Gottheimer Releases First Campaign Ads

Today, Congressman Josh Gottheimer’s campaign for New Jersey Governor released two digital ads to kick off a seven-figure digital ad spend. The ads highlight Josh’s commonsense “Tax Cut Plan” to lower taxes and costs for Jersey families and will go up across most digital platforms. 

“I’m running to be Jersey’s ‘Lower Taxes, Lower Costs’ Governor who solves problems and gets things done,” said Gottheimer. “In every diner I visit, I hear the same thing: Jersey is just too damn expensive. The number one problem I’ll solve as Governor will be Jersey’s affordability crisis. My ‘Tax Cut Plan’ will lower taxes and lower costs for homeowners, renters, families, and seniors, and I won’t stop until I get it done—no bullsh*t.”

Josh’s “Tax Cut Plan” will cut property taxes by nearly 15 percent, give renters an annual tax rebate, cut income taxes for families and seniors, and incentivize businesses and families to move to Jersey—and it’s fully paid for. 

Watch Gottheimer’s 15-second ad, Proof, here. He also released a six-second ad called Bullsh*t.


I’m Josh Gottheimer, and as your Governor, I’ll cut your taxes. 

But this is Jersey, so I know you won’t just take my word for it. 

And I get it.  

Check out my tax cut plan at and see it for yourself. 


Hey Jersey! 

Taxes are too high. 

When I’m Governor, I’ll cut ‘em. No bullsh*t. 

Previous comments for: Gottheimer Releases First Campaign Ads

  1. Daniel Cassini says:

    Mr Gottheimer: I would appreciate your changing your current ad on TV. No need for a hidden expletive. And what does a "crazy expensive" mean ? You deserve better.

  2. Richard Grant says:

    Wouldn’t it be something if now when Congressman Gottheimer is driven into Manhattan to hold a press conference, his commute is faster with fewer traffic jams. He probably is thinking: outstanding, I should let people know that in my next digital ad. Government can be a problem solver.

  3. EMM says:

    Hey Josh! What about the public school funding formula and home-rule, which many view as unfair? This contributes to the high tax issue. Please, No bullsh*t


    What did Sherrill and Gottheimer actually DO in Washington, that helped New Jersey, over the last couple of years? Data shows that only 3% of proposed legislation in Congress was actually enacted. These two NJ representatives were part of that ineptitude. Now they want to be Governor? These two are professional " talkers" and NJ does not need more talkers! The next Governor must be a " Doer" ! Beltway trained politicians must be kept far away from Trenton. The Sherrill /Gottheimer " way" is to talk, talk, talk, get nothing done and then move on to another issue to talk,talk,talk about. That is just how Washington works. Fiscal responsibility will be the issue that elects the next Governor. The last thing that either Sherrill or Gottheimer has ever had to worry about as Washington DC politicians is fiscal responsibility. Neither has ever had to worry about balancing a budget. Beltway politicians only know how to spend! Beware these fancy talkers ! In Washington DC talking ,not getting results, marks success. Voters must remember that talk is cheap. We must keep the "DC Talkers" out of Trenton !

  5. WNY Voter says:

    With all respect, Congressman Gottheimer, these are similar to talking points that supply-side Republicans embrace and advocate for. Now kindly explain the hard part of the equation which you have not shared yet: what current services Will you cut to pay for these substantial tax cuts?

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