Governor Murphy's Detailed Budget Book And Documents (PDF)

Acting Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio announced Wednesday that Gov. Murphy’s Detailed Budget book for FY 2019 is now available online through the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Management and Budget website.


The book, which details the Governor’s proposed $37.4 billion plan to help build a stronger and fairer New Jersey, serves as a policy document, an operations guide and a financial plan.  It includes summaries of appropriations; revenues, expenditures and fund balances; and detailed department-by-department appropriations data, as well as budget language recommendations.


The Budget in Brief, which has been available online since the Governor’s budget address, serves as a more concise snapshot of the Governor’s revenue and spending proposals.


Summaries of Appropriations:


[pdf-embedder url=""]


Summaries of Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balances:


[pdf-embedder url=""]


Department and Branch Recommendations:


[pdf-embedder url=""]


Capital Construction and Debt Service:


[pdf-embedder url=""]


Revolving Funds:


[pdf-embedder url=""]



Budget In Brief:


[pdf-embedder url="" title="Budget In Brief"]


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