Gopal Embraces Fellow History-Maker Grewal

Following an announcement from Governor-Elect Phil Murphy that he intends to appoint Bergen County Prosecutor Gurbir Grewal as New Jersey Attorney General, state Senator-Elect Vin Gopal (D-11) hailed the news as an historic moment for the State of New Jersey.
Gopal, the first South Asian to win election to the history of the New Jersey State Senate, commended the appointment of Grewal, who will become New Jersey’s first South-Asian attorney general. Grewal has served as Bergen County prosecutor since 2013 and prior to that spent several years as an Assistant US Attorney for the District of New Jersey where he won wide praise and support for his work.
“This is an historic moment for the State of New Jersey. I want to commend the Governor-Elect for nominating someone who is not only eminently qualified, but who will bring a perspective to the office that is diverse and long-overdue,” said Gopal, “I look forward to working alongside Gurbir Grewal, and I have every confidence that he will serve the people of New Jersey well.”