Gored by a 'RINO': Scattered MAGA-Branded Candidates Brace for Kean

NEWTON - John Flora just wrapped up a Tuesday evening discussion with voters at the local American Legion hall.
This was a conservative group - and then some. When I asked one attendee what she thought of Tom Kean Jr, she responded quickly - "He's a RINO." And then she added that she wants to support only MAGA candidates.
Nonetheless, the prevailing view is that Kean Jr. - RINO or not - wins the Republican nod in CD-7. And with it the right to take on Tom Malinowski in what figures to be the race in New Jersey this year.
Ross Baker, a political science professor at Rutgers University, was quoted the other day as saying:
"Unless there's some kind of subterranean conservative pro-Trump movement, I would say (Kean) cruises to the nomination."
One of those banking on just that sort of political earthquake is Flora, the mayor of Fredon in Sussex County. Flora says he finds voters more revved up than usual about the June 7 primary.
In talking to voters the other night, Flora spoke of eliminating the U.S. Department of Education, or as he put it, "We need to cut the head off the snake."
He also relied on a very constant Donald Trump, or if you wish, MAGA, message.
For decades, the sovereignty of the United States has been threatened and weakened by "globalists," and such international organizations as the United Nations and the World Health Organization, he asserted.
But here's the practical problem.
Flora is one of three main candidates challenging Kean Jr., all of whom in varying degrees are coming from the same spot - Kean is not conservative enough.
When you consider that Kean has the backing of the Republican establishment throughout the district, the logical question is, where do Flora and the two others, Assemblyman Erik Peterson and former gubernatorial candidate Phil Rizzo, go for votes?
All this is further complicated by three others on the ballot, Kevin Dorlon, John Henry Isemann and Sterling Schwab.
There are many conservatives among Republican voters in the district, but that pie is being cut into many pieces.
Kean, of course, is doing all he can not to cause controversy. His Facebook page is filled with him marching in parades and standing alongside fellow Republicans. Pretty safe stuff. He has been criticized by some of his opponents for refusing to debate.
Flora, for his part, has met voters at a number of public events.
Rizzo's philosophy in this regard has been a bit different. He had a "meet and greet" last week at a Morris County diner, but upon arrival met privately with supporters. He refused to answer a question from a reporter.
Whether candidates engage publicly or not, most of those running against Kean likely would agree with what Flora said Tuesday night in Newton:
"Tom Kean is as far from a conservative as you can get."
But can he be beaten next week?