Governor Murphy Issues His 2017 Tax Returns

Carl Golden, senior contributing analyst with the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University, discusses how the report of the committee investigating Al Alvarez's appointment to the School Development Authority shows that Gov. Phil Murphy's staff was more concerned with avoiding a public disclosure of the accusations rather than seeking the truth and acting decisively on it.
Governor Phil Murphy and First Lady Tammy Murphy are releasing their 2017 tax returns, linked here. They are also releasing an eight year year-by-year comparison, which can be found here.  
“In stark contrast to President Trump, we believe New Jerseyans have a right to transparency and openness,” Murphy said. “Operating with the spirit of those values, we are releasing our tax returns today.”
The Governor’s Office will make backup documentation, including the full 2017 tax returns, available to members of the media this Thursday. 
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