GOP Middlesex County Sheriff Candidate Calls for Gurbir Grewal’s Arrest
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Anthony Gallo, a Republican candidate for Middlesex County sheriff, took to social media to blast NJ Attorney General Gurbir Grewal for chastising Monmouth and Cape May county sheriffs over their cooperation with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.
According to, Grewal issued a directive designed to limit state and local authorities’ interactions with ICE to strictly criminal matters. The AG’s office says that undocumented immigrants would be less inclined to be useful witnesses or report crimes to police if they could not determine whether or not they were ICE and risk deportation. Critics have responded that such policies make New Jersey into a “sanctuary state” for illegal immigration.
Gallo, in a Facebook post, called for Grewal’s own arrest, accusing him of “harboring ‘criminal’ illegal aliens” and expressed his surprise that of 21 NJ counties, 19 “have been releasing these ‘Criminals’ into our backyards with our Families.” He called for the removal of Middlesex County Sheriff Mildred S. Scott “who listens to this Criminal Attorney General and not the People of Middlesex County.” Gallo charged that “NO politician or appointed official has the right to tell a sitting Sheriff who is elected by the People what to do. Only the people can do that at the ballot box.”
It is a true statement, "We like sheep have all gone astray". We are like sheep! We listen and believe without thinking. A little thought and consideration about the state of affairs of our Nation and our great State would, I believe, go a long way in making things better. Why is it that we are ready to believe anything we are hearing; whether in the media or when someone makes a claim about something? This behavior gives the elites a lot of power! They say it and we do it. Shouldn't we question the validity of claims and question the truth of what we are reading? If we truly want change for the better, we should take a little time to evaluate and research before we cast our vote for the same old same old. I know Tony Gallo personally and will tell you he is a good man. Yes, none of us are perfect however we need representatives that promise to follow the U.S. and NJ Constitution. Who among us have even read those documents? The time is now!
Hey, shove your study. Murphy had a deal with democrats. Pay for election yourself, well back you. THESE are the facts. ,
He is a disgrace to the legal profession. He is a danger to police officers and residents. He is following Murphy's directive. Pull gremwals license, recall murphy.
Fire this a.g.
While I agree, the problem is, Grewal (Just like any of the Trenton Bottom-Feeders) Doesnt CARE...he's using your own Tax Money to screw with you. It's the same with the Lawsuts by NJ2AS, and the ANJRPC Lawsuits over the Firearm Laws...Trenton laughs as they use the plaintiffs own money to fight the Lawyers they're Paying for. I was about done with NJ before Murphy was Elected, but I stuck it out, once he won, I started making my plans, and was a "Former New Jerseyan" as soon as I could be, but not everyone has that option. the Problem with NJ isnt a Democrat-Republican Issue, it's not a Liberal/Conservative Issue, hell it's not even a "Politician Issue" the PROBLEM with NJ is a Voter Issue. Take a look at just HOW many people are bitching about Murphy and his policies, and how many are signing recall petitions, THEN take a look at the actual Election the put Murphy in office...around 36% of Registered voters even bothered to show up. You get the government you deserve, and I'm sorry to say, the Voters of NJ DESERVE this shitshow, because they didn't care enough to show up on Election day. Let's hope the lesson takes hold for next time, but I'm not holding my Breath.
Sheriffs take an oath to support the US and NJ constitutions - as does the AG. You can't pick and choose what laws to uphold. Take the AG to court! See how he likes being sued instead of suing everyone else.
Welcome to the silly season.