Governor Christie Takes Action On Pending Legislation

The Governor's Office released the following statement on actions taken by Governor Christie on pending legislation today:
Governor Chris Christie signed into law today several bills to empower New Jersey’s military members and veterans, including a bipartisan initiative to create the “Veterans Diversion Program.”
The new law, S-307/A-4362 (Van Drew, Allen/Andrzejczak, Mazzeo, Land, Tucker, Benson, Bramnick), requires the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to collaborate with its federal counterpart and develop a statewide program providing appropriate case management and mental health services to eligible military service members who have committed nonviolent offenses. The department will publicize a directory of existing federal and State case management and mental health program locations, which will serve as points of entry to facilitate support and services.
“It is impossible to imagine the courage, sacrifices and experiences of the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect the American people and our freedom,” Governor Christie said. “This critical legislation gives back by supporting New Jersey’s military service members when they need it most and when their lives depend on it. This new program will strengthen families and communities, by empowering veterans with individualized, holistic care and steering them clear of the criminal justice system.”
Other military and veterans’ bills signed by Governor Christie today require the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA) to develop an informational website for Gold Star families; require DMAVA to notify local county veterans’ affairs offices and State veterans service offices of the death of a New Jersey or other service member whose surviving beneficiary resides in the State in order to inform the beneficiaries of federal and state benefits and creates a designated Gold Star family member liaison for each county veterans’ office; and, retains eligibility for New Jersey National Guard members or reserve components of the U.S. Armed Forces called to active federal military service who met maximum age requirements at the closing date of civil service examinations.
Governor Christie also took action on the following bills:
S-158/A-3631 (Madden, Cruz-Perez/Quijano, Schaer, Vainieri Huttle, Zwicker, Mukherji, Danielsen) - Permits holding companies of eligible New Jersey emerging technology companies to receive investments under "New Jersey Angel Investor Tax Credit Act"
S-227/A-963 (Holzapfel, Allen/Wolfe, McGuckin, Dancer) - Requires DOT, NJTA, and SJTA to use only native vegetation for landscaping, land management, reforestation, or habitat restoration
S-518/A-4452 (Beck/Downey, Houghtaling, Benson, Mukherji, Vainieri Huttle) - Requires sanitation vehicles display flashing lights in certain circumstances and imposes conditions on drivers approaching sanitation vehicles displaying flashing lights; designated as "Michael Massey’s Law"
S-724/A-3604 (Cruz-Perez, Allen/Eustace, Wolfe, Mukherji) - Establishes "Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Program"
S-792/A-1271 (Sarlo/ Caride, Schaer, Pintor Marin) - Permits newly created regional school districts or enlarging regional school districts to determine apportionment methodology for their boards of education on basis other than population
S-913/A-3404 (Codey, Vitale/Burzichelli, Coughlin, Schaer, Singleton) - Permits hospitals to establish system for making performance-based incentive payments to physicians
S-1059/A-4462 (Diegnan/Lagana, Vainieri Huttle, Mukherji) - Permits amusement games license to be issued to holder of alcoholic beverage special concessionaire permit at certain airports; allows licensees to offer electronic amusements under certain circumstances
S-1398/A-1447 (Weinberg, Gill/Lampitt, Spencer, Vainieri Huttle, McKeon, Mukherji, Holley, Caride, Downey) - Expands infertility coverage under certain health insurance plans
S-1404/A-4423 (Weinberg/Johnson, Benson, Mukherji, Handlin) - Requires governmental affairs agents to disclose on notice of representation form compensation amount received from State or local government entities; requires notice to be posted on Internet site of Election Law Enforcement Commission
S-1475/A-3304 (Ruiz, Vitale/Vainieri Huttle, Mukherji, Holley, Jimenez) - Establishes three-year Medicaid home visitation demonstration project
S-1634/A-3991 (Turner, Stack/Muoio, Wimberly, Johnson, Pintor Marin, Mukherji) - Requires housing authority to advertise when applications are being accepted for housing assistance waiting lists online
S-1761/A-4473 (Rice, Cunningham, Pou/Johnson, Wimberly, Pintor Marin) - Directs Community College Consortium for Workforce and Economic Development to promote basic skills training through organizations dedicated to the economic empowerment of specific segments of society, such as the African American Chamber of Commerce
S-1825/A-3432 (Sarlo, Cruz-Perez, Gordon/Greenwald, Lampitt, Benson, Caride, Chiaravalloti) - Establishes task force to study and make recommendations concerning mobility and support services needs of NJ adults with autism spectrum disorder
S-1856/A-3846 (Pou, Allen/Phoebus, Tucker, Space) - Provides for retained eligibility for members of NJ National Guard or reserve component of US Armed Forces called to active federal military service who met maximum age requirement at closing date of civil service examination
S-2286/A-3083 (Weinberg, Gordon/Vainieri Huttle, Eustace, Johnson) - Establishes Mike Adler Aphasia Task Force to assess needs of persons with aphasia, and their families, and ensure adequate provision of support services and information thereto
S-2414/A-4056 (Scutari/Jimenez, Eustace, Giblin, McKnight) - Requires "Massage and Bodywork Therapist Licensing Act" to require certain class study and examination requirements
S-2856/A-4402 (Beach, Madden/Greenwald, Andrzejczak, Johnson, Rible, Jones, Land, Houghtaling, Benson) - Requires DMVA to notify county veterans' affairs office of death of certain military service members; requires office to have Gold Star liaisons
S-2857/A-4403 (Beach, Madden/Greenwald, Rible, Land, Johnson, Mazzeo, Andrzejczak, Houghtaling, Benson) - Requires Adjutant General to create informational webpage for Gold Star families
S-2868/A-4501 (Pou, Sarlo/Sumter, Wimberly) - Increases value of Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant program residential tax credits to $823 million; restricts $105 million of tax credits to qualified residential projects and mixed use parking projects
S-3015/A-4623 (Rice, Ruiz/Sumter, Oliver, Schaer, Pintor Marin) - Requires study of program allowing community service in lieu of paying motor vehicle surcharges
SJR-49/AJR-106 (Ruiz, Oroho/Phoebus, Pintor Marin, Space, McKnight, Schepisi) - Designates third week in September of each year as Go Gold for Kids with Cancer Awareness Week"
SJR-75/AJR- 122 (Rice, Codey/Oliver, Giblin, Chiaravalloti, Sumter, Quijano, McKnight) - Establishes "Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission"
S-596/A-3422 (Cunningham, Greenstein, Sweeney/Benson, Mukherji, Muoio, Holley, Sumter, Downey, Lampitt, Oliver, Danielsen, Wimberly) - CONDITIONAL - Establishes compensation program for law enforcement officers and certain other employees injured while performing official duties
S-690/A-2921 (Gordon, Beach, Eustace, Houghtaling, Pinkin, Mazzeo) - CONDITIONAL - Increases flexibility, clarity, and available tools of optional municipal consolidation process
SCS for S-895/ACS for A-2182 (Lesniak, Beck, Cunningham/Sumter, Holley, Oliver, Jones, Wimberly) - CONDITIONAL - "Earn Your Way Out Act"; requires DOC to develop inmate reentry plan; establishes administrative parole release for certain inmates; requires study and report by DOC on fiscal impact
S-956/A-2202 (Gordon, Bateman/Eustace, Zwicker, O'Scanlon, Downey, Wisniewski, Pinkin) - CONDITIONAL - Authorizes special emergency appropriations for the payment of certain expenses incurred by municipalities to implement a municipal consolidation
S-2844/A-4425 (Vitale, Codey/Vainieri Huttle, Muoio, Eustace, Space, Benson) - CONDITIONAL - Eliminates certificate of need requirement for inpatient hospital beds for treatment of psychiatric and substance use disorder dual diagnosis
S-3041/ACS for A-2338 (Lesniak/Benson, Vainieri Huttle, Eustace, Gusciora, Mukherji, Jimenez) - CONDITIONAL - Revises "Pet Purchase Protection Act" to establish new requirements for pet dealers and pet shops
S-3048/A-4520 (Weinberg, Turner, Greenstein/McKeon, Singleton, Moriarty, Quijano, Johnson, Benson) - CONDITIONAL - Requires candidates for President and Vice-President of United States to disclose federal income tax returns to appear on ballot; prohibits Electoral College electors from voting for candidates who fail to file income tax returns