GOP Chairs Converge on Car 11 on the Chamber Train
[caption id="attachment_245" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Thompson, Panos, and Golden.[/caption]
NEW BRUNSWICK - Monmouth County GOP Chairman Shaun Golden turned around looking like he was going to knock InsiderNJ's block off, just before Monmouth County Clerk Christine Hanlon reminded the chair/sheriff that he was Number 8 in the InsiderNJ statewide chairmans' power rankings.
"So Vin Gopal is going to win the senate seat, right, Mr. Chairman?" InsiderNJ cracked and that prompted raucous laugher form the clutch of GOP insiders, all staunch backers of veteran state Senator Jennifer Beck (R-11).
Then Middlesex County Republican Chair Lucille Panos appeared, along with state Senator Sam Thimpson (R-Old Bridge), making their way through the press of their southern border allies.