Gottheimer versus Sherrill

Sources in the Democratic Party describe the more animated than prior movements of two players on the field of the 2025 gubernatorial gladiatorial games. They are U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-5) and U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-11), from Bergen and Essex counties respectively.

Before Donald Trump’s foray into presidential politics, neither CD-5 nor CD-11 contained a Democratic representative on that seat; so both Sherrill and Gottheimer share the experience of having flipped a district from R to D and have held it in hard weather.

Newly in the minority, Gottheimer’s been getting around now, moving, shaking, transmitting a somewhat electric sense of government competence, making his case for an executive job, not with any panicked sense of urgency, as though he needs to get out of D.C. – but with purposeful positive energy.

He’s ventured south, into the political bloodstreams of Essex and Middlesex, in particular, making a case for statewide viability, presumably with an eye on 2025 and the post-Phil Murphy era.

Simultaneously, his colleague Sherrill has stepped up her own forays beyond her home county of Essex, finally hearing her champions’ cries to get out there and look like an interested party in the game for governor.

She’s had some meetings with people who are not obviously tied to the goings-on of her home congressional district, which suggest statewide starry eyes.

The question is whether she has a fixed focus on governor or is merely developing relationships toward some future run, which might include U.S. Senate, in the event that either U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) or U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) decides to go in another direction.

One source suggested, amid the crisscrossing circuitries of Sherrill and Gottheimer, that the two might at one point find themselves trading governor for senator, with the latter appearing – at least right now – more aggressively suited for the former office and the latter, mostly on the strength of her military record – radiating a more senatorial gleam.

But it’s still early, and others continues to run around from event to event in a quest for the nomination for the Democratic Party in 2025. They include Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop. In addition, Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-19) remains an option for the greatly strengthened Middlesex County Democratic Party. Newark Mayor Ras Baraka has also maintained a schedule of speaking events beyond the radius of Essex, although he appears less likely than others to secure establishment support toward a run for governor.

Who should Democrats Run for Governor Between Just these Two?

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5 responses to “Gottheimer versus Sherrill”

  1. If you want what Joe Biden and Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi have done to wreck this country happening in New Jersey, then vote for Mikie Sherrill. She voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time. She is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Everyone says to respect her career, especially her military career. According to many reliable sources, Mikie Sherrill was a do-nothing lawyer, a do-nothing U.S. District Attorney who was nothing more than a liasion between the U.S. Attorney’s office and other entities. She never prosecuted a case. She joined the military and flew helicopters–not on the battlefront, but behind the lines shuttling equipment, paperwork and people around to back-area outposts. She was never in real battle. Now, she’s a “do-nothing” Congresscritter, who has done nothing other than take up a seat in the U.S. House and vote 100% with Pelosi. Sherrill has no record of helping NJ, but actually hurting it with her voting support of the Green RAW Deal, the fraudulent Infrastructure Bill (which is a back-door Green RAW Deal bill), the Recovery Act, which poured TRILLIONS of dollars to keep people locked up during COVID-19 pandemic, and she supported Biden shutting down our energy industry making us buy dirty oil from Venezuela, Iran, and Russia, while we sold clean oil (and most of our Strategic Petroleum Reserves) to Communist China, while raising our gas prices by 100% here at home.

    No, Sherrill is NOT who we want for Governor of NJ.

  2. I’m an independent who is *very* cynical about the political class, especially in NJ, and find both Gottheimer and Sherrill to be excellent candidates–Democrats should do whatever they can to make sure these two don’t end up in a knife fight for the same office. Yet another for the party to ditch the odious Menendez.

  3. …according to many reliable sources…how bogus could you be? Many people are saying you have zero credibility.

  4. Wow, Bob, you’re a Democrat Douchebag. Democrats and the Propaganda Main Stream Media constantly say “reliable sources”, “many reliable sources”, etc. And, we never find out who those sources are. And, these are supposed to be “credible” “news sources”.

    “Many reliable sources” I stated without going into detail, include former Gov. Chris Christie who was a U.S. District Attorney for New Jersey when Sherrill was an Assistant U.S. Attorney, several other U.S. District Attorneys, including Joe DiGenova, Rudy Giuliani. News reports from NY Times, Politico, Washington Times, etc.

  5. Erik says he’s an “independent” but is in reality a closet Democrat. He thinks the “do nothing” candidates–Gottheimer and Sherrill, both Democrat-Communists, are “excellent candidates”. Erik slipped up and exposed himself. “Independents” in New Jersey are comprised mostly of Closet Democrat-Communists. They don’t want their neighbors to know how they vote, probably because they live in a conservative neighborhood, so they have to lie about what political persuasion they are. When I hear someone say they’re an “Independent”, I quickly ask them if they voted Democrat, because they’re the party of Communism and tyranny. They usually don’t say anything after that. That’s when I know.

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