Governor Gets Personal in New Direction NJ’s Latest Ads for Millionaire’s Tax

New Direction NJ continues to makes its case for Governor Phil Murphy’s budget and the Millionaire’s Tax with a new ad launching today on cable television and digital ad networks.

New Direction NJ continues to makes its case for Governor Phil Murphy’s budget and the Millionaire’s Tax with a new ad launching today on cable television and digital ad networks.

Called ‘Personal,’ the ad highlights the Governor’s unique perspective on the issue as someone who grew up living paycheck to paycheck and later became extraordinarily financially successful.

The Governor’s experience shows how important tax fairness and investing in the middle class are, and underscores why it’s so crucial that the State Legislature stop putting the interests of millionaires ahead of the people of New Jersey.

“Seventy percent of New Jersey residents support the millionaire’s tax and they’re joined by major policy voices, grassroots progressive activists and even a leading Presidential candidate, but legislative leaders still seem determined to do the bidding of party bosses and choose millionaires over the middle class,” said Philip Swibinski, spokesman for New Direction NJ. “The people of New Jersey are speaking loud and clear that they will no longer tolerate an out of touch system that puts the interests of the wealthiest and the most politically connected insiders over the middle class. It’s time for legislators to listen to their constituents and tell their leadership to put the millionaire’s tax up for a vote now.”

Previous comments for: Governor Gets Personal in New Direction NJ’s Latest Ads for Millionaire’s Tax

  1. 1Prop says:

    What a clown. He wants to claims tax fairness, but he just wants to create class warfare by soaking the few wealthy folks left in NJ so he can spend more money on illegals and give crumbs to the rest of us. We want less spending, lower taxes and fewer regulations. Phony Phil wants to be the top socialist at our expense.

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