A+3 Electronic smoking device-proh under age REF AHE
A5715 Vainieri Huttle,V/Dancer,R Mental health patient-transfer resid fac REF AHU
A5716 Vainieri Huttle,V/DePhillips,C Election days-sch. dist. close schools REF AED
A5717 Zwicker,A Innovation Evergreen Act REF AST
A5718 Zwicker,A Living Lab Pilot Prog.-estab. REF AST
A5719 Murphy,C Buprenorphine-req. health benf. cover REF AFI
A5720 Carter,L Pub. Interest Tech. Network-estab. REF AST
A5721 Zwicker,A/Swain,L Recyclable materials-concerns REF AEN
A5722 Swain,L/Tully,P Veh-permits co, mun to bond for alt fuel REF ASL
A5723 Swain,L/Tully,P Children's products-concerns chemicals REF AEN
A5724 Schaer,G/Wimberly,B+2 Juneteenth Independence Day-change date REF ASL
A5725 Milam,M/Land,R Sales agent-percentage of winning ticket REF ATG
A5726 Rooney,K/Karabinchak,R Election workers-raise pay to $300 a day REF ASL
A5727 Jasey,M/Sumter,S Co clerks-place signs near polling place REF ASL
A5728 Jasey,M Higher ed. instit-concerns branch campus REF AHI
A5729 Jasey,M/McKeon,J Nursing fac., special care-desig. REF AHE
A5730 Dancer,R Higher Ed.-proh. charging admin. fees. REF AHI
A5731 Dancer,R Freedom of expression-adopt policies REF AHI
A5732 Chiaravalloti,N/Mukherji,R Ed. personnel, use restraints-concerns REF AED
A5733 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+1 Supportive Tech Individual w/Devel Disab REF AHU
A5734 Pinkin,N/Conaway,H NJ One Health Task Force-estab. REF AHE
A5735 Pinkin,N/Freiman,R Vet., cert.-mun. prov. beach access REF AMV
A5736 Pinkin,N Pawnbrokers/secondhand goods-revises law REF ARP
A5737 Pinkin,N Charter sch bd of trustees-concerns memb REF AED
A5738 Pinkin,N/McKeon,J+2 Mun. master plans-concerns REF AEN
A5739 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R Carryout bags, reusable-proh banning use REF ACO
A5740 Pinkin,N/McKeon,J Photovoltaic arrays-comply w/ codes REF ATU
A5742 McKeon,J Auto. accidents-unreimb. med. expenses REF AJU
A5743 McKeon,J/Freiman,R+2 Prescrip. drug savings-pass to consumers REF AFI
A5744 Downey,J Workers' Comp. Judge-changes DCRP elig. REF AJU
A5745 Downey,J Workers' Comp. Judges-transfer to JRS REF AJU
A5746 Downey,J Workers' comp judges-enroll in PERS REF AJU
A5747 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Balloons-proh. intentional release REF AEN
A5748 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A Child-prot. window guard law-strengthens REF AHO
A5749 Benson,D Pub. trans. svc.-concerns REF AED
A5750 Benson,D/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Integrated Case Mgmt. Svcs-cert measures REF AHU
A5751 Benson,D Rutgers-New Brunswick Dental Med.;$250K REF AHI
A5752 Benson,D/Freiman,R MV-auth. electronic display regis. proof REF ATR
A5753 Benson,D Commercial semitrailers-permanent regis. REF ATR
A5755 Quijano,A/Dancer,R Ant-Semitism-proh. sch./higher ed instit REF AED
A5756 Milam,M/Land,R Bus. Grievance Bd.-estab. REF AEN
A5757 Land,R/Milam,M St sch aid-dist not subject to reduction REF AED
A5758 Freiman,R Civics courses-complete as grad. req. REF AED
ACR243 Munoz,N Police, cert.-prop. tax exemp. REF ASL
ACR244 Wimberly,B/Vainieri Huttle,V Immigration, mixed status-condemns rule REF AHO
ACR245 Land,R/Milam,M Hist. Preserv. Off.-concerns locations REF ATG
ACR246 Land,R/Milam,M Rt. 55, extend-Presid prov fed infra fds REF ATR
AJR217 Murphy,C/Tucker,C Mil Child Appreciation Mo-desig. April REF AMV
AJR218 Dancer,R Joanne Chesimard-concerns extradition REF ALP
AR264 Vainieri Huttle,V/Swain,L Internat. Women's Day-recog. March 8 REF AWC
AR265 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J AC Rail Line-conduct marketing campaign REF ATR
AR266 McKeon,J/Jasey,M Fossil fuel proj.-Gov. impose moratorium REF AEN
Bills Received from Governor/Absolute Veto:
A4135 Aa (1R) Andrzejczak,B/Land,R+7 Parking meters, digital-concerns
AJR158 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Medicaid Fin Resources Limits-task force
Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:
A3717 AcaScaSaAa (4R) Mukherji,R/Downey,J+12 Pharmacy benf. mgrs.-concerns
A3726 AcaAcaSa (3R) Gusciora,R/Kennedy,J+4 Food waste recycling-concerns
A5098 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Chaparro,A+5 Personal care svcs.-Medicaid reimb. rate
A5363 Sa (1R) Burzichelli,J/Benson,D+7 Health benf. plans-concerns
Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:
S1318 ScaSa (2R) Ruiz,M/Scutari,N+1 Family justice centers-estab. REF AWC
S2049 Sca (1R) Cryan,J/Vitale,J Health care prof.-auth. cert. req. REF AHE
S2321 Sca (1R) Cryan,J/Kean,T+1 Opioid antidote-library maintain supply REF AHE
S3254 Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N Rutgers Civic Leadership Summer Prog. REF AHI
S4037 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+2 Campaign fds-concerns use REF ASL
SCR166 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Ed. Opportunity Fd. Bd.-modernize reg. REF AHI
Bills Received from Senate/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
SCR163 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Ruiz,M+2 Viol. Against Women Act-Cong. reauth.
Co-Sponsors Added:
A238 (Peterson,E) Student journalist at public schools-concerns speech rights
A365 (DeCroce,B) Pregnant women-notify if insurance coverage, not subject to 48 hr maternity law
A382 Aca (1R) (Calabrese,C; Chaparro,A) Nursing home-establish minimum certified nurse aide-to-resident ratios
A414 (Pinkin,N) Domestic violence and firearms-revises certain laws concerning
A527 (Peters,R) Senior citizens-provide discounted hunting and trapping licenses, permt fees
A801 (Peters,R) Cottage food products-permits and establishes requirements for sale
A810 Aca (1R) (Dancer,R) Farm management disputes-auth awards of resonable costs/attorney fees to farmers
A854 (Speight,S) Consumer Access to Health Care Act-elim advanced practice nurse to prescrib meds
A1183 (Karabinchak,R) Main Street Assistance Program-encourages business devel in small municipalities
A1230 (Timberlake,B) President-candidate req to disclose fed. income tax return to appear on ballot
A1567 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Veterans' civil service preference-expands elig and creates additional benefits
A1648 (Auth,R) Fair share affordable housing obligations-additional factors used in calculation
A1650 (Auth,R) Affordable housing-concerning local zoning authority with respect to A1763 (Pinkin,N; Wimberly,B) Campus Sexual Assault Commission-establishes
A1823 (Karabinchak,R) Class I renewable energy sources-all energy required by energy year 2035
A1876 (Timberlake,B) Lead paint-municipalities conduct inspections in single-and two family dwellings
A1886 (Calabrese,C) Foreclosed property-notify municipality and common interest community
A1908 Aca (1R) (Freiman,R) Chloe's Pet Access Law-permits dogs in outdoor seating areas of restaurants
A1914 (Bucco,A.M.) Charitable food contributions, made from business inventory-income tax deduction
A2318 AcaAa (2R) (Johnson,G) Animal rescued from motor vehicle-immunity from civil and criminal liability
A2765 (Zwicker,A) Family planning services-ensures continued access in event of federal action
A3101 (Kean,S; Karabinchak,R) Arts and tourism-incr. hotel fee rev.
A3110 (Schaer,G) Traps-bans certain
A3150 (Timberlake,B) Fertility Preservation-health benf
A3456 (Wimberly,B; Chaparro,A) Persons, indicted-removes voting proh.
A3801 (Pinkin,N; Bucco,A.M.) Library Aid;$10.5M
A3846 Aca (1R) (Peterson,E) Medicaid reimb., nursing homes-review
A3850 (Swain,L) Insur. Fair Conduct Act
A3863 (Swain,L) Motorists overtaking bicycles-concerns
A3922 (Timberlake,B) Cybersecurity practices-St. emp. receive
A3935/4018 Acs (ACS) (Vainieri Huttle,V) Civil svc. preference-prov. to vets.
A3946 (Calabrese,C) Disabled-pub restroom fac, equip w/signs
A3956 (Carroll,M) Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Act
A3987 (Calabrese,C) Generic drug-proh excessive price incr.
A4037 (Calabrese,C) Jr. FF Aux.-perform fire support duties
A4052 (DiMaio,J) Pension, retire. income-remove elig. cap
A4264 (Swain,L; Tully,P) Dogs-allowed, tasting areas of breweries
A4333 (Auth,R) Statewide Affordable Housing Obligation
A4335 (Danielsen,J) Med. debt-delays cert. collection
A4352 (McGuckin,G) Sch. dist. emp.-concerns health benf.
A4376 (McKeon,J) Civics ed-concerns middle schs.
A4382 Aca (1R) (Swain,L) Architectural Paint Stewardship Act
A4455 Aca (1R) (Timberlake,B) Health info.-concerns sensitive svcs.
A4462 (Peterson,E) Temp. bus-children operate, proh mun lic
A4683 (Calabrese,C) Med. fac. end-of-life plans-concerns
A4723 (Timberlake,B) Estab. sch. emerg. plans-sports injury
A4759 (Timberlake,B) Voting-req. paid leave
A4815 (Bucco,A.M.) Library Network svc.-$750K
A4819 (Schaer,G) Plug-in electric veh. charging sys-estab
A4845 (Murphy,C) Shark fins-proh, cert sale or possession
A4899 (Peterson,E) Income tax, qual. retire. plans-exemp.
A4996 (Timberlake,B) Youth, family svc. org-estab annual cola
A5033 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Env. reg.-prev. backsliding
A5049 (Chiaravalloti,N) Devel. disab., higly acute-staff req.
A5075 (McKeon,J;Calabrese,C) Long-term care fac.-estab. cert. rights
A5085 Aca (1R) (Carter,L) Human trafficking-concerns expungement
A5087 (Karabinchak,R) Labor, emp law viol-St contract disclose
A5094 (Karabinchak,R) Env. permits, cert. areas-concerns
A5195 (Karabinchak,R) Mail-in-ballot-concern ability to obtain
A5196 (Bucco,A.M.) Sex offenders-concerns
A5242 (DePhillips,C) Sch. violence-concerns threats
A5261 Aca (1R) (DePhillips,C) Food allergens-req. signs in restaurants
A5266 (Timberlake,B) Diaper changing station-concerns
A5325 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Marijuana-prov crim/civil justice reform
A5342 Aca (1R) (Pinkin,N) Nonprofit Security Grant Prog.-estab.
A5345 (Calabrese,C; Holley,J) Engineering, science careers-access
A5365 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Karabinchak,R; Chaparro,A) Youth Justice Transformation Act;$100M
A5378 (Karabinchak,R) Transit ed. prog.-concerns outreach
A5444 (Karabinchak,R) Alco drug use disorder-concern treatment
A5478 (Webber,J) Medicaid, NJ FamilyCare-repay benf.
A5491 (Timberlake,B) Suicide Hopeline-allows follow-up calls
A5535 AcaAca (2R) (Peters,R) Farm bldgs.-concerns code req.
A5541 (DiMaso,S; McGuckin,G; Munoz,N) Company, limited liab-concerns ownership
A5542 (DiMaso,S; McGuckin,G; Peters,R; Munoz,N) Campaign expenditures, cert.-concerns
A5556 (Timberlake,B) Student safety instruction-concerns
A5580 (Karabinchak,R) Film/digital media-extend 5 yr tax cred.
A5582 (Timberlake,B) Patient'sh consent-concerns examination
A5616 (Karabinchak,R) Ambulances-req. to carry epinephrine
A5617 (Karabinchak,R) Length of Svc. Award-loc govt unit grant
A5618 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Tobacco sale, person under 21-incr penal
A5619 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Karabinchak,R) Motorbus-electric-powered by 2029
A5621 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Enhanced Crossing, Crosswalk Pilot Prog.
A5622 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Karabinchak,R) Campus sexual assault-estab. hotline
A5637 (Benson,D) Health svc, in-home-prov income tax cred
A5653 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Karabinchak,R; Mosquera,G) Water, drinking-concerns testing
A5654 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Mosquera,G) Lead plumbing-concerns disclosure
A5655 (Karabinchak,R; Vainieri Huttle,V; Timberlake,B; Mosquera,G) Pub. util. infra. proj.-prov. notice
A5656 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Mosquera,G) Water, drinking-concerns info. on lead
A5657 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Mosquera,G) Lead svc. lines-mun. estab. loan prog.
A5658 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Mosquera,G) Water, drinking-rental prop, lead levels
A5662 (Karabinchak,R) Vet., cert.-exempt from cert. MV fees
A5673 (Johnson,G; Zwicker,A; Speight,S; Bucco,A.M.) Ctrs. for Independent Living;$750k
A5681 (Karabinchak,R) Recycling Stream Improvement Task Force
A5688 (Dancer,R) Sch. bus, new-equip w/global positioning
A5696 (DePhillips,C) William Paterson Univ.;$2M
A5714 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Tully,P; Swain,L) Electronic smoking device-proh under age A5724 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Reynolds-Jackson,V) Juneteenth Independence Day-change date A5733 (DeCroce,B) Supportive Tech Individual w/Devel Disab
A5738 (Karabinchak,R; Swain,L) Mun. master plans-concerns
A5743 (Swain,L; Tully,P) Prescrip. drug savings-pass to consumers A5750 (Chiaravalloti,N) Integrated Case Mgmt. Svcs-cert measures
ACR55 (Timberlake,B) Armed Forces, sexual harassment-address
ACR79 (Auth,R) Affordable housing constr-concerns
ACR85 (McKnight,A; Danielsen,J) Natural resources-concerns
ACR110 (Danielsen,J) Vet. prop. tax deduction-incr. to $500
ACR188 (Auth,R) Affordable housing-Leg. determine
ACR227 (Timberlake,B) Women the right to vote-100th anniv.
ACR232 (DePhillips,C; DiMaio,J) Fire insur. policy premium tax-allocate
ACR235 (Rooney,K) Historic places of worship-allow pub fds
AJR70 (Wirths,H; Space,P) Opioid Antidote Admin. Comm-estab. temp.
AJR88 (Calabrese,C) Equal Rights Amendment-Cong. Pass
AJR201 (Murphy,C) Persons w/Disab, Sr Cit Transp Svc-estab
AJR210 (Space,P) Remembering Victims of Communism Day
AJR217 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Mil Child Appreciation Mo-desig. April AR171 (Tully,P) Foreign-based co-encourage direct invest
AR208 Aca (1R) (Timberlake,B) Hate, bias crimes-condemns
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A608 (Murphy,C) Flood-prone areas-allocate fds., coastal/inland Blue Acres land acquisition proj
A634 (Murphy,C) PFRS death benefits-eliminates remarriage prohibition
A1175 (Murphy,C) Partnership for Assessment of Readiness, Coll/Career-proh admin of assess. devel
A1195 (Murphy,C) Homeless students trans.-State required to reimburse school districts for costs
A1196 (Murphy,C) Approved Private Schools for Students with Disabilities Task Force-establishes
A2677 (Webber,J) Realty transfer fee-schedules termination
A2723 (Webber,J) Realty transfer fees-eliminates general purpose, supplemental and mansion
A2786 (Calabrese,C) NJBEST-allows income tax deductions
A2816 (Murphy,C) Disabled-revises requirements for signage indicating accessible facilities
A3406 (Murphy,C) Preg. women-estab. police training
A3411 (Milam,M) Manufacturing reinvestment acct. prog.
A4007 Aca (1R) (Swain,L) St House Complex-env sustainability plan
A4423 (Rooney,K) Smoke-Free Air Act-revise
A4634 (Timberlake,B) Plug-in electric veh. charging sys-estab
A4888 (DeAngelo,W) Collocate wireless application-clarifies
A5032 (Karabinchak,R) 9-1-1 calls-reduces fee
A5099 (Swain,L) Food packaging-concerns
A5101 (Karabinchak,R) Pharm manuf-disclose investment interest
A5303 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Disab law/etiquette-St emp training req
A5342 Aca (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V) Nonprofit Security Grant Prog.-estab.
A5367 (McKeon,J) Triploid grass carp-concerns use
A5408 (Land,R) Teacher-mental health first aid training
A5431 (Zwicker,A) 5G Network and Devel Task Force-estab.
A5443 (Timberlake,B) Special ed. prog.-concerns
A5573 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Ammunition sale, cert.-proh.
A5647 (Lopez,Y) Alice Paul statue-replace Philip Kearney
A5667 (DeCroce,B) Charlie's Law-medication disposal
A5670 (Swain,L) Toxic shock syndrome-estab. awareness
A5685 (Mukherji,R) Physicians lic.-concerns issuing
AJR50 (DeCroce,B) Natl Obesity Awareness Month-Sept
AJR64 (Danielsen,J) Drunk & Impaired Driv. Comm.-estab.
AJR154 (Timberlake,B) Emerg Preparedness Mo.-desig. September
AR200 (Swain,L) Gasoline, 15% ethanol-condemns
AR240 (Timberlake,B) Title X prog.-revoke cert. rule changes
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A429 (Calabrese,C) Fire hydrants-prohibits water companies from accessing more than one charge
A583 Aca (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V) Prescrip Drug Review Commission-establish-requires production costs be reported
A668 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Assessments, administrative-allows parent to exclude student
A884 (Danielsen,J) Public school instruction, veterans and observance of patriotic exercises-req.
A1184 (Murphy,C) Welfare agencies, county-required to be open Saturday mornings
A1250 (Holley,J) Arson investigator's powers, municipal-broadens
A1710 (Swain,L) Smart Container Act-concerns beverage container deposit
A1763 (Pintor Marin, E) Campus Sexual Assault Commission-establishes
A2805 Aca (1R) (Calabrese,C) Green building-permits developer to qualify for low-interest loan from NJEDA
A3411 (Land,R) Manufacturing reinvestment acct. prog.
A3868 (Murphy,C) Feminine hygiene prod in sch-st pay cost
A4130 (Benson,D) WorkAbility Prog.-incr. hourly limit
A4264 (Johnson,G) Dogs-allowed, tasting areas of breweries
A4581 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Ed., special-attend college courses
A4593 Aca (1R) (Timberlake,B) Furniture, tip over risk-prov. notice
A4843 (Calabrese,C) High labor-demand industry-degree prog.
A4850 (Timberlake,B) Pupil transp.-req. sch. bus inspection
A4954 (Carter,L) Emer. svcs personnel-revise support svcs
A5094 (Timberlake,B) Env. permits, cert. areas-concerns
A5258 (Webber,J) Motor fuel taxes-concerns display
A5261 Aca (1R) (Swain,L) Food allergens-req. signs in restaurants
A5307 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Psychologist training req.-revises
A5342 Aca (1R) (Karabinchak,R) Nonprofit Security Grant Prog.-estab.
A5408 (Milam,M) Teacher-mental health first aid training
A5417 (Schaer,G) Lead/asbestos haz. abatement-tax deduct.
A5431 (DeAngelo,W) 5G Network and Devel Task Force-estab.
A5443 (DeCroce,B) Special ed. prog.-concerns
A5495 (Karabinchak,R) Ed. Opportunity Fd.-create database
A5513 (DeAngelo,W) Meals on Wheels-vol contrib, tax returns
A5560 (DeAngelo,W) Small wireless fac.-uniform reg.
A5568 (Timberlake,B) Leg. dist. off. security improvement-$1M
A5571 (Timberlake,B) Amistad Commission-concerns
A5634 (Conaway,H) Plastic material in St. waters-proh prog
A5636 (DeAngelo,W) Legionnaires's disease-concerns prev.
A5650 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Stillbirth-concerns svcs.
A5652 (Mosquera,G) Water, drinking-concerns lead testing
A5667 (Karabinchak,R) Charlie's Law-medication disposal
A5670 (Timberlake,B) Toxic shock syndrome-estab. awareness
A5679 (Murphy,C) Devel. Disab. St. Council-expand memb.
A5687 (Dancer,R) Paper Polling backup-permits cert voters
A5688 (Lopez,Y) Sch. bus, new-equip w/global positioning
A5696 (Rooney,K) William Paterson Univ.;$2M
A5698 (Timberlake,B) Stillbirth Resource Ctr.-estab.
A5705 (Schaer,G) Campaign fds-concerns use
A5716 (Speight,S) Election days-sch. dist. close schools
A5722 (Johnson,G) Veh-permits co, mun to bond for alt fuel
A5723 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Children's products-concerns chemicals
A5725 (Dancer,R) Sales agent-percentage of winning ticket
A5726 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Election workers-raise pay to $300 a day
A5733 (McKnight,A) Supportive Tech Individual w/Devel Disab
A5735 (Karabinchak,R) Vet., cert.-mun. prov. beach access
A5739 (Swain,L) Carryout bags, reusable-proh banning use
A5743 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Prescrip. drug savings-pass to consumers
A5752 (Dancer,R) MV-auth. electronic display regis. Proof
A5755 (Johnson,G) Ant-Semitism-proh. sch./higher ed instit
ACR56 (Danielsen,J) Vet. non-war time-civil svc. hiring pref
ACR81 (Danielsen,J) Vet. prop. tax-incr. deduction
ACR198 (Swain,L) Pollution-govt. fd. clean-up plastic
ACR235 (Caputo,R) Historic places of worship-allow pub fds
AJR210 (Wirths,H) Remembering Victims of Communism Day
AR37 (Calabrese,C) Food date labeling-Cong. enact leg.
AR116 (Karabinchak,R) Naloxone-available over the counter
AR184 (Swain,L) Affordable Clean Energy proposal-oppose
AR264 (Speight,S) Internat. Women's Day-recog. March 8
Fourth Prime Sponsors Added: A4071 (Spearman,W) Loc. registar office-concerns
A5687 (Karabinchak,R) Paper Polling backup-permits cert voters
The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments:
*Effective July 15, 2019
The Amistad Commission:
Joyce Ship-Freeman, of Edison, to replace Gabriella E. Morris.
*Effective July 30, 2019
New Jersey Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology:
Cuneyt Erdogan, of Princeton.
*Effective August 12, 2019
New Jersey Office on Minority and Multicultural Health Advisory Commission:
Vivian Darkes, of Atlantic City.
The Assembly Speaker has made the following re-appointment:
*Effective July 11, 2019
New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education:
Maud Dahme, of Flemington. The Assembly Speaker has made the following Joint re-appointments:
*Effective July 19, 2019
Fire Safety Commission:
Arthur Londensky, of South River.
Daniel DeTrolio, of West Orange
Pasquale Intindola, of Nutley.
Kevin Krushinski, of Parlin.
Gerard Naylis, of Bergenfield.
Frederick Collender, of Columbus.
Stanley J. Sickels, of Red Bank.
Kevin P. Bellew, of Hazlet.
The Republican Leader has made the following appointments:
*Effective July 16, 2019
Council on Local Mandates:
David Fiore, Newton.
*Effective August 20, 2019
New Jersey Blockchain Initiative Task Force:
Assemblyman Christopher P. DePhillips (40). The Assembly adjourned at 8:37 P.M., to meet again on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 (SESSION).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (06/27/2019): P.L.2019, c.142. A5601 (LIV) Pintor Marin,E/Jones,P 6/30/2019 St. supp. approp. FY2019;$34.208M
P.L.2019, c.143. S3042 ScaSaAcaAca (4R) Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+2 6/30/2019 SHBP, SEHBP-creates subaccounts
P.L.2019, c.144. S3599 Singleton,T/Wimberly,B+3 6/30/2019 Neighborhood revital. tax cred. prog.
P.L.2019, c.145. A5604 Freiman,R/Pinkin,N+7 6/30/2019 Angel Investor Tax Cred Act-qual invest.
P.L.2019, c.146. A5609 Land,R/Freiman,R+19 6/30/2019 Vet-incr. income tax deduct. to $6,000
P.L.2019, c.147. A5385 ScaSa (2R) Burzichelli,J/Pintor Marin,E 6/30/2019 Container e-liquid-concerns sale & tax
P.L.2019, c.148. A5603 McKeon,J/Jones,P 6/30/2019 Charity care support-HMO incr assessment
P.L.2019, c.149. A5607 Murphy,C/Johnson,G 6/30/2019 Bus. dissolution-concerns
P.L.2019, c.150. S2020 (LIV) Sarlo,P/Pintor Marin,E 6/30/2019 St budget FY2019/2020-St$38.7B/Fed$16.7B
P.L.2019, c.151. A5610 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Quijano,A+1 6/30/2019 Immigration status legal assist.;$3.1M
P.L.2019, c.152. A5611 Aa (1R) Timberlake,B/McKeon,J+1 6/30/2019 East Orange General Hosp.;$7.5M
P.L.2019, c.153. A20 Downey,J/Danielsen,J+8 7/2/2019 Med cannabis-revises req to auth and access-estab Cannabis
Regulatory Commission
P.L.2019, c.154. A4430/4555 AcsSa (ACS/1R) Lopez,Y/Mukherji,R+14 7/5/2019 Linda's Law-life-sustaining equipm
P.L.2019, c.155. A5608 w/GR (1R) Burzichelli,J/Mukherji,R 7/5/2019 Lottery tickets-allow purch. by debit
P.L.2019, c.156. S716 Aca (1R) Greenstein,L/Bateman,C+10 7/8/2019 Thomas P. Canzanella First Resp Prot Act
P.L.2019, c.157. A4882 AcaScaSca (3R) Kennedy,J/Holley,J+22 7/8/2019 Bill Ricci WTC Rescue, Operations Act
P.L.2019, c.158. S2557 ScaAaAa (3R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S+14 7/9/2019 Prevailing wage-allows stop-work orders
P.L.2019, c.159. S1214 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+10 7/10/2019 NJ Land Bank Law
P.L.2019, c.160. A314 Aca (1R) Pinkin,N/Sumter,S+26 7/11/2019 Isolated Confinement Restriction Act-restricts use in
correctional facilities
P.L.2019, c.161. A5404 Murphy,C/Conaway,H 7/12/2019 Mun. elections, cert.-modifies procedure
P.L.2019, c.162. A3292 Sca (1R) Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+19 7/15/2019 Opioid med. warning sticker-req.
P.L.2019, c.163. A4744 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Armato,J+13 7/15/2019 Medication asst. treatment benf-prog req
P.L.2019, c.164. S101 Aa (1R) Weinberg,L/Codey,R+9 7/16/2019 Handguns, personalized-sell by retailers
P.L.2019, c.165. S3897 Aa (1R) Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L+3 7/16/2019 Weapons, convicted person-crim. purch.
P.L.2019, c.166. A4449 Tully,P/Swain,L+2 7/16/2019 Firearm-estab. crime of soliciting
P.L.2019, c.167. A3896 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+6 7/16/2019 Suicide prev. training-firearm dealers
P.L.2019, c.168. S1216 Sweeney,S/Weinberg,L+11 7/17/2019 Sexual Assault exam kit-AG conduct audit
P.L.2019, c.169. S692 AcaAa (2R) Ruiz,M/Sarlo,P+3 7/19/2019 Superintendent of sch.-reg. max. salary
P.L.2019, c.170. S756 AcaSa (2R) Diegnan,P/Turner,S+3 7/19/2019 Polling place locations-concerns
P.L.2019, c.171. S858 Sa (1R) Turner,S/Diegnan,P+3 7/19/2019 Teacher-concerns instructional cert.
P.L.2019, c.172. S954/1699 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Vitale,J/Singleton,T+22 7/19/2019 Multistate Nurse Lic. Compact-NJ enters
P.L.2019, c.173. S1373 Van Drew,J/Andrzejczak,B+1 7/19/2019 Home health care agencies-concerns
P.L.2019, c.174. S1707 Oroho,S/Bateman,C+1 7/19/2019 Land acquisition open space-concerns
P.L.2019, c.175. S1761 Aca (1R) Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+16 7/19/2019 Address Confidentiality Prog-expands
P.L.2019, c.176. S1799 Aa (1R) Bucco,A.R./Bucco,A.M.+1 7/19/2019 Fire safety comm.-incr. memb.
P.L.2019, c.177. S2472 Sa (1R) Singleton,T/Murphy,C 7/19/2019 Real estate lic.-courses req.
P.L.2019, c.178. S2489 Cruz-Perez,N/Turner,S+17 7/19/2019 Child abuse hotline-sch. posting req.
P.L.2019, c.179. S2575 Aa (1R) Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L+8 7/19/2019 Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act-examine
P.L.2019, c.180. S2944 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S 7/19/2019 Mun council aides-concerns
P.L.2019, c.181. S2994 Ruiz,M/Freiman,R+1 7/19/2019 Guaranteed asset prot. waivers-refund
P.L.2019, c.182. S3043 Madden,F/Oroho,S+2 7/19/2019 Family day care prov.-crim. hist. check
P.L.2019, c.183. S3452 ScaSca (2R) Ruiz,M/Pou,N+2 7/19/2019 Consumer reporting agencies-concerns
P.L.2019, c.184. S3899 Aa (1R) Ruiz,M/Burzichelli,J+1 7/19/2019 TPAF reenrollment-concerns retired memb.
P.L.2019, c.185. A769 AcaScaSaSa (4R) Caputo,R/Giblin,T+18 7/19/2019 Age-appropriate sexual abuse, assault awareness &
prev ed-req grades presch - 12
P.L.2019, c.186. A1048 Sca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+13 7/19/2019 State tax relief programs-property tax bills to contain
eligibility information
P.L.2019, c.187. A1190 Acs (ACS) Jones,P/Giblin,T+3 7/19/2019 Human remains-concerns appointment of person to control
funeral and disposition
P.L.2019, c.188. A1369 Kennedy,J/DeAngelo,W+9 7/19/2019 Service contract cancellation-deceased customer, no early
termination fee
P.L.2019, c.189. A1428 AcaSa (2R) McKnight,A/Chaparro,A+17 7/19/2019 Child trafficking-Department of Education devel
awareness, prevention guidelines
P.L.2019, c.190. A3766 AcsAa (ACS/1R) Armato,J/Houghtaling,E+20 7/19/2019 Pub. off., cert. offense-forfeit pension
P.L.2019, c.191. A5162 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V 7/19/2019 Co. bds. of election-incr. memb.
P.L.2019, c.192. A5456 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Kennedy,J+26 7/19/2019 Infrastructure Bank-loans for proj.
P.L.2019, c.193. A5457 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J/Swain,L+23 7/19/2019 Env. infra. proj., FY2020-approp. fds.
P.L.2019, c.194. A5462 Aca (1R) Milam,M/Speight,S+3 7/19/2019 Infra. Bank-modifies powers and duties
P.L.2019, c.195. A5570 AcsSa (ACS/1R) Coughlin,C/Benson,D+7 7/22/2019 Gateway Devel. Commission-estab.
P.L.2019, c.196. S876 SaSaAca (3R) Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+1 7/23/2019 Transp. Trust Fd. proj.-concerns admin.
P.L.2019, c.197. S3207 SaSa (2R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+8 7/23/2019 Global Warming Resp. Act-new timeframes
P.L.2019, c.198. A4918 Murphy,C/Beach,J 7/23/2019 One-stop event planning contact-desig.
P.L.2019, c.199. A1094 Acs (ACS) Downey,J/Lampitt,P+11 7/25/2019 Worker's wage and salary experience-prohibits employer
P.L.2019, c.200. S1149 Aca (1R) Cunningham,S/Brown,C+21 7/30/2019 Student Loan Ombudsman-appoint
P.L.2019, c.201. S2046 Turner,S/Lampitt,P+13 7/30/2019 Higher ed. tuition-improve transparency
P.L.2019, c.202. S1150 ScaSca (2R) Ruiz,M/Stack,B+5 8/5/2019 Hotel, multi dwelling inspections-req.
P.L.2019, c.203. S1331 ScaSa (2R) Gopal,V/Madden,F+13 8/5/2019 Vet. prop. tax deductions-extend elig.
P.L.2019, c.204. S2044 ScaSa (2R) Turner,S/Ruiz,M+14 8/5/2019 Deaf Student's Bill of Rights-estab.
P.L.2019, c.205. S2045 ScaScaSaAca (4R) Turner,S/Ruiz,M+14 8/5/2019 Deaf-concerns early language develop.
P.L.2019, c.206. S2447 Diegnan,P/Van Drew,J+7 8/5/2019 Securing Electronic Records Vet Ease Act
P.L.2019, c.207. S2525 Singleton,T/Cunningham,S+16 8/5/2019 Veterans, homeless-prov. legal svcs.
P.L.2019, c.208. S3301 Aa (1R) Cryan,J/Ruiz,M+9 8/5/2019 Hosp-Based Viol Intervention Prog-estab
P.L.2019, c.209. S3312 Aa (1R) Vitale,J/Codey,R+9 8/5/2019 Viol. intervention progs.-trauma ctr.
P.L.2019, c.210. S3323 Aa (1R) Cryan,J/Ruiz,M+10 8/5/2019 Victim counseling svc-concern trauma ctr
P.L.2019, c.211. A4095 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+4 8/5/2019 Peddler's lic.-concerns vets.
P.L.2019, c.212. S1790 ScaSaAa (3R) Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L+10 8/6/2019 Wages, failure to pay-concerns law
P.L.2019, c.213. S2297 ScaSca (2R) Kean,T/Beach,J+2 8/8/2019 Blockchain Initiative Task Force-estab.
P.L.2019, c.214. A5111 Kennedy,J/Jones,P+1 8/8/2019 Innovation Dist. Designation Program
P.L.2019, c.215. S601 ScaAca (2R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+5 8/9/2019 Solar energy generation fac.-recycle
P.L.2019, c.216. S781 SaAcaAcaAa (4R) Sarlo,P/O'Scanlon,D+2 8/9/2019 Movers and warehousemen-revise penal.
P.L.2019, c.217. S984 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Singleton,T+1 8/9/2019 Med. records-estab. cert. req.
P.L.2019, c.218. S1109 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Munoz,N 8/9/2019 End-of-life care-physician assist. sign
P.L.2019, c.219. S1739 ScaSaAca (3R) Van Drew,J/Oroho,S+4 8/9/2019 Co. correction officer-rename
P.L.2019, c.220. S2807 AcaAa (2R) Cryan,J/Cruz-Perez,N+14 8/9/2019 Funeral directing-concerns practice
P.L.2019, c.221. S2858 Gopal,V/Diegnan,P+2 8/9/2019 Badges, law enforcement-concerns
P.L.2019, c.222. S2861/3081 Scs (SCS) Corrado,K/Codey,R+11 8/9/2019 Mental health-part of ed. curriculum
P.L.2019, c.223. S3146 Singleton,T/Addiego,D+9 8/9/2019 Civil animal cruelty penalties
P.L.2019, c.224. S3160 Codey,R/Jasey,M+4 8/9/2019 Later school start time-estab pilot prog
P.L.2019, c.225. S3212 Ruiz,M/Rice,R 8/9/2019 Suppl. zoning bd. of adjustment-estab.
P.L.2019, c.226. S3334 Diegnan,P/Vitale,J 8/9/2019 Surgical tech-exemp. cert. training req.
P.L.2019, c.227. A312 AcaAca (2R) Pinkin,N/Conaway,H+47 8/9/2019 Palliative and hospice care services-health care
facilities provide information
P.L.2019, c.228. A841 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+10 8/9/2019 County college certificate programs-establish to meet regional
employers needs
P.L.2019, c.229. A1700 AcaSa (2R) Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+8 8/9/2019 Redevelopement areas-expands eligibility criteria
for designating in need areas
P.L.2019, c.230. A2004 AaScaSca (3R) Karabinchak,R/Mazzeo,V+4 8/9/2019 Property tax appeals-requires municipalitiy to
pay nonresidential refunds
P.L.2019, c.231. A3937 Sa (1R) DeAngelo,W/Reynolds-Jackson,V+1 8/9/2019 Water sys. emp.-reside in same mun.
P.L.2019, c.232. A4115 Benson,D/DeAngelo,W+4 8/9/2019 NJ STARS-clarifies cert elig
P.L.2019, c.233. A4223 Aca (1R) Johnson,G/Rooney,K 8/9/2019 Prosecutor, co.-concerns
P.L.2019, c.234. A4552/4385 AcsSa (ACS/1R) Armato,J/Mukherji,R+11 8/9/2019 Dogs and cats-proh. leasing
P.L.2019, c.235. A4814/4520 AcsScaSa (ACS/2R) Downey,J/McKeon,J+6 8/9/2019 Transient accommodation taxes-concerns
P.L.2019, c.236. A4938 AcaSa (2R) Tucker,C/Pinkin,N+12 8/9/2019 My Life, My Plan-estab. prog.
P.L.2019, c.237. A5021 AcaSa (2R) Quijano,A/Bramnick,J+7 8/9/2019 Prenatal care svcs-Medicaid coverage req
P.L.2019, c.238. A5322 AcaSca (2R) Burzichelli,J/Milam,M+12 8/9/2019 Hemp, cultivation, handling-estab prog
P.L.2019, c.239. A5392 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/Murphy,C 8/9/2019 Pub emp, sexual abuse lawsuits-liability
P.L.2019, c.240. A5595 Milam,M/Houghtaling,E+1 8/9/2019 Farming operations-concerns loans
P.L.2019, c.241. S1435 ScaAa (2R) Van Drew,J/Beach,J+5 8/15/2019 Winery/viticulture attractions-advertise
P.L.2019, c.242. S1735 Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M+5 8/15/2019 Lactation room availability-cert pub fac
P.L.2019, c.243. A5527 AcaSa (2R) Conaway,H/Tully,P+10 8/15/2019 Long-term care fac.-outbreak plan req.
P.L.2019, c.244. S2432 Sa (1R) Scutari,N/Pou,N+1 8/15/2019 Auto accident-permit recover med expense
P.L.2019, c.245. S3963 Scutari,N/Pou,N 8/15/2019 Auto accident-unreimb. med. expenses
P.L.2019, c.246. S499 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Madden,F+4 8/23/2019 Medicaid, NJ Family care-improved sys
P.L.2019, c.247. S785 AcaAa (2R) Sarlo,P/Lagana,J.A.+4 8/23/2019 Correction officers-req. police training
P.L.2019, c.248. S824 ScsScsAa (SCS/1R) Scutari,N/O'Scanlon,D+13 8/23/2019 DUI, interlock device-expands use
P.L.2019, c.249. S1014 ScaAa (2R) Rice,R/Wimberly,B+1 8/23/2019 St. Emp., Training Comm.-changes comp.
P.L.2019, c.250. S1126 AcaAa (2R) Bucco,A.R./Doherty,M+6 8/23/2019 NJ Safe Haven Infant Prot. Act-concerns
P.L.2019, c.251. S1403 ScaScaAcaAcaAa (5R) Diegnan,P/Singleton,T+10 8/23/2019 St.-admin. retir. sys.-SPRS svc. credit
P.L.2019, c.252. S1887 AcaAcaSa (3R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+8 8/23/2019 Industry-valued credentials-concerns
P.L.2019, c.253. S1948 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Gordon,R+3 8/23/2019 SNAP renames-Training Prov. Demo. Proj.
P.L.2019, c.254. S2507 ScsSaSsAca (SS/1R) Singleton,T/Pou,N 8/23/2019 Dental prov. networks, cert.-concerns
P.L.2019, c.255. S2538 Singleton,T/Pennacchio,J+8 8/23/2019 Natl. Guard, NGB-22 form-elig. for benf.
P.L.2019, c.256. S2660 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Gopal,V/Sarlo,P+6 8/23/2019 Teachers, cert.-estab. grant prog.
P.L.2019, c.257. S2690/2727 ScsSaAa (SCS/2R) Ruiz,M/Cryan,J+14 8/23/2019 Pharmacy benf. managers-concerns
P.L.2019, c.258. S2691 Aca (1R) Kean,T/Cunningham,S+14 8/23/2019 Human Trafficking Comm.;$100K
P.L.2019, c.259. S3100 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L/Addiego,D+2 8/23/2019 Hemophilia treatment prog.-concerns
P.L.2019, c.260. A3118 Acs (ACS) Burzichelli,J/Schepisi,H 8/23/2019 Master hearth prof.-estab. lic.
P.L.2019, c.261. A4420 Aca (1R) Holley,J/Scutari,N+1 8/23/2019 Check casher lic.-modifes fees
P.L.2019, c.262. A4482 Aca (1R) Verrelli,A/Murphy,C+12 8/23/2019 Prev., Sexual Viol. Against, Devel Disab
P.L.2019, c.263. A5293 AcaSa (2R) Pinkin,N/Zwicker,A+3 8/23/2019 Contaminated sites-changes laws
P.L.2019, c.264. A5390 Tucker,C/Mukherji,R+16 8/23/2019 Servicemember in-St. tuition-provides
P.L.2019, JR-16. SJR35 Weinberg,L/Corrado,K+10 7/15/2019 Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day-desig.
P.L.2019, JR-17. AJR26 Aca (1R) Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+10 7/19/2019 Youth Suicide Prev. Awareness Mo-Sept.
P.L.2019, JR-18. AJR87 Murphy,C/Mosquera,G+6 7/19/2019 Alice Paul Day-desig. January 11
P.L.2019, JR-19. SJR86 Van Drew,J/Singleton,T+15 8/5/2019 American Legion-honors on 100th anniv.
P.L.2019, JR-20. SJR129 Ruiz,M/Pou,N+10 8/15/2019 Puerto Rico Day-desig 3rd Sunday of Sept
P.L.2019, JR-21. SJR73 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/Van Drew,J+12 8/23/2019 Mil. Hunger Prev. Act-Cong. pass