Gottheimer Leaves No Drone Unturned in Pursuit of Answers

We have entered drone madness.
On the heels of a Jon Bramnick statement Tuesday morning came a zoom press conference by Rep. Josh Gottheimer on drones apparently buzzing the New Jersey night. Just for the record, both the Republican Bramnick and the Democratic Gottheimer are running for governor.
There was something interesting, if not surreal, about a congressman taking the time to talk about what's flying around after dark.
These are not flying saucers of lore, but you get the point.
The first question to Gottheimer was a good one. Are we merely seeing skilled hobbyists operating drones and having a grand time at the commotion they are causing? In other words, it's all just a malicious prank.
The congressman did not speak directly about that possibility, but he did say:
"I'm not concerned about any imminent threats."
The problem, however, is that some people may be concerned about threats. Call it fear of dealing with uncertainty.
Gottheimer says he knows the problem.
While he has not seen any drones himself, he said his office has been getting daily reports of sightings since late November, including almost 50 in one night.
Gottheimer's CD-5 covering the northern part of the state includes parts of Bergen, Passaic and Sussex counties. He said drone sightings have been reported in 10 of New Jersey's 21 counties.
The congressman said he wants the nation's security officials to brief the public on what they know about the drones. Gottheimer says he has written to the FBI, FAA and Homeland Security Department asking them to do just that.
The apparent aim is to put any anxiety about drones to rest.
"We can never play it too safe when it comes to fighting to protect New Jersey families," he said.
Additionally, the congressman wants federal legislation that would expand grants to local police departments to pay for radar, thereby allowing them to track any drone activity.
He also wants to increase penalties to a maximum of two years in jail for operating drones that interfere with operations of airports, military bases and similar facilities.
"We can't be the wild west when it comes to drones," Gottheimer said.
Bramnick and Gottheimer are not alone in talking about drones.
Almost two dozen mayors in the impacted area have written to the governor about the problem.
Phil Murphy said on Monday that the drones seem to be "very sophisticated," adding that when you stare at them, they go dark.
For some, that info only adds to their unease.
LTC Brickman, free fire zones are not healthy for children and other living things. Please make a note of it.
you want to find out who is flying them?? then start shooting them down.. you will find out very quickly who they belong to.